
The future of sex, politics, religion, arts, and science are discussed and dissected by Allan Lundell (DrFuture) and Mrs. Future (Sun Lundell). Strange and wonderful topics and guests. Live Tuesdays at 1:00. Check out drfutureshow.com for more info..

69 Future Now Podcast - Apple Intelligence and WWDC 2024 Announcements, AI Steve runs for Office, Newly Discovered Alter-Magnetism, Gravity without Mass, Starship 4 Kicks Ass!

Listen to 69 Future Now Podcast Transcript Big announcements from Apple at this week’s World Wide Developer’s Conference, and we have our very own Apple analyst, Taylor Barcroft, to cover the latest and greatest, and Bobby Wilder to discuss just what is “Apple Intelligence.” We think it is particularly exciting that developers will be able to employ AI to both make and be in Apple apps! In Space News, Starship 4 has an amazing flight, Boeing Starliner makes it to the ISS,  Interstellar Clouds may have triggered the last ice age. And then there is gravity without mass, Alter-Magnetism, and AI Steve, running for Parliment in the UK. And then there is Mrs. Future’s plan to raise chickens.. Enjoy!  


68 Future Now Show - Space News, Interview on Longevity with Stephen Sideroff, PhD., and Robert Lufkin, MD, discussion on their just published books, "The 9 Pillars of Resilience," and "Lies I Taught in Medical School"

Listen to 68 Future Now Show Transcript Long time friends and colleagues Drs. Sideroff and Lufkin recently organized an online summit on the topic of human longevity, featuring many of the leading researchers and thinkers in this cutting edge field. And this week they both published a new book on their latest professional work. In today’s show we interview them both, individually and together. Stephen Sideroff, PhD., is an internationally recognized expert in resilience, optimal performance, addiction, neurofeedback and alternative approaches to stress and mental health. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, with a joint appointment in the Department of Rheumatology at UCLA’s School of Medicine, as well as the Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics. His new book is “The 9 Pillars of Resilience- the proven path to master stress, slow aging and increase vitality.   Robert Lufkin, MD., is a physician/medical school professor (UCLA and USC) focusing on the applied science of health, longevity, and consciousness. After reversing chronic disease and transforming his life he is making it his mission to help others do the same. His new book is “Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine is Making you Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life.” We had a great conversation with these pioneers of healthy Mind/Body dynamics, both individually and together. Enjoy!  


67 Future Now Podcast - Ergothioneine, the 'longevity vitamin,' Adaptogenic Superblend MycoSpectrum, Tauonium-Beyond Hydrogen, The upcoming Starship Flight #4, Dreamchaser to take Flight, Dandelion Rubber, Personality and Dementia

Listen Now to 67 Future Now Podcast  View Transcript Though we covered a fair number of topics in today’s podcast, we kept coming back to discussing the health benefits of fungi, from how they assist the ATP Kreb cycle in generating bodily  energy to memory enhancement and longevity.  We also had the priviledge of once again speaking with Gabrielle Cianfrani, who has created an adaptogenic blend of 14 fungi for optimal health. And there’s something about Ergothioneine and improved cognition and energy.. Go figure.. Meanwhile, Starship Test #4 will be flying shortly as will the Dreamchaser space plane!


66 Future Now Podcast - Whiskey Hill Farm, Trimtab Times, M4 Solex Power, AI Music Demo and Experiment

Listen to 66 Future Now Podcast Trimtab Times View Transcript ‘Twas a busy weekend for us, with back-to-back dinner parties, and a visit to Whiskey Hill Farms for a tour by David Blum, author of the best seller, “Alcohol Can Be a Gas.”  Besides his innovative alcohol distillary, his experimental farm is growing a number of unusual crops that could support small farmers, such as Wasabi, a plant with a high return for it’s rhizomes.  On the tour was none other than lawyer Daniel Sheehan, who was meeting David for the first time, thanks to a wonderful connector person, Jahn Ballard, from Sebastopol. In this show, we open with an update on the latest from Apple Computer (think M4), thanks to our Apple analyst,  Taylor Barcroft.  From there we delve into a new portable solar generator system by Solex, being installed for Taylor by “Free Energy Bob,” and a report from Gabrielle Cianfrani on “trimtab,” a valuable concept she learned from David Blum (and he from Bucky Fuller).   In Future News we look at Scarlett Johansen’s dispute with OpenAI on the use of her voice for their latest AI’s, we demo and create a tune with the AI music generator, Suno, and delve into the realm of agreements with Master Now, visiting from well, the bigger N:OW .. Enjoy! David Blume demonstrates fuel creation to Danny Sheehan


65 Future Now Podcast - Auroras and Special Report- Gabrielle challenges Meta.ai and ChatGPT 4o in understanding the true nature of Reality itself. Guess who is more aware?

