We all recognize that American healthcare is a badly broken system. Wildly overpriced, exploitative, with a focus on pharmaceuticals and medical procedures to the exclusion of basic issues such as nutrition, the role of nutrients, and the microbiome. Can we expect doctors, healthcare executives, pharma or medical device executives to find better solutions? I highly doubt it. One of the problems plaguing conventional delivery of healthcare is that doctors lack the time, knowledge, and fr...
Over the past decade, most of us have converted our home lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, as they save a significant amount of energy, requiring 75-90% less energy than older incandescent lights. Personally, I converted the 50 or lightbulbs in my house to nearly all LEDs. Most current LEDs emit, of course, visible light. But they also emit a significant amount of blue light and very little red and infrared (IR), in contrast to old-fashioned incandescent bulbs that emit some blue ...
I’ve touched on the topic of endotoxemia in past episodes of the Defiant Health podcast. In this episode, let’s dive deeper into this topic that is absolutely crucial to understanding and managing SO many aspects of health, from subduing anxiety and panic, to depressive, to joint pain and skin rashes, to gastrointestinal conditions, even weight management. What is endotoxemia? Fecal microbes, so-called Gram-negative species because of the way these microbes take up stain for examination ...
I’ve been showing thousands of people how to restore this microbe lost by the majority of modern people, Lactobacillus reuteri. But, of all the spectacular improvements in health we can gain by managing our microbiomes, such as an increase in empathy and generosity, reduction in anxiety and depression, deeper sleep, increased libido, restored youthful musculature and strength, the females in my audience have repeatedly said something like, “Well, that’s all well and good, but I’m mostly inter...
I’ve spent some time reflecting back on all my years practicing in hospitals, often not sleeping for extended periods, sometimes days, covering hospitals floors and ICUs, resuscitating people who experienced cardiac arrests, taking them to the cath lab to open arteries, but also witnessing people with all sorts of other health conditions: cancers, wound infections, sepsis, delirium, the various stages of dementia, and hundreds of other debilitating disease. I now recognize that, looking ...
Those of you who follow my discussions that started with the Wheat Belly series of books already know that there is a long list of reasons why humans made an enormous blunder when we first resorted to the consumption of the seeds of grasses, meaning wheat and related grains. We know this from the anthropological record of human disease, we know this from modern science that has exposed the many problems that arise with their consumption from tooth decay to arthritis. But in my many conversa...
Over 30 years ago, I help set up the first CT heart scan device in Wisconsin, one of the first in the entire midwest. This was so long ago that it was really an electron beam tomogrraphy, or EBT, device that predated the more recently developed CT devices. The point is that these devices acquired images quickly, about 1/10th of a second. This is important because the heart is perpetually in motion through various cycles of its beating rhythm, with motion also provided by breathing. But these ...
“Everyone coming in the door were sick and had already been to 8 or 10 healthcare practitioners and weren’t better yet. This is all wrong.” “It’s not just what you eat. It’s the air you breathe and the water you drink, the personal care products you use, household cleaning products. . .” Here is a conversation I had recently with with Reed Davis, a board-certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT). Over many years of experience, Reed has develo...
Over the last 30 years, the question over whether omega-3 fatty acids from fish has been the subject of controversy, swinging from exuberance over its potential benefits to skepticism over whether they provide any benefit at all. It seems that one day we hear that fish oil reduces risk for heart attack, while the next day we hear that there is no such benefit, even harm. We’ve also been subjected to numerous marketing claims for competing products with claims such as “40 times more potent tha...
Atrial fibrillation, or A fib for short, is the most common heart rhythm issue that plagues people. About 30% of people will experience this rhythm disorder at some time in their lives, an issue that becomes more and more likely as we age. The rhythm is typically experienced as the sudden onset of breathlessness and lightheadedness, and sometimes chest pain, even while you are sitting or relaxing. This is because, with A fib, the heart rate is typically in the range of 150-220 beats per ...
