Drawn to a Deeper Story

Drawn to a Deeper Story is about lives that challenge us and the difficult conversations around them. If you've ever wanted to have better conversations, connect more deeply with people and hold a desire to drop judgement, this podcast will help you. It’s a place to listen openly, to absorb people’s truths and to learn how to show up differently for the benefit of everyone. Find out more www.drawntoastory.com/podcast

Parenting a Child With Complex Medical Needs - with Kate Tuckwell

Every parent hopes to give birth to a healthy child, but what happens when things don't go according to our hopes or plans?Are you prepared for the possibly of your child having a medical condition that requires medical interventions and consistent care?This week, Kate Tuckwell shares the complexities and experiences of parenting her son, who has Treacher-Collins Syndrome. Treacher-Collins Syndrome is a congenital condition that affects the bones and tissues of the face. In this episode, Kate talks candidly about the moment she knew that their lives would never be the same again. She also shares what those first 18 months were like, how her and her husband have adapted, what family life is like now with 2 children, and her hopes for the future. Kate lastly discusses the realities of fighting for funding, finding support and community online, plus the importance of visibility.Mentioned in the Episode:Changing FacesJono Lancaster - InstagramNot All Heroes Wear Capes - book by Jono LancasterWonder - filmContact Kate:TwitterMusic:Grant McLachlan


Raising an Autistic Child - with Lori Boll

In 2003, Lori’s son Braden was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This milestone event changed her focus from teaching elementary students to advocating for all children and inclusive education. In this frank conversation Lori talks about what it's like to have raised a son with additional needs. What you will learn:What skills and emotional resources you need as a parent of a child with additional needsWays in which to support your other children to ensure that they feel loved and secure too Why toxic positivity alienates rather than includesLori shares the joys of parenting Braden, as well as some of their greatest challenges as parents. She also invites us into understanding the external conversations around autism, including reactions from strangers, toxic positivity, and how we can all do better for families navigating additional needs.Mentioned in this episode:Temple GrandinDr Stephen ShoreSENIA InternationalContact Lori:LinkedInTwitterMusic: Grant McLachlan


My Life as a Death Care Tutor - with Angie McLachlan

Being a death care tutor is probably one of the most unusual jobs there is. Every single human being is going to die, but despite this, death and dying are still considered a taboo subject in many societies. In this episode, we're going to the heart of the subject. With a wealth of knowledge and a passion for their work, Angie, a seasoned death care professional, shares their unique experiences and insights about teaching people to care for the dead. What you will learn:What complexities may occur with the practical management of a bodyHow death care and funeral have changed in the last 30 yearsWhy death care is important to everyone - and it's not what you think.Angie talks about their work as a tutor and the Ichabod Death Dummies™ they've created to give students a real as possible experience as possible. In this open discussion, Angie talks about the diverse and practical aspects of death care, why they teach this work and why it's important to all us. Whether you are curious about the intricacies of death care, or just what to know what an is Ichabod Death Dummy™, this episode is for you. Angie's conversation might even challenge your perceptions about death, dying, and the art and science of death care.With 30 years experience, Angie provides bespoke and ethical practical care workshops and talks about death care. Assisted for nearly a decade, by The Ichabodies Death Dummies™, Angie designed and built the bodies to demonstrate some of the more complex and common health-care issues. They help students and professionals to ask questions and start 'difficult' conversations. Angie teaches across the UK to funeral service professionals, death doulas and soul midwives, hospice volunteers, community support groups and charities, and also private clients who wish to know more about caring a family member at home.Contact Angie:LinkedIn


