Dinosaur Facts with Julian

Learn the ins and outs of the Prehistoric and Ice Age with Julian and Daddy. Special guests along the way will help guide us through the ages and meet all kinds of fierce creatures from the past.

What Do Bronto Burgers Taste Like?

Charlie and Julian get right to the important matter of what Bronto burgers taste like. Special help from Mom.


Can Dinosaurs be Friends?

Julian's guest this episode is Kieran. Recorded in 2022 when they were ending 3rd grade. They tackle many important topics. And eat many important burgers.


Dinosaur Fights? Who wins?

Simon and Julian discuss who might win in the match-ups of the Jurassic.


T-Rex Arms

Join Julian and his special guest Silas as they discuss Dinosaur Facts and why the T-Rex had such short arms.


Laughing at Dinosaurs

Episode 2 of Dinosaur Facts with Julian. Special guest Miller, our 3rd grade Dino expert brings the jokes. Julian talks to Google and then interviews our West Coast correspondent Chris Marroy at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. Sponsors: Heavy Weight Watchers and Jurassic Life Insurance


Dinosaur Juice

The premier episode of Dinosaur Facts with Julian. Special guests include Julian's Mom and our neighbor Evan. Learn facts about some of Julian's favorite dinosaurs and where Oil comes from.  This episode is brought you by RUBBLE CAGES and COLD BLOODED BY DINO-MITE. Host: Julian Editor: Daddy Writer: Daddy


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