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Author: Allan Lundell

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The future of sex, politics, religion, arts, and science are discussed and dissected by Allan Lundell (DrFuture) and Mrs. Future (Sun Lundell). Strange and wonderful topics and guests. Live Tuesdays at 1:00. Check out for more info..
514 Episodes
Listen Now to 80 Future Now Show Transcript Happy Autumn everyone, my favorite time of year!  I may be a little biased, as my birthday is coming up, but hey, the cooler weather sparks me, what can I say?  My wifey poo, Sun, aka Mrs. Future reports in from Ireland and the Equinox she celebrated there at an ancient megalithic site, Bobby Wilder has exciting news about the therapeutic powers of laser light, space news this week suggests x-ray blasts for moving asteroids away from Earth impacts, and solar power from space via large low earth orbit mirrors focused on earth-based solar farms on Earth.  And this week also features our takeaways, including audio clips, from Danny Sheehan and the New Paradigm Institute on their work in bringing to light secret government info on alien presences on Earth and a pragmatic path forward in providing full disclosure to the public at large.  Plus, the Paradigmn Institute featured a great schmooze and dance party afterwards.  Enjoy! Danny Sheehan calling for full and responsible UAP Disclosure
Listen Now to 79 Future Now Transcript of 79 Future Now We are all in different locations for our latest podcast, Mrs. Future (aka Sun or Marian) on the El Camino trail in Spain, Bobby Wilder in San Francisco, and myself at our home studio in Boulder Creek.  We catch up with Sun Sun Marian (Mrs. Future) on the El Camino in Spainon her pilgrimmage, walking the ancient El Camino Trail in Spain, we interview Michael Mezmer, hypnotist/ghost hunter at the Santa Cruz County Fair, talk to Bobby about the latest in practical longevity elixers, delve into a new glass that generates electricity, a super large tsunami, the Europa mission, AI talk show hosts, and robots that can finally tie shoes!  And don’t forget to look up to the sky this week, to see the super blood moon, accentuated by a partial eclipse! Enjoy… Al Lundell with Michael Mezmer at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Listen Now to 78 Future Now This week we hear from my dear wife and co-partner of this podcast, Sun (aka Mrs. Future) from Portugal, where she is traveling with her sister on a family adventure.  Taylor Barcroft then brings us up-to-date on all the latest and greatest offerings from Apple Computer, particularly the iPhone 16 models and the Series 10 Watch. (hint - if you are into photography, the Pro and Pro Max are your best options).   If you are curious about the feeding frenzy in the Montery Bay lately, it’s the large anchovy schools of fish feeding the other critters, from dolphins and whales to birds, otters, and sea lions. Sounds good for the creatures, but there is this little thing (that has happened before) called an anchovy die-off that has ecological consequences.. A feeding frenzy in Seabird and marine mammal feeding frenzy in Monterey Bay MIT educated Bruce McHenry checks in, not so much for discussing his speciality, transportation, but to inform us of the Fediverse and their latest forum on breaking walled gardens open and connecting them into a free, open and decentralized social network. This could change the way you relate (or likely not relate) to social media. Meet the people that want to do this..Enjoy!
Listen Now to 77 Live from Maui This week we broadcast from Maui with a wonderful selection of friends who clue us in to what’s happening in this Hawaiian paradise.  It’s been a year since the horrible Lahaina fires and recovery has been slow and agonizing to many.  Ed Ellsworth gives us an update on that situation.  To help recover the Aloha spirit of the island, the Maui Arts and Cultural Center in partnership with The Makana Aloha Foundation and County of Maui Office of Economic Development, sponsored a professional production of the famous Broadway play, Man of la Mancha, starring former Broadway actor/singer Richard Cray, and  Hawaii music legend,  Amy Hānaialiʻi Gilliom.  Richard is a big fan of our podcast and we interview him about his epic role of Don Quixote, and the play’s ability to lift the spirits of all who see it.  His partner, Greg Panos, shares with us some of the innovations he sees in the use of virtual and augmented reality and AI music and visuals in enhancing a production’s impact.   Richard Cray and Amy Hānaialiʻi Gilliom Maui maker faire creator Jerry Isdale joins us to share info on Maui arts and tech projects currently underway, his latest works involving dancers, and an update on the formidable looking high tech installations at the top of the local volcano, Haleakalā.  Enjoy! L-R The Futures, Ed Ellsworth, Bobby Wilder, and Richard Cray