Building a Positive Racial Identity in Black and Mixed Heritage Children

Motsabi grew up as a ‘mixed-race’ child in the 1990s in the UK in a blended family in which she was the only person of colour. Her parents took a ‘colour blind’ approach to raising her which meant she ended up navigating the experiences of race and racism on her own. As a result, Motsabi spent much of her childhood believing there was something wrong with her and suffering from high levels of internalised racism, low levels of self esteem and generalised anxiety. She now works to prevent that happening to other Mixed or Black children. Her work focuses on empowering parents & carers to cultivate positive racial identity, belonging and strong self-esteem in children of ‘Mixed’ and ‘Black’ heritage, who live in predominantly white communities.Today, Motsabi talks about how to be aware of when and where your child might experience racism, ways in which to prepare them for life outside of your family, and offers a variety of tips to help parents to embed a strong sense of identity, confidence and self esteem into their Mixed or Black heritage children.Contact MotsabiWebsiteEmailInstagramFacebookMusic ByGrant McLachlan


Facing a Life-limiting Illness - with Maria Baggaley Runningwater

Receiving the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness is not what anyone wants to hear. Yet, is it the doom and gloom so many fear? In this episode, Maria Baggaley Runningwater shares her experience of a cancer diagnosis, how she has chosen to live and offers an approach that could benefit everyone.Maria is also a good friend of my wife and mine. She’s a beekeeper, a soap maker, a deeply spiritual woman. Maria’s approach to her diagnosis has given me a lot to think about and I know after listening to Maria, you’ll have lots to think about too.Maria's meditations:Listen NowA series of meditations and activities to assist development of positive personal growth and spiritual awareness.Episode information:Music by Grant McLachlan


If It Doesn't Work Out, There's Always a Credit Card to Fly Home - with Regina Petra Meyer

Regina Petra Meyer is someone who chose to follow her desire for an adventure. So many people dream about adventures, but never do them and regret it. But when we do follow our dreams, it brings all kinds of life experiences, we never imagined. It also often challenges other people, including ourselves!This week, Regina talks about her experiences of living her dream. She shares the challenges of saying yes to the adventure, the joys it brings, - and reminds us that if it doesn't work out, to make sure you have a credit card at hand to fly home!Follow Regina:FacebookTwitterInstagramWebsiteEpisode information:Music by Grant McLachlan


Transmuting Grief - with Antonia Rolls

After experiencing 6 deaths of people close to her, and most recently her son's, Antonia reflects on these key moments in her life. She shares wisdom about the evolution of her experiences of grief and the ways in which she has chosen to transmute it.Follow Antonia:TwitterFacebook WebsiteUK Resources:Samaritans – FREE Help – Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.orgAdfam – help for families dealing with drug and alcohol addictionAl Anon – Family group support alcohol addiction, drug addiction and addictive behavioursMind – Addiction and Dependency SupportNHS Mental Health ServicesThe British Psychology Society – Find a PsychologistEpisode information:Music by Grant McLachlan


The Art of Loving an Addict - a vox pop

Loving an addict is one of the hardest things someone can do. This week we hear people's reactions to Antonia's Rolls' exhibition, 'Addicts and Those Who Love Them'.In episode 1 of Drawn to a Deeper Story, Antonia spoke about being the parent of an addict. She invited me to her exhibition in Brighton and I went along to to talk to people as they came out. This type of exhibition creates a visceral space and being part of people's processing experiences felt like an important conversation to have. See photos of the exhibition.Contact Antoniaantoniarolls.co.uk – follow Antonia’s workSubscribe to her newsletterYoutubeFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteSubscribe to the mailing listEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResources for helpIn the UKAdfam - help for families dealing with drug and alcohol addictionAl Anon - Family group support alcohol addiction, drug addiction and addictive behavioursCarers UK - Support for carersSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health ServicesThe British Psychology Society - Find a PsychologistMind - Addiction and Dependency SupportIn the USANational Institute of Mental Health - a range of helplinesNational Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Tel: 1-800-273-8255American Psychologist Association -...