Listen Now to Gabrielle challenging the AIs View Transcript This show takes the cake when it comes to more unusual content for us.  It started with our correspondent Gabrielle Cianfrani asking Meta.ai a ‘simple’ question before bed, “I’ve been thinking lately that we are just pure consciousness experiencing itself, what do you think about that?” And Meta.ai did a decent job in answering, “What a profound and intriguing perspective! The idea that we are pure consciousness experiencing itself is a philosophical and metaphysical concept that has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. This notion suggests that our essence is not solely bound to our physical bodies or minds, but rather we are an expression of a universal, all-encompassing consciousness.” Gabrielle naturally, took the AI to task, nudging it to go even deeper, by responding, “I think that any time I am not present, truly present, that I am not pure consciousness experiencing itself. I believe that it is consciousness playing a game, a theater, an act. I think that past and future create suffering because they take us away from The only thing that we really know is real which is this moment right now.” How did Meta respond to that? Tune in!  Enjoy.. Gabrielle and the AIs kick around Reality itself.  


64 Future Now Podcast - M4 iPad Apple Update, Sperm Whale Alphabet, Generating New Teeth, H Engines Challenge Electric

Listen Now to 64 Future Now Podcast View Transcript Our very own Taylor Barcroft gives us the update on the latest from Apple, with particular focus on the new M4 processor based iPads. These are Apple’s last offerings before their big World Wide Developer’s Conference next month, and loo quite tasty, if you find the pad format to be your fav form factor.  If you want to full blown M4-based notebook, look no sooner than the fall..   If you ever wanted to regenerate some new relacement teeth, the time is rapdidly approaching  for you to be able to do just that.  A new approach, coming from Japan, and Bobby Wilder is on it! And while we are at it, there is new news on whale communications, and a new 18-wheeler capable engine running on Hydrogen power! Enjoy.. Machine learning aids in discovery of whale ‘alphabet’


64 Future Now Podcast - Interview - Therapist/Medicine Woman Avi Esther on Amanita Muscaria

Listen Now to Avi Esther View Transcript We had the pleasure of meeting Avi Esther last month when she was in town from the UK for speaking at the Discovery Sessions, the Bay Area’s annual gathering of the psychedelic community. The topic -  “DESTIGMATIZING AMANITA MUSCARIA.”  Amanita Muscaria is that cute archetypal red mushroom with white dots. It’s psychoactive compound  is muscimol, a potent agonist (activator) of GABA, a brain neurotransmitter known for calming effects, and plays a significant role in controlling bodily functions like mood, anxiety, and sleep. It is legal in the US, except for Lousiana. Avi  has researched it’s chemistry and biological mechanisms, Searched out myths and stories from the old world has worked therapeutically with this ancient ally. She honors the ancients of the land who worked with these entheogens alongside the science and ethical practices. We think you’ll enoy what she has to say about our old friend, Amanita Muscaria. Avi Esther with her ally


63 Future Now Podcast - Stellar Black Holes, First Nitrogen Breathing Lifeforms, Animal Consciousness and AI, Trans-Species Communications, Optical Solar System Internet, Wooly Resurrection Update, Martian Spiders, Non-Propellent Propulsion Drive

Listen now to 63 Future Now Podcast View Transcript It appears we may have some new lifeforms on the planet, ones that can take Nitrogen from the air rather than the ground; makes sense considering that 78% of the atmosphere is Nitrogen. Scientists are fascinated, and see this as a big deal, up there with the creation of plants and animals!  Also amazing this week is our exploration of interspecies communications and its intersection with AI.  Yes, contact with critters of all kinds will soon be happening, with AI serving as a kind of Rosetta Stone between us and the myriad of other intelligences that live on this planet.  A fascinating development in trans species communications, with many unexpected twists and turns to come!  Meanwhile, we have successfully used optics for communicating for the first time with a space probe 130 million miles away, and are testing a new kind of space propulsion system that is non-reactive! Just wow!! Enjoy..


62 Future Now Podcast - Living Solar Panels, Llama 3 freely available, Messages from Voyager, Light Sail 3 Launched, Dune 2 & Antisocial Network reviews, Our view of venture capitalist Vinod Khosla's world changing predictions, AI $$ ideas, jokes, and blended coffee!

