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Dispatches from the Multiverse

Dispatches from the Multiverse

Author: Dispatches from the Multiverse

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Hi, I’m Max. I’m an engineer and inventor. I know this sounds crazy, but I accidentally invented a device that opens a portal to other dimensions. Each week I visit a new alternate universe and no matter how strange it is, somehow I keep running into parallel dimension versions of my roommate in every one of them. I’m documenting my incredible travels and discoveries on this podcast.
284 Episodes
Hellscape Max takes over the podcast to implement Plan Zeta.
A seemingly distressed interdimensional Bezos sends Max to get a rare element.
Max takes on another mission from Bezos as an investigator… of death!
Max takes on another industrial espionage mission for da Bezos.
Max is sent to deal with a leadership crisis in the midst of a crucial shareholder election.
Jack Strobe goes on another mission for Bezos to improve AI efficiency.
Jack Strobe goes on an industrial espionage mission for Jeff Bezos.
Max discovers the man behind the curtain.
Episode 274: Con Con

Episode 274: Con Con


Max and Jack Strobe head to Jack's favorite convention: Con Con
Max and Jack Strobe visit The Peaceful Dimension to make a deal for the essence of the Wilhelm Scream.
Somehow, defying all logic and reason, Max finds someone interested in acquiring Grandpa's Vapors.
Max heads to a rare whiskey shop with his gold-producing unicorn.
Jack books a live show, but Max needs to get his mumbler fixed.
Max and Jack visit Santa to make a deal for the iridium statue of Helen of Troy.
Jack Strobe visits Hellscape Max to try and make a deal for Gandhi's nukes.
Max joins the pursuit of a hardened criminal in another dimension.
Max takes tries to make a deal on Paradise V with the deed to the planet.
Max tries to turn the Dimension Bucks Thingies into a more useful currency.
Max and Jack Strobe try to unload some of their sculptures.
Max seeks out an interdimensional medical professional for help with Baby K.