Drive With NAR

Drive With NAR podcast—powered by REALTOR® Magazine—is the latest value-added member benefit for REALTORS®. Get your “aha moments” on the go with the Drive With NAR: REALTOR® to REALTOR® Series, offering business-building tips and takeaways from real estate pros. Drive With NAR: The Safety Series, a partnership with the REALTOR® Safety Program, examines risks brokers and agents face on the job, with firsthand accounts from members highlighting tools, tips, and tactics to help members stay safe in the field. Don’t miss an episode—subscribe and listen now!

How MLS Safety Fields Support Broker Cooperation

Many real estate professionals may start noticing new safety fields in their MLS. How MLSs gather information on property safety conditions can be important. But don’t misunderstand what these safety fields are for because inaccuracies can cause a ripple of issues. Host Tracey Hawkins discusses the purpose of MLS safety fields, as well as best practices for using them, with two practitioners who have been intimately involved in bringing these fields to fruition. This episode is sponsored by Offerpad.


Which Housing Stats Matter Most to Your Business?

The real estate market is changing on a daily basis, and the housing data you’re looking at today may not be relevant tomorrow. So, how do you know which statistics to pay attention to, and how reliable can they be? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal goes behind the numbers with real estate pros Barb Betts and Mark T. Donnelly, both of whom have developed specific strategies around applying industry research to their business and sharing actionable data with their customers. They say the best data you can find lies within a tool you likely use every day.


Safety Basics New, Seasoned Agents Should Remember

When real estate professionals develop a comfortable work routine, it's easy to fall into patterns of practice that potentially could put you at greater risk. An agent with more than 20 years of experience and one who's been in the business just under a year talk about their impressions of safety in the industry.


How Does Your Real Estate Business Survive a Disaster?

When preparing for a natural disaster, real estate professionals need to think about safety in terms of not only their physical workplace—whether at their home, office or elsewhere—but also their access to critical business and client data. Take it from REALTOR® Rocky DeVon, whose community in Washington state was burning in a wildfire at the time this episode was recorded in August. Host Tracey Hawkins talks to DeVon about how his real estate business is powering through the 20th blaze in his lifetime, as well as how the REALTORS® Relief Foundation saved his neighbors. Former FEMA inspector and trainer Coni Meyers, who faced a tropical storm in Las Vegas, where she lives, also joins the conversation with disaster preparedness and insurance tips.


Are Brokers Responsible for Their Agents’ Safety?

Though real estate agents are independent contractors, brokers are wise to offer safety training and other resources to help agents protect themselves on the job—partially to avoid possible liability. Brokers who have built safety programs for REALTORS® at their companies discuss how they did it and how it’s helping.


What Should Workplace Safety Look Like in Real Estate?

An Indiana real estate agent tells her harrowing story of being attacked at a vacant property. Thought leaders assess the real estate industry’s effectiveness at highlighting workplace safety issues and discuss how real estate agents and brokers can consistently avoid becoming a victim of crime. Plus, an honest take on the threat level for women versus men.


Creating a Culture of ‘Psychological Safety’ in Real Estate

“Psychological safety,” the concept of an open environment in which you feel comfortable speaking up about anything that bothers you, is a growing conversation in the real estate industry. How can brokers create psychological safety within their companies, and what can agents do to support this culture? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal discusses with two safety and wellness experts who say REALTOR® Safety Month is the perfect time to start thinking about your plan.  Get more real estate safety resources at 


Where Should Real Estate Pros Cut, Spend Money?

In a slow real estate market, agents’ income may be falling along with home sales. Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned practitioner, you may have difficulty deciding which expenses to cut from your business. Further, how should you reinvest the savings to bolster your nest egg? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal brings in two real estate pros who teach best practices for financial wellness. This episode is sponsored by the Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness. 


Educating Home Sellers on Brokerage Cooperation

With practice changes on the horizon, sellers need to understand their options and the benefits of cooperating with other brokerages, including the potential of offering cooperative compensation and the impact that may have on the home selling and buying experience. As home buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals adjust to these changes, it is important for members to have clear and transparent conversations with consumers. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal and two real estate pros discuss how and why it is important to emphasize the seller conversation following NAR’s proposed settlement agreement. 


The Road to Accepting and Adapting to Change

Adapting to change can cause stress and anxiety, but real estate pros who understand and embrace the industry changes that are coming under NAR’s proposed settlement agreement will be in a better position for success. It starts with building your own confidence in your skills and expertise as an agent. What’s the best way to do that? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal talks with two pros who have been through changes and learned how to help themselves adapt and succeed. 


