Digital Downshift

The Digital Downshift Podcast is about building success online, for a better offline. We’ll explore business strategies and ideas, and meet others that have tapped into the online economy to build happier, more secure lives. Jason Paul Hendricks hosts Digital Downshift, to share ideas and insights from over three decades of entrepreneurship and career-hood, with experience ranging from bootstrapped solo startups to roles at publicly traded, Fortune 500 companies (and everything in between). With a winding work-life path that includes the creative arts, travel, parenthood, entrepreneurship and the corporate world, Jason combines an eclectic mix of ideas and innovators with an obsession for business building and continuous learning.

Interview: Glen Allsopp of - Pt.1

This is Episode 5 of the Digital Downshift Podcast. And this is the first guest and interview episode! If you would like to comment on this episode (or any others) please subscribe to the Digital Downshift YouTube Channel and drop in the comments there! I am honored and excited that SEO seer, writer, marketer and maker Glen Allsopp joins us on this episode of the Digital Downshift Podcast! Glen has been a hands-on practitioner of online marketing for over 15 years. He is a consultant to major corporate clients, and followed by media thought-leaders and the biggest names in SEO. At, he brings a keen eye and a wealth of both technical and design knowledge to the practical side of marketing. Yet his analytical nature has also led to some truly unique insights and data on the business landscape of online media. Glen really is a pioneer; an uncommon mix of artist and analyst. His published articles and reports are always chock full of keen observations and ideas. And we're very lucky, in this interview, to get his thoughts on a whole range of topics. He was also very generous with his time, allowing us over 2 hours to really go deep on some of these topics. So I have broken the discussion into 2 episodes. On quality over quantity… Why he has never had to remove a single thing from SEO Blueprint… Content, courses, conferences and clients in a post-HCU world… The intersection of finance and digital marketing… Hear about “Super Pixels” directly from glen for the first time ever... How Glen got a link from Matt Cutts… The natural, human response to giving… Monetizing a podcast, before there was a podcast… And MUCH MORE... Detailed @viperchill SEO and the Stock Market: How to Profit from Google Penalties SPI 003: Affiliate and Niche Site Strategies Revealed with Glen Allsopp Dear @jack and @ameet, this is why Twitter ads are broken ================= Fine Print: Opening/Closing Music - "Dreamin' " by Danijel Zambo Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: W94TFFIQZH46VZJJ


What I Brought: 3 Stories

Episode 4: What I Brought: 3 Stories This is Episode 4 of the Digital Downshift Podcast. With this episode continuing the series, "Bring It". If you would like to comment on this episode (or any others) please subscribe to the Digital Downshift YouTube Channel and drop in the comments there! Here are some of the ideas covered in this episode... This episode "What I Brought: 3 Stories" explores the idea that personal qualities, capabilities, and past experiences can directly influence and shape professional circumstances. I share three examples of how unique skills and experiences can lead to different forms of success in different professional scenarios. Personal interests and relationships can lead to unexpected and unprecedented career opportunities How music and strong core values led to a job offer and a completely different career path A startup, a series of acquisitions and a 10 year run at a global investment bank Personal qualities — being persistent, ability to work autonomously, and trustworthiness — go a long way Previous work experience and friendship with a coworker led to co-founding a fintech startup Shared work history and trust (and self-knowledge) were key assets that readied us for the venture History and partnership have value beyond the sum; we've grown stronger since Finance led to an unlikely interest in data and numbers (and informed my quantitative approach to marketing) Kyle Roof (the secrets of ranking are on page one) and Doug Cunnington (Keyword Golden Ratio) were early influences But my capital markets experience set a high bar for data quality and helped identify the problem with marketing tools Creating a micro SaaS, SERP Sonar, was my attempt at a solution (WIP) Stitching together collected skills and leveraging the expertise of others made it possible Everyone has unique skills, knowledge, and perspectives, and can develop new strengths along the way. We can leverage existing assets more than we think and gain the ones we don't already have. ================= Fine Print: Opening/Closing Music - "Dreamin' " by Danijel Zambo Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: W94TFFIQZH46VZJJ


5 Asset Types We All Possess (and Underutilize)

Episode 3: 5 Asset Types We All Possess (and Underutilize) This is Episode 3 of the Digital Downshift Podcast. With this episode we start a new series, called "Bring It". :) If you would like to comment on this episode (or any others) please subscribe to the Digital Downshift YouTube Channel. Here are some of the ideas covered in this episode... Taking Inventory of Personal Life Assets We all need a plan and an assessment of our available resources Define "assets" beyond just financial assets The full life portfolio reflects our stories, skills, experience (good or bad) and more; not just financial prosperity Manage personal life assets carefully like financial assets The Five Types of Personal Life Assets Origin Stories and Your Starting Capital Childhood and family experiences that shaped who you are Powerful reference points to better understand yourself and relate to others Skills, Education and Continuous Learning Practical knowledge and areas of expertise Formal education, degrees, certifications Continuous learning mindset and potential knowledge Work, Career and Business Experience All jobs and roles throughout life, not just recent Primary career accomplishments Business ownership experience, even failures Personal Experience, Milestones and Activities Family life experiences Health, security, mental wellness Hobbies, interests, extracurricular activities Major life events Community and Legacy Volunteer work, charitable efforts Impact on family, community, world Reflecting on how choices shape your legacy That's a Wrap Full life portfolio is the sum of all personal life assets Taking inventory allows valuing and managing assets fully Growing assets can translate into greater overall wealth ================= Fine Print: Opening/Closing Music - "Dreamin' " by Danijel Zambo Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: W94TFFIQZH46VZJJ


How Not To Launch a Podcast?

Episode 2: How Not To Launch a Podcast? This is Episode 2 of the Digital Downshift Podcast. If you would like to comment on this episode (or any others) please subscribe to the Digital Downshift YouTube Channel. Here are some of the ideas covered in this episode... Digital Downshift aims to provide valuable content and ideas to its listeners, even if it means bucking conventional podcast standards. I seek to prioritize high-quality ideas and information, and exploring useful themes and concepts in an engaging way. And I'll do that in a less rigid and predictable way that permits…flexibility. Ultimately, this is about helping entrepreneurs, career professionals, 'shifters' that are transitioning jobs/roles, and anyone looking to leverage their existing skills and knowledge to build or grow online ventures. To do that, we'll step off the "main road" and explore fresh ideas or new perspectives on established concepts. Podcast Format and Content Approach Episode formats planned: Solo episodes riffing on specific ideas/themes Interviews with exceptional people; targeting unexplored ideas "Read-downs" providing commentary on insightful articles Q&A shows answering audience and community questions Flexible episode lengths from 5 minutes to over an hour Quality over rigid release schedule (only when valuable content is ready) Prioritize consistent high-quality over consistent release schedule Unconventional approach may hinder rapid audience growth initially Goals and Audience Step off the "main road" to explore fresh perspectives Provide candid, outside-the-box concepts for a digital-first economy Reflect and be guided by diverse backgrounds of listeners Entrepreneurs (new and experienced), career professionals, and career shifters Anyone looking to leverage existing skills/knowledge for online success ================= Fine Print: Opening/Closing Music - "Dreamin' " by Danijel Zambo Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: W94TFFIQZH46VZJJ


Pilot: Can, Start and a List

This is Episode 1 of the Digital Downshift Podcast. If you would like to comment on this episode (or any others) please subscribe to the Digital Downshift YouTube Channel. Here are some of the ideas covered in this episode... I cover a variety of ideas, and give you a flavor of one approach I'll take in this podcast. This episode is also the first in an ongoing series entitled Personal Scatter Plot, which will cover various stories from my 3 decades of business and career experience. The episode encourages listeners to take action and get started on pursuing new opportunities amidst rapid changes in technology and the economy. Everyone possesses valuable skills, knowledge and life experiences that can be leveraged, despite any perceived limitations or negative self-talk. Embracing Change and New Opportunities Massive changes disrupting industries and career paths... But also enabling new potential for empowerment and financial freedom... Golden age for business builders, product makers and online creators... The Power to Start You don't need a great idea, execution is key... Overcoming distractions and responsibilities is the biggest challenge... And often the hardest part is simply starting... My Winding Path Odd jobs and college bail-out... To startups and Fortune 500 companies... One foot in business, one in technology (then and now)... Below average qualifications > above-average success... Overcoming Negative Self-Talk Damaging impact of telling yourself "I can't"... Re-framing age as a valuable asset... Managing limited time like an investment... Developing an Action Plan Every perceived blocker has a potential solution... Saying "I can" leads to asking "How?" and forming a plan... Help hold me accountable (to the podcast and more)... Conclusion Change brings opportunities (that are more accessible than ever)... You have more potential than you realize with your existing skills... The key is managing your life assets carefully and taking action... ================= Fine Print: Opening/Closing Music - "Dreamin' " by Danijel Zambo Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: W94TFFIQZH46VZJJ


Trailer: Build Success Online, For a Better Offline

This is a trailer for the Digital Downshift Podcast. If you would like to comment on this episode (or any others) please subscribe to the Digital Downshift YouTube Channel. Digital Downshift is a podcast that explores how to thrive and grow amidst rapid changes, technological disruption and job market uncertainties. The podcast is for both established professionals looking for a career reboot and young adults struggling to get their footing. Host Jason Paul Hendricks explores strategies for monetizing your current knowledge and experience through online platforms and digital entrepreneurship, to build success online for a better life offline. With a background spanning finance, music, startups and corporate roles (despite never finishing college), Hendricks understands the obstacles people can face but also sees an abundance of untapped opportunities. Digital Downshift brings on guests who have tapped into the digital economy to create happier, more financially secure lives. Hendricks' own winding journey also informs this exploration into shifting priorities and finding our version of success in a rapidly evolving world. Digital Downshift aims to guide listeners towards making the most of the digital economy and new technologies, to transition towards more purposeful and sustainable work on your own terms. It's is a hopeful exploration of how to future-proof your career and lifestyle by embracing digital opportunities and pivoting toward an entrepreneurial mindset. ================= Fine Print: Opening/Closing Music - "Dreamin' " by Danijel Zambo Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: W94TFFIQZH46VZJJ


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