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Join John Carpenter, Don Hartley, and the Deeper Truth research team as they investigate an amazing story from Italy in 1947. The Marian Apparition at Tre Fontane He carried this message to the Vatican. During his audience with Pius, Cornacchiola asked for forgiveness for his hatred against the Catholic Church after his conversion to Protestantism. This is what led him to plot against killing the Pope. He confessed to Pius that he even bought a dagger with the inscription “death to the pope.” Cornacchiola’s reconversion launched his entrance into the “sheepfold,” the Catholic Church. His conversion was lasting. “This place is a place of great conversion, a call to the truth of the Catholic Church,” explained Mother Rebecca Nazzaro, mother superior of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation, a religious order inspired by the message of the Virgin. “The grotto of Tre Fontane was a place of ‘sin’ because it was a place of illicit meetings and also where the remains of aborted children were found. Therefore, Our Lady said, ‘With this soil of sin, I will work great miracles for the conversion of unbelievers and sinners,’” explained Sister Emanuela Edwards, a Missionary of Divine Revelation. Behind the grotto there is a small corridor with a collection of photos, flowers, mementos and a carved plaque, left in gratitude to the Virgin. Toward the end of the corridor is the heart of the grotto, which marks the exact place the Virgin Mary disappeared from Cornacchiola, turning in the same direction as St. Peter’s Basilica. The converted man prayed there often to ask for particular intercessions.
John Benko of The 4 Persons makes concessions that he is a snake pit, his agenda is to attack Donald Hartley because of his personal hate Two things to notice, I am wearing Fort Campbell Screaming Eagle covering on my head. I am also wearing a Knights of Columbus jacket would tell you much of who I really am. The above demonic inspiration of John Benko speaks to his own problems. It is not my children and grand-children who were abused sexually, no it is John Benko's own flesh and blood whom is responsible his sexual abuse of his children when they were helpless against him. Also, this picture was taken in front of the very church Benko makes the false accusation. The real sick mind is the one making the sick accusations. I have an Archdiocease who backs me up against John Benko's lies. I simply transferred from on local Parish to another not because of the false demonic accusation coming from the 4 Persons. The Parish I am with is the same Diocese. I am in good standing with the Archbishop, his office of chancellor of diocese, I am also 100% on my Virtus training which shows to anyone who has adiocean background that John Benko is a liar who should be in jail for this criminal act as well as putting out my sensitive information to the public to incite violence against me and my family. This boils down because I fired John Benko from Deepertruth because of his bully style creepy attacks.
Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 8   The Church has celebrated Mary’s birth since at least the sixth century. A September birth was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. The September 8 date helped determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. Scripture does not give an account of Mary’s birth. However, the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James fills in the gap. This work has no historical value, but it does reflect the development of Christian piety. According to this account, Anna and Joachim are infertile but pray for a child. They receive the promise of a child who will advance God’s plan of salvation for the world. Such a story, like many biblical counterparts, stresses the special presence of God in Mary’s life from the beginning.
Stand In The Gap With Us And Blessed Frédéric Ozanam 9/7/2024. Frédéric Ozanam always respected the poor while offering whatever service he could. Each man, woman, and child was too precious to live in poverty. Serving the poor taught Frédéric something about God that he could not have learned elsewhere. To the Priest who assisted him he said: “ Why would I fear Him? I love Him so much.” On September 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, around 7:30 at night, Frederic Ozanam committed his soul to God, saying “My Lord, have mercy”. And 20 minutes later he gave his last breath. A man convinced of the inestimable worth of each human being, Frédéric served the poor of Paris well, and drew others into serving the poor of the world. Through the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, which he founded, his work continues to the present day. Frédéric was the fifth of Jean and Marie Ozanam’s 14 children, one of only three to reach adulthood. As a teenager he began having doubts about his religion. Reading and prayer did not seem to help, but long walking discussions with Father Noirot of the Lyons College clarified matters a great deal. Frédéric wanted to study literature, although his father, a doctor, wanted him to become a lawyer. Frédéric yielded to his father’s wishes and in 1831, arrived in Paris to study law at the University of the Sorbonne. When certain professors there mocked Catholic teachings in their lectures, Frédéric defended the Church.
To Understand the War From Within  Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Battles rage constantly all over the world, proof of this is brought right into our living room each night when we turn on the television. There is also a private war taking place. Jesus responded to a question posed saying, "Jesus replied, “The first is this: ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." There is an interesting perspective Jesus presents that few have observed. John the Virginian have taken notice of this recognizing an important connection between your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength. Every person has four major parts that all need to be healthy for every person.
