Being a mother is already hard enough. A working mother going through a divorce makes motherhood so much harder, especially when the working mother’s rights are not explained well. Morgan L. Stogsdill and Heather J. Rosen go over the rights of a working mother and the right things to be done to protect a working mom. Considering how being a working mom affects a mom’s parenting time in a divorce, Morgan and Heather advice their clients not to change anything and just find a way to work around their schedule and what was working for their family. They also take up how maintenance and child support come into play into the process. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
What are high net worth divorces and high profile individuals? Morgan L. Stogsdill and Kaitlin M. Post of Beermann Law edify us on the distinction of both. As they touch on the difference between a private case and a public case, and how they are achieved, grasp the value of confidentiality in keeping the case of high profile individuals private from the press. Likewise, learn how attorneys deal with the press and aggregate information needed for a high profile case. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Marriage as an institution appeals differently to different generations. On today’s show, Sandra Napoli-D’Arco and Beermann Divorce and Family Law Attorneys Leonidas L. Bezaniss II and Dominic G. Erbacci tackle Millenials and marriage. Getting into the legalities of marriage, they enumerate reasons why Millennials opt to postpone marriage. They also look at the prenup, highlighting it as a major reason for such postponement. Learn everything you need and want to know about prenuptial agreements, economic awareness, and a little bit about divorce. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Divorce processes are a hard road to take on, especially when it comes down to dealing with financial affidavits. Beermann Divorce and Family Law Attorney Alexandra R. Holland and Divorce and Family Law Partner Michael D. Sevin explain financial affidavits in the divorce process. Defining what financial affidavits are and what they can be used for, they give an idea on how it acts as a road map for both the attorneys and the court and the other side in any case to break down what the assets are, what the party’s liabilities are, and what the expenses are. Learn all the things you need to know about financial affidavits in this information-packed episode. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Alcohol abuse is one of the most popular reasons for divorce or family wreckage. In this episode, Divorce and Family Law Partner Jared Pinkus and Divorce and Family Law Attorney Joseph Napoli II share their knowledge on alcohol addiction and its effects on litigants in the divorce process. Establishing parenting time as a huge part of the litigation process, they explain how the court views alcohol issues as related to it. They also talk about the immediate impacts of alcohol abuse to people affected in divorce and how recovery is proven to the court. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Divorce is a complex matter that involves different facets from parental and child-related matters to the financial-related issues, and they’re better addressed with a team of professionals that are experts in one aspect or another. Financials, for example, when one of the spouses have a closely held business, might require business valuators that could give their professional and unbiased opinion on the value of the business or in determining marital and non-marital assets. Vocational experts can also come in to evaluate the income-earning capabilities of a spouse that isn’t a wage earner to determine if and how much financial support should be allocated. Real estate appraisers can be needed to ascertain the value of any real-estate owned within the marriage. Divorce and Family Law Partners Jessica Winkler Boike and Thomas T. Field discuss what type of issues are usually involved and the experts they turn to for support. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
When a marriage fails and the husband and wife decide to get divorced, one of the things to look into is how to have a fair settlement in their family-owned business and other joint properties. Howard C. Emmerman and Aubrey J. Parker, attorneys at Beermann Law, speak about how business law and family law overlap in divorce cases. As Howard and Aubrey cite some scenarios and explain how they handle those situations, they say you need not worry and feel guilty that you don’t know anything about the process because your lawyers are there to help you out with that. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Different lawyers have different approaches in handling clients going through the rollercoaster of divorce. Beth F. McCormack and James M. Quigley of Beermann Law walk us through the process of divorce and talks about what happens in open court proceedings or in litigation and alternate dispute resolution. They also shed light on the importance of seeing the situation from the other lawyer’s perspective. Offering some tips on how to tackle personality issues, they share how using coaches helps them deal with clients and how working as a team helps their entire process flow smoothly. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
While Illinois rules out marital misconduct as a factor or ground for dissolution of marriage, it can still affect other issues. Dissipation is the use of marital funds by one spouse solely during the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. Helping us understand the relationship between marital misconduct and dissipation are James B. Pritikin, Divorce and Family Law partner, and former President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Illinois Chapter, and Candace L. Meyers, Divorce and Family Law partner who has been practicing almost fifteen years exclusively in family law with a focus on collaborative law and mediation. They share insights on how divorce lawyers go about identifying the numbers for the distribution of the marital estate, how they deal with children issues, and more. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
