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Doomsday: History's Most Dangerous Podcast
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Doomsday: History's Most Dangerous Podcast

Author: Brad Choma

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Doomsday is a history lesson that easily disguises itself as a horror story. We explore the most traumatic, bizarre and most awe-inspiring but largely unheard-of disasters from throughout human history and around the world including the science behind every disturbing detail. If you like shipwrecks, decapitations, things that melt, living blankets of insects and people screaming for their lives, Doomsday is the podcast for you.
94 Episodes
It’s picnic season, and if you thought ants were the most annoying uninvited guest you could face, have we got a story for you. On this episode: we learn why Georgia and Australia are basically the same thing; we’ll learn why American freight and commuter trains make so many unscheduled stops; and we’ll describe a situation where stop, drop and roll loses all meaning.Also, if you had been listening to this as a Patreon supporter, you would enjoy an additional 10 minutes where we discussed two other related disasters, including the deadliest case of mass curiosity in United States history; you would learn why we run like molasses in our nightmares; and you’d hear the tale of one man who has to be bound and drugged to keep him from jumping out of windows. This came as a request from a listener that I was happy to oblige. It’s a terrible story, but one that reminds us that the shared experience of fear, loss, and uncertainty breaks down barriers that might have previously divided us. Trauma can bond and unite us in ways that ordinary life rarely does. Ironically, it’s the thing that brings us all together on this show. On topic, almost half the bridges in the continental US have been treated worse than residents of seniors homes, so be careful out there. Celebrity guests include silk worm Utopiast, James Oglethorpe; colonial fairy godfather, King George II of England; political opinionist, Kanye West, and a very brief cameo from Jesus Christ.If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for moreFacebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
Bad day at work episodes are some of my favourite. Sometimes you put out a brochure with a typo. Sometimes you ding the bosses car. Very rarely do you accidentally destroy a $30 million nuclear missile. On this episode: you’ll learn the history of human violence from Paleolithic shoving to nuclear annihilation; I’ll teach you how to sneak into a top secret missile silo; and there is a disaster in this episode – but unlike most – this one uses the phrase “blown skinless”.Also, if you had been listening to this as a Patreon supporter, you would enjoy an additional 11 minutes where we discussed how frighteningly close we’ve come to accidental Armageddon and the one man who saved all of humanity; why the government spends $10,000 on a hammer; you’d learn how you can buy your own nuclear missile silo; and you’d hear the story of the fastest manmade object of all time which actually predates the Sputnik launch.As far as bad day at work episodes go, this one has it all. Bad conditions, bad hours, bad moral, leaking poisons, radiation exposure, and a never-ending, sneaking suspicion, that no matter what, you’re probably going to die at work. We’ve never had a work-related episode where if everything goes to plan, everybody dies. Everyone alive at the time spent most days waiting for what seemed like the inevitable apocalypse to come, but some how it didn’t. And by the time you’re finished this episode, you’re going to believe as I do, that us all still being here and alive is a complete fluke. Celebrity guests include the first proto-human to have their face eaten off by a porcupine; mockery of a bad Halloween costume and former President Richard Mulhouse Nixon; the entire Ocean’s Eleven heist team except it’s only actually you, and a very quick cameo from The Little Dutch Boy, who again did nothing, because he wasn’t real. If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
Some people think it’s weird when they hear travel by sea described as romantic. Between the vomiting and the contusions and the lacerations and the spinal injuries – I’m confident this episode will help you discover whatever the opposite of romance is. On this episode:  you’ll learn why Captain James Cook left Hawaii with a knife in his head – and chest – and back and abdomen and face; you’ll learn the clothes-eating, skin-ripping, skull-flattening results of jumping feet first into an active hurricane; and you’ll hear about recovery efforts somehow more damaging than the original disaster And if you were a Patreon supporter, you would also enjoy an additional 10 minutes where we discussed:•  why in about 600,000 years New Zealand will be some of the most prized real estate in the world•  we clarify why a corpse in a captain’s outfit isn’t a