Listen Now to 62 Future Now Podcast View Transcript A promising future lies in potential symbiotic relationships between our tech and nature.  A example of theat lies with the use of algae in the generation of energy from solar panels.  And…how might the climate change gas of methane be actually useful in making things better for us and our planet?  This week, the Planetary Society’s latest Solar Sail spacecraft is now in orbit, and if successful, could pave the way for easy and cheap travel to other planets..slow but steady.. We were inspired by Nina Paley’s review of the new Dune 2 movie and had to share some quotes with you. And while on the movie front, Mrs. Future had some profound things to say about the Netflix documenatry, “The Antisocial Network,” about the history of 4chan and how it led to the QAnon conspiracy theory and the January 6th riots. Nothing to think about there :-) .  We also discuss some of the big future predictions of venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, such as how expertise will soon be free and we’ll all use AI agents for getting information.  And there are our initial experiments to see how the AI’s can make $$ for us, including the use of humor.  Also  this week we enlisted the free ‘expertise’ of coffee entrepreneur Gabrielle Cianfrani in evaluating AI’s foray into coffee blending, and it’s somewhat atypical choices.  Enjoy! AI creates a new kind of coffee blend that is very tasty


61 Future Now Podcast - Bay Area Solar Geoengineering for Brighter Clouds, Udio AI Audio Demo, Space News and Sonifications, Nordic Dave pilots his Cessna 182 to the Totality Zone and Lives to tell us about it!

Listen to Future Now #61 View Transcript I couldn’t believe it when I read about a geoengineering project changing the reflectivity of clouds in our home, the SF Bay Area, in Scientific American, a mainstream science publication! Maybe there is something to all the airplane trails we see these days that will be discussed to major forums. No such luck in looking at the bigger picture of chemtrails, but there is some light on the topic that is now being discussed in the open.  In our fiest hour we also look at Udio, an audio AI program that allows you to create songs on any topic instantly, Tesla Taxi plans, extra stellar sonification, a strange gamma ray burster, and a dead star that has mysteriously come to life!   The second hour is a delightful conversation with Dave Welch, aka ‘Nordic Dave’ at Santa Cruz Voice on his and Amy’s trip to see the total eclipse of the sun last week via his Cessna 182 aircraft. Dave shares with us what it is like to fly private these days, with over 3500 small airports in the US available, many with services, and close to where you want to go.  We ask about the weather, wifi, autopilot, noise, radar, maps, other planes. Dave compares flying private today to taking cross country road trips in the 1960’s and 70’s…very enjoyable!  Later in the show, Dave delves into his passion for incredible audio, building his own amps and speakers for the best sound experiences possible. We greatly enjoyed our time with him, as you will, I’m sure. Enjoy! Nordic Dave and his Cessna 182 and the 2024 Eclipse


60 Future Now Show - Eclipse stories with ISS View, Lunar Time Zone! Biggest camera ever! Chilean Super Telescope, Hundreds of twin rogue planets discovered between star systems, the singing nuns at Abbey Road.

Listen to Future Now Podcast View Transcript Hope you all enjoyed your eclipse experience, be it partial, full, or virtual!  Our fav visuals were from the ISS, where you could see the eclipse, appearing as a dark cloud-like 115 mile diameter shadow cast onto the planet’s surface, speeding across the continent, southwest to northeast.  Moving at 2400 km/h, the dark shadow turned day into night for 4 minutes or so in towns and cities it swept across, creating a visual interplay of light and dark when seen from low earth orbit.  Check it out..This clips shows two views from space, one from the space station, the other from a Starlink satellite in a higher orbit. The 2024 Eclipse as seen from the International Space Station This week Bobby is remote on the Carrizo Plain, a Central California location famous for wildflower blooms this time of year. He and Katia are in the middle of it all, surrounded by blossoming beauty and lots of crickets!  Bandwidth from there was good via his T-Mobile internet gateway, allowing us to look at the latest on a new lunar time zone, increasing Youtube comprehension speed tips, new useful AI apps, the Chile telescope and proof of the Multi/Universe, one way or another.  Oh yes, and we delve into the mystery of ‘rogue planets,’ traveling between star systems, usually in pairs. And Mrs. Future says, “check out the singing nuns at Abbey Road!” (toward the end of the show). Enjoy! The Singing Nuns at Abbey Road


59 Future Now - Online Eclipse Awesomeness, True Mt. Shasta Magic with Mary Donnelly, R.N.

59 Future Now Show Listen Here View Transcript We are still on the road this week, this time in magical Mt. Shasta, where we introduce you one of it’s residents, Mt. Shasta is rumored to house the Lemurian city of Telos within.Mary Donnelly.  A New Englander trained as an RN in pediatric oncology, she learned of Mt. Shasta via an alternative healer, and feeling she has found her true home, has never looked back.  We speak with her about her journey to mountain and the healing modalities she is now exploring. We begin the show this week discussing some of the hot research being conducted in studying next week’s solar eclipse, including a citizen science project that will allow you to watch the eclipse live, for over an hour, via a series of telescopes networked along the eclipse’s path of totality, enjoy! The Futures (with Bobby on iPad) interviewing Mt. Shasta innkeeper Mary Donnelly, RN


