
<p>No one asked, but they’re going to give it to you anyway… Welcome to the Demoted Podcast hosted by Ross “Corp” Pomerantz (@Corporate.Bro) and Natalie Marie (@CorporateNatalie). Tune in every week to witness Corp and Natalie unpack the current state of the workplace. You'll get a whole lot of unsolicited advice, heated debates over office etiquette, hilarious role-plays, crazy workplace stories submitted by listeners, and more! They're like the work-besties you wish you had... or maybe not. Follow @demotedpodcast on Instagram for more!</p>

Corporate Hotline: Outrageous Office Behavior

Is your direct report calling you “Baby Daddy”? Or maybe you have a piercing in a not-so-office appropriate place that somehow you now have to tell your boss about. Or perhaps your boss is saying “bust on” in a work setting - regardless, we got you covered. In this episode, Natalie and Ross address some absolutely absurd listener-submitted calls. They may not be licensed or certified to give advice, but thats not stopping them. They provide one listener advice on how to step into their first corporate job after college, and give another listener the best strategy for shifting from an IC to management. Stay tuned for Natalie’s group hiking experience, Venmo stalking, and Ross getting memed by Elon Musk. The Corporate Hotline is open for calls. Please submit your audio message to the submission form in the top right corner of our website.


How to Have Rizz in the Workplace

Does rizz play a role in ascending the corporate ladder? Is it about how big your rizz is or how you use it? In this episode, Ross and Natalie break down what it means to have rizz in the workplace and why it is a factor to career success that should not be overlooked. You’ll get a crash course in how to rizz up your office that will either result in a series of promotions or a direct ticket to HR. You’ll learn how to make friends and rizzfluence people with the help of our favorite author D Carn (Dale Carnegie). If you are not yet sick of hearing the word “Rizz,” then this episode just might push you over the edge. Stay tuned for a webinar screen share disaster, a bear encounter on a golf course, and a tale of Gam Gam getting bullied. Follow the link to purchase Chomps online or find them at a store near you!


Should You Go To Business School?

To go to business school or not to go to business school? In this episode, Ross goes in depth about his experience attending Stanford's Graduate School of Business. From why he went back to school at 29 years old, to how an MBA has affected his career. Natalie shares her perspective on the Stanford MBA program as a close outside observer sneaking into classes and attending all their parties and international trips. The two discuss the merits of using business school to career pivot and how to get the most out of the time there if you do decide to go. They also talk about the challenging balance of keeping up with class workloads and a robust social life. Stay tuned for some enhanced corporate icebreakers, a “touchy feely” class, and a listener-submitted story of what happened when a bridesmaid hooked up with the bride’s brother. Start Ritual or add Stress Relief to your subscription today. Go to for 25% off.


How to Absolutely Crush a Job Interview

The job search these days feels more impossible than it ever has. No better reason to be ready to crush a job interview when the opportunity arises. In this episode, Corp and Nat share some best practices on how to put your best self forward in a job interview. They also reminisce about their early interview failures, including a particularly spooky story of Ross being given a phone in the middle of a sales interview to do a surprise cold call. You’ll hear a listener-submitted advice request about how to maintain your sales leaderboard positions. Stay tuned for takes on getting a keratin treatment, non-romantic adult sleepovers, and practice pitching in an empty parking structure. Follow the link to purchase Chomps online or find them at a store near you! Check out the Silly Valley News newsletter at For the founder dinner story check out the beginning of the Nightmare Bosses: Part 1 episode:


The Sales Profession is Crazy!

Is going into the sales profession a worthwhile career move? If you can handle the stress and rejection… maybe. Ross reveals the unmitigated truth of a career in sales, explaining the struggle of hitting quota quarter after quarter, the grind of cold prospecting, and the joy of closing a deal. Natalie discusses how her impression of sales and salespeople has evolved since working with Ross and overseeing sales motions for her own startup. You’ll hear how even if you’re not in a sales role, the soft skill of selling can be applied throughout your career and life. Stay tuned for an unhinged sales cold call recording, tips on how to make work feels more like a vacation, and an exclusive sample of Natalie’s shower singing skills.


When is the Ideal Meeting Time?

Is an 8am meeting ever okay? Ross and Natalie revisit the controversy surrounding their early podcasting cancelation by digging deeper into the ideal time to meet for work-related calls. Spoiler, it’s not at 8am. They also share tips on ways to set boundaries at work in a way that's not off putting and will be appreciated by coworkers. The hosts discuss the most common things that motivate employees and what's motivated them in their personal careers. Of course they also give examples of the absolute worst ways to motivate employees, including but not limited to: pizza parties, company loyalty points, and ejector seats. Stay tuned for worst practices when packing for vacation, advice on corporate revenge, and the unique appeal of a breakfast buffet. Follow the link to purchase Chomps online or find them at a store near you! Check out https:// to read The Hustle newsletter.


