Dennis & Julie

Dennis & Julie
Author: Salem Podcast Network
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© 2025 Dennis Prager podcasts
Dennis Prager and Julie Hartman explore all aspects of life, in particular the crisis of American education. Julie was a student senior at Harvard who sensed that most of her life she was exposed to one perspective. She found Dennis Prager’s book “Still the Best Hope,” and she realized she actually held many conservative beliefs. She reached out to Dennis and that was the beginning of a new partnership that culminates in their weekly podcast.
151 Episodes
Julie and Sean discuss Julie’s new gig… and Sean and Dennis dealing with tragedy. Dennis knows happiness is a serious problem and he is living it. Why is D+J different than other shows? Take nothing for granted, be yourself, and appreciate the good times while they are happening. When you are living right God opens the universe to you. Have grace, protect the dignity of others, and don’t fear being wrong… you can change your mind. Link to Sean’s GoFundMe page: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie and Sean discuss their experience with the Southern California fires. Sean lost his home in the Eaton Canyon fire, and Julie lost her childhood neighborhood in the Pacific Palisades fire… and nearly her parents’ home. Many people are in a terrible situation… it will take a long time to recover from the loss. J+S share takeaways and lessons learned from the devastation. Link to Sean’s GoFundMe page: Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Due to the California wildfires, we were unable to record an episode this week. Please enjoy this best of episode!See for privacy information.
Julie and Sean discuss many topics including: 2024 was an eventful year; goals to get away more in 2025 - camping and traveling; being still in silence; true crime documentaries; being bold and reaching out to pursue opportunities; the easily embarrassed cannot learn; the desire to be “liked”; life is relentless; seeking fame; the differences between what women and men pay attention to; dogs; random questions; banana bread – with or without chocolate chips; the advent of the internet and its effects on humanity. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie shares a classic D+J episode where they examine the similarities and differences of Christianity and Judaism. There is a symbiotic relationship… and a necessity for both. Judaism is particular to a people and a land… and Christianity is universal, meaning not particular to any land or race. Judaism needs the universality of Christianity… and Christianity needs to be rooted in Judaism.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
As Christmas and Hannukah approach… all thoughts and prayers continue for Dennis’ recovery. Julie and Sean discuss many topics including: teaching kids about Santa, Christmas memories, and lost “shared experience” in the United States. Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie brings in Sean “Triple G” McConnell to discuss faith and the Christmas season. How do you balance religious tradition with new customs? All thoughts and prayers continue for Dennis’ recuperation.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie shares some classic D+J moments: being sad is acceptable but being offended is not. Don’t sweat the small stuff because the power of instant rage is staggering; Dennis believes the baby boomer generation brought in the decline of the United States… the greatest generation didn’t pass on the things that made them great; they also discuss the rape of language; character uber alles and the Left think that they are superior people.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie sits down with Sean “Triple G” McConnell to share your thoughts and prayers for Dennis. They play some clips from an address that Dennis made in 1987: Dennis Prager – Why I Am a Jew, Why Be Jewish, the Intellectual Case for Judaism. They also share some of the behind-the-scenes things that make Dennis the special force he is.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie shares some classic D+J moments: first they discuss Julie’s senior speech at Harvard. She spoke about condemning anti-Americanism. Leftism reduces America to its ugliest moments. We must stand up and fight, as President Reagan said: "If not us, who? If not now, when?"; second, they discuss Christians and slavery - confronting reality; and finally, we have macro-ized feelings - discomfort in life is a feature not a bug - one of the great ambitions one can have… is to be easy in other people’s lives.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Julie talks about Dennis’ situation and shares some choice cuts from past Dennis and Julie’s: how Judaism and Christianity complement each other; aphorisms, which are a huge part of Dennis’ life; and having the courage to be wrong.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie react to Trump’s big victory… aside from being happy, Dennis’ overwhelming feeling was relief, and Julie felt optimistic about the future of the country. The 2024 election was an indictment of the Left and the legacy media. Praise God for Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. What is this disdain that people on the Left have for people on the Right? Other topics include: Abortion; Totalitarianism; Truth; The greatness and brilliance of the personalities at the Daily Wire; Adam Carolla; Hating evil; What motivates Dennis and Julie; Dennis shares a shameful story from his childhood; Julie’s pet frog Herbert; and funny Priests. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie appreciating happiness. What are the happiest years of your life? Do you think that your presence in other people’s lives makes them happier? Few people realize that they are in the happiest time of their life when it is occurring. Dennis philosophizes: “If you’re happy and you know it… clap your hands.” At what age do you think about the past more than the future? Dennis talks about being in Rush’s shadow for much of his radio career. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie breakdown special treatment: extra time for tests, pre-boarding, and service animals. Compassion in the micro leads to cruelty in the macro. Dignity prevents Dennis and Julie from taking advantage of these special accommodations. They expose the self-esteem movement… high self-esteem is great if it is morally rooted. You must earn your self-esteem, or it is worthless. Other topics include: shame; pride in being real; and cheating. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie discuss being a character… looks can be deceiving. Dennis’ nature is to play… but his friendship with Allen keeps him accountable and therefore more productive. Dennis decided at a young age, after watching the Diary of Anne Frank, to channel his emotions into action. Dennis’ “sanity preserver” is his belief in an afterlife. How can you function without a belief in God? How does thinking about death change as you age? Do you have any regrets? Dennis recalls some experiences from Yeshiva. Monitor yourself… be interesting. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie tackle: can a thought be a sin; lust versus having an affair; Dennis talks about his “Christian envy” when was growing up… “guilt over thought” snapped him out of it; Julie talks about her curiosity/flirtation with Judaism… it’s powerful to have a religion centered on referring to God rather than Jesus; people have done evil with “good thoughts,” and conversely good things have come from “bad thoughts”; intentions versus actions; capitalism versus communism; can one “do good” without “good thoughts”; how does one know if their thoughts are “good or bad”; actions are far more important than thoughts; the thought that God judges you is infinitely more comforting than the thought that God loves you; does God punish people’s sinful thoughts; under what circumstances is lustful thought not “bad” or sinful?Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie discuss one of the benefits of having people in your life… it can help you to understand yourself. Asking interesting questions of people can help them to understand themselves. Are women more aware than men… what are the differences in the way the sexes pay attention. Dennis shares his love of street photography. Julie references a takeaway from: I'm Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself: One Woman's Pursuit of Pleasure in Paris - Glynnis MacNicol… don’t let the blows of your childhood hit you too hard as an adult. Other topics include: How much are we a product of our childhood; The “baggage” issue; Is your nature more powerful than your nurture; We are the stories we tell ourselves; There is liberation in giving your parents the benefit of the doubt; blame; The butterfly effect; Meeting Dr. Laura; punishment for sins; Julie asks Dennis if he believes in a “cosmic scaffolding”; there’s no such thing as “one” lie.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie dedicate this episode to prayer. Does prayer play a role in your life? What does prayer mean, and how does prayer in Judaism differ from Christianity? Define what it means to have a “relationship” with God? What does God want you to do? Do you talk to God? Does God talk to you? Is God difficult to love? Do you listen to God? They discuss the difference between praying for others versus praying for yourself. Are you “close” to God? Do you love God? Is obedience to God more important than loving God?Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie ask did you have trepidation on your wedding day? The famous are rarely significant, and the significant are rarely famous. Is fame significant? Is fame a uniquely American pursuit? Let’s say you do get into a good college… then what?! You need an “inner” life to be happy, the “outer” stuff won’t get you there. Once you get what you want, it may not be what you thought it would be. What role does God play as the engineer of your life? Other topics include: vehicular misadventures; acts of heroism that go unnoticed daily; Bridge of San Luis Rey - Thornton Wilder; cigar lounge experiences; and clown parties!Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO) See for privacy information.
Divorce, Dignity, and DemonsDennis and Julie start with the decline of “Mrs.” Topics include: affinity groups; changing last names upon marriage or divorce; it is not the divorce that damages children… it is what happens after the divorce that damages children; how the parents treat each other matters; dignity matters… spreading dignity is contagious; everyone needs to develop “shock absorbers,” or else they’ll be crushed by life; people have demons; a painless life is not possible; Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina principle – “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”; “Giving it up to God” is misunderstood.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
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