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Dennis Mahon's Podcast

Author: Dennis Mahon

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I share with you my twenty year search for three people who were abducted and who have never been found.

27 Episodes
Kristen Modafferi

Kristen Modafferi


Jill Lampo told me she broke up with a guy named Matthew Luque to start dating Jon Onuma. Luque ends up working at the same coffee shop as Kristen. When I called Matthew he angrily hung up on me telling me never to call him again. This was back in 1998.
Onuma was evicted from a Kaneohe, Hawaii residence after his connection to the Kristen Modafferi case was made known to the owner of the home. The residence was worth about $1.4 million dollars and Onuma had no job. Somehow, he was living there all alone. After he was evicted, the Property Manager located a briefcase hidden beneath some eaves in the attic. When the property manager opened it, he found articles about Kristen Modafferi inside.
An 'Open Address' to residents in Wahiawa, Kaneohe & Honolulu who may know a man named Jon Onuma, aka, Jade Yoshino. He may be involved in the disappearance of 18 year old Kristen Modafferi back in 1997. Please listen to this Podcast and help spread the word.
Griffin Cherry Rosie Levine Hans Opsahl Kurt Opsahl Justin Neisular Kristin rented a room at 274 Jayne Avenue in Oakland. In today's podcast - we take a closer look at each one of these roommates and some of their actions since Kristin vanished. I do not believe they are responsible for her disappearance (but anything is possible) because I still think Jon Onuma and Jill Lampo at the very least are not telling us everything they know.
Back in 1997 - I called Matthew Luque seeking contact information for his close friend, Kelly Strathman. Matthew's name was given to me by a co-worker of Kristien's at Spinelli's Coffee in San Francisco. Matthew had no idea who I was when his phone rang. He was very polite to me after I introduced myself to him. The instant (literally) I mentioned 'Kristen Modafferi's name', Matt did a 180 and became very hostile and told me to never call him again. He then hung up the phone. It made no sense. Come to find out that a few weeks later - Oakland PD raid suspect Jon Onuma and Jill Lampo's apartment and they find an address book with Matthew Luque's name in it. Turns out that Jill Lampo broke up with Matthew Luque to start dating Jon Onuma. Soon after Kristen's disappearance, Luque starts working at the same Spinelli's coffee shop that Kristen worked at.
Bunk. Some Law enforcement people are of the opinion that Kristen was the victim of what are known as 'Sneaker Waves' that come crashing with such unexpected force that victims lose their balance, fall into the water and then swept out to sea. The Modafferi's have even been told to accept this theory as a probability and to go back to North Carolina and try and live their lives. In this Podcast - I share with you my reasons why I am pretty certain that that did not happen to Kristen.
About 45 minutes after Kristen got off of work on the day she vanished, she was seen on the 2nd floor of the Crocker Galleria Mall (Kristin worked on the first floor) walking along very casually in the company of another young woman with blonde hair. This young woman has never come forward despite many public please for her to do so.
Back in about 2000, Jon Onuma raped a woman who eventually married Dr. Zeidman. About a year into their marriage, his wife broke down and shared with her husband the horrific details of Onuma's assault upon her, included stealing her Credit Card and racking up about $14,000.00 worth of camera equipment at B&H Photo in NYC. Dr. Zeidman was the wrong person to mess with and he defended his wife's honor and had Onuma making payments to repay what he stole/
We introduce Kenneth Monroe Beasley to our listeners today. Kenneth is another one of the Hope Mills residents that got caught up in the cycle of drugs and he has made very serious claims that he witnessed Pierre Scurlock hit Kent over the head with a shovel on Porter Road in a robbery. I was able to tape record Kenneth's account and I provide a transcript on our 'Kristen, Kristin and Kent' companion FB page...
Today we talk about the house literally next door to Kristen's. Kristen lived at 274 Jayne Ave, and unbeknownst to the Modafferi's, 278 Jayne Ave was a half way house for Probation Violators for Oakland, Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco counties. It is possible that what happened to Kristen occurred in that house. My personal belief is 'No' and I explain my reasons for believing so in this podcast.