How to Craft the Perfect Wedding Speech

It’s wedding season, baby! Time to write that toast you’ve been putting off for weeks for your friend. Lucky for you, Ross and Natalie have the perfect framework to deliver a heartfelt, funny speech that will make everyone at the wedding come up to you and say “hey that was a great toast.” The duo also tells you things to avoid, and even go as far as to describe how to give the worst speech imaginable that may get you physically removed from the venue. In addition to a full-on course in speech writing do’s and don’ts, you’ll also hear some stories about Ross’s followers marrying their coworkers. These stories include marketing girls banished to the sales pit, point-blank tinder swiping, and the romantic fate of a small bladder. Stay tuned to hear about Corporate Natalie hitting 1 million followers on Instagram and Corp waxing his back to celebrate. Start Ritual or add Stress Relief to your subscription today. Go to for 25% off.


Asserting Dominance and The Unspoken Rules of Office Etiquette

You might not have known this is an educational podcast but you’re gunna learn today. Ross and Natalie share their tested methods of subtly asserting dominance in the workplace, from power leans to de-magnetizing key fobs. As a self-proclaimed restroom aficionado, Ross gives a DemoTED Talk titled “The Throne Room: Mastering the Art of Workplace Bathroom Etiquette”. Is it ever okay to play TikTok videos at full volume from the big stall? You’ll find out in this exclusive seminar. They also give some advice to a Moterhead on how to better control their non-verbal cues on Zoom calls. Stay tuned for Gam Gam’s 90th, charitable magic show volunteers, and Ross’s A.I. digital twin malfunctioning on air. Follow the link to purchase Chomps online or find them at a store near you!


The Secret Demoted Live Show - Who Will We Interview Next?

Welcome to the Demoted Live Show… recap episode! We went out and did a secret live show and in this episode, you’ll hear all about it (and perhaps learn how to score an invite to the next one). Ross and Natalie break down their first Demoted live show where they interviewed ZoomInfo’s CEO, Henry Schuck. You’ll get to hear some audio of him handling the onslaught of roasts and fiery questions. They cover his background in building a successful company, ask personal rapid fire questions, and confront him with some terrible GlassDoor reviews. The hosts run through some FAQs about their future live shows including how the show will advance your career, what your pre-game routine should be, and where the special seating section for salespeople is located. If your company is interested in hosting a live show, we’ll invite your CEO up on stage and absolutely roast them (in the most humanizing way possible, of course). Email if you’re interested.


Demoted Performance Review: Rose, Bud, and Thorning our way into Q3

Q3 is coming in hot! In this episode, Ross and Natalie review each other’s performances over the first half of the year, covering vulnerability scores, friendship ratings, and even carpool ability. The hosts share their hopes for the rest of the year and set goals for live shows and maybe even bringing on some guests. Stay tuned for a comparison of bachelor and bachelorette parties, confessions from Deloitte University, and Natalie’s experience with a truly awful dentist.


Corporate Natalie Uncovered: Who is 'Real Natalie'?

We all know Corporate Natalie. But who is Real Natalie? In this episode, Natalie’s roommate and co-founder Katrina enters the studio to grill Natalie on your most-asked questions. She reveals first-hand accounts of what it is like to both live and work with Natalie. Natalie opens up about her journey to finding self-confidence, her challenges of dating while in the public eye, and navigating her completely new reality while living with three roommates. You’ll hear stories about Katrina pretending to be Natalie’s assistant, horrible first dates, and a late-night odyssey on the big island of Hawaii. Don’t worry, Ross has not been fired... yet. He’ll be back for next week’s episode.


How to Give Constructive (and Destructive) Criticism

Let’s talk about giving and receiving… feedback. Ross and Natalie share their experiences receiving feedback - from Natalie learning the proper use of icons in consulting decks to Ross receiving a harsh critique of his comedy series script. The duo breaks down Kim Scott’s concept of Radical Candor as a constructive method of giving feedback in the workplace. They, of course, also explore some methods of giving destructive criticism to direct reports to ensure they never grow or prosper in their role. Stay tuned for a glimpse into what Ross has been learning in his executive coaching sessions, a sense of what it would be like to go to a fancy dinner with Ross and Natalie, and a critical analysis of ghost riding the whip. Follow the link to purchase Chomps online or find them at a store near you!


