Deeper Word with Bill Kassler

Deeper Word connects you to the Bible empowering you to take up your sword in the Spirit. The Bible is an instruction book on living the Power life of the Holy Spirit today. Imagine Jesus working through you as you lay hands to heal cancer, pain, and everything Jesus has overcome. It's time to get down to business, Jesus business, and be the church. Discipleship begins with a Deeper Word.


Predestination in the bible is tricky. Does God move the pieces around like playing chess by Himself? What does the bible actually say about Predestination?


End Times 2020 - Copyright Bill Kassler v2

Deeper Word 2020 Prophesy UpdateCopyright Bill Kassler 2020This End Times discussion deep dives into Biblical Prophesy and fulfillment of that prophesy. What is the definition of the End? How close are we? What are the major signs we should look for? It's all in there including specific updates for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Learn More at


Salvation 2

Before Adam sinned, the future looked quite bright. After Adam sinned, his future changed. We are descendants of that future who are looking for a way to be restored. We see the hell all around us with pornography, drug use, shootings, cursing, lack of faith and morals, and a steep decline in people going to Church. It’s looking like the Adam’s mistake has dire consequences.


Salvation 1

I have heard many preachers share that we need to be saved to get into heaven. We need to be forgiven of our sins. The Catholic man was forgiven, but didn’t want to be born again.The disciples who followed Jesus were likely baptized, but turned away.We may have been forgiven of our sins once, but then became angry when our sin was exposed again. Rather than change, we just shut down the accuser – who was only trying to help.


Trinity 3

There is so much misinterpretation about the Trinity. This series gives the Bible an opportunity to sort itself out. What are the dependencies between Father, Son and Holy Spirit?What are the boundaries of each in the One God whom we describe to others?Bill Kassler


Trinity 2

There is so much misinterpretation about the Trinity. This series gives the Bible an opportunity to sort itself out. What are the dependencies between Father, Son and Holy Spirit?What are the boundaries of each in the One God whom we describe to others?Bill Kassler


Trinity 1

There is so much misinterpretation about the Trinity. This series gives the Bible an opportunity to sort itself out. What are the dependencies between Father, Son and Holy Spirit?What are the boundaries of each in the One God whom we describe to others?Bill Kassler


Origin of the Holy Spirit (Final)

The Trinity of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit isn't just a New Testament thing. Jesus left the Holy Spirit as our Helper, but we don't know His part in God's grand scheme.Get introduced to the Holy Spirit.Find more at


Jesus of Genesis, Alpha and Omega

The Trinity of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit isn't just a New Testament thing. Jesus, it is said in the Gospel of John, created all things. A casual reading of Genesis doesn't seem to bear that out. Is He really the Alpha (Beginning) and Omega (End)?Find more at


The Name of the Lord

The Trinity of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit isn't just a New Testament thing. When you go to a party, the host usually introduces you to the other guests.Look in scripture and see who is introducing whom of the Trinity.Find more at


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