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Don't Believe Everything You Think
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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Author: Michael Ross

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Don't Believe Everything You Think by the Real Reality Show Blog People Person
Having spent a lifetime stuck in the middle of reality I turn now to share my new observations of my new real life in a new real place at a new real time. Sometimes funny, sometimes hungry, sometimes pointed, always honest.
7 Episodes
All In

All In


June 8, is Best Friends Day.  I have a best friend. A best, best friend. A bestest best friend. We physically have been in each other’s company four times in the last ten years, totally maybe 12 days. But we’ve been in each other’s company every day. Together. Wherever we go. I wish you a best friend like that for best friend day. There aren’t many. Only the bestest, and I'm all in with mine! This episode is also available as a blog post:
Time Marches On

Time Marches On


It is only a matter of time that the years won’t mean much of anything because when you are of a certain age you don’t even think about time. You wake up, you eat, you play, you nap, you play again, you eat some more, you sleep.  The only thing that varies from day to day is the expression you are wearing and the feeling in your heart. This episode is also available as a blog post:
Two big things happened in the US on the weekend of May 22-23, 2021. Pennsylvania celebrated 143 Day for the entire weekend and the city of Toledo, Ohio renamed its airport The Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport. Gene Kranz was the director of NASA mission operations, noted for the modern mantra, failure is not an option, and 143 Day was inspired by Pittsburgh’s favorite neighbor, Fred Rogers. Naturally these two belong in the same discussion. Don’t they? Both men have otherwise long resumes of competence, compassion, accountability, and kindness. Failure is not an option. Neither should be kindness. This episode is also available as a blog post:
Speaking of Others

Speaking of Others


We should spend more time welcoming people into our lives than we do figuring what to call them while we keep everybody an arm’s length away. It is time to adopt the Golden Rule, Modified: Speak of others as you would like them to speak of you. This episode is also available as a blog post:
The 36% Club

The 36% Club


You've heard the new no mask talk. I absolutely think it’s wonderful that we have reached a point in this country where we feel good enough about the vaccines and the adequacy of social distancing measures to ease the rigors of life with COVID-19, among those who are fully vaccinated. But for now, even though I am one of the fully vaccinated, I will continue to wear my mask and maintain my distance in public because, and I tell you why here. This episode is also available as a blog post:
It’s been years since I considered changing car insurance but all I can take away from today’s commercials is that if you have a car with a singing hood ornament, the replacement cost must be astronomical! Read me! This episode is also available as a blog post:
A few years ago I had the idea to change the name of my blog, The Real Reality Show Blog to something different. Over time (a lot of time – I started writing the blog in 2012!) the reality wasn't any less but it was sometimes augmented with commentary, thoughts, and suppositions. It became more the musings of some old, single, white guy. In fact, the first alternate name I thought of for the blog was just that - Old Single White Guy. Even though it describes me to a T, it really pushes the bounds of political correctness. Well, come along and listen to how I decided not to change the name of the blog but to start a podcast. Heaven help us all! You can still read this episode on WordPress at