Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk

Be encouraged and uplifted to build your family upon enduring truths that are built upon God`s word. Whether it is marriage tips or how to raise your sons and daughters, Dr. Dobson and his guests will help you build a stronger marriage and family.

Overcoming Alcoholism

Many people struggle with alcohol and other addictive substances, but very few actually receive treatment. Today on Family Talk, Bob and Pauline Bartosch, authors of Overcomers Outreach: Bridge to Recovery, reveal to Dr. James Dobson their past dependency on alcohol and valium. Ultimately, they both found hope and healing in the Lord, and through support communities in Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. Out of their experience, Bob and Pauline co-founded Overcomers Outreach, a Christ-centered addiction support group.


A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - Part 2

As we continue to remember the harrowing aftermath of 9/11, we must also never forget the One who gave His life to save us from our sins and conquer death. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his sobering conversation with Dr. Steve and Megan Scheibner. They explain their perspective of that harrowing day, and their renewed appreciation for Christ’s payment for our sins. 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” As Steve so eloquently states, “This is the oldest, most important love story ever told. Jesus died on the Cross for you! He is our substitutionary sacrifice. What are you going to do with that?”


A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - Part 1

On September 11, 2001, our beloved country experienced a horrific terrorist attack that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people. On that day, Dr. Steve Scheibner was scheduled to co-pilot American Airlines flight 11, the first plane that crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, but his assignment was changed at the last minute. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Dr. Steve and his wife, Megan, to talk about their experience on that horrendous day.


The Eclipse of God - Part 2

According to Dr. Erwin Lutzer, the great task of the Church is to evangelize, and this is why politics are important in America, so we can accomplish the first task of the Church. On today’s edition of Family Talk, join Gary Bauer as he concludes his inspiring discussion with Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his book, The Eclipse of God. Revitalize your faith as Dr. Lutzer challenges us with his heartfelt plea to come back to the God of the Bible. The God who hates sin and rescues us from our iniquities through His son, Jesus Christ!


The Eclipse of God - Part 1

Many would not refute that our country has become unrecognizable and that our culture is unraveling before our eyes. Today on Family Talk, Gary Bauer talks with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, author and pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, about his latest book, The Eclipse of God: Our Nation’s Disastrous Search for a More Inclusive Deity (And What We Must Do About It). Dr. Lutzer explains, "we need a fresh vision of who God is and not the God we just wish He was.” Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Because you care about our nation and standing up for the truth of the Bible, you won’t want to miss this critical discussion!


Homeschooling Today - Part 2

Too many parents are under the impression that education is simply reading, writing, and arithmetic. On today's edition of Family Talk, Jay and Heidi St. John, who have homeschooled their seven kids, declare that education is never neutral! Dr. James Dobson concludes his discussion with the St. Johns, founders of Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center. They insist that there is always a worldview being taught, but is it one with integrity and honor? In Luke 6:40, Jesus said, "Everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher." That is why Heidi wants to equip her kids with a biblical worldview, so they know why they believe what they believe.


Homeschooling Today - Part 1

No one knows your kids better than you do, so who better to teach them? Maybe you don’t think of yourself as a teacher and the thought of homeschooling sounds too difficult. Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson talks with Jay and Heidi St. John, who homeschooled their seven kids and founded Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center. They share three keys to a successful schooling model: flexibility, the one-on-one tutorial model, and a vision of Christian discipleship. The results? On average, kids who are homeschooled test three grade levels higher than their public school peers.


Quiet Times for Busy Parents

Have you found it challenging to balance the demands of marriage and family, while still having devotional time with the Lord? On today's classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James and Shirley Dobson discuss their best-selling book, Night Light for Parents, an easy devotional for moms and dads to read every night. Each passage has a high-impact short story, questions that will prompt great conversation, and a brief prayer at the conclusion. Hebrews 3:13 says, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Listen to this edition of Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk, as Dr. Dobson and Shirley share personal stories of their own family life, and how a commitment to God and to each other can bolster your marriage.


Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

The average American family is burdened by massive debt, often due to foolish decisions they’ve made with their money. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson continues addressing the subject of financial stability with author and national radio host, Dave Ramsey. Dave describes how to live within ones means, and highlights the distinction between a want and a need. He quotes 1 Timothy 6:6-7 which says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” Dave reminds us to have a proper perspective about material things and the contentment that can only be found in Christ Jesus.


Let the Buyer Beware - Part 1

As consumers, we are bombarded with sales pitches and ads that play on our subconscious, which can cause us to make bad financial decisions if we’re not privy to these marketing ploys. On this classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson talks with author and financial expert Dave Ramsey about the marketing schemes that threaten our fiscal stability. He shares his experience of becoming a multimillionaire by the age of 26, and how he crashed and burned by the time he was 30. “We were foreclosed on, sued, and finally were bankrupt!” Dave also shares how he and his wife were given a chance to start over and how they received a new life in Christ after hitting rock bottom.