58 Future Now - Interview/Discussion - Making Democracy Wise - with Jim Rough and Casandra Firman

Listen to 58 Future Now Wise Democracy Transcript This week we are on the  road in beautiful Port Townsend, Washington, visiting Jim Rough, founder of www.wisedemocracy.org and Casandra Firman, Jim’s wife and partner in updating democracy as we know it. We all know about the importance of voting, and the necessities of jury duty and national defence as citizens, but have you heard of collaborative ‘choice creation?’ Jim and Cassandra help us understand what that means and why it so important for our modern democracy to embrace. In today’s show we also explore related concepts, such as ‘to-beism’ in relation to the economy, unity through choice creation, the role of George Washington as a ‘space creator,’ building trust, and other elements in keeping our system up-to-date. Enjoy! Meeting with Jim Rough and Casandra Firman 


57 Future Now - Ashland Adventures, Starship trails, Nvidia keynote, Encryption Fears, Amazing Text-to-Music Blues, Distractions, Mindfullness and Hyperlearning, Sound Laser, Interspecies translator, Deepfakes and the Presidential Election

Listen to 57 Future Now - Transcript We are on a roadtrip to Seattle and doing our podcast from AirB&B’s for the next couple of shows. This week is on the road in Ashlandfrom Ashland, a cultural hotspot known for great art galleries, theaters, restaurants, and the home of the world famous Oregon Shakespeare Festival.  We saw the opening production of MacBeth, and Dune, part 2.  Much to discuss and explore this week, as the future is happening now at an increasingly exponential rate, from space adventures  to musical  AI, and human behavior insights.  Enjoy!


56 Future Now - Latest Apple Tech and Taylor Swiftie Download, AI Hitler Goes Viral, How Stories fit Emotions, Boiling Oceans exo-planet, Europa Clipper Mission, Space Poetry, Danny Sheehan on UAP Coverup

Listen to 56 Future Now Show Transcript Some cool stories this week, including our very own Taylor Barcroft’s admission he is a Swiftie, in the Taylor Swift sense of the word. Who knew?  Besides sharing his Swiftie passion he updates us on the latest in Apple Tech, waveforms of the word ‘water’ in many languages onboard Europa Clipperincluding what’s coming up soon, like Siri 2 this summer!   If you’ve ever wondered what Hitler sounds like if he spoke native English, wonder no more, we play you one of the AI clips that has gone viral.  This clip did inspire a political conversation on authoritarianism and US politics, which is rare for us.  The Europa Clipper mission is coming up soon and we share with you some of the magic of this space adventure, as it is exploring a fellow water world in our very own solar system.  There is a cool plaque about water on board, and a world class poem about water, which is quite delightful! Europa Clipper’s planned trajectory over the Jovian moon


55 Future Now - The Elon/OpenAI law suit and the rise of AGI, NASA sonifies entire Galaxy and The Cosmic Hand, Gaian Mind Sensors, Bird-sized Ornithocopter, real-time 3D map of Solar System, Blood test for Dementia, Methylene Blue uses

Listen to 55 Future Now View Transcript Lots happening in the AI universe this week, including Sun’s quite humorous report with examples of Google’s faux paus in the name of woke culture.  EMO by AliBaba is scary-good at taking any source image plus audio and making the image look like they are saying/singing the audio. This can bring to life any decent picture of a person, ressurecting dead friends and relatives, putting words in anyone’s mouth. EMO is not released yet, but should be out in time for fun shenanigans with the upcoming presidential election..We also discuss the law suit between Elon Musk and OpenAI, a big issue when it comes to the public being aware of what’s actually going on with the rise of AGI, Artifician General Intelligence.  Could that holy grail alread exist in the form of Q*, or perhaps even Sora, OpenAI’s formidable entery in the text to video arena? We discuss.   Some great space news this week, including sonification of several interesting areas of interest in space, and a very cool interactive 3D map of the solar system, including the planets, moons, asteroids, space probes, and many earth satellites, all in real time! In the medical world we are excited to report of a blood test that works for some forms of dementia, such as Altzheimers.  Bobby shares a use of biographical video recording that helped his mother, when she was suffering from dementia, and discusses Methylene Blue, a long time compound that seems to stimulate the brain’s neurons by increasing mitochondrial function.  Enjoy! NASA scanning The Cosmic Hand, supernova remants 1700 light years away.