Helping Buyers Who Have Settlement Questions

Some consumers may have questions about how the practice changes will impact their experience buying or selling a home. Low-income home buyers, military veterans, and other underserved groups may need specific guidance to understand how compensation will work in their transactions. Do you know how to support your clients and keep them on the path toward homeownership? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal convenes a roundtable with three real estate pros who serve these markets. 


Why Take Fair Housing Training If You Know the Law?

Many real estate professionals may think all they need to know about fair housing is what the law requires of them. “It’s more than just the law,” says Sabrina Brown, an instructor of NAR’s “Bias Override” course. “It’s how you treat people. It’s how you practice your business on a daily basis.” To truly evaluate whether you’re representing your entire community—start by examining your client base—you need to go deeper in your self-reflection. Host Marki Lemons Ryahl and two fair housing experts discuss how to use NAR’s new fair housing training requirement, which takes effect in 2025, as an opportunity to challenge yourself and your business practices for the better.


How Your Clients Can Finance Green Home Upgrades

The existing housing stock isn’t built to meet increasing consumer demand for greener living. So, if your buyers want a high-performance home, they’ll likely need to retrofit a property with energy-efficient features. That may sound like an expensive process, but there are financing options to help your customers reach their goals. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal speaks with two sustainable housing experts about the green financing avenues every agent should know. This episode is sponsored by the Center for REALTOR® Development.


Win Over Clients, Colleagues Who Feel Threatened by DEI

Not everyone understands or recognizes the vital role that diversity, equity and inclusion plays in real estate. Some even see the DEI movement overall as unfairly hostile toward people who are perceived to be privileged. This is a misguided notion—but one that real estate pros must confront in their quest to support a freer, fairer real estate market. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal speaks with two real estate pros who are part of underrepresented groups and fight every day against biases and stereotypes.


Stay Accountable When You Miss Your Target Goal

Real estate professionals consider their business plan their Bible, especially at the start of a new year. But chances are good that potential curveballs in the housing market may throw you off your goals as the year progresses. What’s important is how you respond and adjust your plan of action in these challenging moments. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal speaks with two practitioners who have advice for what to do when you realize you need to make changes to your business plan in order to stay on track.


Help Military Buyers Overcome Stigmas Around VA Loans

Real estate professionals can honor military veterans by getting educated about how VA financing works. This knowledge will help agents bust pervasive myths that sometimes put military home buyers at a disadvantage in the transaction. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal discusses serving those who serve with two military experts who teach NAR’s Military Relocation Professional certification. Hear why they say military clients may require extra support in the homebuying process. 


The Sitzer/Burnett Trial: A Pivotal Moment in Real Estate

The National Association of REALTORS® is at trial defending the American MLS model, which is being challenged in two class-action antitrust lawsuits. The first case in Kansas City, Mo., known as Sitzer/Burnett, is happening now. And the outcome could have a lasting impact on the way real estate transactions operate. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal speaks to NAR Chief Legal Officer Katie Johnson to help you get the details you need to know about this important moment for the real estate industry. Get updates on the trial, as well as information on actions you can take to support NAR’s position, at


What Real Estate Pros Can Learn From MLS Cyberattack?

The cyberattack on MLS vendor Rapattoni, which took down 23 MLSs nationwide for weeks in August, has left real estate agents and brokers wondering how they can prepare for the next time something like this happens. (After all, hackers are virtually guaranteed to target MLSs again in the future.) Podcast host Marki Lemons Ryhal speaks with two members of NAR’s MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board, who delve into the issue and offer cybersecurity action items real estate pros can take now.


Real Estate Agents Are Under Constant Threat Online

“There is no such thing as privacy.” That’s a warning from national real estate safety trainer and educator Tracey Hawkins when it comes to how practitioners operate online. All the tools real estate agents and brokers use on a daily basis—even Google—are capturing their personal data and that of their clients, Hawkins says. And new real estate technology enhancements, like artificial intelligence, are helping cybercriminals find new ways to infiltrate private data. Hawkins joins host Marki Lemons Ryhal to talk about how real estate agents and brokers can plug the security holes in their business while exploring new innovations in the industry. Nashville, Tenn., broker Brian Copeland joins the conversation to talk about where agents need the most cybersecurity training and how that affects a company’s brand.


Why Real Estate Tech Developers Need Your Feedback

Real estate technology developers aim to solve pain points in the transaction. But unless they have intimate knowledge of how the real estate business works, how do these developers know whether their products are making a difference for you? That's where real estate pros come in. You can work with developers to offer insights into how their solutions are working in the market and what they can do to bring more value to agents and their clients. Join host Marki Lemons Ryhal as she discusses technology with two pros who are exploring the future of real estate.


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