Drone Law Pro

We are drone lawyers who understand the business, intellectual property and FAA compliance aspects of sUAS. If you are a drone pilot, service provider or enterprise looking to integrate UAV into your operations, we have you covered. If you are looking to grow your drone business, this podcast is for you. Subscribe to our podcast on any of the platforms below or your home device by searching "Drone Law Pro"

The three things I learned last week February 15, 2020

Are you a drone service company still in start up mode? Have you developed a new piece of hardware or software for unmanned Uriel vehicles? Then the show is for you.


Drone Data Forensics: Interview with Expert Forensics Expert David Kovar from URSAsecure.com

All that data being captured by drone.   But what if you need a forensics expert to secure it, extract it, analyze it and report on it?  One of the few data forensics experts in the UAV space tells us how drone data is being used by lawyers, insurance companies, drone manufacturers and others for forensics purpose, as well as predictive technology.  David Kovar from URSA is our special guess on Drone Law Pro Radio.....


How to Get a Part 135 Certification: Interview with Prism VP Guido Fuentes

Yes!  Drone delivery is finally being approved by the FAA. Learn how to get your Part 135 certification in this DLP Radio interview with Guido Fuentes.  The certification process utilizes a phase and gate system that has 5 distinct phases and 3 gates.  We discuss the FAA’s rigorous safety requirements to qualify for an air carrier certificate, the requirement of  extensive data and documentation, as well as test flights.  Guido is the Director Facilitation & Training @ Professional Resources In System Management, LLC (PRISM), Director Operational Safety & Quality @ AviancaTACA Limited, Director of Engineering @ Aviones de Colombia.  UPS< AMazon and Google are all getting into the drone delivery game. Fidn out waht it takes for you to get there too. 


Michigan Coalition of Drone Operators. v. Genessee County Parks

Did you know that there is a lawsuit filed for declaratory judgment by a group of drone pilots against Genessee County for passing an ordinance prohibiting drone use in the park?  Well now you do!  And we have it covered at Drone Law Pro Radio. In this episode we interview Jason Harrison, our friend from a Fed 2019  episode who was handcuffed and issued a ticket for flying his drone in a Genessee County, Michigan park. The police accidentally activated the drones camera and microphone before confiscating the drone, leading a a video and audio recoding all the way from the park into the police station (click here to check out the footage). Now Jason has been left no choice but to start a lawsuit by the Michigan Coalition of Drone Operators to declare the ordinance invalid under MCL 259.305 which precludes municipalities in Michigan from regulating drone use or ownership. Want to know more? Listen and share this story of community action by drone pilots fighting back against unlawful laws and regulations seeking to ban drone use. 


Episode 21 - Part 107 pilot and firefighter Jason Harrison discusses his detention and near arrest

Jason Harrison is a Part 107 pilot who was handcuffed and ticketed for operating his drone in a park located in Genesee County, MI.  He fought the ordinance and convinced the prosecuting attorney that the local ordinance was a violation of Michigan Law, which precludes municipalities from regulating the operation of drones by citizens.


What if you get sued? Interview with trial attorney Mathew Berard.

As autonomous vehicles continue to evolve and become more prevalent, the risk of injury or property damage increases. What should you be thinking about in order to reduce your litigation risk? Matt practices product liability litigation with a strong focus on automotive, autonomous vehicles, aviation and drone law. As an FAA certified private pilot, he leverages his flight knowledge and technical training to defend major product manufacturers in complex product-related claims.


From the Ground Up: Interview with Keva Creative - Storytelling with Drones

Want to learn how to use aerial photography and videography to tell stories? In this episode of From the Ground UP, we interview Terry and Cher Brown from www.kevacreative.com to learn how passion and prior expertise, matched with drones, can provide the professional work product to your drone service customers.


DLP Episode 18: Interview with DSP Great Lakes Drone

Wondering how to get your drone service business off the ground? "From the Ground Up" is a program designed to get you the insights you need from successful drone service providers.


Episode 17 - Understanding How Quality Impacts Price for DSPs

Every drone service provider wants to what being a professional drone service provider is more than owning a drone and flying in GPS mode. If you want to provide quality services, you need to be a better pilot, to understand the software and apps at a higher level and continually improve the value proposition for customers. In this episode of DLP Radio, you will gain valuable insight into all of these subjects and more..


What Every part 107 Pilot Needs to Know About the 2018 DRONE MARKET SECTOR REPORT

Interview with Colin Snow from Sky Research and www. droneanalyst.com and Isabella Gustave from UAVCaoch.com about the 2018 DRONE MARKET SECTOR REPORT. What are the hot areas for drone service providers right now and in the near term? What is the current state of the sUAS market for drone-related services? Listen and learn in this episode of Drone Law Pro Radio.


What is the current standard for "on demand" drone insurance for Part 107 Operations?

Tomer Kashi the CEO of www.SkyWatch.ai is on the show today talking about the drone insurance their the groundbreaking SkyWatch app. Create a safety record to reduce rates, purchase ala carte coverage of more than $1 million dollars, obtain monthly insurance for drone operations and leverage big data to your competitive advantage. Tomer gives us the inside scoop on a industry leading technology that is competing head to head against Verifly.


Interview of SportzDrone.com- A sUAS Business Focused on Surfing & Sports.

Want to learn about what is happening 'on the ground' with sUAS operations for surfing and sporting events? Here is a look behind the curtain of sportzdrone.com.


InterDrone 2018 - Interview with Angle Drone Solutions

Want to know what is happening on the ground with sUAS? At InterDrone 2018, we speak with drone service providers who are already making it happen. Ron Angle from Angle Drone Solutions provides insights from his sUAS business.


Protecting your drone operation from liability

Every drone flight crates potential for liability. But your liability goes beyond drone operations. Every business is exposed to liability as a result of contract disputes, employee disputes and interactions with their website visitors. Beyond personal injury and property damage, you could get sued for trademark infringement or copyright in infringement. In this episode, you will learn some basic tips on how to protect you and your business from liability.


The Importance of Your Trademark, Brand and Reputation in the Drone Market

Most companies is the drone space form a company with the state in which they are located, register a domain name, design a logo and then focus on flying their UAV under Part 107. However, you need ot remember that your business reputation is wrapped up in your company name, slogans and logo. Registering your trademarks with the USPTO, monitoring for infringement and enforcing your trademark rights is critical and adds real-world value to your company.


Why You Should Attend InterDrone 2018

InterDrone is the conference for Part 107 pilots, service providers and tech companies. In this interview Make Pehel and Katie Flash from InterDrone discuss what is new for the 2018 show, SEPTEMBER 5-7, 2018 at the Rio Hotel.


Using Your Drone Service Contract To Educate Prospective Drone Service Customer

Thinking, acting and appearing professional are key market barriers against 'fly by night' drone pilots. If you want to get paid like a professional, you need to educate your customer. Learn how to use your documents, including your drone service contract, to your best advantage.


How to Use Drones in Your Company: Interview With Consultant Jim Rosen

Want to learn how your company can start using drones? In this episode, we interview consultant Jim Rosen about the challenges companies face when starting their own drone program. Whether for internal use, or as an added service for your customers, learn about the challenges that await.


Tips on How to Pick a Name For Your Drone Company

Don’t pick a company name which is descriptive or obvious. You won’t have nearly as strong of a trademark is if you pick a company name which is unique. Learn more about trademark protection in this show


How the Current Privacy Debate WiIl Impact the Drone Industry

In this episode, drone attorney Enrico Scheafer discusses the impact which the current privacy debate will have on drone pilots, drone service providers and UAV tech companies. Privacy has always been a concern in UAV. It is about to become a bigger one.


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