The Lord loves Stringed Instrumental Music With myrrh, aloes, and cassia  your robes are fragrant. From ivory-paneled palaces*  stringed instruments bring you joy. Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary;       praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds;       praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound;       praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance;       praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals;       praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!  et the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the LORD, with songs and lyres and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals. David also commanded the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brothers as the singers who should play loudly on musical instruments, on harps and lyres and cymbals, to raise sounds of joy. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.
Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity.  Stand In The Gap With Us And Blessed Claudio Granzotto 9/6/2024.  (August 23, 1900 – August 15, 1947)  Born in Santa Lucia del Piave near Venice, Claudio was the youngest of nine children and was accustomed to hard work in the fields. At the age of 9, he lost his father. Born in Santa Lucia del Piave near Venice, Claudio was the youngest of nine children and was accustomed to hard work in the fields. At the age of 9, he lost his father. Six years later, he was drafted into the Italian army, where he served more than three years. His artistic abilities, especially in sculpture, led to studies at Venice’s Academy of Fine Arts, which awarded him a diploma with the highest marks in 1929. Even then he was especially interested in religious art. When Claudio entered the Friars Minor four years later, his parish priest wrote,
Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Virtues, The Seed for Evangelization Evangelization is the call of all Christians who follow Christ in their daily walk. This is central to our call to follow Christ. This is done primarily in how we live out our lives. Through our passion to follow Christ, we must live our lives accordingly. We are known through three basic things. 1. We are known by what we say. Our words have impact. 2. We are known by what we do, does our actions speak our words. 3. We are known by the things we love. What is our passion.
Stand In The Gap With Us And Saint Teresa of Calcutta 9/5/2024   Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity.  In 1950 she founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta with an initial group of 12 followers. By 1969 it became an international association known to help “the poorest of the poor,” often by undertaking relief work after natural disasters. Ten years later she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Her new name was Teresa. In India she received a second call from God: to help the poor while living among them. She founded a new sisterhood, Missionaries of Charity. Mother Teresa and her helpers built homes for orphans, nursing homes for lepers and hospices for the terminally ill in Calcutta. Mother Teresa created many homes for the dying and the unwanted from Calcutta to New York to Albania. She was one of the first to establish homes for AIDS victims. For more than 50 years, this courageous individual comforted the poor, the dying, and the unwanted around the world.
6 lessens I learned that have reached over 1,000 for the Catholic  Evangelism is something we are all called to asCatholics. I have found through my experience that have helped in in the past. 1. BEGIN WITH PRAYER. To be prayer up as a way of life, I encourage the Holy Rosary as the Queen of Devotion. Pray for those that the Lord sends your way, I find people in wal-mart, a grocery store, you never know when an opportunity comes your way. Also pray that their hearts would be receptive to the gospel as you share His story with them. 2. LEARN THE GOSPEL. DON’T JUST MEMORIZE IT. To love God, To know God, and to serve God, to be at the ready when an opportunity presents itself. Go beyond just learning the basic outline of the gospel. Learn how to explain it in your own words. When you share the gospel presentation, it should grow out of your own personality, spiritual gifts, abilities, and life experiences so that it is more natural for you. 3. LISTEN AND ASK QUESTIONS. It is through listening to the other person that you earn the right to be heard. Through listening, you are able to discern where the person you are talking to is in their journey, what struggles they are they facing, and their worldview. It is through listening that you learn how to best explain the gospel message in order that the person you’re sharing with listens and understands. Listening is perhaps one the most important skill is sharing the gospel. Learning the details of the gospel is relatively easy. Learning how to present the gospel in manner that reaches someone requires active listening, both to the person you’re sharing with and the Holy Spirit.
Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Stand In The Gap with us and Saint Rose of Viterbo 9/4/2024.  St. Rose was born in Viterbo (present day Italy) around 1233 C.E. Little is known about her life. She was born to a poor but devout family. Since a child, she held a deep love and passion for prayer and serving poor. At the age of 10, the Blessed Virgin Mary was said to have told Rose to join the Third Order of St. Francis (a Franciscan lay order). So she donned the habit of the T.O.S.F. and as instructed by the Blessed Virgin, preached and emphasized penance and loyalty to the Catholic Church. At the age of 10, she became a Secular Franciscan and soon began preaching in the streets about sin and the sufferings of Jesus. Viterbo, her native city, was then in revolt against the pope. When Rose took the pope's side against the emperor, she and her family were exiled from the city.
Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Deepertruth Catholic Radio Bringing Christ To The World Pope Benedict XVI encourged Catholics to be Digital Witnesses to transform Social Media into doors of truth and faith.  The primary Mission of Deepertruth. Deepertruth answers the call of Pope Emeritus to Evangelize the digital Continent using Social Media to reshape the Global communication context.  TheSocial Media revolution  requires the commitment of the faithful, particularly the laity to evangelize the new Mission Field Territory.   St. Paul said, "Woe to me if I do not present the Gospel" The Spring time of Evangelization, inner conversion to Christ as a basis for outreach to others for a wider culture. A clear presentation, of the Gospel, a personal and consciounce decision to embrace it. and subsequent surrender to the Lord. Christ is the lover of your soul, freely surrender.  To renew our relationship with Jesus and his Catholic Church.
Stand In The Gap With Us And Saint Gregory the Great 9/3/2024.  His epithet “the Great” reflects his status as a writer as well as a ruler. As the fourth and final of the traditional Latin Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. Lift our hearts with you in the glory of your Assumption above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity. Fathers of the Church, Gregory was the first exponent of a truly medieval, sacramental spirituality. Patron Saint of Musicians, Singers, Students, and Teachers, St. Gregory the Great is a Doctor of the Church and was Pope from 590 to 604 AD. When a woman laughed at the Eucharist, thinking it was only bread, St. Gregory prayed and the host turned to flesh. The Catholic Church teaches that after the consecration takes place at Mass, the Eucharistic host substantially changes into the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. Gregory was the prefect of Rome before he was 30. After five years in office he resigned, founded six monasteries on his Sicilian estate, and became a Benedictine monk in his own home at Rome.
Deepertruth remains bold as lions, John Benko  turns towards the goats Battle of the podcasts Deepertruth vs The 4 Persons Recent Benko Podcasts Harris takes lead as Trump continues lurch to the left The pressure from REAL Christian Conservatives is working on flip flopper Trump Trump lead evaporates as he runs to the left Donald trump plays modern Benedict Arnold to pro-life Christians. Tonight's rescheduled show speaks the truth about traitor-trump There is plenty for a devout Catholic Christian Conservative to not like about Donald Trump The creepiness of Trump messiah syndrome in Catholic circles Recent Deepertruth pocasts Happy Labor Day "Whatever your task, work heartily" Lion of Judah, symbol of strength, nobility, and bravery The Seven Woes Of Jesus, pray for America! "Call No Man Father" The Greatest Object of Love is the Crucifix  The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail  Living Our Baptism, The Baptism of the Lord The Importance of Faithful Fathers in the Home Go Deeepertruth defeat John Benko and his sheep dogs.      Folks, it is that time of year when people will put on their marching shoes and go pray at the Abortion facilities. This is good because "40 Days For Life" has done a lot of good to get people to think about what abortion is. It feels good when you have people out there all day long to stand for life. Deepertruth Member Joseph from Colorado has saved nearly 1,000 unborn babies because of his commitment standing against Planned Parenthood. This Abortion Clinic that I am protesting here went out of business due because of the great support for life in the community. It is extremely important that we get involved where we can.
Bless the families of our fallen troops, and fill their homes and their lives with Your strength and peace. Sergeant Johanny Rosario Pichardo Sergeant Nicole Gee Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover Cpl. Hunter Lopez Corporal Daegan William-Tyeler Page Humberto “Bert” Sanchez Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola Lance Corporal Nikoui Staff Sgt Ryan C Knaugs Corpsman Maxton William Soviak My Brothers and Sisters In Arms
The Eucharistic Miracle of Offida/Blessed John Francis Burté and Companions.  9/2/2024.  These priests were victims of the French Revolution. Though their martyrdom spans a period of several years, they stand together in the Church’s memory because they all gave their lives for the same principle. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1791) required all priests to take an oath which amounted to a denial of the faith. Each of these men refused and was executed. John Francis Burté became a Franciscan at 16 and after ordination taught theology to the young friars. Later he was guardian of the large Conventual friary in Paris until he was arrested and held in the convent of the Carmelites. These priests were victims of the French Revolution. Though their martyrdom spans a period of several years, they stand together in the Church’s memory because they all gave their lives for the same principle. In 1791, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy required all priests to take an oath which amounted to a denial of the faith. Each of these men refused and was executed. It seems that this Eucharistic Miracle begins when newlywed had to work within reality. The husband Giacomo was spending more time with his mule than his wife Ricciarella who felt somewhat neglected. Working in the felds with his mule, Giacomo might be seen today as a workaholic. Offida is not to far from the Lanciano miracle of the 7th century. The miracle of Offida begins in Lanciano in the year 1273 when newly married Ricciarella Stasio felt it necessary to utilize the services of the town witch in order to rekindle the affection of her husband Giacomo.
Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. "Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Christ." The American Worker beginning in the 19th century, have enjoyed the results of the "Industrial Revolution" which brought in jobs throughout America. This has been the envy of the world as many Immigrants push to come to America searching for a better life. The major debate on Immigration is that they come here legally. That being placed on the side, America has always opened the doors which is what the "Statue of Liberty" represents. As a nation of laws which are at the core to protect the American people, this also includes the American worker. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 states, "I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live; also that it is God's gift to man that every one should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil." Further evidence the importance that America hold's fast to her Judeo/Christian roots.
Lion of Judah, symbol of strength, nobility, and bravery.   Jesus Christ that emphasizes his role as king and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The title is based on the blessing Jacob gave to his fourth son, Judah, in the Book of Genesis, where Jacob describes Judah as a "lion's cub". In Revelation, the Lion of Judah is said to have triumphed and is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals.   the lion is the symbol of the house of Judah, and Jesus is a descendant of the house of Judah. Jesus also understood that he would be a king, and therefore the symbol would make sense as it stood for Judah himself as a king. One of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. The lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David,* has triumphed, enabling him to open the scroll with its seven seals. Revelation, tells about the end of history and the second coming of Christ. In Revelation 5:5, we read this about Jesus: “Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered.” Jesus is the Lion of Judah. When the divine Lion roars, the people need to shake off their complacency because His roar means He is about to spring into action! He means what He says about living His way of life, and He follows through when we depart from it. The Christ-lion, the Lion of Judah, is a beacon of light, courage, bravery, agility and dignity. And he is a fighter, symbolic of the line of David and of Kings. Jesus descended from the tribe of Judah and is mentioned as being the Lion of Judah in Revelation. The role of the Lion of Judah links to the destiny of man. s Jesus from the tribe of Judah? Yes, Jesus is a descendant of Judah through David, a king who also came from the tribe of Judah. David is a descendant of Judah's son Perez, whom he had with Tamar.
Join John Carpenter, Don Hartley, and the Deeper Truth research team as they review another Marian apparition in 1946.  Marienfried (1946) deals with the purported apparitions of Mary under the titles of Mediatrix of Graces; All Wonderful Mother; Sign of the Living God to Barbara Reuss (born May 13, 1934), which occurred on April 25, May 25 and June 25 of 1946. In 1946, Our Lady appeared in Pfaffenhofen, Germany. She asked that the place of the apparitions be called “Marienfried”, which means "Peace of Mary", therefore her title is best known by Our Lady of Marienfried. The apparitions happened to Barbara Ruess, then 22 years old, in a wood where they wanted to build a chapel in honor of Our Lady of Schoenstatt. The chapel was built shortly afterwards and also recalls this apparition. In these apparitions, Our Lady reveals herself the great Mediatrix of All Graces.  I am the Great Mediator of graces. The Father wants the world to acknowledge this position of His Maid. Men must trust that as the Holy Spirit’s permanent Spouse, I am the faithful Mediator of All Graces. My sign arrives. God wants it thus. Only my children recognize him because he is shown to them in secrecy, and for this they give glory to the Eternal. I cannot yet show my power to the world. I must retire with my children.
Stand In The Gap With Us And  Saint Giles .   Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar. Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. O Blessed Mother Assumed into Heaven, after years of heroic martyrdom on earth, we rejoice that you have at last been taken to the throne prepared for you in Heaven by the Holy Trinity. St Giles is the patron saint for disabled people, lepers, beggars and blacksmiths and his feast day is celebrated on the first of September. Most artwork depicts him with is deer. The King's hunters, who had looked for a place of refuge for the night, finally discovered his solitude. The next day an arrow was shot at a deer, but instead wounded the saint, thus becoming the patron saint of handicap persons. In medieval art, he is depicted with his symbol, the hind. His emblem is also an arrow. Despite the fact that much about Saint Giles is shrouded in mystery, we can say that he was one of the most popular saints in the Middle Ages. Likely, he was born in the first half of the seventh century in southeastern France. That is where he built a monastery that became a popular stopping-off point for pilgrims making their way to Compostela in Spain, and the Holy Land.