must-have after every disaster•  you get a sad reminder that not all ship crews are created equal•  you hear all about the Marmite Disaster of 2011 that killed over 20,000 people and injured another 8,300•  and you’ll learn of the horrific tale of the worst, most sea-sickening voyage of all time.Full disclosure, we’ll make a little bit of fun of Australia in this episode, but less than a minute’s worth, I swear. And it’s all in good fun. In fact, it’s the only real fun to be had. I did this episode as a thank you to a listener from New Zealand, not having been there, and based purely off having read more individual rescue tales for the story than any other episode of this show to date, I have to say this. My first exposure to NZ culture was through a movie called Once Were Warriors. I’ll discuss it quickly in the episode, but it basically painted the country as an urban living hellscape of social problems. My takeaway from preparing this episode is that New Zealanders are warm, caring, brave and selfless. It was a pleasure to put together, and we’ll be back. Celebrity guest stars include: filmmaker and hobbit enthusiast, Peter Jackson; knife-wound collector and world traveller, Captain James Cook; extratropical cyclone and buzzkill, Cyclone Giselle; sea-sickness pioneer and turtle collector, Charles Darwin; and aquatic-themed Diety and pro-nudist, Poseidon.All that said, I am giving away a jar of Marmite to one lucky listener. I just haven’t decided what the contest will be yet…All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
A mountain is just about the most stable and serene thing in nature. But every now and then, one says “not today”! On this episode: we’ll see how a volcano was more deadly to humanity than that asteroid was to the dinosaurs; we’ll meet the most oblivious reporters in history of news gathering; and we’ll see repeatedly what happens when human flesh comes in contact with glowing hot rocks.Also, if you had been listening to this as a Patreon supporter, you would enjoy an additional 9 minutes where we discussed the top four deadliest volcanoes in history, the most famous person in human history to actually swan dive into a volcano, why being eaten by a bears or struck by lightning is better than what happens in this episode, the strange tale of 800,000 Icelandic farting sheep, and what accidentally cooking your friend’s brain smells like – including a quick cooking tip.Even I was impressed with how gory today’s story turned out. There were way more, very specific details I could have shared about various injuries, but decided there had to be a line. As for how many other people will have their faces blown off in unpredicted volcanic eruptions, but one will be too many and a hundred won’t be enough.If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
If you’re like me and you would rather burst into flames than go shopping, have we got the story for you…Special shout out to my UK listeners! On today’s fresh new episode: we’ll see how cold and aloof British parents can be; we’ll see how bad psychology makes some shoppers believe they are practically immortal and fire proof; and we’ll see which planet in our solar system has better, more breathable air than was available in today’s story – and hint, it’s not Earth.Let me mention, there are actually three disasters in this episode. The actual disaster in Manchester, another one at an IKEA right off the bat, and that poor Woolworths that Hitler hated? He hated it with a rocket. And the reaction of some victims of this disaster would lead to the creation of an actual area of study for academics interested in the bizarre behaviour of people in emergency situations. We've had people walk into burning buildings before because of trauma, but this will be something completely different.At the time this episode took place, it was the worst fire-related tragedy since WWII, but we'll also discover how this disaster changed the history of home and business safety and ended up saving thousands of lives.Special celebrity guests include retail super juggernaut, Frank Woolworth; hated former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher; poison obsessed Swiss physicist, Walter Jaeger; worst mother in the world, Catherine McGuinn; British author and redneck enthusiast, George Orwell; former President Donald J. Trump; former Philippino dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his wife, Imelda; and the former wealthiest man in America, Sam Walton.And if you were a Patreon supporter, you would also enjoy an additional 9.5 minutes where we discussed:•   where Philippino dictators and Donald Trump fit into NYC’s real estate dick measuring contest•   where American rednecks came from•   the conspiracy surrounding Mattress stores on every corner across the US•   and we’ll took a minute to find out just how much Hitler hated Woolworths If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for moreFacebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