There are about 10 people - all drug addicts - that form the 'circle' of people that we are pretty darn sure are responsible for Kent's disappearance. One of them is Drug Dealer Belinda Hall's boyfriend on March 10th, 2002, Pierre Scurlock. This podcast introduces you to this suspect.
On July 3rd, 2006, Maggie Crane murdered Daniel Dubie at a restaurant in Chaing Mai, Thailand. I decided to travel to Thailand to meet maggie in the women's Prison in the hopes that Maggie would share info about Jon Onuma and Daniel Dubie.
YouTube Keywords: 'Kent Jacobs Last Known Route Before Vanishing or copy/paste this link: This podcast refers you to a 5:49 YouTube Video that shows you what we believe may be the last steps Kent took before he vanished. It all starts at his friends, Roger Locklear's trailer and ends up out in front of Cliff Jones' property where the Cumberland County Sheriff's department says that there is probable cause to believe that the human remains of Kent Jacobs are buried in a refrigerator on that property. This is just a theory. We obviously do not know exactly what happened - but this is the path according to witnesses who claimed to have seen Kent on the afternoon of March 10th, 2002.
Today you get to learn a bit about a guy named 'Daniel Dubie'. A world class con-artist if ever there was one. He was one of these people who travelled the world telling people he was Jesus and people believed him! Literally - people were giving him millions. Somehow, prime suspect Jon Onuma hooks up with this guy and was living all alone in a seaside estate in Kaneohe , Hawaii. One of Dubie' biggest victims was Herbalife co-Founder, Geraldine Cvitanoch. She married Dubie (who was already married) after meeting him just 30 days earlier. She then begins to sign over her Real Estate properties to him. She found out he was married and divorced him but it was too late - that money was GONE! Dubie was murdered in July 2006 in Chang Mai, Thailand. Another one of his scorned lovers had had enough and blew him away at a restaurant while he was having lunch!
Today, we take a very close look at the 'single most-important' and 'pressing' issue we have regarding Kent's case: Digging up the refrigerator on Greg Jones' property which was called for in the May 2010 Search Warrant but which has never been done.
Hard to believe but true: In 1999, Americas Most Wanted aired an episode about Kristen because the police could not locate Jon Onuma. Turns out - he was hiding at 3030 Kahili Street, Honolulu, Hawaii - shacking up with a woman named Momi Durand. Momi - then writes a sob story to ABC's Extreme Makeover and next thing you know hundreds of people are outside her home screaming, 'Move That Bus!' Same exact address.
Charlotte Royal-McMillan took Kent Jacobs' paycheck money (about $200.00) on the day he disappeared and called her drug dealer, Belinda Hall, to score some dope. Belinda tells police that Kent was inside Charlotte's trailer when she sold Charlotte the drugs. Kent vanishes forever within minutes/few hours of Belinda Hall's last sighting of Kent.
Jill Lampo was dating Jon Onuma the day Kristen vanished. They were living together on O'Farrell Street in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. Lampo admitted to her uncle that she is suffering tremendous 'guilt' over her participation in the 'kidnap and murder' of a woman while she was in San Francisco.
Hope Mills, NC Fire Chief Hank Harris reported that Cliff Jones walked into his fire station one day and confessed that Kent was buried on his property inside an old refrigerator. A Search Warrant was issued and the Cumberland County Sheriff's Department executed the warrant in May of 2010. The search was halted mid-way due to environmental hazards on the property and the refrigerator was never dug up. That was seven years ago.
I introduce you to the person who, in my own opinion, is a prime suspect in Kristen's case. This is the idiot who phoned in the anonymous tip in the weeks after Kristen vanished that led Oakland Police to search in a certain direction that he now claims was just a 'hoax'. He ought to be put in prison for that act alone. I walk you thru June 23rd, 1997 and share with you pretty much what we know about that fateful day over 20 years ago.