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Dollars & Sense

Author: The Australia Institute

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Economic data can tell us a lot about what's happening the economy and society, but it's easy to get lost in data. Dollars and Sense dives into the latest economic figures to explain how they impact you and what they tell us about the state of the Australian economy, with host Greg Jericho, Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia.
31 Episodes
The government is under fire for trying to ‘pick winners’, but green manufacturing could be the pony to get behind, says Greg Jericho. The Australian Government wants to create a future that’s ‘made in Australia’, but can it really compete with the likes of China and the United States? On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg explores whether the new Future Made in Australia strategy could spur on the renewable manufacturing sector – or if the government’s flogging a dead horse. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
The faux-debate over nuclear energy is a distraction from the main game – reducing our emissions to address the climate crisis, says Greg Jericho. With emissions reduction efforts stalled and energy bills spiking, why is Australia’s political class talking about nuclear plants that wouldn’t be ready for decades? On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg Jericho addresses the Coalition’s nuclear ‘nothingburger’ and what’s happening in Australia’s decarbonisation process. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Host: Elinor Johnston-Leek, Senior Content Producer, the Australia Institute // @ElinorJ_L Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
The narrow path

The narrow path


At a time of major uncertainty in the economy, Reserve Bank Governor Michele Bullock’s honesty is refreshing, says Greg Jericho. What is driving the current uncertainty about the country’s economic trajectory? Why did the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) decide to keep interest rates on hold? And what does the latest data reveal about workplace gender inequality? On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg Jericho reflects on the latest interest rate announcement and the barriers to closing the gender pay gap. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Host: Elinor Johnston-Leek, Senior Content Producer, the Australia Institute Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Pick your poison

Pick your poison


The government is trying to strike a delicate balance in the economy, getting inflation down without sending the country into recession, says Greg Jericho. Isn't a surplus in the current economic climate a good thing? What causes productivity growth? And how do other nations measure unemployment? On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg Jericho answers your questions and explains why some commentators are getting giddy for Canadian rate cuts. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Near-zero economic growth is a good sign of how bad things are, says Greg Jericho. After multiple interest rate increases in recent years, it’s the economy – not inflation – that’s slowing, with the latest figures showing that the Australian economy grew just 0.1 per cent in the last quarter. So why is gross domestic product (GDP) growth so hard to come by at the moment? On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg Jericho discusses Australia’s fragile economy and how governments – and the Reserve Bank – can respond. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Inflation isn’t falling as fast as most economists want, but a rate rise now would do more harm than good, says Greg Jericho. With interest rates refusing to fall below three per cent, some analysts are making dire assessments of the Australia economy. But while so-called ‘sticky’ inflation isn’t great, it’s better than risking a huge drop in demand and a deep recession, according to Greg Jericho. On this episode, Greg examines why inflation is refusing to budge and what policymakers can do about it. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
According to the Productivity Commission, wealth inequality declined during the COVID years due to boosted government support payments. And when those payments finished, predictably inequality went back up. The overwhelming majority of gains from economic growth since the GFC have gone to the wealthiest people. On this episode, Greg Jericho discusses inequality, poverty, and government support. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
The pandemic and runaway inflation reversed more than a decade of progress on living standards in just two years – and it’s going to be a long wait for them to inch back, says Greg Jericho. What does the latest data reveal about Australian living standards? Why is there so much fearmongering about a wages breakout? And did the government hit the mark in the budget? On this episode, Greg Jericho discusses living standards, wages growth and this week’s federal budget. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Calling for a ‘short recession’ as an economist is like calling for a ‘small war’ knowing you’ll never be on the frontlines, says Greg Jericho. Inflation isn’t coming down as fast as many hoped, but it’s still heading in the right direction. Some economists are calling for recession, but that’s playing with fire, according to Greg Jericho. On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg calls for calm as policymakers navigate a difficult economic climate. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Budgets are about choices – and successive governments have chosen to punish jobseekers, says Greg Jericho. JobSeeker unemployment payments are “seriously inadequate” according to the government’s Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee. But why has their value fallen so far behind the aged pension? And with budget night fast approaching, will the government choose to fix a broken system – or do its priorities lie elsewhere? Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
What the HECS?

What the HECS?