Someone once said that skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face. Today, we learn that skiing can do a lot worse things to your face than knocking down a tree.On this episode: On today’s episode: we’ll see how hot dogging at work can destroy your soul; you’d forever remember the list of countries that make up the Alps thanks to MILFGASS; and we’ll see how the north American concept of giving out awards regardless of merit actually began with the military. This is I believe our third trip to Bella Italia, and I don’t want to spoil the duplicitous little twist in this episode. There is a story arc of an attempted redemption from sin. Justice will be paper thin. There may be some awards handed out. It’ll get weird, however many times it needs to. If you've never been in a gondola in a wind storm halfway up a mountain, this is as close as you're going to get. And by the time you're done, you'll wish you'd just spent an awful afternoon teetering over certain death. I you had been listening on Patreon, you would have enjoyed an additional 13 minutes where we discussed:•  why I can’t sell stupid moon rocks•  we meet the single least likely and least prepared athlete in the history of the winter Olympics•  we find out who the funniest people roasting in hell are•  and we reveal how Google is trying to convince us all to poison and kill ourselvesIf the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels:Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for moreFacebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
In this episode, homes and buildings will sadly be blown away and destroyed, and you’ll say “fireworks?” and I’ll say “it sure does”. On this episode: we look at the Netherlands pyrotechnic super boner; we explore the fact that a time bomb could be ticking away in your area without you knowing; and we’ll uncover one governments’ habit of sweeping disasters under the rug by cleaving a transport plane through an apartment building. No real spoiler here, but this is one of those episodes where the bad guys carried on the shoulders of the courts like misunderstood anti-heroes, and the authorities in general show a fairly unhealthy disregard for human life. But to pull it back to a human level, these people had their overly-tall hairdos rearranged, and we coined a whole new phrase for this show: “gawk block”. I think I’ll make some gawk blocker t-shirts  … one day.And if you were a Patreon supporter, you would also enjoy an additional 8 minutes where we discussed:•  why the Little Dutch boy was full of crap•  you’d learn how many dead children it would actually take to plug a significant dam break•  and you’d enjoy another whole minisode, all about the all-time deadliest firework related tragedy of all time which may come as a surprise – the wedding of Marie Antoinette to King Louis the XVI! If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at comedy, rescue, crime, danger, death, disaster, education, survival, engineering, history, horror, podcast, safety, scary, explosion, fireworks, Netherlands, Dutch, Europe, catastrophe
The Cleveland Balloonfest Disaster of 1986 | Episode 69 Balloons often represent happiness, but if you’ve ever had to explain to a crying child why their balloon flew away and won’t be coming back, you know that balloons are monsters. On this new and much requested episode: you’ll learn the origin of the phrase, “it seemed like a good idea at the time”; we learn why Cleveland is called the Mistake by the Lake, and we’ll see what is probably the most amount of damage one could possibly hope to achieve with balloons.And if you are thinking of listening to this as a Patreon supporter, for the first time ever, there are TWO ENTIRE MINISODES within this episode that no one else will get to hearThe first on the Cuyahoga River Fire Disaster of 1969; and a second on the Cleveland 10¢ Beer Night Disaster of 1974. We also look at the horrible history of promotions and publicity stunts that backfired catastrophically; and we learned why you never fire guns.About the actual main story here, we are definitely in a Cleveland state of mind, and I will tell you this one quote from the episode: Literally no part of this came together like it was supposed to, and in keeping with Cleveland’s long habit of not having things go it’s way, one observer was quoted as saying “it's actually quite impressive how badly it turned out”. There are terrorist attacks that aren't as successful as balloon fest.If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