Sleep issues represent a major struggle for millions of people: too little sleep, trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, early morning awakenings followed by difficulty falling back asleep. Some people complain that, despite having a full night of sleep, they awake feeling like they didn’t sleep at all, struggling with sleepiness, fog, and fatigue all through waking hours. There are also known associations of health conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and Parkinson’s disease ...
You’ve likely heard the headlines gushing about the weight loss effects of the GLP-1 agonist class of drugs, agents that go by names like Wegovy, Mounjaro, Rebelsus and others. Doctors are declaring these drugs as breakthroughs or even magical, witnessing the rapid and dramatic weight loss they can achieve. People appear willing to accept the side-effects of nausea, vomiting, even bowel obstruction, a catastrophic complication, or thyroid cancer, or pancreatitis that can irreversibly da...
The oral microbiome is second only to the colon in the density of microbes living there. The mouth is really a collection of varied ecosystems that differ in composition. For instance, the microbiome of the teeth is different from that of the tongue that is, in turn, different from the microbiome of the gumline. The oral cavity is therefore teeming with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of species of bacteria, fungi, Archaea, and viruses. It is a virtual tropical jungle of life. But what is ...
Despite having written 7 books in the Wheat Belly series pointing out the harms that this “food” has inflicted on people, harms that doctors nearly always misdiagnose as an opportunity to “treat” with pharmaceuticals and procedures, questions and ideas to the contrary continue to crop up. Some of these ideas are simply due to the barrage of advertising that comes from Big Food and Big Agribusiness, industries that continue to make a lot of money by propagating fictitious claims that grains ar...
Achieving an optimal level of vitamin D provides numerous health advantages, from relief from winter blues to reduction in cardiovascular risk to reduced risk for several forms of cancer. It’s one of the most important nutrients to get right, i.e., achieve an ideal blood level of the primary blood marker for vitamin D, 25-OH vitamin D. But, even after many years of I and others discussing the importance of vitamin D, I still see plenty of people getting it wrong, often on the advice of ...
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I bring together a number of strategies I’ve discussed piecemeal in past that have enormous potential to improve skin: reduce wrinkle depth, increase dermal collagen, increase dermal moisture, accelerate healing, reduce existing sun damage and prevent future sun damage. Recall that we don’t achieve this with topical application, but with oral consumption. It’s the dermal layer of skin, after all, beneath the largely impenetrable epide...
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I interview Joyce Laszloffy who personally struggled with a crippling sugar addiction and overweight for many years. She experienced extreme ups and downs, trying to overcome the powerful pull that sugary foods can have on us. She shares how, for years, she managed to hide her addiction from her family and friends, often feeling powerless and humiliated, dealing with health issues including high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, fatty liver, depressi...
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I interview life coach, Molly Zemek. Molly comes from the unique background of having worked as a Le Cordon Bleu formally-trained French chef for 10 years. She is also a certified sommelier. But, with this intensive background in food and wine, she found herself falling victim to uncontrolled eating and drinking impulses. She then turned her attention to gaining control over her eating and drinking impulses and now, as a life coach, helps others ...
You have likely heard the headlines: cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are on the rise. Part of the increase is due to an aging population. But there are reasons that are adding to the increase beyond this. The epidemics of insulin resistance (recall that dementia is often labeled “type 3 diabetes,” meaning that the brain becomes insulin resistant), SIBO endotoxemia, the ubiquity of heavy metal toxicity, and deficiencies of important nutrients such as omega-3 fa...
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I have a special guest: microbiologist Kiran Krishnan, PhD. In addition to conducting research on microbiome and health issues, Dr. Krishnan also built a successful company called Microbiome Labs, a major provider of unique probiotic products. Dr. Krishnan has gained an international reputation for innovative thinking on microbiome issues pioneering, for instance, the science and application of spore-forming microbes. His studies ha...