Digital Content Creators - Sundays with Mariam and Lily

This podcast is for digital content creators, whether you are just getting started or have been in the space for several years. We go through the journey of what it is like to create digital content, perfect your craft, build an audience, and get paid for your work.

Eps 31: Infrastructure For An Online Business (Plus Discussing the Situation In Lebanon)

How do you keep things afloat in your online business in a place that's struggling with basic infrastructures like power and fuel? Lebanon is experiencing one of the worst economic crises in its history. We discuss the problems (and solutions) for running an online business in situations where power, wifi, and basic infrastructures are collapsing.


Eps 30: Saying No In Your Online Business

One of the most powerful words in having an online business is "no". For some people, it's really hard learning to say no. We discuss how and when we have had to say no in our online business.


Eps 29: How To Fire A Client

If you find yourself working with a client that's very difficult, check out this episode! We talk about the best ways to end a client relationship that is not productive for either parties.


Eps 28: Backlink Basics

If you are wondering what a backlink is and why backlinks are important, this episode is for you! We dive into the basics of backlinks and whether or not they can benefit your website. There are also discuss different strategies for getting backlinks using white hat techniques.


Eps 27: Why Building A Community Is Crucial

An audience is CRUCIAL for an online business. It's who we serve. Without an audience, our sails are flapping in the wind. We discuss different ways of building an audience, why you need an audience, and how the size of an audience isn't the most important factor.


Eps 26: When Clients Breach Agreements

If you've ever worked with clients, this topic may really resonate with you because no two clients are the same. When you come across a client who breaches a verbal or contractual agreement, it can be very challenging. This episode is about what to do if a client breaches an agreement and tips for protecting yourself when dealing with new clients.


Eps 25: Productivity Hacks While Working At Home

Many of us are working from home, and although there are a lot of upsides, there are some downsides as well. One being, staying productive. We talk about our favorite hacks for staying productive while working from home and tips for keeping the productivity train going.


Eps 24: The Yara Nabbout Business Program

The Yara Nabbout Business Program is in loving memory of Mariam's sister Yara. This program is aimed at supporting women in businesses in the Middle East region. This episode is all about the business program and how to apply.


Eps 23: Pinterest Crash Course

Pinterest is a platform that can drive significant traffic to your website. Understanding how to use Pinterest as a content creator takes a little bit of time. Here is a Pinterest crash course for anyone going from user to content creator on the Pinterest platform.


Eps 22: Keeping Yourself Going During A Pandemic

How do you keep yourself going through the covid pandemic? We discuss the impacts of covid on our day to day lives, how it's affected our work and projects, and what we are doing about it.


Eps 21: Delivering On Projects While Experiencing Burnout

Have you ever experienced burnout in your personal or professional life? Burnout can occur because of a lot of things: being overwhelmed with too many projects all at once, handling difficult personal situations while trying to maintain productivity, or just feeling tired of doing the same thing over and over again. We discuss how to overcome burnout while still delivering on project committments. 


Eps 20: Driving Traffic To Your Website

Are you wondering how to drive traffic to your website? We discuss some of the main different traffic types: organic traffic, social media, Pinterest, YouTube, email marketing, and direct traffic. This is a great episode for the basics of main traffic drivers.


Eps 19: Rejection

Rejection is something we all face in our day to day lives. It can be something that stops us from pursuing our passions or dreams. We talk about some of our experiences with rejection, and how we try to handle these situations constructively. 


Eps 18: Benchmark Episode: Where We're At Now

This is our first benchmark episode! We talk about where we're at now in growing our online brand.


Eps 17: Create Your Own Opportunity

Creating your own opportunity might be an option if no other opportunity is available. Instead of waiting around for the perfect opportunity, why not create it?


Eps 16: Managing Difficult Clients

We've all been there and had difficult clients or customers. We discuss ways of handling difficult clients so that the project you are working on doesn't get impacted. 


Eps 15: How To Love What You Do

This episode is all about finding passion and fulfillment in your work. Loving what you do is important whether you freelance, work in a company, or build your own business.


Eps 14: Our Tips For Digital Photography

This episode is all about digital photography. We discuss our tips for beginners using their own photography on their digital platforms. We go through the process of taking good images, editing, and compressing the photos. We also discuss where you can get images online if photography is not your thing. 


Eps 13: Overcoming Doubt and Uncertainty

This episode is all about overcoming doubt and uncertainty when building an online presence. Doubt and uncertainty are common when embarking on something new. We share our personal experiences and tips we have to overcome doubt and fear of the unknown. 


Eps 12: How To Get A Freelance Job

This episode is all about finding a freelance job! We talk about our own experiences landing freelance jobs and offer up some suggestions for finding a freelance job using your own niche skills.


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