Hello all. Welcome to the very first Doomsday Automotive Review segment. I’ve never done one of these before, and most importantly, I shouldn’t have to, but here we are.It was originally released as part of bonus Patreon content, but I'm sharing it here with you now to buy me a few days to get the next episode together. Since we originally brought it up, more Tesla Cybertrucks have wrapped around trees, smoked by semis, accidentally confusing the startup toggle for the self-destruct sequence. And apparently, the reason people are facing that five-hour restart time is because they activated car wash mode. Here’s the thing - as we said, you have to keep this thing as clean as hell - cleaner than anything else you own, and if you use it in a car wash without activating car wash mode - guess what happens? They void your warranty. Good thing no one who owns a Cybertruck needs to work - or they would be pretty fired for that kind of nonsense. And the stock has continued to slump. Might have something to do with lying to shareholders about how many of these things they’ve actually sold. For clarification, they’ve sold less than half of what the original Back to the Future style Delorean did back in the day - and the Delorean is widely regarded a massive commercial flop. Anyways I wanted to thank you all for listening. I’m sharing this with the bulk of my audience just because you deserve to be safe - physically and financially, and I am here for you. I’ll be back next week with an all new episode including two full minisodes inside the regular episode, special for my Patreon listeners. I think getting episodes a little early with no sponsor interruptions and with additional, ridiculously interesting material in each new episode is worth it.   If you agree, you can find out more at It would really help fulfill my dream of doing this full time. If you and a few thousand of your friends could spare a buck or two, you would really help keep the show – and frankly, me – alive Also, send me your screams. I’m going to be holding 2024 auditions for future episode victims!
Fun fact: Airplane accidents have a 95.7% survivability rate, according to the US National Transportation Safety Board. This story actually has a 99.02% survivability rate – but those that do die – you might want to limber your neck, because you’re going to be shaking your head.On this episode: you won’t learn to fly a plane but I will be able to teach you how not to fly one; we’ll learn what happens when you go skydiving at ground-level; and we’ll learn about a victim who was killed by her own rescuers - twice. This story will showcase what became of a once proud company known for safety and innovation, and how they’ve become the laughing stock of airlines. Speaking of laughing, we’re also going to test your sense of humour in this one. For starts, yes, one of the victims has something unimaginable happen, and for no good reason - twice! And it’s not just the circumstances of the death that will get off to a weird start - it’s the media’s coverage of the event. I’ll tell you about that right at the end, and ho lee fuk is it a weird one.Celebrity guests include: virtuoso and piano enthusiast, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; nervous former pilot from Airplane: The Movie, Ted Striker; one-man anti-terrorist task force and movie star, John McClane; and a quick visit from professional worriers, Serena Williams and Tom Hanks.And if you were a Patreon supporter, you would also enjoy an additional 12 minutes where we discussed:•  Canada’s love/hate relationship with a retailer legally called Crappy Tire•  how Boeing became such an absolute fart of a company•  we recapped the beloved Christmas tale Die Hard 2•  we explored the parallels between this disaster and Airplane: The Movie•   and the world’s first safety segment within a safety segment where we cover what to do if you survive a plane crash and the universe tries to Final Destination you about it If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more at: All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : : : : : : : : : : : : : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : : : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
With apologies for the absense of new material, I'm a bit under it and overwhelmed - not much unlike the passengers of the OceanGate Titan Submersible just under a year ago! This is a piece of bonus content which I described as "a somewhat rushed minisode that once again turned out to be not so mini". It was based on the best evidence and understanding of events that was available at the time. I think I can safely say no much has changed since then, so I stand by it. I also stand by some substantially backed-up billionaire bashing.I did my best to cut through the social media clutter and applied my own math as best I could - but the fact about this disaster is it is unprescidented. We're talking about physics and hydrodynamics at levels we have zero experience with, and no real way to test, or reason to try. So many things had to go wrong for this to happen, and I will happily singing-telegram-style deliver the blame directly to Stockton Rush's door.In this new episode, you will learn:•  Just how fascinatingly irresponsible Stockton Rush was•  Why making fun of dead billionaires is good for you•  Exactly how unbelievably nightmarish the last trip of the Titan wasThere will be math and science and gelatinous goo, all for you my loyal listeners.Speaking of Bonus Content. If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
