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Dennis & Julie

Author: Salem Podcast Network

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Dennis Prager and Julie Hartman explore all aspects of life, in particular the crisis of American education. Julie was a student senior at Harvard who sensed that most of her life she was exposed to one perspective. She found Dennis Prager’s book “Still the Best Hope,” and she realized she actually held many conservative beliefs. She reached out to Dennis and that was the beginning of a new partnership that culminates in their weekly podcast.
113 Episodes
Ruined U

Ruined U


Dennis and Julie start with the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.  The damage that university professors have done to the country over the last eighty years is incalculable.  When moral confusion is accepted in one category it spreads to other categories.  Parents… what makes you think your child won’t be affected by this if you send your children to university?  Dennis reflects on his trip to South Africa.  They discuss Jewry in the United States versus Jewry around the world.  People become cynical because they started out naïve.  Learning how to say “thank you” in as many languages possible has served Dennis well.  It is a beautiful thing that there are many cultures in the world… it is not a beautiful thing that there are many moralities in the world.  Julie shares her experience on the subway in NYC.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Take a Step

Take a Step


Dennis and Julie reveal that being sad is acceptable but being offended is not.  Don’t sweat the small stuff because the power of instant rage is staggering.  There is righteous anger… Julie was robbed of her college experience by the Covid lockdowns.  The differences between the Trump and Biden Presidencies are clear.  Derived from Aesop’s Fable - The Herdsman and The Lost Bull – D+J discuss that you should be careful what you wish for; your wish may be granted.  Raising the minimum wage has had some awful unintended effects on the workforce.  Secularism produces morons.  Diagnosing problems is good… offering solutions is better.  They analyze optimism versus pessimism. How can the average person fight?  Life is not a dress rehearsal.  Julie raises an email she received from a transgender viewer.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie examine being “cat-called” in the USA versus in Italy.  Women do not see themselves the way men see them.  How people dress in public has become less important over the past half century. You become a persona of how you dress. The art and architecture that was inspired by divinity is infinitely more impressive and beautiful than anything produced since.  Dennis and Julie prefer American pizza to Italian pizza.  You must make time in your life to travel. You must ask yourself what will better my life rather than what do “I” want to do?  Dennis recalls traveling alone to Japan as a young man. Julie discusses why she's more adventurous when she travels.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Israel or the World

Israel or the World


Dennis and Julie reflect on being paid to speak around the country. The Oklahoma Bombing Memorial and the case for capital punishment.  The U.N. is scum… it’s the United Governments, not Nations.  Numbers 23:9 – Balaam - For from the top of the rocks I see him. From the hills I see him. Behold, it is a people that dwells alone, and shall not be listed among the nations.  Dennis had a brain scan… if you could know all the illnesses that will strike you, would you want to know?  Dennis and Julie discuss aging and being ageless.  What do you wish you knew earlier in life?  Elevator Pitches for God: 70 One-Page Essays by Thought Leaders On Why They Believe -    Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.



Former U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman recently died… Julie asks Dennis why he didn’t support him as Al Gore’s VP nominee in 2000.  Dennis went to a brain expert, and he found the results intriguing. Do you follow your intuition or gut instinct?  Do you think most people nowadays follow their gut, or the herd?  Julie has become interested in reading the energy of people when it comes to friendships. Do you become who you want to be?  How important are your thoughts when it comes to becoming who you want to be? Elevator Pitches for God: 70 One-Page Essays by Thought Leaders On Why They Believe - Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie start with chivalry.  Dennis’ mentions his meticulous texts… what does bad grammar say about you?  Julie wonders why men try to look like pimps on dating sites.  Is sophistication shunned in today’s society… classy, traditional, and mature have been replaced with cool and casual.  Julie asks Dennis if there is anything about younger generations that he thinks they are doing well.  Dennis believes the baby boomer generation brought in the decline of the United States… the greatest generation didn’t pass on the things that made them great.  They discuss: the rape of language; eloquence; holding an elevated response; and setting a good example.  They debate the consequences of freedom of speech.  Why are the “woke-est” countries the freest?  Social norms have been derided… where is all of this headed… is it worse now than it ever was?Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie address a letter received about Julie using the world shalom.  Are some religious people too uptight or formal?  How bad was Senator Katie Britt’s SOTU response?  Why do we hear of Right-wing hypocrites… but never hear of Left-wing hypocrites?  Do Leftists purposefully lie… or are they unaware that they are lying?  The war on women …re-labeling… reducing women seems to be acceptable, whereas not accepted when it comes to men.   “You know what really frosts my cookies” …is that a real phrase?  People don’t care about blacks… they hate whites.  People don’t care about Palestinians… they hate Israel.  Dennis examines that Jews recovered quicker from the Holocaust than Blacks have recovered from Slavery.  Trump’s “blood bath” reference and the unwarranted outrage that followed.  Biden’s use of the term illegal and the apology tour afterward.  It is programmed into human nature to do what others do.  Driving habits in traffic are a microcosm of human existence.  “Hypocrisy is the compliment vice pays to virtue.”  – François de La Rochefoucauld.  Being offended - people are hurt even when they don’t have the right to be.  Writing important things down is a great way to remember them.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Chaos versus Order

