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Derek Sivers

Author: Derek Sivers

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Derek Sivers posts
113 Episodes
make believe

make believe


Kids scream, “Monster in the hallway!”, and hide behind the couch. They stack up cushions for protection, and plan their defense. They know it’s not true — there’s not really a monster in the hallway — but it’s exciting to feel the adrenaline of panic, then make a shelter and feel safe.
a daily run, part two

a daily run, part two


In my previous post, “a daily run” — (please read it first) — running was a metaphor for whatever actions you take in your life. The story is about how we choose beliefs because they’re useful, not true. Beliefs make emotions. Emotions make actions.
a daily run, part one

a daily run, part one


Every day you go on a long run through the forest.
We all confabulate without realizing it.
Here’s a story about my shortest date, and ketchup.
In 2011, I got a phone call from a number I didn’t recognize.
scuba, panic, empathy

scuba, panic, empathy


I used to scoff at those people who had panic attacks. “The cake is late! Oh no! I’m freaking out! I can’t breathe!” Ridiculous. Hysterical. Over-reacting.
My advice to anyone who writes: Try writing one sentence per line. I’ve been doing it for twenty years, and it improved my writing more than anything else.
Growing up in America, I didn’t know much about other cultures.
My Sivers ancestors came from Grantham, Lincolnshire, England on a boat to America in 1849. The boat crashed on rocks in the Irish sea, caught fire in the Atlantic Ocean, got pushed off course repeatedly by storms, and finally landed in New Orleans after two months. New Orleans was overcome with cholera, so they hopped a steam boat up the Mississippi River to St. Louis. Cholera killed nine passengers and the pilot of the boat. Days after they arrived in St. Louis, the city caught fire so they escaped in a covered wagon to Glenwood Iowa, finally arriving after three more months. In 1890, one of their sons ventured to the wild west of Colorado to pursue an opportunity.
Why I left America

Why I left America


I was living on the beach in Santa Monica, California, and life was perfect. I was in paradise, and deeply happy.
I love having my own store so I can make things the way I think they should be.
I used to have too many pets.
Six weeks ago I emailed my private email list with a secret link to buy my new books.
On education, parenting, and encouraging focusGo subscribe at



Why I don’t like holidays, How to Live, how constraints give you more freedomGo subscribe at
The Speaking Show

The Speaking Show


Making a shift in your life, goals, a specific plan to only do what makes you happy, being richGo subscribe at
Long Distance Love Bombs

Long Distance Love Bombs


Big fun questions. Five types of thinking and how to improve them, achieving success and motivation, deliberate daydreaming.Go subscribe at



A guided pause, living life as a series of grand experiments, asking yourself questions, possible futures, and the MuppetsGo subscribe at
Elevate Podcast

Elevate Podcast


Success, radical honesty, doing the things that scare you, why I love changing my mindGo subscribe at