There are a lot of misconceptions that prenuptial agreements are only for the wealthy. Prenuptial agreements can suit all types of clients depending upon their needs. As people get married later on life, they’ve established themselves in careers or have assets to protect. They might want to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement because it preserves that wealth that they’ve taken so much time to build. It could also be for someone who has a significant amount of family wealth. On this episode, we are talking about prenuptial agreements with Beermann divorce and family law attorneys, Tom Field and Katy Mickelson, who both have a wealth of experience working on all types of divorce matters, in this particular case, prenuptial agreements. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Divorce is a tedious process and requires both parties to reach a vital agreement. In another insightful episode, Sandra Napoli-D’Arco is joined by Beermann Divorce and Family Law Partner Beth McCormack and Wealth Manager and Leader of the National Divorce Group at Balasa Dinverno Foltz LLC Heather Locus to talk about wealth management and divorce – all the complexities families or couples go through during divorce. Beth and Heather speak about how, when, and whether you need to bring in a professional to guide you through the process. Getting both parties organized by streamlining their finances and giving them the right fit lawyers make the process less stressful. Learn more from Beth and Heather as they educate us further on the difference between a therapist and a coach, and so much more. — No representation is being made that any strategy shown will or is likely to achieve results similar to those shown in this presentation. BDF does not provide legal, tax, insurance, social security or accounting advice. Clients of BDF should obtain their own independent tax, insurance and legal advice based on their particular circumstances. The information herein is provided solely to educate on a variety of topics, including wealth planning, tax considerations, insurance, estate, gift and philanthropic planning. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Future performance of any investment or wealth management strategy, including those recommended by Balasa Dinverno Foltz LLC (BDF), may not be profitable, suitable for you, prove successful or equal historical indices. Historical indices do not reflect the deduction of transaction, custodial or investment management fees, which would diminish results. Any historical index performance figures are for comparison purposes only and client account holdings will not directly correspond to any such data. BDF clients must, in writing, advise BDF of personal, financial or investment objective changes and any restrictions desired on BDF’s services so that BDF may re-evaluate its previous recommendations and adjust its investment advisory services. BDF’s current written disclosure statement discussing advisory services and fees is available for review at or upon request. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
One mistake couples make when they divorce is starting it with a frame of mind full of resentment, fear, anger, hatred, and all the negative feelings people feel when they get divorced. However, divorce can create a tight-knit family as a result if you take the time to heal and clean up some of the past, so all parties involved could move forward. Sandra Napoli-D’Arco is joined by Beermann Divorce and Family Law Partner Morgan Stogsdill and divorced couple, Nikki DeBartolo and Benjamin Heldfond, to talk about co-parenting and how to tackle this challenging task to change the family for the better and not the worst.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
A father has a significant role in a child’s life. It’s vital that dads have as much parenting time as they can with their kids because the kids need them. Morgan Stogsdill and Heather Rosen of Beermann Law talk about the rights of a father after a divorce. Morgan and Heather share the importance of doing things preemptively to help a father navigate the divorce process and post-dissolution to protect his rights as a father. For Morgan and Heather, creating an arrangement that works is a must for children to maximize the time that they see both their parents. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
No one comes into divorce knowing full well the workarounds of the process. After all, no one enters marriage thinking about having a divorce later on. If by chance you are contemplating a divorce, then Thomas T. Field and Michael D. Sevin, divorce and family law partners at Beermann, have you covered as they give us the Divorce 101. They give us a view on what to expect – from when and how to call a divorce lawyer to all the things you need to prepare. Letting us in on their role in the process, Thomas and Michael talk about handling privacy, conducting the initial meeting, and hand-holding clients. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join the Beerman LLP community today:
One of the most life-changing events in some people’s lives is divorce. John M. D’Arco and Jessica Winkler Boike from Beermann Law talk about maintenance in divorce, also known as spousal support or alimony, and how it is applied. Sharing some of the factors that affect the process on whether the person should or should not receive it, they note the differences between modifiable and non-modifiable maintenance, tackle the tax law changes, and compare the old and new laws affecting maintenance calculation. John and Jessica deal with all of these and more on a day-to-day basis. They say maintenance can be seemingly clear cut by guidelines, but there are always arguments that could be made on both sides that it’s necessary to get expert lawyers to handle the maintenance aspect of divorce.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Why do you need an attorney for your children? Divorce and family law partners at Beermann Law, Beth F. McCormack, and Katy H. Mickelson, J.D. go in-depth on the three roles for attorneys when appointed for children. The lawyers at Beermann Law has built a reputation within the legal community for achieving excellent results in a professional, discrete, and high integrity manner. As Beth and Katy share the do’s and don’ts in dealing with child attorneys, learn the best way to work with them in a domestic relations case. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube
Co-parenting is the ability for parents to make decisions together. Co-parenting is a necessity, but when you get divorced, you need to determine if that’s even a possibility. Joining us to speak about co-parenting are Katy Mickelson and Karen Paige, divorce and family law lawyers at Beermann. Katy has been practicing exclusively in family law for the fourteen years that she’s been licensed. Karen both represents litigants and handle cases on behalf of the children, primarily as a guardian ad litem appointed by the court as well as serve as a parenting coordinator. Katy and Karen give the lowdown on co-parenting and lay down the importance of making important decisions on behalf of your child and how that plays out in a divorce. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Beermann LLP community today:Beermann LLP FacebookBeermann LLP TwitterBeermann LLP LinkedInBeermann LLP YouTube