Don't let your child be your first Black friend - with Dr Laura Anderson

Even for the most-informed parent, unlearning racism and having tough conversations about race can be confronting. For families formed through transracial adoption, it's essential. This week, I'm talking with Dr Laura Anderson about transracial adoption and particularly, why nurturing a child's racial identity is critical. In this episode, Dr Anderson talks about racism, unconscious bias and why White parents need to feel uncomfortable.She highlights the importance of understanding the intricacies of racial identity and systemic racism and offers ways in which, as a White parent especially, you can nurture your child.Dr. Anderson is a clinical child and family psychologist who has worked with children, adolescents, adults and families for over twenty years. She is licensed in Hawaii and California in the US. She has lived out of the United States on several occasions. Dr. Anderson is currently based primarily in Hawaii. She provides video health services to members of the expatriate community. The areas of her expertise include school-based behavioral health, the assessment of children and adolescents, support for adoptive families, support for gender expansive youth and their families and parenting neurodiverse children and teens. Dr. Anderson has done talks and trainings in the US and internationally on child development, adoption, school-related issues, and issues related to gender identity development. For both personal and professional reasons, Dr. Anderson is passionate about supporting children, teens and families around the globe.PositionalityThis podcast acknowledges that this conversation is between two White women. It comes from a position of wanting to have an open conversation about parenting a child of colour and to encourage other White people to educate themselves about lived experiences of racism and privilege.Follow Dr Laura AndersonCommon Chord Psychology Serviceswww.drlauraanderson.comSocial LinkedInFacebook Mentioned in this EpisodeFamilies in Global TransitionEmbrace Race - WebEmbrace Race - FacebookDonate and Information - social justice campaignsBlack Lives Matter - GlobalThe Bail Project - USAStop Hate UK - UKAboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) - AustraliaSisters Inside - Australia (QLD)Black Rainbow - AustraliaFollow Cath Instagram


Rescuing LGBTQ+ Refugees - with Michael Faila

Care 4 Calais states that the world's refugee crisis is the greatest humanitarian issue of our generation and how we respond will define us for years to come. Among the support and work being done to support refugees however, are the voices of descent; those who seek to demonise refugees and their desire for a safe new life. This attitude has always bothered me intensely. I want to set the record straight. We need hard conversations with those who know first-hand about the truth and realities of refugees. So this week I'm talking with Michael Failla. He's been a refugee activist since 1982 and works closely with LGBTQ+ refugees to get them to safety and resettled in a new country. His work is truly inspiring.Donate SCM Medical Missions - New Life Fund for LGBTQ+ peopleHelp Michael in supporting his refugeesEmail Cath and she'll put you in contact with MichaelResourcesUNHCR - The UN Refugee AgencyAmnesty International - Refugees, Asylum-seekers and MigrantsFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlan


Roeing and Wading through the sea of misogyny

The devastating impact of the overturning of Roe v Wade is very real for millions of women and trans men. In this special episode Cath reflects on the public outrage and pleads to not make injustices 'normal'. She explores the links between #metoo last year and recent events, shares personal stories and offers a 30% discount on her 'Roeing and Wading through the sea of misogyny' tshirt.Listen to get the code!Mentioned in EpisodeArticle about cortisol in pregnancy - Imperial College LondonAbortion information NHSEp4 - Valuing motherhood over womanhoodEp5 - The day I was charged with murderEp7 - Menopause: The final frontierEp10 - Herstory Rising: The patterns of patriarchyEp17 - Parenting a child through traumaRoeing and Wading through the misogyny t-shirt Episode Information Music by Grant McLachlanResources:UKAbortion NHSBritish Pregnancy Advisory ServiceAbortion Support NetworkSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health ServicesThe British Psychology Society - Find a PsychologistAustraliaPregnancy Birth and Baby - Abortion informationHealth Direct - Abortion informationAustralian Abortion Law and Practice Beyond Blue -...


