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Drop It: Weight Loss, Wellness, Wisdom
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Drop It: Weight Loss, Wellness, Wisdom

Author: Nick Geoppo

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Welcome to the compassionate, no bullsh*t sustainable weight loss podcast, where Nick Geoppo takes you on a profound journey of transformation and self-discovery. Through raw and unfiltered storytelling, Nick shares his personal saga of shedding 110 pounds and maintaining it for over five years after a lifetime of gaining and losing weight, offering candid insights, practical tips, and invaluable lessons learned along the way.

Join Nick as he navigates the complexities of weight loss, emphasizing sustainability, fostering a healthy relationship with food, and embracing weight loss as the ultimate teacher of self-improvement. Each episode of Drop It provides a glimpse into Nick’s transformative experiences, delving into the intricacies of maintaining long-term success and overcoming common pitfalls.

Discover actionable strategies for sustainable weight loss, uncover the truths behind popular diets, and learn how to cultivate a profound shift in mindset. Through authentic conversations, relatable anecdotes, and motivational insights, Drop It empowers listeners to reclaim ownership of their health and well-being, inspiring them to embark on their own transformative journey.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your weight loss journey or celebrating your achievements, Drop It serves as your steadfast companion in attaining lasting change and embracing a healthier, happier life.

Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo for additional transformative content, and join the Drop It community today.
24 Episodes
In Episode 24 of Drop It, Nick Geoppo delves into the critical role of food quality in achieving sustainable weight loss. This episode challenges the conventional wisdom of "Calories In, Calories Out" by emphasizing the significance of nutrient-dense, whole foods in addition to caloric balance. Nick explores how solely focusing on calorie counting overlooks the crucial aspect of food quality. He highlights the pitfalls of consuming predominantly processed foods while striving for a caloric deficit, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and compromised well-being. By prioritizing whole, natural, single-ingredient foods, listeners learn to nourish their bodies adequately while maintaining a caloric deficit. Discover why prioritizing food quality is essential for reducing cravings, boosting energy levels, and enhancing overall well-being. Nick emphasizes that feeling better leads to greater adherence to weight loss plans, making healthier choices, and maintaining consistency with workouts. While "Calories In, Calories Out" remains a fundamental principle, Nick reveals how elevating food quality transforms weight loss journeys, making them more sustainable and rewarding. Join Nick Geoppo on this insightful exploration of the nuanced relationship between food quality and weight loss. Learn how to optimize your nutrition for lasting success and embrace a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. Tune in to Episode 24 of Drop It and unlock the key to nourishing your weight loss journey from within.
Welcome to Episode 23 of Drop It, where we delve into the transformative power of developing a better inner voice for weight loss. Hosted by Nick Geoppo, this episode explores the practice of mirror work as a tool for cultivating self-trust, positivity, and unwavering self-belief. Join us as we uncover the profound impact of speaking to yourself with compassion and encouragement, especially in front of a mirror. Nick guides listeners through the process of using mirror work to shift negative self-talk into empowering affirmations, fostering a mindset of self-belief essential for successful weight loss and long-term maintenance. Discover how mirror work can help rewire your subconscious mind, instilling a deep sense of confidence and trust in your body's ability to transform. Explore the importance of nurturing a healthy inner dialogue as you embark on your weight loss journey, recognizing that self-belief is the cornerstone of sustainable change. In this episode, Nick shares practical tips and insightful reflections to help you harness the power of mirror work, turning self-doubt into self-assurance and paving the way for lasting transformation. Tune in to Drop It for inspiration, guidance, and the tools you need to cultivate a better inner voice and achieve your weight loss goals. Follow Nick Geoppo on Instagram: @nickgeoppo for more transformative content and join the Drop It community today.
Welcome to Episode 22 of Drop It, where we delve into the profound journey of losing weight without hitting rock bottom. Hosted by Nick Geoppo, this episode challenges the notion that drastic circumstances are necessary for initiating change. Instead, we explore the power of foresight and visualization in prioritizing health and well-being. Join us as we uncover the insights gained from studying individuals who have experienced rock bottom moments, and how their experiences can serve as a catalyst for our own transformation. Through candid conversations and personal anecdotes, Nick navigates the complexities of weight loss, highlighting the importance of envisioning the potential consequences of inaction. Discover how visualizing the potential pitfalls of neglecting health can be a powerful motivator, propelling us towards proactive change. Explore the concept of harnessing the fear of what could happen if we don't prioritize our health, and how it can outweigh the allure of immediate gratification. In this episode, we invite you to shift your perspective on weight loss, embracing the idea that change is possible without reaching rock bottom. Tune in to Drop It for actionable strategies, motivational insights, and the inspiration you need to embark on your own transformative journey. Follow Nick Geoppo on Instagram: @nickgeoppo for more transformative content and join the Drop It community today.
