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More sex = more boys?! Fascinating!
What in the hell that scared the c*** out of me when the podcast started? Playing somebody's phone vibrating well.
چرا نمیشه دانلود کرد؟
So, do colder (and thus denser) gusts of wind hit harder at the same speed?
Can you imagine being able to do fusion at such a complex level that your byproduct would be gold? Philosopher's stone, anyone?
This is either clever, or totally stupid: So, I know the pressure even at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is still ridiculously tiny compared to a star, but I wonder if there would be any benefit to trying to make fusion work there? (obviously, it would not be easy or cheap to operate at the bottom of the ocean, I'm just wondering if there would be qny benefits)
درودبرتک تک افرادی که برای پیشبرد اهداف انسانی فعالیت و تلاش می کنندآرزو می کنم که همیشه زندگی درهرسرزمینی که زندگی می کنیدشادکام وموفق وپیروز باشیدماازاین برنامه پربارتان واقعا لذت می بریم و استفاده می کنیم و خودمان را در پخش آشنائی میان هم وطنانمان مسئول میدانیم مرسی باتشکر فراوان.
inf can't be find in the news.
"close your eyes, picture agirraf in your mind, do you see it? " from now on this is gonna be my first question when i meet someone. 😅
it is so peaceful✨
what is the probiotic drink referred to by Glenn Gibson
once up on a time in iran !get started ignite night one more night! king: killers kill her right now!don't let em screaming out!even when I'm not around!
Many plus and minus to this plan. You can't pay off a computer to get what you want. A plus. We've seen how often we face glitches and crashes with machines. Huge minus.
Don't forget #mahsa_amini
The US, seeing it's post WWII hegemony diminish, is now following in the steps of Rome, engaging in excessive militarism and squandering it's resources on a huge military build up in the Pacific while fighting a futile proxy war with Russia in the Ukraine. Like Rome, it will ultimately be surpassed, most likely by China. All the pathetic anti-Chinese rhetoric in the world, pumped out by US government officials and echoed by the corporate MSM will not change this fact. The Chinese are bigger, older, and smarter over all. Most science PhDs in the US are now awarded to students from abroad. Like Rome in it decline, the US military is made up mainly of poor Black Americans (30%) Hispanics (many not even citizens) and other ethnic minorities. Still, it will take many decades for this scenario to play out. Before that time, we may all be destroyed by the climate change brought about by western excesses and corruption.
I happened to listen to this podcast about the primitive, cannibalistic RCC (Roman Catholic Corporation) Injustices on the SCOTUS overturned Roe. This backward group of theocrats wants to drag America back 250 years to the dark ages of slavery and patriarchy. So Ms. Rubenstein this is not just an intellectual fis agreement between science and religion but a life and death struggle between the forces of light and knowledge (science) and superstition and darkness (religion). This court pretends on religious grounds to be concerned about innocent life and yet it hypocritically promotes gun violence by refusing to allow states to restrict guns. America has become a dystopian freak show run by religious nutters, war mongers, weapons makers, oligarchs and climate destroying fossil fuel corporations.
Really? You have an entire hour to bring science stories and this is the turd you dreamed up... Come on guys. Total rubbish
The hostess is funny and has a sexy voice.
While this story attempts to cast shade on China's use of AI in facial recognition, especially concerning the awareness of the number of Uighurs in a certain location, the US and UK tolerate the collection of vast amounts of private data by corporations about private citizens. The quaint idea that this is only for commercial purposes was blown up by the use of this data in the 2016 US Presidential election when Facebook sold data to the British company Cambridge Analytica which it used to build up psychological profiles of people sympathetic to Dump's messsge of racial hatred and white supremacy, leading to Dump's election. Are these people totally clueless or just willfully unself aware?