Listen to 76 Future Now Show We are briefly back in town, before heading to Maui for a couple of weeks, enough to produce one local show! If the molecule DDL-920 works for humans as well as mice, beyond slowing cognitive decline it may actually restore memories! I you are excited about creating imagery with AI, consider the new Grok-2 image generator, which has far fewer restriction on what you can create than just about every other offering in the field. And in Space News, it would appear that our super valuable metal asteroid, 16 Psyche is rusting, WTF? Our guest, local RFK Jr. supporter Ryan Sarnataro discusses the upcoming presidential election with us, and helps us understand how RFK Jr. is still relevant in the race, especially in his ability to affect Trump supporters. It has also been said that he has so many skeletons in the closet that if they could all come out and vote, he’d win the election! We look at some of those skeletons as well as the core issues in this scintillating politcal discussion with Ryan, Bobby, and us. Enjoy! Sun aka Mrs Future with RFK Jr. supporter Ryan Sarnataro
Listen Now to The Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0 For this podcast we are excited to share with you some of our favorite people we have met over the 15 years of our show, audio clips from our Media Time Machine - Serendipitous choices for this podcast include Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Psychic story maven Penny Kelly, Physicist Nick Herbert, Visionary Humorist Carolyn Casey, Talk Show stimulator Colonel Terry Maxwell, Amanita shamaness Avi Esther, Cosmic Story Editor Nancy Griffith, Life Origins Scientist Bruce Damer, Doc Tom Yarema, Accidental psychic Richard Marriot  Instead of replaying full live shows, we are taking clips of our various guests and combining them with outtakes of others to create a dynamic interplay of thoughts and ideas that are quite engaging and relevant to what’s happening now.  Enjoy and you’ll hear from us in the future! 
Listen Now to Dr. Jonathan Trent Transcript Interestingly Dr. Trent had his start in oceanography and the study of small water-based lifeforms at UCSC back in the 1970’s as an undergraduate. Later at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a post doc in Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry he became one of the world’s experts in how biology was able to adapt to the most extreme conditions on Earth imaginable. He was brought back home to NASA Ames, where he, as an astrobiologist delved deeply into how such life might exist elsewhere in the solar system. NASA did an extensive interview of his career, posted here. Dr. Jonathan Trent Now, semi-retired in the Santa Cruz area, he brings home his knowledge of extreme forms of life in creating solutions to some of our biggest issues of today, namely the escalating food, water, and energy crisis. His latest project is called “UpCycle Systems,” and its goal is to create a cohesive green life support system for our growing need of Data Centers, places that are needed for  cloud computing, AI, Crypto, memory storage, etc.  In Dr. Trent’s vision, data centers will not simply use massive amounts of water and power, they will generate such resources by turning our organic waste  into clean power and water, with excess energy to share. This works through the combination of several innovative technologies, including bioreactors and fuel cells. I think you’ll enjoy hearing Dr. Trent’s story, we sure did! Enjoy.. UpCycle Data Centers that will contribute clean water and energy to the community instead of taking it.
Listen to Future News #75 Now that US national politics is heating up, so are the cheap fakes being made of the candidates, making them heroic, silly, smart, stupid, you name it.  Just for cheap fakes and poltitics and off you go.  We discuss this a bit and look at what can be done.  And since are politics up, Bobby reveals to us his encounters with Kamila Harris, when she was Attorney General in Californa.  Kamila Harris and Bobby Wilder Opiods have been a serious issue for some time and there is some relief in the form of alternative pain drugs soon to hit the market.  And in a study of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, researchers have disovered more detail and how they may work, with the help of MRI imaging of the subject’s brains as they are tripping.  Enjoy!  An MRI study finds that psilocybin can enhance neuroplasticity
Listen to 74 Future Now Podcast Transcript This is the weeked following former president Trump’s assasination attempt, so we start with a few comments on that scene.  It was also sad that Space X lost a full payload of Starlink satellites..On a lighter front, we look at how in the ever loving world we could have an AI beauty contest and who won.  Bobby and Taylor check in with a report on their brand X (Solix F3800) Tesla type Powerwall project (for a third the price), Bobby shares his excitement about a new 2K mile car battery.  The second hour was dedicated to what our local computer repair genius, Luigi Oppido, has discovered about Internet Scams and what you can do about them if you have been engaged by them. Much to look out for, such as gift card scams, the fine art of social engineering, and the crazy scam world of ‘pig butchering.’  Watch out, and..enjoy the show! The Futures with our guest Luigi Oppido on Internet Scams  