If you got something in your eye, you should rinse it with water or eye drops to try and wash it out. Fair warning: there is not enough over-the-counter eyedrops in the world that would help with today’s story. On this episode: we’ll learn all the ways your car wants to kill you, we’ll learn which member of the original Thanksgiving feast ended up with their head on a pike for 25 years, and we’ll find out what happens when you play rock paper scissors bumper plow. This is the first episode we’ve done where the site of the catastrophe later became an annual sporting event recreating the event. The Frank Rockslide Disaster of 1903 stands as one of the most devastating and tragic events in the history of Alberta and was claimed to be the worst disaster that has even befallen any community in Western Canada.Celebrity guests include: my wife, aggrieved driver; highway enthusiast, Dwight D. Eisenhower;  historical revisionist, Abraham Lincoln;massacre enthusiast, Massachusetts Bay Governor, John Winthrop; and holiday-travel enthusiast, Dante of Dante’s Inferno fame. And if you had been listening on Patreon, you would have enjoyed an additional 10.5 minutes where we discussed:•  landing planes on highways•  how bizarre the Mandela Effect is•  we look at the weird, dark origins of Thanksgiving•  we found out why TripAdvisor and Yelp reviewers hate Plymouth Rock•  we look into why people suck at driving •  and the history of the Cannonball Run If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more at: All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : : : : : : : : : : : : : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : : : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
You ever wish you could just take all your worries and bury them away? Well have we got the episode for you…On this episode: we’ll see what the loudest possible way to wake up is; we’ll learn how rocks can actually work better than scissors; and we’ll learn the three most powerful ways to eradicate evidence of, well, anything.This is the first episode we’ve done where the site of the catastrophe later became an annual sporting event recreating the event. The Frank Rockslide Disaster of 1903 stands as one of the most devastating and tragic events in the history of Alberta and was claimed to be the worst disaster that has even befallen any community in Western Canada.Celebrity guests include: miracle surfing baby, Gladys Ennis; billionaire playboy, C. Montgomery Burns; former Alberta Premier, Fred Haultain; torture marathoner, Sid Choquette; business magnate and former mayor of Butte Montana, Henry L. Frank; and his partner Samuel Wilford Gebo; Royal charter enthusiast, King Charles II of England; explorer and historical murder victim, Hudson; the 9th Duke of Argyll, John Campbell; doorag pioneer, Queen Victoria, and her daughter Princess Louise Caroline Alberta.And if you had been listening on Patreon, you would have enjoyed an additional 15 minutes where we discussed:• lawyers vs British bands• we talked about how I used to write idiot letters to companies and the time I successfully conned an Industrial Spring company• also the time it resulted in my being investigated as a possible threat to Canadian aviation• the oldest companies in history• the most powerful earthquake in Canadian history• we spent some time on the Appalachian Trail hurting ourselves on the Mahoosic Notch• looked at a town that will be on fire for the next few centuries• and what happens when disaster tourism meets shotgunsIf the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : : : : : : : : : : : : : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : : : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
What I’m about to tell you in this episode will sound like nonsense – shocking, highly flammable nonsense – unless you’re from California.On this episode: we’ll learn all about what it’s like to work at what I’m hoping is the worst utility company anywhere in the Americas, we’ll take a look at some of the most backwards and evil business accounting of all time, and we’ll learn what happens when a sidewalk explodes beneath your feet.There is so much to be frustrated about while listening to today’s episode My heart goes out to the simple tax payers of California, whose backs must bear the lashes of being reliant on one of America’s very worst companies for their life-sustaining electricity – without whom this episode could not be possible.Celebrity guests include: gas pipe bomber Monserrate Shirley, lightbulb dunce Thomas Edison, groundwater crusader Erin Brockovich, not-Santa, and King Henry the First of England.And if you had been listening on Patreon, you would have enjoyed an additional 10 minutes where we discussed:• the incredible medical weaponry known as the electric eel• how a fruit company ruled entire countries with an iron fist • the unlikely corporate-destroying legal Vunderkind Erin Brokovich • an explanation on why you’re worth more to your employer dead than alive • we debate the ethics of working on the Death Star • and we also climbed into a HellmouthIf the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : : : : : : : : : : : : : Follow us on the socials for moreFacebook : Instagram : Twitter/X : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