Reading Your Best Corporate Stories

It’s story time! Ross and Natalie read the most outrageous listener-submitted stories and share some wild stories of their own. From a breakup overheard on Zoom, to a coworker referring to himself as “Daddy,” to a company auctioning off employees. Natalie witnesses a corporate rap battle and Ross gives a play-by-play recap of his recent doctor’s appointment. Stay tuned for honest takes on Pen Pals, golf academies, BottleRock, and the now banned Jack3d workout supplement.


Make or Break Your Career at the Company Happy Hour

Happy hour is when the real business gets done. Corp and Natalie read through listener-submitted confessions that paint a startling picture of company drinking cultures. Brace yourself for stories of coworker hookups, drunken divulgences, face slaps, and a creative application of hot wax. They also reflect on their own happy hour experiences working in sales and consulting and share some tips on how to survive and thrive in these sloppy environments. If you are looking for ways to spice up your in-office conversations, Natalie and Ross have you covered with a quick seminar on corporate jargon dirty talk. Stay tuned for discussions about the role of humor in the workplace, the legality of closing deals with drunk prospects, and the ethics of canceling a meeting due to a hangover.


The Fear of Public Speaking

Did you know people are more afraid of public speaking than spiders, heights and death? In this episode Natalie and Corp discuss how they have overcome their own fears of public speaking. They’ll also talk about their first times giving speeches in high school and how they’ve evolved to now speaking professionally in fireside chats, panel discussions and keynote addresses. You will hear great advice on how to capitalize on your next public speaking opportunity, as well as some bad advice that is sure to result in public shame should you follow it. They also read a couple more horrible boss confessions from listeners that were too wild not to include. Stay tuned for a behind the scenes look at wild west commercial shoots, a desperate plea for an invite to a yacht party, and a tale of four brave women’s battle against an eight-legged monster.


Corporate Conferences; The Good, the Bad, and the Virtual

Are you coming to the Demoted conference? Ross and Natalie dive deep into the world of corporate conferences; the good, the bad, and the virtual. You’ll get a crash course of the do’s and don’t’s of conference etiquette. They also plan out the perfect Demoted Conference complete with a swimsuit chic dress code, hot tub round tables, and a workshop on tastefully sexting your colleagues. Get ready for some wild conference confessions from our listeners featuring top-performers kissing clients and an overpaid account executive snorting sheetrock (yes, you read that correctly). Stay tuned for complex coffee orders, a debate on strong-grip handshakes, and what it’s like not being cool enough to live in LA.


7 Things We Learned from Clout Chasing on LinkedIn

What does B2B Sales and proposing to your girlfriend have in common? You might be surprised. As connoisseurs of LinkedIn cringe, Ross and Natalie dissect recent outrageous posts and give advice on how you can craft your own cringe on the platform. Ross tells the story of how he was banned from LinkedIn and Natalie reads his departing rage post. They also answer classic listener submitted questions such as, “What do I do next as a top performer?” and “How do I ask my coworker about their cult?” Stay tuned for travel highlights from Ross’s trip to Portugal and his swashbuckling OOO message. This podcast is sponsored by MANSCAPED. Get 20% off + free shipping with the promo code "DEMOTED" at


To Work from Home or Not to Work from Home, that is the Question

To return or not to return? Natalie and Corp discuss the pros and cons of returning to the office and working from home. They reminisce about adjusting to work from home while sharing a living space with others, creating content from quarantine, and dealing with a sudden lack of inspiration. Ross answers a listener submitted question about whether he would recommend pivoting to a career in Sales. While championing the sale profession, he thoroughly explains why it’s not the career for everyone. Stay tuned for a desperate plea to recruit female soccer players, advice on road tripping with your boss, and a follow-up story of Ross getting ill from an underground bathhouse.


Nightmare Bosses: Part 2

Corp and Natalie are back with more terrible boss stories! This time they are reading through Ross’s followers’ submissions. And if we know anything about his predominantly sales audience, we know these stories are going to be epic. The episode also unpacks a spicy sales love-triangle scandal exposed in the most unlikely of places - LinkedIn. Stay tuned to find out what it's like to have Ross and Natalie as your boss. We hear first-hand accounts from their employees telling tales of sweet treats, fart noises, firing directors, and method acting in sketchy hotels.


Nightmare Bosses: Part 1

You might not always see eye to eye with your boss, but after hearing the terrible confessions in this episode, you will be glad they're nothing like these nightmare bosses. Corp and Natalie read through a gauntlet of listener submitted stories uncovering rampant demeaning, violent and misogynistic behavior by managers and so called “leaders”. Stay tuned for a founder dinner fiasco and a light debate on title-only promotions.


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