Listen Now to 73 Future Now Podcast Transcript This is our first broadcast from the new Santa Cruz Voice studio in downtown Santa Cruz! We discuss the martian habitat sim and its recently released inhabitants at NASA, the saintly geek, and a discussion of a current court case involving our friend Monica McGuire and her Soverign defense in case of traffic violations and resisting arrest. Nordic Dave calls in to share his thoughts.  And then for the second hour there is Katrina and her experiences with QAnon, which you can hear as a separate file, or here!  Enjoy.. Leaving the martian sim
Listen Now to Katrina Vaillancourt on QAnon Rabbit Hole Transcript A professional mediator trained in Nonviolent Communication and a dedicated Bernie Sanders supporter, she found herself unexpectedly spiraling down the rabbit hole of QAnon, triggered by watching the “Fall of the Cabal” series, about how a cabal of Satanic cannibalistic child molesters operating a global child sex trafficking ring runs the Deep State, and hence the world..and that there were ‘good guys’, like Donald Trump, that would save us from this dark swamp of humanity.  She speaks of “Pastel Q,” on how QAnon propaganda was targeted toward Bernie type people like her, creating and enhancing an emotional bond to their narrative.   In our interview, Katrina, with her husband Stephen, speaks of how she was captivated by the QAnon movement, how it affected her, and how she came to her senses and saw the movement from a more wholistic perspective, thanks in part to her use of NVC and communication with people outside of the QAnon world, like her husband.  A profound story of losing and then regaining one’s way, her story is one of hope, and staying sane in our turbulent world, a world further complicated by more and more fake news and false narratives of what is transpiring around us. Enjoy.. Katrina Vaillancourt
Listen Now to 72 Future Now Podcast Transcript Recognizing World UFO Day is a fun part of this week’s show, exploring some of the more interesting recent cases recently in the field..Did you know there were 138 UFO sightings in California alone in the last 6 months? And in our explorations of space, the Polaris Dawn Mission is about to take place, exploring space with humans 800 miles above the earth..compared to the 250 mile high International Space Station.  We also look at the latest in Alzheimer treatments and the body language of the presidential candidates. Enjoy!   Mrs. Future celebrating UFO Day
Listen Now to 71 Future Now Podcast Transcript of show Something for everybody this week, from Mars popcorn, Assange’s freedom, a great report on what was happening at the Augmented World Expo in Long Beach with Nick Venden and Greg Panos, who blew away the conference by an introduction to his virutal immortality talk made by his deceased mother in virtual form!   We discuss the defense tech of Lucky Palmer, a celebrity in the XR universe, and its implications.  Greg demonstrates the power of Udio in making a lyrical song on the spot about Julian Assange’s release and Dr. Dan gives us an update on the Covid virus. Plus, we start with a pre-roll of stories before the show even begins.. Enjoy! Pillow talk takes on new meaning.
Listen to 70 Future Now Transcript of 70 Future Now It’s Summertime and living is fun, unless you are on a deep space mission.  Turns out our kidneys are particularly sensitive to radiation in space, failing after only two years..oh no, what now? Any solutions? We think so! Harvard Cryptoterrestrial GradAnd finally, top academics are suggesting to their brethren that now is the time to consider more expanded concepts of the alien presence.  Ideas like advanced reptilians living underground, staying invisible to the likes of us, transdimensional beings moving through space and time in unusual ways,  ships that enter the earth through volcanoes, the ‘other’ intermingling and living with us for generations, doing who knows what to our minds. Science Fiction or Fact? At least such ideas are now being considered more seriously, or at least sincerely.  Time sensitive this week is a sacred whale cruise in the Monterey Bay, hosted by Michele Newman, a psychic, healer, shamanness, and player of the crystal bowls.  Mrs. Future (Sun) beautifully interviews Michele about this upcoming cruise (Saturday June 22), and if you feel it’s time to connect with Whales in this way, here’s an “Opportunity Knocks” card! :-) Our big AI story this week is about applying the rigorous scientific methods used by SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (to investatigating and evaluating) the growing intelligence of the AIs. Not a perfect match, but lots of cross pollenation here! And we end with callers, including “Master Now” who answers the question of the hour, “Which came first in the timeline, Love or Fun?”   Enjoy!!
Listen to 69 Future Now Podcast Transcript Big announcements from Apple at this week’s World Wide Developer’s Conference, and we have our very own Apple analyst, Taylor Barcroft, to cover the latest and greatest, and Bobby Wilder to discuss just what is “Apple Intelligence.” We think it is particularly exciting that developers will be able to employ AI to both make and be in Apple apps! In Space News, Starship 4 has an amazing flight, Boeing Starliner makes it to the ISS,  Interstellar Clouds may have triggered the last ice age. And then there is gravity without mass, Alter-Magnetism, and AI Steve, running for Parliment in the UK. And then there is Mrs. Future’s plan to raise chickens.. Enjoy!  
