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Doing Now Today

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Want to record and practice my English at the same time and also share with friends who want to learn Chinese.

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97 Episodes
Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! Daily Chinese conversion. Stand someone up English Peter won’t stand me up, he’s just late. I couldn't believe Peter stood me up. I’m sorry for standing you up the other day. I had a job emergency. Pīnyīn Bǐdé bù huì fàng wǒ gēzi de, tā zhǐshì chídàole. Wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāngxìn bǐdé jìng fàng wǒ gēzi. Hěn bàoqiàn qiántiān fàng nǐ gēzi. Wǒ de gōngzuò yǒu jǐnjí qíngkuàng. traditional Chinese 繁體中文 彼得不會放我鴿子的,他只是遲到了。 我真不敢相信彼得竟放我鴿子。 很抱歉前天放你鴿子。 我的工作有緊急情況。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
No body to speak Chinese with you? I am and would love support New Episode Welcome to “LearnchineseTW”New episode now available. Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English Do you still keep in touch with your classmates? I still keep in touch with many of my school classmates. How do you keep in touch with your friends? Pīnyīn Nǐ hé nǐ de tóngxuémen réngrán hái yǒu bǎochí liánluò ma? Wǒ réngrán yǔ wǒ de xǔduō tóngxué bǎochí liánluò. Nǐ rúhé yǔ nǐ de péngyǒu bǎochí liánluò? traditional Chinese 繁體中文 你和你的同學們仍然還有保持聯絡嗎? 我仍然與我的許多同學保持聯絡。 你如何與你的朋友保持聯絡? -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
You can speak like a native I am and would love support New Episode Welcome to “LearnchineseTW”New episode now available. Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English Peter knew he was a black day because his exam was very poor. French team lost the football game, Peter was a black day. Peter knew he was a black day because he drunk driving. Pīnyīn Peter zhīdào zìjǐ yǐjīng dànànlíntóule yīnwèi kǎoshì kǎo dé hěn chà. Fàguó duì shūle zúqiú sài,Peter jǔsàngle yī zhěng tiān. Peter yào dànànlíntóule yīnwèi jiǔjià kāichē. traditional Chinese 繁體中文 Peter知道自己已經大難臨頭了因爲考試考得很差。 法國隊輸了足球賽,Peter 沮喪了一整天。 Peter要大難臨頭了因爲酒駕開車。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English When are you going to Japan for your trip this year? It’s up in the air due to ticket a little bit over my budget so far. I'm waiting for an airline promotion so it fits my budget and I can go. Pīnyīn Nǐ jīnnián shénme shíhòu qù rìběn lǚxíng? Yóuyú piào jià yǒudiǎn gāo yú wǒ de yùsuàn, suǒyǐ huán bù quèdìng. Wǒ zhèngzài děngdài hángkōng gōngsī de cùxiāo huódòng, zhèyàng jiù fúhé wǒ de traditional Chinese 你今年什麼時候去日本旅行? 由於票價有點高於我的預算,所以還不確定。 我正在等待航空公司的促銷活動,這樣就符合我的預算,我就可以去旅行了。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Peter was pencil in to stay at the transit hotel for one night because the flight was cancelled. Peter pencil in some schedule for next week to visit customers. Peter did not make a reservation and the restaurant Pencil Peter in to waiting list. Pīnyīn Yīnwèi fēijī túrán qǔxiāo hángbān, suǒyǐ Peter bèi línshí ānpái zhùle yī wǎn guòjìng jiǔdiàn. Peter zhànshí xiān ānpái xià zhōu bàifǎng kèhù de yīxiē xíngchéng. Peter wèi xiān dìng wèi, cāntīng xiān zhànshí ānpái hòu bǔ míngdān. traditional Chinese 繁體中文 因爲飛機突然取消航班,所以Peter被臨時安排住了一晚過境酒店。 Peter 暫時先安排下週拜訪客戶的一些行程。 Peter未先訂位,餐廳先暫時安排後補名單。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