Chaos versus Order


Dennis and Julie point out that watching old tv shows is like a view into a time capsule …a time when you could smoke in planes and bibles were prominent.  Advocacy groups say they care about their group, but don’t really care.  The Left doesn’t want order… that’s what the battle is all about.  Other topics include: Leviticus; cathedrals; idolatry; the deleterious consequences of the death of God in society; religious versus secular government; Dennis and the Crucifix… did Jesus have a choice; Jewish suffering is not meaningless; why do protestants use the cross and not the crucifix; Julie’s religious evolution.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Using God’s Name

Using God’s Name


Dennis and Julie start off with languages: Semitic; Arabic; Music; and the beauty of learning languages… inspired by Mario Pei’s book - The Story of Language.  Dennis explains the French’s mustard syndrome.  There are many ways of doing things… the only thing that matters is moral standards.  The question you should ask yourself is… am what I’m doing and saying going to age well?  Is it better to have an easy childhood… or a difficult one?  It is not a good thing to be liked by everyone.  They discuss the blurring of distinctions …there are/were boundaries for a reason.  Other topics include: India and Hinduism; Dennis’ favorite countries to visit; Navalny; victimhood; depression – there’s more suicide now than during the Great Depression; having courage; Tom Sowell’s great concept – Stage One Thinking.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie discuss Alaska, experiencing 25 below, and missing the Northern Lights.  Life will disappoint you… you must deal with it and overcome.  Has Dennis been dog sledding?  Everything in life is… how you react to it.  Julie discusses college admissions, testing, working hard versus cheating, and succeeding on your own merits.  Is thinking rationally a curse?  Having beliefs is a luxury.  Being in snow is peaceful, unlike the rain.  It’s not about the existence of God, it’s about the necessity of God.  We are surrounded by manmade things… this can distance you from God.  People who suffer are more likely to believe in God than people with affluent lives.  Dennis loves the quote: “He Is a Self-Made Man.” “Yes, And He Worships His Creator.” Dennis shares the story of his last of the 50 states he’s visited.  How liberal Jews reacted to October 7t.  Being a naïve adult is a choice.  Truth is not a Left-wing value.  Are people who they will be throughout their lives?Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis asks you to consider …rather than “do you love each other” …”do you enjoy each other?”  You may love your parents, but do you enjoy your parents?  An admirable trait that one can aspire to is to be “easy” on the people in your life.  Everyone has two natures… human nature and unique nature, and everyone has different battles with those natures.  “The lightness of life” can get kicked out of you while in pursuit of “the resume.” It is a struggle maintaining lightheartedness.  Civilization is built on the suppression of feelings.  They discuss building a civilization versus self-realization.  Homeschooling, learning religion, and no exposure to the woke agenda in public education… protects kids from jadedness.  According to Pew Research Center “none” is the largest category of religion in the United States.  As a general rule religious people are better people than non-religious people.  Dennis and Julie explore the reasons why belief in God keeps one from being jaded.   Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Untethered Balloons

Untethered Balloons


Dennis and Julie open with first impressions …is this a good, intelligent, charming, or wealthy person?  Do you have a goodness detector?  How can you assess one's goodness? Knowledge and intelligence are not synonymous.  We all have micro and macro beliefs... one might have great micro beliefs and atrocious macro beliefs.  Who influences people more high school or college teachers?  Do you remember your teachers?  The definition of courage is who tells the truth.  Younger generations aren't gowing up like they used to… meeting people… being independent… is it tougher to be a young person today than it was in the past.  What are the factors, now versus then, that have changed?  In the past there was no war on reality, more patriotism, more religion, and two parents in the home.  Younger folks were not as jaded… there was less gender confusion in the past.  Tearing things down is easy, building things up is much tougher.  Dennis uses Where the Boys Are -1961 Connie Francis, to show how popular music reflects the change in young people over the years.  They address technology and pornography... and its effect on intimacy.  We are a sex obsessed society, but have less intimacy.  Dennis shares his drivers test fail.  What is self-gifting.  Julie points out that "manifesting" is secular praying, and  "the universe" is secular God. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Age Blind

Age Blind


Dennis and Julie begin with …learning from older folks.  Are “only” children more mature than children with siblings?  Julie has many older people in her life and finds it to be very enriching.  It is key in life to find good people.  It’s sad how the elderly are treated in today’s American culture.  Other topics include:  taking interest in, and appreciating, art and classical music; sometimes you must work at, and build up to, loving something; today’s new is tomorrow’s boring; the legalization of euthanasia… is it morally acceptable in certain cases; the rebellion against Judeo-Christian values… and the abandonment of them; Life, Liberty, and E Pluribus Unum …the Left hates all that; two national anthems at the big game; are race relations going backwards in the United States; the youth in America have not been taught about real evil. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Cockroach in the Ear

