Dr. HoneymomⓇ

Our mission is to deliver the value people deserve and build a community along the way. Listen in as Dr. HoneymomⓇ shares laughter and lessons from her corporate consulting, in-home Dr. HoneymomⓇ on Demand pediatric practice, and professional speaking business.

Meaningful Meetings 3

Did you know meeting schedules have shapes? Dr. Honeymom explains what they are and how we can get the most from all of them in Meaningful Meetings. "Objective information is my favorite when helping clients so of course I start with their calendar. You can look backwards or forwards.  There's no magic number but in my mind, schedules have distinct shapes.  For example standing meetings, same time same person at scheduled intervals are circles. On paper its seamless and doesn't vary much.  It's the most challenging to change because it's comfortable even when it isn't productive.  Let's talk about that." Meaningful Meetings Dr. HoneymomⓇ


Meaningful Meetings 2

In her newest binge worthy podcast on leadership, episode 2 is all about being prepared.  Dr. HoneymomⓇ keeps it simple as she explains how to get ready for everything from management meetings to interviews. "No matter what the appointment was my mother would have us there before the building opened.  Coming to pick us up? We would be on the cough sweating through our winter coats, ready to run out the door as soon as she saw your headlights! Preparation always adds value because it shows people you value their time and you expect them to value yours.  That's what we're getting at, how do we bring value to these occasionally necessary interruptions to our work called meetings." Meaningful Meetings Dr. HoneymomⓇ


Meaningful Meetings

After wrapping up Professional Speaking Bootcamp Dr. HoneymomⓇ is starting off 2022 with Meaningful Meetings, fresh perspective from an efficiency expert. "When I was a trainee in snowy upstate NY our baby was about 1 month old.  We shared 1 car so my husband would leave work on his break and we'd pick the shortest drive thru available for lunch. Nuggets in one hand and breast pump in the other, wild times! So I get it, people and life are busy. So how do you release the time you already have? How do you identify areas where it may be stuck, misused, or plain wasted?  How do you make that better, not perfect? How does the way we meet with people shape your schedule and your results?" Meaningful Meetings Dr. HoneymomⓇ


Professional Speaking Bootcamp 3: Neutralizing Nervousness

Filling out her Leadership Readiness Series, Dr. HoneymomⓇ brings her unique brand of humor and practicality to this 3rd episode of Professional Speaking Bootcamp.  If you're looking for a power packed 15 minutes, this is it!


Professional Speaking Bootcamp Episode 2

We're back! Now that you've had a chance to listen to yourself, let's preserve and promote the uniqueness of your voice by breaking down the fundamental elements of professional speaking. 


Professional Speaking Bootcamp

So excited about this series designed to give you simple ways to start building your skills.  Listen in as I share the basic elements of voice assessment.  


Corporate Readiness: Rising to the Level of Response

One of my most popular consulting topics is response management. What do I say when I should't say anything? How should I respond to this? Get started with real life tools you can use to strengthen emotional discipline at work.


Welcome to the Hive!

It's Launch Day! I'm here with an introduction to my upcoming series on Summer Safety, Corporate Readiness, and Professional Speaking Bootcamp. Listen to learn more.


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