How to learn Chinese faster and smarter I am and would love support New Episode Welcome to “LearnchineseTW”New episode now available. Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English Peter and John have totally fish out of water personalities, how could they become good friends? Anna wears jeans in daily life, but today she feels fish out of water to wearing skirt. Peter's strange dress is fish out of water with his friends. Pīnyīn Peter hé John wánquán shì gégébùrù dì xìnggé, zěnme kěnéng chéngwéi hǎo péngyǒu ne? Anna píngcháng dōu chuān niúzǎikù, jīntiān chuān qúnzi juédé hěn bù zìzài. Peter guàiyì de chuānzhuó yǔ tā de péngyǒu xiǎndé gégébùrù. traditional Chinese 繁體中文 Peter和John完全是格格不入的性格,怎麼可能成為好朋友呢? Anna平常都穿牛仔褲,今天穿裙子覺得很不自在。 Peter怪異的穿著與他的朋友顯得格格不入。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Don't throw your book away; it may come in handy. Save some money will come in handy for you when you want to Japan. I keep this document because it comes in handy from time to time. Pīnyīn Bùyào bǎ nǐ de shū diūdiào; tā kěnéng huì pài shàng yòng chǎng. Cún yīxiē qián huì pài shàng yòng chǎng de, dāng nǐ xiǎng qù rìběn de shí hòu. Wǒ bǎoliú zhè fèn wénjiàn shì yīnwèi tā yǒu shí huì yòng dào. 繁體中文 不要把你的書丟掉;它可能會派上用場。 存一些錢會派上用場的,當你想去日本的時後。 我保留這份文件是因為它有時會用到。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
I am and would love support New Episode Welcome to “LearnchineseTW”New episode now available. Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English Peter, your other left, how come you don’t know read Google Map. Are you drunk? Why can't your other left? It's natural for Peter to wear the left socks to the right. It's really your other left. Pīnyīn Peter chángcháng zuǒyòu bù fēn, zěnme huì lián Google Map dūhuì kàn cuò. Nǐ shì bùshì hē zuìle, zěnme zuǒyòu dōu bù fēnle. Peter jiāng zuǒbiān de wàzi chuān dào yòubiān hái hěn zìrán, zhēn de shì zuǒyòu bù fēn. 繁體中文 Peter常常左右不分,怎麼會連Google Map 都會看錯。 你是不是喝醉了? 怎麼左右都不分了。 Peter將左邊的襪子穿到右邊還很自然,真的是左右不分。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Peter found out a large spider in the basement. Peter finds out a shortcut to get there. Peter found out a lot of money under the bed. Pīnyīn Peter fāxiàn dìxiàshì yǒuyī zhī dà zhīzhū Peter fāxiàn yītiáo jiéjìng kěyǐ hěn kuài dàodá mù dì de Peter fāxiàn chuáng dǐxia yǒuyī dà bǐ qián 繁體中文 Peter發現地下室有一隻大蜘蛛 Peter 發現一條捷徑可以很快到達目地的 Peter發現床底下有一大筆錢 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English You are just in time for the baseball game. Peter come back just in time to eat dinner. Peter gots to the station just in time to catch the train. Pīnyīn Nǐ zhènghǎo gǎn shàng bàngqiú bǐsài. Peter jíshí huílái chī wǎnfàn. Peter jíshí gǎn dàole chēzhàn gǎn shàng huǒchē. 