Welcome to Episode 21 of the Drop It Podcast, where we delve into the profound lessons learned from the weight loss journey in "Weight Loss as the Ultimate Teacher". Hosted by Nick Geoppo, this episode challenges conventional weight loss narratives by emphasizing the invaluable teachings acquired throughout the process. Join us as we explore the transformative idea of shifting focus from solely learning how to lose weight to embracing the profound lessons gained from the journey itself. Discover how the arduous task of shedding pounds and maintaining progress serves as a powerful teacher, instilling resilience, determination, and self-belief. In "Weight Loss as the Ultimate Teacher", we delve into the notion that conquering weight loss isn't just about the physical transformation but also about cultivating a mindset of empowerment. Learn how overcoming the challenges of weight loss becomes a reference point, reminding us of our capacity to tackle adversity and conquer obstacles in other areas of life. Tune in as we unravel the notion that the journey of weight loss isn't just about the numbers on the scale but about the personal growth, strength, and resilience gained along the way. Discover how the lessons learned from losing weight become invaluable tools for navigating life's challenges with confidence and grace. Follow Nick Geoppo on Instagram: @nickgeoppo for more insightful discussions and transformative insights.
Welcome to Episode 20: My Go-To Meals 5 Years After Losing 100 Pounds Join host Nick Geoppo in Episode 20 of the Drop It Podcast as he invites you into his kitchen to explore the delicious and nutritious meals that have been instrumental in sustaining his weight loss journey. In this episode, Nick shares his go-to recipes and meal ideas that are not only healthy but also flexible, budget-friendly, and easy to prepare. Discover how simple changes in ingredients and flavors can transform your meals into satisfying culinary experiences. From homemade ice cream to flavorful stir-fries, Nick provides insights into creating meals that are both nourishing and delicious. Learn how to make cooking at home a breeze with quick and convenient meal options that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. Whether you're looking for inspiration to revamp your weekly meal plan or seeking practical tips for maintaining your weight loss success, this episode has something for everyone. Tune in to discover the secrets to enjoying nutritious, homemade meals that support your health and wellness goals. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
In Episode 19 of the Drop It Podcast, we're diving into the questions that matter most to you, our listeners. Join host Nick Geoppo as he answers your burning questions about weight loss, motivation, workout routines, and more. Nick tackles questions like where to start on your weight loss journey, how to stay motivated when the going gets tough, and how to build a workout routine that works for you. He also offers advice on dealing with cravings and shares practical tips for staying on track with your goals. Whether you're just starting out or looking for ways to enhance your current routine, this episode has something for everyone. Tune in to get expert insights and actionable advice to help you on your weight loss journey. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 18: "The Best Diet for Weight Loss" In Episode 18 of the Drop It Podcast, we tackle the age-old question: what is the best diet for weight loss? Join your host Nick Geoppo as he dives into this topic and reveals that the best diet is actually the one that aligns with common sense. Nick explores the concept of the Common Sense Diet, which involves eating more foods that support your weight loss goals and fewer foods that don't. He discusses how certain foods can make you feel after you eat them, and how our bodies instinctively know what is healthy for us. Our bodies are designed to thrive on nutritious foods, and Nick explains how listening to your body can guide you towards making healthier choices. He also discusses how certain foods can trigger cravings for foods that are not conducive to weight loss, highlighting the importance of mindful eating. Join us as we explore the principles of the Common Sense Diet and learn how to make choices that support your weight loss journey. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 17 of the Drop It Podcast, where we delve into the controversial topic of intuitive eating. Join your host Nick Geoppo as he explores the concept of intuitive eating and shares his personal journey of learning to eat intuitively. Discover why intuitive eating is not always as simple as listening to your body. Nick shares his own experience of how intuitive eating led him to crave and consume unhealthy foods when he was overweight. He explains how he learned to eat intuitively by first eating with his mind, choosing foods that were healthy and nourishing, and didn't make him feel sluggish or unwell. Through this process of eating logically, Nick's body began to crave healthier foods, allowing him to transition to intuitive eating. Join us as we explore the complexities of intuitive eating and how learning to eat with your mind can help you develop a healthier relationship with food. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 16 of the Drop It Podcast, where we tackle the common refrain of "I will start my diet tomorrow." Join your host Nick Geoppo as he delves into the psychology behind delaying the start of a diet and how it impacts our weight loss journey. Explore why many of us procrastinate starting a diet and how this behavior can lead to cycles of overindulgence followed by guilt. Discover how pushing out the start date to tomorrow, the start of the week, the month, or the year can become a pattern that prevents us from achieving our weight loss goals. Learn how to break free from the "I will start my diet tomorrow" mindset and take action towards a healthier lifestyle today. Discover strategies to overcome procrastination, stay motivated, and make sustainable changes to your eating habits. By understanding why we delay starting a diet and taking proactive steps to change our behavior, we can move past the cycle of procrastination and make lasting changes to our health and well-being. Join us as we explore the impact of procrastination on our weight loss journey and how to break free from this cycle. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 15 of the Drop It Podcast, where we dive into the world of low-calorie food swaps. Join your host Nick Geoppo as he explores simple yet effective ways to reduce calorie intake without sacrificing flavor or satisfaction. Discover how small changes in your cooking and eating habits can make a big difference in your weight loss journey. Learn how to swap high-calorie ingredients for healthier alternatives, such as cooking in water instead of oil and swapping ice cream for homemade greek yogurt bowls. Explore a variety of low-calorie food swap ideas that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. From snacks to meals, these swaps will help you cut calories without feeling deprived. Plus, learn how to make smarter choices when dining out or on the go. By making these simple low-calorie food swaps, you can enjoy delicious meals while staying on track with your weight loss goals. Join us as we uncover the secrets to healthier eating and sustainable weight loss. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 14 of the Drop It Podcast, where we explore the critical role of routine in your weight loss journey. Join your host Nick Geoppo as he shares insights into how establishing a routine, sticking to a schedule, and incorporating intentional rest can help you develop habits that lead to sustainable weight loss.     Discover the importance of consistency in your daily activities and how having a set schedule can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Learn how intentional rest plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and how it can prevent burnout and fatigue, allowing you to maintain your healthy habits over the long term.        Explore practical tips for creating a routine that works for you, including setting specific goals, prioritizing tasks, and incorporating restorative activities into your schedule. Learn how to overcome common challenges to sticking to a routine and how to stay motivated and focused on your weight loss journey. By developing a routine that works for you, you can establish healthy habits that will support your weight loss efforts and help you achieve lasting results. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo.
Welcome to Episode 13 of the Drop It Podcast, where we delve into the profound impact of friendship on your weight loss journey. Join Nick as he shares insights into how surrounding yourself with friends who are on a path of self-improvement can elevate your own efforts and help you achieve lasting results. Explore the transformative effects of positive influence and discover how having friends who are moving in the right direction can inspire you to stay committed to your goals, navigate challenges, and sustain your weight loss achievements. Uncover the key characteristics of supportive friendships and how they contribute to your overall well-being and success. Gain practical tips for cultivating and maintaining these positive relationships, ensuring that your journey to a healthier lifestyle is both fulfilling and sustainable. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 12 of the Drop It Podcast with your host Nick Geoppo. In this episode, Nick delves into his personal journey of yo-yo dieting, highlighting the ups and downs of various diets and the lessons learned along the way. Nick shares his experiences with diets like keto, intermittent fasting, and one meal a day, discussing how each diet led to significant weight loss but ultimately resulted in regain. He candidly explores the challenges of sustaining these diets long-term, emphasizing the importance of finding a sustainable approach to eating. After trying a range of diets, Nick ultimately landed on what he calls the "common sense diet." This approach prioritizes nutritious foods while allowing for flexibility and enjoyment in eating. Nick discusses how this balanced approach has helped him break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and maintain his weight loss. Join Nick as he reflects on his journey, sharing valuable insights into the pitfalls of extreme diets and the benefits of finding a sustainable, balanced approach to eating. By the end of this episode, you'll have a newfound appreciation for the importance of sustainability and common sense in your diet. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo, and stay tuned for more inspiring episodes to help you on your weight loss journey. See you next week!
Welcome to Episode 11 of the Drop It Podcast with your host Nick Geoppo. In this episode, Nick explores the intricacies of the all-or-nothing mindset, particularly in the context of diet and exercise. The all-or-nothing mindset often involves extremes, where individuals feel they must either adhere perfectly to a diet or exercise plan or abandon it completely. Nick discusses how this mindset can be unsustainable in the long run, leading to burnout and disappointment. However, Nick also highlights the positive aspects of the all-or-nothing approach when applied to learning and personal growth. He emphasizes the importance of allowing yourself to fail, learn from those failures, and then adjust your approach to find a sustainable balance. Join Nick as he shares his insights on how to navigate the all-or-nothing mindset, using it as a tool for growth and self-improvement rather than a barrier to success. Learn how to embrace a more balanced approach to diet and exercise, one that allows for flexibility and learning from setbacks. By the end of this episode, you'll have a new perspective on the all-or-nothing mindset and how to use it to your advantage in your weight loss journey. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo, and join him on this transformative journey towards a healthier you. See you next week for more empowering episodes!
Welcome to Episode 10 of the Drop It Podcast with your host Nick Geoppo. In this episode, Nick explores the essence of a healthy relationship with food versus an unhealthy one. A healthy relationship with food signifies that food does not control your life. It means that you can enjoy food as a source of nourishment and pleasure without it dictating your every decision. Instead of revolving your life around food, you incorporate it into your life in a way that enhances your well-being. On the flip side, an unhealthy relationship with food is characterized by food dominating your thoughts and actions. It can lead to emotional eating, binge eating, or other harmful behaviors that diminish your quality of life. Join Nick as he delves into the nuances of these relationships, offering insights and reflections that will inspire you to cultivate a healthier mindset towards food. Discover how to embrace food as a positive force in your life, enriching your experiences without letting it take control. By the end of this episode, you'll have a clearer understanding of what it means to have a healthy relationship with food and how to foster one for yourself. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo, and join him on this transformative journey towards a healthier you. See you next week for more empowering episodes!
Welcome to Episode 9 of the Drop It Podcast, where Nick Geoppo dives into the unspoken realities of being overweight. Join Nick as he fearlessly confronts the challenges that come with excess weight, from the complexities of dating and intimacy to the everyday struggles like tying shoes or climbing stairs. In this episode, Nick shines a light on the often overlooked difficulties faced by those dealing with obesity, sharing raw and unfiltered experiences that many can relate to. He delves into the emotional and physical toll of carrying extra weight, offering a candid look at how it impacts self-esteem, body image, and daily life. Through personal stories and honest reflections, Nick gives a voice to the hidden struggles of being overweight, challenging listeners to confront these realities with courage and honesty. Tune in as Nick navigates the harsh truths of the weight loss journey, providing insight and solidarity for those facing similar challenges. By the end of this episode, you'll have a newfound perspective on the challenges of obesity, empowering you to face these realities head-on and take control of your health and well-being. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo, and join him on this eye-opening exploration of the dark side of being overweight. See you next week for more transformative episodes!
Welcome to Episode 8 of the Drop It Podcast, where Nick Geoppo delves into overcoming excuses hindering weight loss progress. Join Nick as he tackles common barriers like time constraints, concerns about loose skin, and uncertainties about workout routines and dietary choices. Explore practical strategies to debunk excuses such as financial constraints preventing access to healthy food or gym memberships. Discover how Nick navigates through challenges like a perceived slow metabolism or genetic predispositions, empowering listeners to take charge of their health journey despite these obstacles.       In this episode, Nick shares insights and actionable tips to help you break free from the cycle of excuses and embark on a transformative path towards sustainable weight loss. Tune in for relatable anecdotes, valuable advice, and motivational encouragement to overcome excuses and unlock your full potential. By the end of this episode, you'll feel empowered and equipped to conquer any excuse standing in your way, ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle with confidence. Join him on this empowering journey of shedding excuses and reclaiming control over your weight loss goals. See you next week for more transformative episodes! Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 7 of the Drop It Podcast, where your host, Nick Geoppo unravels the journey of conquering sugar addiction and cultivating a sustainable, healthy relationship with food. Listen in as he shares his personal struggle with a daily ice cream habit, and witness the transformative process of making small adjustments that paved the way for long-term success. Explore Nick's transition from relying on fake sugars and sugar alcohols to satisfy cravings to a more wholesome approach centered around real sugars from fruits and honey. This episode serves as a valuable guide for those seeking to overcome sugar addiction, offering practical insights, relatable anecdotes, and actionable strategies. Tune in to discover how these gradual shifts in dietary choices not only helped him break free from sugar addiction but also laid the foundation for a sustainable and balanced approach to eating. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 6 of the Drop It Podcast, where Nick Geoppo takes you through his transformative journey of weight loss by navigating the twists and turns of dietary transitions. Join Nick as he shares the evolution from a high-calorie and unhealthy diet to a strategic shift towards low-calorie choices. This episode serves as a roadmap for those seeking inspiration on transitioning their diets for sustainable weight loss. Nick offers practical insights, candid reflections, and actionable strategies to navigate the complexities of dietary changes in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Delve into Nick's experience as he fine-tunes his approach, transitioning to maintenance calories while still grappling with unhealthy food choices. Witness the pivotal moment when the paradigm shifts, and Nick embraces maintenance calories with a newfound commitment to health and well-being. Follow your host on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
Welcome to Episode 5 of the Drop It Podcast, where your host, Nick Geoppo, shares a personal journey with emotional and binge eating. Join Nick as he unravels the challenges, triumphs, and insights into creating a healthy relationship with food and conquering binge eating once and for all. In this episode, Nick draws from his own experience of shedding 110 pounds and sustaining it for over five years, providing actionable methods and indispensable tools for achieving lasting success in your weight management journey. Nick shares how intermittent fasting contributed to his binge eating. Expect a candid conversation as Nick delves into the nuances of emotional eating, offering strategies for fostering a positive relationship with food and exploring the transformative power of resilience in overcoming binge eating. Follow Nick on Instagram: @nickgeoppo
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