Parenting a Child Through Trauma - with Stephanie

You think you've done everything you can to prepare your child for protecting their physical boundaries and consent and then the devastating happens. You learn that your child's boundaries have been broken. The impact of this kind of trauma is incredibly painful, damaging and long-lasting. The ripple effect means that not only the child suffers, but so do parents and siblings. Personal and shared recovery takes time. In the face of such stressful and emotionally confronting events, how does a family cope?In this episode, Stephanie shares the recent story of her family as they've dealt with the trauma of what happened to her daughter. Stephanie raises important questions about consent, physical boundaries, outside influences on teenagers, and the limitations of the law. She also talks about the importance of understanding your child's silence. What are they not telling you? Do they know how to tell you things and are you giving them opportunities to talk to you? Stephanie's frank and heart-felt words offer real insight into the challenges of expat parenting in different cultures - national, state and familial. Our conversation is challenging to listen to, but an important one for anyone raising children and especially globally mobile families. Mentioned in EpisodeTea and Consent video - Thames Valley PoliceCusp - documentaryEuphoria - USA TV SeriesAnatomy of a Scandal - Netflix seriesNaked Attraction - British dating show on Channel 4ResourcesUKPolice - call triple nine (Tel: 999)Rape Crisis - England and Wales charity with helplineVictim Support - information and supportNHS - Getting helpRape Crisis - Rape and Sexual Abuse Support CentreSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health ServicesThe British Psychology Society - Find a PsychologistAustraliaPolice - call triple zero (Tel: 000)


Discovering You Are a Forced Adoptee - with Liz Harvie

In the expat and globally mobile community we are familiar with adjusting to new cultures, new countries and new homes. In our processing, we often look to our families, our roots, our ancestors and our childhoods. What happens though when that avenue is not available to you? How does it feel to not have the same connection to your roots? Where does that leave you emotionally?In this episode, I talk to Liz Harvie about being adopted and the impact of loss and grief as a child, through to adulthood and to having her own family. In our conversation Liz also shares the deeper impact of discovering that her parents were actually forced to give her up for adoption. Liz offers insights into the social attitudes towards adoption, plus the emotional and physical importance of knowing where you come from. She also explains why the UK inquiry into forced adoptions matters so much to so many.Mentioned in the episodeForced Adoption: Birth Parents Urged to Give Evidence to Inquiry - BBC NewsFollow Liz HarvieTwitterInstagramFacebookFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastSubscribe to the mailing listEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResourcesUKAdoption UK - Support and advocacy for those parenting or supporting children who cannot live with their birth parentsNew Family Social - information/support for LGBT+ adoptive & foster familiesSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health ServicesThe British Psychology Society - Find a PsychologistAustraliaForced Adoption Support (South Australia)National Apology for Forced...


Life with Addictions - with Robyn Flemming

"You never drank THAT much."How often have you heard this yourself or said the same to a friend or family member? Many people consider their level of drinking as 'normal', when in reality it's masking a distressed emotional state. We all develop coping mechanisms to deal with stress and people drink alcohol for a variety of reasons. So when does a self medicating vice become an addiction? As Robyn Flemming shares this week, it's not so much the amount, but the affect it has and what you're seeking through it. It's also about what you're seeking through your drinking - what is the wound your trying to manage? In this episode Robyn talks candidly about her life with addictions, primarily with alcohol, but also other dependencies. She reveals the ever present personal negotiations around her drinking, and the trade offs she made to enable her addictions. For those with no experience of addiction, Robyn will help you to understand the complexities of this path, the internal struggles and what happens when you start to not like your own behaviour.This is a powerful episode that encourages the listener to reflect on the relationship with themselves and explore their own coping mechanisms.Robyn is the author of "Skinful: A Memoir of Addiction" and a freelance book editor. An Australian, she lived in Hong Kong from 1986 to 1993, and was a global nomad from 2010 to 2020. A former "grey area" drinker, she has run five marathons and 48 half marathons all over the world. In 2022, she will resume her global travels. Robyn is a keen smartphone street photographer.ResourcesBuy the book - Skinful: A Memoir of AddictionFollow RobynWebsiteFacebookTwitterFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteSubscribe to the mailing listEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResources for helpIn the UKAdfam - help for families dealing with drug and alcohol addictionAl Anon - Family group support alcohol addiction, drug addiction and addictive behavioursCarers UK - Support for carersSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support Groups