Cockroach in the Ear


Dennis and Julie have reached 100 episodes.  Dennis reflects on one’s nature… are you a fighter… do you help the fighters?  “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” …is a quote routinely attributed to Edmund Burke, falsely so.  The quote can be traced back to the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, who delivered an 1867 inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews and stated: “Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”  Thank God we all have different natures.  Other topics include: God’s role in one’s existence; outliers have a hard time finding a partner; know thyself; platitudes… the world is better with you in it; Julie shares an experience she had talking about God on a date; thinking about the big issues; how do doctor’s not get grossed out; socialized medicine reduces respect for doctors; bad apples ruin it for the whole bunch; Dennis and Julie review Dennis’ appearance on Piers Morgan with Cenk Uygur. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
The Pursuit of Truth

The Pursuit of Truth


Dennis and Julie begin by discussing nicknames, being “real” versus being “deep,” and the ability to read people.  Truth doesn’t favor race, creed, gender, or income.  The only systemic racism in America is coming from the Left.  For Dennis, when debating… winning doesn’t matter… what matters is …what is true.  They ponder the existence of the demonic.  “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.  Dennis says when you don’t hate evil, you hate the good.  Other topics include: Libertarianism; persuade versus rule; what is the moral argument for abortion; new Patriots Head Coach Jerod Mayo - ‘if you don’t see color, you can’t see Racism’; "Love means never having to say you're sorry" - a line from the Erich Segal novel Love Story that was popularized in the 1970 film Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Buy Into Life

Buy Into Life


Dennis and Julie start by discussing idiosyncrasies, pistachios, germs, loving classical music and hating tattoos.  Life has a way evolving you… youthful, preconceived notions can shatter with time.  There is tremendous value in learning from observation.  There are infinite “things” to take interest in… you’re not bored, you’re boring …you may not know what your “things” are unless you try them.  You don’t have to be brilliant, exceptional, or even smart … you have to take interest, work hard, and be self-disciplined.  The question is not “who am I?” …the question is “who do I want to be?”  People in the world yearn to learn… in the U.S. people take our opportunity to do so for granted.  Other topics include: adrenaline excitement versus long term enthusiasm; social media; marijuana use; jadedness; Dennis’ cellist story; victimhood status versus experiencing real assault; misogyny; racism; antisemitism; the surrogacy issue listener response.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.



Dennis and Julie examine the free market of ideas.  Virtually everyone has a podcast …is that a good thing?  It’s a good thing that one must earn their audience.  It is also good to have such variety... that you can follow what you like.  It’s great to find your niche… but is that splintering us as a society?  It seems like there’s more access to information everywhere… but are we less informed?  Other topics include: as you age you repeat yourself, and have trouble remembering things; the Oscars – Hollywood’s downfall – due to the infection of political ideology; having political conversations has become taboo - do we avoid certain topics among friends because of politics; Claudine Gay; Dennis’ son has a podcast and shares about his struggle with addiction; one of the biggest problems in the United States… is people blaming others for their problems; Like versus Love; helicopter parenting and overzealous sports parents.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
With Child

With Child


Dennis and Julie discuss surrogacy.  Why would one say that surrogacy is immoral?  Is there a religious argument against surrogacy… what about concubines in the Old Testament Abraham/Hagar?  They discuss the legalization of prostitution… trafficking is evil, but prostitution is a sin.  People don’t fight real evil.  When it comes to adoption – do girls seek out their birth mother more than boys?  On the topic of fatherlessness… what would reduce gun violence more, more gun laws or more fathers?  Dennis states – “I never ask will people like me for what I say, I ask… is it true?”Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Dennis and Julie discuss the importance of enjoying what you do.  Getting yourself into more than you think you can handle can lead to great things.  Push yourself… be ambitious.  You can live a full life, or a safe life… not both.  Taking silly risks is bad… but conversely, waiting for “safe” can be paralyzing.  Dennis talks about his son’s sobriety – his son said that hitting rock bottom was when he stopped blaming others for his problems.  The victim mentality is a cancer in our society.  Do new year resolutions work …what are Dennis and Julie’s?Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
Exclusively Inclusive

Exclusively Inclusive


Dennis and Julie celebrate how wishing someone a Merry Christmas IS inclusive… and lament how paralyzed people have become… they don’t know how to respond to “Merry Christmas.”  NBC did a documentary on Prager U …mainstream news is so distorted.  Julie shares: “Theses or Feces” University administrators are so unimpressive.  The height of narcissism is one saying that having a Christmas tree is not inclusive.  You are unhealthy if you do not like Christmas.  People live in extremes… purity is a bad aim… but people dream about it.  Good actions are better than pure thoughts.Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.
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