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Author: Digital Noise

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One Of Us’ Blu-ray/DVD review podcast breaks through the pixel barrier and takes you inside all the latest home entertainment selections. What should you buy? What should you avoid? What glorious title will win our prestigious Pick of the Week honors? Tune in and find out, on the only Blu-ray review show that encourages you to crank up the Digital Noise.
344 Episodes
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 340: DIE FOR DIGITAL NOISE Chris and Wright have a grand ol’ time with today’s stack, despite having very mixed results. From a giant alligator Jaws rip-off cheapie to one of the best terrible films we’ve ever seen. From an 80s forgotten Gene Hackman/Matt Dillon international spy thriller to a delightful feminist… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 340: Die for Digital Noise
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 339: YACHT ROCK THEME SONG John and Chris take on some home releases with a look at the final Leone Western and an analysis of a director through the window of his inspiration from a beloved children’s film. We look at some folks trying to make a NEW Marx Brothers movie and… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 339: Yacht Rock Theme Song
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 338: SICK WITH THE COLOR OF FEAR Chris and Wright stick their noses into the pile of home releases and come up with a look at the very best of the ‘viral plague’ thrillers now in 4k, a weirdly meta-martial arts movie from last year, a HK sorta-version of The Frighteners, two… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 338: Sick With the Color of Fear
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 337: DIGITAL WARRIORS HAVE COME OUT TO PLAY John and Chris take on their stack with aplomb and yet don’t see eye to eye on everything this week. From a stack of very different Hong Kong films that range from Police Academy variants to the HK version of Dead Heat, to a… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 337: Digital Warriors Have Come Out To Play
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 336: SHATNER SAVES ODDJOB Chris and Wright do their due diligence with Digital Noise as they get into a tasty stack of releases. From Shatner as a psychopathic killer, to billions of Earths and their related supes gone forever. From a sleazy Warren Beatty in a very realistic old west, to Burt… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 336: Shatner Saves Oddjob
GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE MOVIE REVIEW The time for busting has resumed, only whether it’ll make you feel good certainly seems pretty polarizing this time around. Ok, really every time around when The Ghostbusters have another film, even, apparently in retrospect now, the original. Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire follows the events of 2021’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife which brought… Read More »Highly Suspect Reviews: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 335: IT’S ALL GOOD Wright and Chris get that February miracle: a whole stack of movies (and a show) for Digital Noise where they actually liked everything. From a mythology for the modern age adapted to tv, to a early history of one of the world’s greatest physical actors. From an anything… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 335: It’s All Good
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 334: DISNEY AND THEN I GUESS MOVIES On this very special episode of Digital Noise, John reviews his first trip ever to Disney (spoiler: he dug it). He and Chris go on for quite a while reviewing the rides and experience. Oh, wait, we’re supposed to be reviewing home releases on this… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 334: Disney And Then I Guess Movies
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 333: BAD NINJAS AND NUNS Our home release show has it all, as Wright and Chris discuss what the throat goat would have thought of Enter the Ninja, 2 Days in the Valley, The Fugitive, Oppenheimer, The Nun 2 and many more new 4k and Blu-Ray releases. All titles were sent to… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 333: Bad Ninjas and Nuns
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 332: WE ARE NOT KENOUGH Chris and John take on their home release stack with new entries in the Mortal Kombat universe, a look back at the film that largely started the Spanish horror renaissance of the 70s, a prequel to an all-time classic that’s maybe not quite as good as the… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 332: We Are Not Kenough
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 331: …FEATURING PAZUZU Chris and Wright tremble in fear beneath their huge stack of films to review this week, which makes sense since we’ve got a lot of horror and thrillers in the mix. From a 2009 remake of a questionable horror classic, to a new 4k of the central reference point… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 331: …Featuring Pazuzu
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 330: THE BIGGEST STACK EVER John and Chris take on a movie pile of record-breaking size (I think) as they dig their teeth into an international array of cinema. From a lesser-known but excellent South Korean horror, to that ’70s Robert Redford film that instantly became a classic to both of them.… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 330: The Biggest Stack Ever?
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 329: TO LIVE AND TO FORGET TO POST AN EPISODE Chris and Wright have a stack filled with all kinds of stuff this week. From one of the goriest horror movies ever to come out of Italy (and that’s saying something), to a couple different L.A. Noir films that definitely require discussing… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 329: To Live and to Forget to Post an Episode
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 328: WATER STREAM SWAMP TANK John and Chris take on this Herculean task of reviewing this massive stack of home releases. From a 4k upgrade to one of John’s all time fave superhero movies, to them disagreeing whether a new horror comedy is one of the best or worst ever. From giving… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 328: Water Stream Swamp Tank
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 327: DOUBLECROSS! Chris and Wright get up to shenanigans while they review this giant stack of home release. Check out our thoughts on a set of some of the best worst movies ever and see if they can talk more about a miniseries than the video game its based on (spoiler: they… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 327: Doublecross!
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 326: JOHN STORY 3: SUPERCRITIC Chris and John have a towering stack of home releases to review that range from all-time HK action classics, to the most surreal yakuza films ever made. From the latest but not greatest in a long-running boxing franchise, to aliens from another world fighting dinosaurs on Earth.… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 326: John Story 3: Supercritic
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 325: IT’S NOT ABOUT SPHERE, IT’S ABOUT FEROCIOUS WOLF Chris and Wright get a show in with pretty much all good (or variables of ‘good’) films and some real surprises and hidden gems. From a bloody and awesome samurai two-punch classic, to a film DN calls “Oceans Zero”. From Florence Pugh’s latest… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 325: It’s Not About Sphere, It’s About Ferocious Wolf
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 324: CALAMITY OF CO-HOSTS It’s all about the bad-asses in this week’s episode of our home release show, Digital Noise. Whether it’s the Justice League or Robert Shaw working for Mossad, some red cap fae taking on interlopers or ALL the snakes giving a bunch of apartment dwellers the what-for, bad-assery runs… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 324: Calamity of Co-Hosts
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 323: HOW TO SEXY DANCE LIKE A COCAINE ASSASSIN John and Chris tell it like it is and show you some moves in this latest episode of Digital Noise, covering home release movies and tv shows. They look at a film that they consider one of the least of the best of… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 323: How to Sexy Dance Like a Cocaine Assassin
DIGITAL NOISE EPISODE 322: THE EYE OF THE WRIGHTGER Wright and Chris review some of the weirder home releases this week, from Batman as told by H.P. Lovecraft to a Hong Kong “Fighting on the Bus With My Brother”. From a Jeff Daniels movie that seems to have slid in from a parallel universe, to… Read More »Digital Noise Episode 322: The Eye of the Wrightger