We’re going back to Italy! But it’ll be hard to enjoy all the flavours and sites with your eyes and tongue swelling out of your head!On today’s episode: we’ll learn all about Russia’s almost cartoonish fascination with murder, we’ll learn the best way to get that full-body boil-look, and we’ll learn all the ways your cleaning products can make you not make think so good The last time we were in Italy we had a Tetraology of Terror, our very first interactive disastersode, and hundreds of thousands died in every way imaginable. We don’t know how many people died from the complications of this episode, but it’s nice to do a bloodless story where no one was turned inside-out every now and then.And if you had been listening on Patreon, you would have enjoyed an additional 13 minutes!• We discussed the cartoonish cloak and dagger world of Russian assassination tactics • the lifesaving and bowel cleaning properties of Olestra• We discussed whether Catherine the Great had sex with horses• We covered how disturbingly little vacation time North America gets compared to, well, the rest of the planet really• We discussed the radiance of American superfund sites, including my semi-local favourite, Love Canal• And I included a minisode within the episode telling the unbelievable tale of Times Beach, Missouri and their impossibly poisonous road spraying techniqueFind us on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
In this quick Hail Mary of an update, I'm going to convince each and every one of you to support this show through our shared love of history, and horror, and the comedy that is trauma + time. We'll recap all the tooth-loosening adventures we've shared over the past year, and take a look at a medley of content from the past few months of PATREON EXCLUSIVE content. If this doesn't win you over ... I'll just have to try harder. If you like the idea of this show continuing without the sound of my family and traffic noises in the background, you can join us at any time.If you have commitment issues, you can also buy me a coffee at quickly recap 2023:• We took a rocket to the face• We climbed the Empire State Building• We fell down one of the world’s longest escalators• We went to prison – until it burned down• We went camping – until it burned down• We drove off a bridge• We fell through the roof of a factory while illegally watching a football game• We surfed on toxic waste • We blew up sewers• And roller coasters• And airplanes• And one hell of a cannon• We finally visited the Middle East, which wasn’t as much fun as we’d hoped• We sank a boat• We nearly choked to death on pollen of all things• We even experienced an interactive tetraology of terror in 4D – a first in podcasting historyNot to mention all the mailbagging and minisoding...Find us on any of your favorite channels:Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter :
What hops downstairs, alone or in pairs, enough to block out the sun? Nothing good, I promise. I hope you brought your appetite for destruction – because this episode is going to bug you. On this episode: you’ll learn the horror of insect biomass, we’ll learn that some problems can only be solved with a knife and a fork, and you’ll need them because we are facing our very first extinction level event. And if you had been listening to this on Patreon, we alsowould have discussed whether Aesop was a thieving jerk, we found out Maury Povich never loved you, we met the loneliest/most extreme insects in the world, we found out if having grasshopper superpowers would kill you, we looked at the weirdest historical plague ever, we discussed the most disturbing regional delicacies in the world, and we shared a recipe for cricket protein energy balls.I never preach about environmental issues on the show, but you are going to hear about a kind of insect apocalypse that plays the weather the way my dad used to play the ponies. How big an issue will we be talking about? To this day, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, our story remains the largest concentration of living creatures, ever.Celebrity cameos include the God of the Old Testament; biblical prophet Moses; the Angel of Death, Pharoah Ramesses II of Egypt; Aesop the Greek fable man; Frau Troffea, queen of the Strasbourg plague dance, and human guinea pig John Stapp. Find us on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
It’s been a while since we did an episode with such cartoonish levels of bloodshed and awful behaviour. No joke. This is next level inhumane nonsense here, folks.On today’s episode: We’ll see what happens to the body after spinning around an ocean-going paddle wheel, we’ll see how much woman and children were worth in a disaster before the 1900s, and you’ll find out how bizarre it feels to be stabbed while presumedly waiting to sexually assault drowning victims. And if you were listening on Patreon, you’d also learn how not to become a scurvy-riddled corpse, you’ll hear about the drunk driving death of the most isolated tree on Earth, we’ll see how many maggots or worms it would take to press into a porterhouse steak, we’ll discuss the worst, most blood-soaked maritime shipboard punishments, and we’ll even cover the tragicomic clown show that was the Costa Concordia crash of 2005.I’ve said more than a thing or two here that might give you pause - but let me also tell you, by the time this thing is done, there’s gonna be a parade! Also, I shout out a bunch of new Patreon supporters, but I want to remind you all that there is more than enough room in my heart for all of you. I love and appreciate you all. Enjoy!Find us on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you are a regular listener, consider becoming a supporter. It would really help fulfill my dream of doing this full time. If you and a few thousand of your friends could spare a buck or two, you would really help keep the show alive. I think getting episodes a little early with no sponsor interruptions and with additional, ridiculously interesting material in each new episode is worth it. If you agree, you can find out more at can also buy me a coffee at
This episode contains fart jokes about radiation victims. Viewer discretion is advised.On today’s episode: we’ll watch POWs compete for food in a House Hunters International style format, we’ll visit some of the more irradiated places in eastern Europe, and we’ll learn the difference between a burp and a fart explosion-wise.I’d also like to point out that if you were listening to this episode as a PATREON member, not only would you have heard it sooner and add-free, but this episode would be almost 10 minutes longer as we looked into dead cold war spies, the Instagrammers of the Siberian Maldives, the British sci-fi show lifted directly from this disaster and placed on the moon - Space 1999, the awful reality of nuclear dirty bombs, we visited the single most nuked place on earth, we learn why meteors pretty much have no choice but to kill us, and I gave you a chance to get in on the ground floor of my bullet ant stinging businessThe 1957 Kyshtym Disaster is recognized as the world's first truly major nuclear disaster, ranking third in severity behind only Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi. And yet, despite its incredible pedigree and importance, knowledge of it has faded or slipped purposefully into history’s dustbin, largely unknown to the rest of the world Find us on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
This episode contains fart jokes about radiation victims. Viewer discretion is advised.On today’s episode: we’ll watch POWs compete for food in a House Hunters International style format, we’ll visit some of the more irradiated places in eastern Europe, and we’ll learn the difference between a burp and a fart explosion-wise.I’d also like to point out that if you were listening to this episode as a PATREON member, not only would you have heard it sooner and add-free, but this episode would be almost 10 minutes longer as we looked into dead cold war spies, the Instagrammers of the Siberian Maldives, the British sci-fi show lifted directly from this disaster and placed on the moon - Space 1999, the awful reality of nuclear dirty bombs, we visited the single most nuked place on earth, we learn why meteors pretty much have no choice but to kill us, and I gave you a chance to get in on the ground floor of my bullet ant stinging businessThe 1957 Kyshtym Disaster is recognized as the world's first truly major nuclear disaster, ranking third in severity behind only Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi. And yet, despite its incredible pedigree and importance, knowledge of it has faded or slipped purposefully into history’s dustbin, largely unknown to the rest of the world Find us on any of your favorite channels Apple : Spotify : IHeartRadio : Podchaser : Stitcher : Google : Spreaker : Podchaser : RadioPublic : PocketCasts. : CastBox : Breaker. : Deezer. : Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at or join the patreon at
Comments (11)

Hillary-Heidi Berndt

I absolutely love your style and voice. I wish you had more podcasts.

Aug 26th

sam brown

'gawk block'💀😂

May 30th

sam brown

crazy. I found a great new podcast and potentially my actual cousin. check your FB message requests @BradChoma

Apr 27th

John J Edmund

I am loving this podcast. Discovered it when the host appeared on 10ish podcast and have been hooked ever since. It has history, tragedy, irony and humor. Highly recommend.

Dec 1st

Christopher Scott

1907...NOT 1977.

Feb 12th

stephen martin

About the same training I got for my job.😅

Mar 20th

Stephen Martin

Cut Off His Head and He Had Nothing to Say About That..🤣

Aug 16th

Gary Howard

so far very good

Jan 2nd
Reply (3)