The Dangerous Gentleman - Part 2

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his inspiring conversation with Victor Marx and his wife, Eileen, co-founders of All Things Possible Ministries. According to Victor, the world needs men to answer the call to be filled with God’s spirit and be willing to fight mightily against the kingdom of darkness, and to be more like Jesus, who is the greatest example of the “dangerous gentleman!” Proverbs 3:25-26 says, “Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.”


The Dangerous Gentleman - Part 1

According to Victor Marx, co-founder of All Things Possible Ministries, the biggest threat to America is not terrorism, it’s the lack of fathers. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson talks with Victor about his latest book, The Dangerous Gentleman. They also discuss the trauma Victor faced as a young boy, and how growing up without a loving father figure affected his life. You’ll hear unbelievable stories of redemption, rescue and resilience that only the Lord could orchestrate. Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Hear more of all that the Lord has done through Victor and his wife, Eileen.


Passing Hope On To Others - Part 3

According to Kim Meeder, “True and authentic hope is only fully realized, not when we keep it for ourselves, but when we imitate Jesus Christ and give it away. That's when hope becomes mature.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his inspiring interview with Troy and Kim Meeder of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. Be encouraged as Kim shares about the unique personalities of horses, and how attuned they can be to a child in need and bring comfort.


Passing Hope On To Others - Part 2

Many children with physical and emotional scars have a profound connection with horses that have been through similar hardships. For years, Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch has been a refuge for both broken horses and broken children. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson continues his heartfelt discussion with Troy and Kim Meeder. They discuss the impact Kim's grandmother had in her life, as well as stories of the children who have come to their ranch, and how the Lord worked through Troy and Kim’s ministry.


Passing Hope On To Others - Part 1

On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Troy and Kim Meeder. They discuss Kim’s book, Bridge Called Hope, and the origin of their ministry, Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch, bringing hope and healing to all they encounter. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”


Teaching Kids About Sex - Part 2

Teaching your children the truth about sex might seem a bit scary, but if you don't do it, who will? Television? Movies? The public school system? Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson concludes his insightful discussion with Dr. Kevin Leman and Kathy Flores Bell about their book, A Chicken’s Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids About Sex. You’ll not only learn how to give your children the truth and guidance they need about the serious subject of sex, but you may even deepen your relationship with them as well.


Teaching Kids About Sex - Part 1

As a parent you may have experienced an overwhelming sense of panic when you realize it’s time to have that talk about the “birds and the bees” with your kids. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson talks with Christian psychologist, author and speaker, Dr. Kevin Leman, and co-founder of Team Lizzie Bell, Kathy Flores Bell, about the book they co-authored entitled, A Chicken’s Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids About Sex. You’ll be enlightened and entertained as you learn how you can trade those sweaty palms and the dread of “the sex talk” for a much more prepared and natural discussion with your kids.


Courageous Christianity

As Christians living in this modern culture, we must be bold and refuse to keep our beliefs silent. On this classic Family Talk broadcast, Dr. Dobson sits down with law professor and radio journalist, Hugh Hewitt. Professor Hewitt talks about his book, The Embarrassed Believer, and why so many Christ followers are afraid to live out or share their faith publicly. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


Standing Up for Righteousness and Defending the Good News - Part 2

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Gary Bauer concludes his sobering discussion with John Stemberger, president of Liberty Counsel Action, about the dysfunctional state of our society. Despite all the chaos and what appears to be hopelessness in our lives, Gary and John point out the positive and brilliant light they see rising up from God’s people within our culture today. John 12:46 says, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” Join in the fight! According to Gary and John, “We must be good stewards of our Christian citizenship and not waste the valuable influence we have!”


Standing Up for Righteousness and Defending the Good News - Part 1

According to Gary Bauer, senior vice president of public policy at the James Dobson Family Institute, “We are living in a culture that is all too often hostile to faith, family, and freedom!” Never before have we found the family unit more threatened and attacked! Today on Family Talk, Gary discusses the current state of America with John Stemberger, president of Liberty Counsel Action. Though we have faltered as a country and now risk losing it all, we can come together to fight for all that we hold dear. Isaiah 6:8 says, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Be encouraged as Gary and John share their vision and challenge us to never give up, and fight for our religious freedoms, the sanctity of human life and the family!


Erica Fryer

Thank you for your VERY helpful messages 😊 I am struggling with SO many life issues due to my very abusive childhood 😢 💔 😞 😔 though my Mother was my abuser before that and alcohol she brought all 5 of us up in church and I remember her constantly bringing up the name Dr. James Dobson and I have since looked up these different podcasts and they are helping me out with many of my daily struggles and life challenges. So thank you SOO much and God bless 🙏🏻😇🙌🏻💯🙇🏽‍♂️👪🏼💖🧎🏽‍♀️

03-16 Reply

Jonathan Clemens

Thanks for your ministry!

01-13 Reply

Stephanie Dobbs

i went one of his seminars and they where good

12-15 Reply


Absolutely great to teach us how to forgive through the love of Jesus!

03-08 Reply

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