繁體中文 你正好趕上棒球比賽。 Peter及時回來吃晚飯。 Peter及時趕到了車站趕上火車。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Learn how to say USA slang in Chinese Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English It's disgusting~ Peter pick his feet and very guitar face. Peter sang in the corridor, and classmate was very guitar face. Peter played a classic music, and everyone was very guitar face. Pīnyīn Hǎo ěxīn a ~ Peter kōu jiǎo kōu de hěn táozuì Peter zài zǒuláng chànggē, tóngxué dōu tīng dé hěn táozuì Peter tán zòule yī shǒu jīngdiǎn yīnyuè, dàjiā dōu tīng dé hěn táozuì traditional Chinese 繁體中文 好噁心啊~ Peter 摳腳摳的很陶醉 Peter在走廊唱歌,同學都聽得很陶醉 Peter彈奏了一首經典音樂,大家都聽得很陶醉 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Go haywire Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English I need a break or I’ll go haywire! Due to this job is stressing me out. My plans for the Sunday just went haywire! Because of I got flu Everything's been went haywire since you were on vacation. Pīnyīn Wǒ xūyào xiūxí yīxià, fǒuzé wǒ jiù shīkòngle! Yóuyú zhè fèn gōngzuò ràng wǒ gǎndào yālì. Wǒ xīngqírì de jìhuà pàotāngle! Yīnwèi wǒ déliǎo liúxíng gǎnmào zìcóng nǐ dù jiǎ yǐlái, suǒyǒu de shìqíng dōu biàn dé luànqībāzāo. 繁體中文 我需要休息一下,否則我就失控了! 由於這份工作讓我感到壓力。 我星期日的計劃泡湯了! 因為我得了流行感冒 自從你渡假以來,所有的事情都變得亂七八糟。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English Where are you going? I will go for a joy ride. Because it is too hot today it was so boring, we decided to go out for a joy ride on our bikes Come down ! You are making me mad. Let's go for a joy ride. Pīnyīn Nǐ xiànzài yào zuò shénme? Yīn wéi tiānqì tài rèle, wǒ yào qù dōufēng. Zhēn de hǎo wúliáo, wǒmen juédìng qí jiǎotàchē qù dōufēng. Lěngjìng nǐ kuàiyào bǎ wǒ bī fēngle, wǒmen qù dōufēng ba! Traditional Chinese 繁體中文 你現在要去哪裏?因為天氣太熱了,我要去兜風。 真的好無聊,我們決定騎腳踏車去兜風。 冷靜 你快要把我逼瘋了,我們去兜風吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
I am and would love support New Episode Welcome to “Doing Now Today ”New episode now available. Please listen, learn, enjoy, like, subscribe and share! English Don ' t worry . it should be a piece of cake for you Learning english is very a piece of cake to Peter Don ' t be nervous . lt ' s a piece of cake for you. This exam looks difficult but it should be a piece of cake for Peter Pīnyīn Bié dānxīn, zhè duì nǐ lái shuō shì hěn jiǎndān de. Xué yīngyǔ duì Peter lái shuō hěn jiǎndān. Bié jǐnzhāng. Duì nǐ lái shuō hěn jiǎndān de. Zhè kǎoshì kàn qǐlái hěn kùnnán, dànshì duì Peter lái shuō yīnggāi hěn jiǎndān. 繁體中文 別擔心,這對你來說是很簡單的。 學英語對Peter來說很簡單。 別緊張.對你來說很簡單的。 這考試看 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
