Dreamsicle: Exploring Dreams and Other Spiritual Gifts

We believe that dreams can be spiritual conduits to personal revelation. Join Megan and Sarah in exploring revelatory dreams and other spiritual gifts that enhance spirituality and lead us to Jesus Christ. Here we discuss how dreams can help us enrich spiritual growth, see God’s hand in our lives, develop faith, and prepare for miracles.

The Ministry of Angels

While there are plenty of General Conference talks that discuss earthly angels, here we explore actual angels—people across the veil who minister to those of us in mortality.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Jesus Said Love Everyone

Amid the divisiveness that has characterized the Year of Our Lord 2020, thanks to plagues, elections, and everything else, we explore the commandment to love one another. Today we discuss the ways Jesus taught us how to seek to understand people who think and act differently than we do by loving, serving, praying for, and sitting with them in their struggles. Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


The Best Worst Christmas

Happy Christmas memories tend to all blend together into a nostalgic glow. It’s the sad, hard, and unusual Christmases that ironically can bring us closer to understanding the profound meaning of Jesus Christ coming to earth in order to be our Savior.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work

Learning precepts line upon line is a concept central to mortality. And yet patience is...not fun in principle or in practice. This episode examines the purpose and practice of waiting on the Lord for answers, for relief, and ultimately for refinement.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Seeing Signs

God has long employed a rich tradition of using signs as a way to confirm faith in believers. In this episode, we discuss the ways we can open our spiritual eyes to recognize the signs our Heavenly Parents send as another witness to us of their love, awareness, and involvement in our lives.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Do the Good Thing

We all face daily decisions which compel us to weigh doing the spiritually-prompted "right" thing over doing the easy, self-centered, or less inspired thing. Here we explore just exactly how we can tap into our innate higher impulses.Find all of the quotes and other notes from today's show here.Follow us on Instagram.


Gratitude Makes You Happy

In this pre-Thanksgiving episode, we examine the long view of gratitude as a foundational virtue—one which both inspires happiness while also inviting good things to come into our lives.Find all of the quotes and other notes from today's show here.Follow us on Instagram.


The Power of Love

Love—what a concept! Today we explore the immensity of the power that love is in uniting, lifting, and ultimately saving people. Spoiler alert: it’s bigger and more powerful than we sometimes think.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


The Jesus Episode

While we talk about Jesus every chance we get on Dreamsicle, this episode is dedicated to looking at how we can truly see and internalize Him as our true, consistent, ready Savior. Jesus Christ is inevitably our answer, and here we unpack this eternal truth.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Anatomy of a Miracle

Today’s conversation addresses the question, “What constitutes a miracle?” We discuss the expansive and ubiquitous nature of divine power in regular life, and address the quiet, private, and personally meaningful nature of most miracles.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Paying Attention to Patterns

When we are yearning for more spirituality, it’s helpful to understand divine patterns, which are how our Heavenly Parents operate. Noticing the patterns we perceive in our own revelatory experiences can teach us to receive more and better discern what we are receiving.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Carving Out Quiet

Modern life is a raucous experience, not entirely conducive to quiet reflection. And yet, being quiet and still is the historic, means-tested method of receiving inspiration. Today’s conversation examines how we can carve out meditative moments and why God speaks in stillness.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Light & Shadow

What purpose do the seasons of darkness we face spiritually and emotionally serve? We explore the concept of living through cyclical periods of darkness, and discuss how we can orient ourselves toward the source of light, even when we are currently in shadow.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Spiritually Gifted

What are spiritual gifts and how do they function in our personal and collective spiritual growth? In this episode, we discuss the universality of these spiritual propensities, and explore how using them can lift and inspire the people in our circle of influence.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Revelation: Are You There God? It’s Me, Yearning

This episode explores the notion of personal revelation from Heavenly Parents as something that is accessible to everyone, and which can enrich our lives with purpose, hope, and direction. We address what revelation can look like individually, and how it can speak to and lift us in the ways we desperately need it.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Through a Glass Dreaming

In this episode we discuss memorable, meaningful dreams, which have proven to be both revelatory and instructive in helping us navigate our lives with greater intention. We reflect on the long and storied history of dreams as revelation in scripture and church history to both prophets and essentially all people who seek to understand the will of God and develop their personal spirituality.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


The Tempest Is Raging

Life inevitably drags us through hardship - tempests, darkness, the deepest abysses. In today's episode, we discuss some of the struggles we've faced and how finding Jesus and intentionally choosing to believe Him helped us calm our personal storms and unlock the flow of revelation in our lives.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


Introducing Dreamsicle: A Podcast Exploring Spirituality

Have you ever had a dream that felt different? We have found dreams to be revelatory, instructive, comforting conduits to heaven. Enjoy this brief introduction to Dreamsicle -- a weekly podcast exploring spirituality, revelation, and how our spiritual gifts lead us to Jesus Christ.Find all the quotes and additional show notes here.Follow us on Instagram.


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