54 Future Now - Space News, Dr. Bruce Damer on the Fourth Path of Psychedelics, Greg Panos on wrangling your AIs

Listen To 54 Future Now  View Transcript Dr. Bruce Damer is a  scientist and entrepreneur known for his groundbreaking work in origin of life research and virtual worlds. With expertise spanning astrobiology and computer science, he passionately explores the intersection of technology and the origins of life on Earth and beyond. Now he is focused on what he refers to the Fourth Path of Psychedelics, or the return to more rigorous research into psychedelics and their potential use in creativity, innovation, and problem solving for today’s troubled world.   Dr. Bruce Damer investigating indigenous psychedelics In the second half of today’s show, Billy Sunshine checks in for a discussion with celebrated VR/AR pioneer Greg Panos on the taming of the AIs, with reference to Google’s Gemini debacle, a problem of serious bias and hallucination on the part of the company’s flagship AI product. Perhaps we need a psychedelic for the AI’s, or are they already tripping too hard and need to be grounded in reality? Greg Panos, being honored as a pioneer in the entertainment industry  


53 Future Now - Stormy weather stories, Our media experiments with AI, In Memoriam- Science Poetry by Len Anderson, Wooden Satellites, Nukes in Space, Lunar Landing!

Listen to 53 Future Now Show Len Science Poetry View Transcript What’s great about stormy weather is that stirs up some great stories, and out here in California it means we have more indoor time.  This translated into more creative time for us play with some of the new AI media tools coming our way.  So in this week’s show you’ll have a preview of what’s possible in telling your tales in more spectacular ways. My favorite experiment so far is our Scifi short, “First Contract,” about a group of intergalactic trader priests negotiating with an off planet entheogenic humanlike tribe living in a tropical rain forest. We have completed just the first couple of minutes sans visuals, a nice tease.. Our last radio broadcast with poet/scientist Len Anderson We are sad about the passing of Santa Cruz poet/physicist Len Anderson, but happy that we are able to share some of his science poetry.  A large part of Len’s work deals poetically with spiritual and metaphysical themes, and funny! One of his poems starts like a joke,”Science and Mysticism walk into a bar, and decide to have it all out in the back alley, each accusing the other of not knowing what he is talking about.,” His friend and colleague on the frontier, Dr. Nick Herbert, wrote a touching in memoriam of Len, on Nick’s blog, including the rest of this poem. So if want to know who won, see you in podcast! 


52 Future Now - New Luna Landings, Evolutionary Chiral Current Tech, Interview - Randall Lee Hopper on Free Food, Vitamins, and Tech for those in need

Listen to 52 Future Now Randall Lee Hopper View Transcript Some great space news this week, including a new US lunar lander touching down this month; if successful, the Nova-C Lunar Lander by Intuitive Machinesfirst US craft on the moon since 1972! We also explore what are known as ‘chiral currents,’ a new approach to tech which may be as significant as electrons are to modern day electronics!   And we had a great interview with Randall Lee Hopper, a local visionary/entrepreneur who shares with us how is able to procure and distribute an abundance of free food, books, tools, vitamins, and consumer tech from both local, domestic, and international sources. We think you’ll appreciate his understanding of our region’s food recycling ecosystem.  He also shares with us his enthusiasm for of a new kind of social space where people can freely eat, drink, talk, read, and connect to create a better life.  Enjoy! Randall Lee Hopper


51 Future Now - Storming in CA, PACE Mission, Whale Tech, Master Now Georgia update, Glowing Plants, Bacterial Plastic to Silk transformers, STOL planes, IO Volcanism

Listen to Future Now 2.6.2024 View Transcript We recorded this show in the aftermath of a large west coast storm, and if you listened in realtime, you would have heard the numerous tech glitches that happened, including dropping off the air multiple times.  But for the podcast version you get to focus on what we found most fascinating this week, not the glitches. In Space News, for example, the PACE mission will dramatically improve our tracking of life and weather over the Earth’s oceans, and led to a conversation on how other creatures of this planet may also benefit from our planetary tech.  If you like glowy things, consider the first commerical glowing house plant, a petunia with a biolumenescent gene from  a South American mushroom!  If that is too silly for you, consider deploying bio-engineered bacteria that eat our waste plastic, a relatively low cost/low impact approach to cleaning up our polymer messes.  We also have fun looking at the new Short TakeOff and Landing aircraft under development, the the exciting new infrared NASA photos of Jupiter’s highly volcanic moon, IO.  Hot spots all over, enjoy! Light Bio’s bioluminescent petunia’s with mushroom glow genes


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