Don't 'Dis' My Ability - with Nicole Demos

What's it like living with a physical disability? We understand that a person may use a wheelchair, but what does that really mean on a daily basis?This week Nicole Demos talks honestly about living with a disability. Nicole opens up, not only about her own emotional journey, but how she's been able to use her life experiences to better serve the students she teaches in special education.In listening to Nicole, you will learn how to be inclusive about disability why visibility is so important, and when not to be 'helpful'.Nicole Demos is proud to be a disabled third culture kid herself with over 25 years of experience in the US and overseas. She holds an M.A in Education from the University of Connecticut, an M.Ed in International Counseling and is currently enrolled in a pilot Social Emotional Behavioral Wellbeing Certificate also from Lehigh University. For the past ten years, Nicole has been a Learning Support teacher for students in grades 6-12 at the International School of Helsinki. Advocacy, Inclusion and Social Emotional Wellbeing are core beliefs that Nicole values and implements daily.Nicole is also a SENIA Europe Board Member and seeks to spread awareness regarding inclusion for all in education. Spending time with loved ones and her toy poodle Sisu, singing, reading, traveling and cooking are Nicole’s hobbies when she is not at work.ResourcesDeMystifying Disability by Emily LadauDisability Visibility First-Person Stories from the Twenty-first Century - edited by Alice WongCrip Camp - DocumentaryBeing Huemann: An Unrepentant Memoir of A Disability Rights Activist by Judith Huemann and Kristen JoinerNina Tame - The Disabled Step-Mum you never knew you needed Find Nicole atInstagramFacebookLinkedInFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastBe a Podcast Guest?Episode informationMusic by Grant McLachlan


False Memories and Contested Sexual Abuse - with Kevin Felstead

False memory isn't a subject you hear much about. If you haven't heard about it, consider yourself lucky. Its impact on the individuals involved and their families can be catastrophic, not to mention the cost to the justice system.Psychiatrist, Paul R McHugh, describes false memory as “a condition in which a person’s identity and interpersonal relationships are centred around a memory of traumatic experience which is objectively false but in which the person strongly believes." (British False Memory Society website)In this episode, Kevin Felstead shares the complexities of working with false memory cases within the UK legal system. He clarifies the difference between false memory allegations and real cases of sexual abuse. In talking about the implications of false memory, Kevin also introduces listeners to the work of the British False Memory Society.Kevin is Director of Communications at the British False Memory Society. Further informationBritish False Memory Society - UK websiteHow False Memories Corrupt Our Identities, Politics, and Justice System - Julia Shaw, TEDxBergenFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastSubscribe to the mailing listEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResourcesWorldwideInternational Domestic Violence Resource Guide 2021UKRefuge - National Domestic Abuse HelplineCitizens Advice - Help for domestic violence and abuseVictim Support - Help for domestic abuseNHS - Getting help for domestic violence and abuseAl Anon - Family group support alcohol addiction, drug addiction and addictive behavioursSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health Servicesa...


Polyamory: Families and Relationships - with Adrienne Sweetwater

The hetero-normative view of family is what we mostly see represented publicly and in the media. We might hear about LGBTQ+ families, but commonly we're shown a couple or a single parent.What about polyamorous families? Can you remember the last time you saw these types of relationships on TV or in the newspaper?In this episode, Adrienne Sweetwater talks about her life in a poly triad. She shares how a queer identity intersects with having a global mindset and being a adult third culture kid. Adrienne offers insights into the difference between one's different emotional and physical needs, plus the complexity and importance of legal protection for poly families living globally mobile lives. And if you're not in a poly relationship and don't quite know what to say when you find out someone is, she gives us all a great way to answer!ResourcesPolyamory Weekly - PodcastThe Ethical Slut - BookPolyamory (Leon Feingold) - TEDxBushwickFollow AdrienneInstagramFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastBe a Podcast Guest?Episode informationMusic by Grant McLachlan