[EP336] Want to speak Chinese; Out of the loop How to say out of the loop in Chinese? There are three example as below Wish you follow me & speak out as you can. Thanks ------------- English Peter is often out of the loop and I really can't stand him We all knew we were going to class this weekend, but Peter didn't know ,he was really out of the loop. It's art class today but you're bringing swimming pants, you're really out of loop Pīnyīn Peter chángcháng gǎo bù qīngchǔ zhuàngkuàng, wǒ zhēn de shòu bùliǎo tā. Wǒmen dōu zhīdào zhège zhōumò yào shàngkè, dàn peter què bù zhīdào zhēn de hái zài zhuàngkuàng wài. Jīntiān shì shàng měishù kè dàn nǐ què dài yǒng kù lái, nǐ zhēn de shì zài zhuàngkuàng wài. 繁體中文 Peter常常搞不清楚狀況, 我真的受不了他。 我們都知道這個週末要上課,但peter卻不知道真的還在狀況外。 今天是上美術課但你卻帶泳褲來,你真的是在狀況外。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
[EP335] On cloud nine

[EP335] On cloud nine


[EP335] On cloud nine English He was on cloud nine that he got 100 points in his school exam I'm really on cloud nine that the government has opened up door. Peter was on cloud nine when he heard the good news Pīnyīn Tā xuéxiào de kǎoshì ná 100 fēn tā fēicháng de gāoxìng. Zhèngfǔ kāifàng guóménle wǒ zhēn de hěn gāoxìng. Peter tīngdào nàgè hǎo xiāo xí shí, fēicháng gāoxìng. 繁體中文 他學校的考試拿100分他非常的高興。 政府開放國門了我真的很高興。 Peter 聽到那個好消息時,非常高興。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
[EP334] I feel you

[EP334] I feel you


[EP334] I feel you English Boss blamed Peter for losing the client! I feel you. That was unfair. It’s Tuesday and I have to stay late at work! I feel you. It sucks to have to work late Pīnyīn Lǎobǎn zéguài bǐdé shīqùle kèhù! Wǒ gǎntóngshēnshòu, zhè bù gōngpíng. Jīntiān shì xīngqí'èr, wǒ dé gōngzuò dào hěn wǎn! Wǒ néng gǎntóngshēnshòule. Bùdé bù gōngzuò dào hěn wǎn hěn zāogāo. 繁體中文 老闆責怪彼得失去了客戶! 我感同身受,這不公平。 今天是星期二,我得工作到很晚! 我能感同身受了。 不得不工作到很晚很糟糕。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sentence a day/Essential Chinese for Beginners/ on the ball English Peter really on the ball and never makes any mistakes. I didn't sleep well last night and I'm not really on the ball today. We need a person who is really on the ball. Pīnyīn Peter hěn jīling, érqiě cóng bùfàn cuòwù. Wǒ zuó wǎn méiyǒu shuì hǎo, suǒyǐ jīntiān fǎnyìng hěn chídùn. Wǒmen xūyào yīgè zhēnzhèng nèiháng de rén. 繁體中文 Peter很機靈,而且從不犯錯誤。 我昨晚沒有睡好,所以今天反應很遲鈍。 我們需要一個真正內行的人。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
[EP332] Learn Chinese by Phrase : Run into/Yùjiàn English My sister run into a close friend at bookstore. Peter and John run into each other at the station. I ran into an old schoolfriend at the supermarket this morning. Pīnyīn Wǒ mèimei zài shūdiàn yù dàole yīgè hǎo péngyǒu. Bǐdé hé yuēhàn zài chēzhàn xiāngyù. Jīntiān zǎoshang wǒ zài chāoshì yù dàole yī wèi xuéxiào de péngyǒu. 繁體中文 我妹妹在書店遇到了一個好朋友。 彼得和約翰在車站相遇。 今天早上我在超市遇到了一位學校的朋友。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
[EP331] Learn Chinese by Phrase : Go bananas/ Fā kuáng English I ' m going bananas over the noise in the next door I ' ll go bananas if i have to do the homework again Don ' t tell him the bad news until tomorrow . he will go bananas Pīnyīn Línjū de chǎonào shēngyīn zhēn de kuài bǎ wǒ bī fēngle. Rúguǒ hái yào wǒ zài zuò yībiàn zuòyè, nà wǒ zhēn de huì fāfēng. Míngtiān zài gēn tā shuō zhège huài xiāoxī, bùrán tā yīdìng huì fēng diào 繁體中文 鄰居的吵鬧聲音真的快把我逼瘋了。 如果還要我再做一遍作業,那我真的會發瘋。 明天再跟他說這個壞消息,不然他一定會瘋掉 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn