Downtown Dialogues

<p>Welcome to the Downtown Dialogues Podcast, your go-to source for all things happening in our vibrant community! Join us as we dive into the latest news, hot topics, and exciting events shaping the heart of Downtown Sudbury. From business updates to community initiatives, we've got you covered. Tune in and stay connected with your downtown BIA!</p>

"How Wolves Change Rivers" Downtown Dialogues with Guests Dario Zulich and Jeff MacIntyre

Join Kendra MacIsaac (Co-Chair of Downtown Sudbury BIA) as she interviews Dario Zulich, Owner of SWSE, and Jeff MacIntyre, Co-Chair of Downtown Sudbury BIA. Tune in to hear all of the exciting things coming for the future of Downtown!


"Our City of Opportunities" Downtown Dialogues with Guest Mayor Paul Lefebvre

Our very first Downtown Dialogues, Downtown Sudbury Co-Chair Jeff MacIntyre, sits down with Paul Lefebvre to discuss Downtown, a possible new event centre and the opportunity ahead for Sudbury.


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