Annual inflation is on the way down, but rents remain high and many people’s higher education loans are growing, even after repayments, says Greg Jericho. The rising cost of university and record indexation is driving up student debt, putting a major burden on younger Australians. On this episode of Dollars & Sense, Greg explores what the government could do to address the situation, plus the what the latest inflation figures tell us about the health of the economy. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Greg Jericho discusses the decisions facing the Reserve Bank in coming months and a new report showing that rate rises hurt Australians more than anyone in the world. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows that Australians feel the pinch of interest rate rises more than people in any other advanced economy. On this episode, Greg explores the reasons why – and why house prices have more to do with it than the IMF thinks. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions Show notes: ‘Monetary policy, mortgages, and the housing market’, VoxTalks Economics, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
The big budget con

The big budget con


The budget balance usually steals the headlines on budget night, but it’s not that important, says Greg Jericho. With budget night a little over a month away, Greg tees off on Australia’s political obsession with budget deficits. He argues it’s not a good measure of the health of the economy or of who is a better ‘economic manager’ – and the forecasts are often wildly wrong anyway. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Despite claims by some business groups and commentators, a modest wage increase for workers isn’t going to send inflation skyrocketing, says Greg Jericho. On this episode, Greg explains that wages should be rising faster than inflation and says claims a five per cent wage increase for the lowest paid Australians will lead to out-of-control prices and unemployment are little more than fearmongering. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Unemployment dropped in a big way in February, so is the Australian economy now out of the woods? On this episode, Greg Jericho discusses the link between unemployment and recessions, what message the data holds for the Reserve Bank and why Treasury should hold off on the party poppers – at least for now. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Additional editing: Emily Perkins Theme music: Blue Dot Sessions We’d love to hear your feedback on this series, so send in your questions, comments or suggestions for future episodes to Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Housing prices have risen so much in Australia that 2020 prices look almost reasonable. In fact, if the house price to income ratio were the same as it was in 2000, the average price would be nearly $400,000 less. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Subscribe to Between the Lines, the Australia Institute’s fortnightly-ish newsletter. Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme Music: Blue Dot SessionsSupport Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.



Australia’s recent gross domestic product (GDP) figures show that the economy is weak and people are struggling to keep up. So what can the federal government – and the Reserve Bank – do to help? Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. Each week on Dollars & Sense, Greg dives into the latest economic figures to explain what they can tell us about what’s happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. // @theausinstitute Subscribe to Between the Lines, the Australia Institute’s fortnightly-ish newsletter. Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work // @GrogsGamut Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey Theme Music: Blue Dot SessionsSupport Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
A Bad Case of Gas

A Bad Case of Gas


The gas industry likes to tell us it's vital to the Australian economy. But when people are paying more in GST for Taylor Swift merch than many companies are paying in company income tax per year, and the government collects more from HECS than the PRRT, you know something is seriously wrong. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. In Dollars & Sense, each week, Greg Jericho will dive into the latest economic figures, and explain what they can tell us about what's happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. Recorded on Thursday 29th February 2024. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram or visit our website. Subscribe to Between the Lines, the Australia Institute's fortnightly-ish newsletter. Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work Producer: Jennifer Macey  Theme Music: Blue Dot SessionsSupport Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
Wages are up over the past year, for the first time since 2021! Which means your real wage has increased as well, but by a small amount. Also this week, the Bureau of Statistics looked at restraint clauses, or non-compete clauses. So what do they mean for workers, and the economy as a whole? Lower wages, funnily enough. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. In Dollars & Sense, each week, Greg Jericho will dive into the latest economic figures, and explain what they can tell us about what's happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. Recorded on Thursday 22nd February 2024. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram or visit our website. Subscribe to Between the Lines, the Australia Institute's fortnightly-ish newsletter. Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work Producer: Jennifer Macey  Theme Music: Blue Dot SessionsSupport Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.
The Right to Disconnect is attracting criticism from business groups and others, saying it will reduce productivity. Well, it won't. And do they mean productivity, or profits? Also, how negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount delivered massive tax breaks to the rich at the expense of affordable housing for the rest of Australia. Greg Jericho is Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work and popular columnist of Grogonomics with Guardian Australia. In Dollars & Sense, each week, Greg Jericho will dive into the latest economic figures, and explain what they can tell us about what's happening in the economy, how it will impact you and where things are headed. Recorded on Thursday 16th February 2024. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram or visit our website. Subscribe to Between the Lines, the Australia Institute's fortnightly-ish newsletter. Host: Greg Jericho, Chief Economist, the Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work Producer: Jennifer Macey  Theme Music: Blue Dot SessionsSupport Dollars & Sense: for privacy information.