Patterns of Patriarchy: Herstory Rising - with Chrissy Ward

The extent to which patriarchal history still shapes women's lives today is extraordinary. In this episode, we explore just quite how much - from medical treatment, women's experiences in employment, and the social expectations placed upon them.Chrissy Ward offers a fascinating insight into how this history plays out every day in women's lives.Chrissy Ward describes herself as a woman, a witch and a fellow human. It’s time to embrace our inner goddesses! Its been a rocky road … not the chocolate type! I’m a survivor and want to help my fellow goddesses on their pathways.Follow Chrissywww.ravencrowwellbeing.com Follow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastBe a Podcast Guest?Subscribe to the mailing listEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResourcesUKWomen's Health - NHS Find Women's Health Services - NHSSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org AustraliaHealthTalk Australia - Resources and informationBeyond Blue - Mental health supportThe Black Dog Institute - Medical health resources, services and researchSANE Australia - Counselling support, Tel: 1800 187 263 (10am - 10pm)USAOffice on Women's Health - Government website (info, support, treatments)American Psychologist Association - Psychologist FinderOR contact medical services in your country.


Unexpected Listening: 'Being Rock' with Mandy Preece

Today's episode is the last in this first series. We've looked at eight different lives, all challenging in their own way, to the individuals themselves, but also to the people that they encounter. And now you've heard some of these stories, I wanted to conclude the series with giving you something practical, a 'how to'. How do we deal with these unexpected moments? How do we be present with someone when they tell us something that we don't know what to do with? I've brought back Mandy Preece, author and creator of Being Rock, the award-winning communications training. Being Rock is a superb method of listening which gives us the tools to manage the moment when we don't know how to react to what we've just heard.This is a powerful end to this first series as Mandy shares very real and practical techniques that will enable you to be present with people in ways that you never imagined.In This EpisodeHow we listen incorrectlyWhy unexpected listening changes everythingNoticing the elephant in the room and using itWhy 'but' is the word you need to listen toWhat to do when someone rants at youFollow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastBe a Podcast Guest?Subscribe to the mailing listFollow MandyInstagramTwitterFacebookWebsiteBuy the BookEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResourcesUKSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health ServicesThe British Psychology Society - Find a PsychologistAustraliaMensline - help, support, referrals and counselling for menBeyond Blue - Mental health supporta...


Almost married off at 12 with Angie McLachlan

What kind of life must you have lived, when friends ask mutual friends if everything you say about your life is actually true?I invited my wife, Angie to the podcast, not because Ang is my wife, but because having lived with Ang for 14 years, I see the other side of having lived that interesting life which makes people ask such questions. The lives that challenge us are also the lives that aren't seen because people don't quite believe your truth. Ang grew up with an absent father and a mother with manic depression. Add neurodiversity and being gay in there too and you start to appreciate the challenges, the grace, the opportunities, the wisdom that Ang holds. Angie talks candidly about her childhood, how it's impacted their adult life and important relationships, plus offers us an opportunity to reflect on our own hardships to see if we can see them through new eyes.In this Episode:Navigating disability and mental illnessThe importance of your 'safe people' in lifeThe power of objects for triggering memoryWhen your wounds help others towards emotional freedomReframing a childhood with adult eyesTrigger Warning:The podcast includes mention of a golly doll. The doll was given to Ang by her father in recognition of her African childhood, which is very dear to her heart. We acknowledge that the use of the word also represents outdated cultural depictions and advise listener discretion.Follow Cath at Drawn to a StoryInstagramFacebookWebsiteShare the podcastBe a Podcast Guest?Subscribe to the mailing listFollow AngieFacebookEpisode informationMusic by Grant McLachlanResourcesUKMenopause Support UK - Support and informationNHS Menopause - InformationThe Menopausal Expats - Facebook community for support and informationInternational Menopause Society - Promoting education and researchSamaritans - FREE Help - Tel: 116 123, E: jo@samaritans.org NHS Depression Support GroupsNHS Mental Health Servicesa...


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