Listen to 68 Future Now Show Transcript Long time friends and colleagues Drs. Sideroff and Lufkin recently organized an online summit on the topic of human longevity, featuring many of the leading researchers and thinkers in this cutting edge field. And this week they both published a new book on their latest professional work. In today’s show we interview them both, individually and together. Stephen Sideroff, PhD., is an internationally recognized expert in resilience, optimal performance, addiction, neurofeedback and alternative approaches to stress and mental health. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, with a joint appointment in the Department of Rheumatology at UCLA’s School of Medicine, as well as the Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics. His new book is “The 9 Pillars of Resilience- the proven path to master stress, slow aging and increase vitality.   Robert Lufkin, MD., is a physician/medical school professor (UCLA and USC) focusing on the applied science of health, longevity, and consciousness. After reversing chronic disease and transforming his life he is making it his mission to help others do the same. His new book is “Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine is Making you Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life.” We had a great conversation with these pioneers of healthy Mind/Body dynamics, both individually and together. Enjoy!  
Listen Now to 67 Future Now Podcast  View Transcript Though we covered a fair number of topics in today’s podcast, we kept coming back to discussing the health benefits of fungi, from how they assist the ATP Kreb cycle in generating bodily  energy to memory enhancement and longevity.  We also had the priviledge of once again speaking with Gabrielle Cianfrani, who has created an adaptogenic blend of 14 fungi for optimal health. And there’s something about Ergothioneine and improved cognition and energy.. Go figure.. Meanwhile, Starship Test #4 will be flying shortly as will the Dreamchaser space plane!
Listen to 66 Future Now Podcast Trimtab Times View Transcript ‘Twas a busy weekend for us, with back-to-back dinner parties, and a visit to Whiskey Hill Farms for a tour by David Blum, author of the best seller, “Alcohol Can Be a Gas.”  Besides his innovative alcohol distillary, his experimental farm is growing a number of unusual crops that could support small farmers, such as Wasabi, a plant with a high return for it’s rhizomes.  On the tour was none other than lawyer Daniel Sheehan, who was meeting David for the first time, thanks to a wonderful connector person, Jahn Ballard, from Sebastopol. In this show, we open with an update on the latest from Apple Computer (think M4), thanks to our Apple analyst,  Taylor Barcroft.  From there we delve into a new portable solar generator system by Solex, being installed for Taylor by “Free Energy Bob,” and a report from Gabrielle Cianfrani on “trimtab,” a valuable concept she learned from David Blum (and he from Bucky Fuller).   In Future News we look at Scarlett Johansen’s dispute with OpenAI on the use of her voice for their latest AI’s, we demo and create a tune with the AI music generator, Suno, and delve into the realm of agreements with Master Now, visiting from well, the bigger N:OW .. Enjoy! David Blume demonstrates fuel creation to Danny Sheehan
Listen Now to Gabrielle challenging the AIs View Transcript This show takes the cake when it comes to more unusual content for us.  It started with our correspondent Gabrielle Cianfrani asking a ‘simple’ question before bed, “I’ve been thinking lately that we are just pure consciousness experiencing itself, what do you think about that?” And did a decent job in answering, “What a profound and intriguing perspective! The idea that we are pure consciousness experiencing itself is a philosophical and metaphysical concept that has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. This notion suggests that our essence is not solely bound to our physical bodies or minds, but rather we are an expression of a universal, all-encompassing consciousness.” Gabrielle naturally, took the AI to task, nudging it to go even deeper, by responding, “I think that any time I am not present, truly present, that I am not pure consciousness experiencing itself. I believe that it is consciousness playing a game, a theater, an act. I think that past and future create suffering because they take us away from The only thing that we really know is real which is this moment right now.” How did Meta respond to that? Tune in!  Enjoy.. Gabrielle and the AIs kick around Reality itself.  
Listen Now to 64 Future Now Podcast View Transcript Our very own Taylor Barcroft gives us the update on the latest from Apple, with particular focus on the new M4 processor based iPads. These are Apple’s last offerings before their big World Wide Developer’s Conference next month, and loo quite tasty, if you find the pad format to be your fav form factor.  If you want to full blown M4-based notebook, look no sooner than the fall..   If you ever wanted to regenerate some new relacement teeth, the time is rapdidly approaching  for you to be able to do just that.  A new approach, coming from Japan, and Bobby Wilder is on it! And while we are at it, there is new news on whale communications, and a new 18-wheeler capable engine running on Hydrogen power! Enjoy.. Machine learning aids in discovery of whale ‘alphabet’