DiscoverEFFORTLESS ATTRACTION with Evelyn McAleer
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Author: Evelyn Mc Aleer

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INSPIRING, UPLIFTING Podcasts with experts across the globe. Conversations include Relationships, Finances, Health, Work, Family & Life. Evelyn McAleer is the Author of three books, she is also a Presenter, Podcaster & Wellness Coach who previously lived in beautiful Ireland and currently residing Spain. She is making a difference for the better to peoples lives through her social media platforms & books.
60 Episodes
Make time every morning to feed your mind and body with positivity. Your belief will grow stronger in the truth of who you are. A great podcast to listen to on your car journey to work, or before you get your children up, or just sitting by yourself if this day does not feel so great. Come along and join our paid subscription for more podcasts, and thank you for supporting my channel. You can find more positivity on my youtube channel @evelynmcaleer and on my social media platforms facebook & Instagram. If you would like to sponsor a show and have your business mentioned or would like to be a future guest with your inspirational story reach out to
The modern day Wonder Woman. Ruth Bailey is the Co-Founder and CEO of VIGO health. This is her fourth start up business, she is the mother of three children, a wife, a business owner, and somehow makes it all work effortless. She has used her skills and talents in the business world to make a difference and give back to society. Passionate, Motivated, Authentic, Dedicated, Positive, Fun, and Inspirational are a few words I can choose to describe this wonderful human being. If you wish to reach out to Ruth you will find her on LinkedIn or her website Todays show is sponsored by ERK Digital Marketing, creating a strong presence for your business online, website creation and social media training
Sometimes people live most of their life looking forward to retirement but for Diane it was never a word that brought her joy, as she said ‘Retire from what’? “Life doesn’t stop, it’s the pace that stops”. With her daily mindset practices and positive view on life Diane has transitioned from an identity she knew for over twenty years and regenerated rather than retire to becoming the happiest she has been her life and all on her terms. Consistency is key
Author of ‘Falling Down To Find Myself’, Speaker, Business Owner and Hollywood stuntman, Kevin Cassidy began life with a facial birth defect. He battled a speech impediment and bullying throughout his youth but was able to conquer one of life’s hardest challenges…being genuinely happy. In his book ‘Falling Down To Find Myself’ Kevin shares the excitement of television and the Hollywood scene as well as an insight to his family, friends, school and work life. He talks about the importance and difference of knowing ‘What I Am’ and ‘Who I Am’ and how to achieve your own happiness. For more information on Kevin visit today’s Podcast was sponsored by Skytask Aerial Imaging visit If you have an inspirational story or would like to become a sponsor of the show contact for more on what I do click the link
“My attitude of financial abundance is always knowing that I have more than enough” - Hugh Mc Alinden. If it is financial freedom, purpose and a passion filled life you desire, have a listen as NLP Master Practitioner Hugh Mc Alinden talks us through his life experiences from having little money to having more than enough and sharing the tips and practices he uses to bring about his wildest desires. For more information visit ….. todays show is sponsored by ERK Digital Marketing your one stop shop to building your business presence online, creating website, delivering social media and website training
There are people we meet in life and you instantly know they only want the best for everyone. Denise has been on her own weight loss journey and now mentors people on theirs. “To receive a message from someone thanking me for giving them their life back is an undescribable feeling” Denise shares the importance of finding happiness everyday regardless of the size of clothes we wear but assures them that she is with them everyday of their weight loss journey until they reach their desired goal. For further details visit
Paddy speaks about the importance of being authentic in the work environment “imagine if we could take our whole self to work”. He believes it is possible for people to be happy at work “when teams can connect on a human level the business will flourish and become more profitable” For more information on Neuro Culture Coach Paddy Moran check out his website
Evelyn and Jim share how effortless attraction and love entered both their lives at the exact same time and it happened through a camera lens, when they were least expected it. Jim had been a widower for four years and Evelyn had been divorced for twelve years. Opposites attract in the most joyous and exciting ways. The heart and mind can come into battle with one another, learn to trust yourself and what you feel rather than what you think, your feelings will keep you on the right path. If something feels ‘off’ trust it and if something feels like certainty or a peace in you please trust that you are on the right path with the right person. Love can enter at any age and any stage of our lives. Never need to be loved, learn to love yourself, be at peace within yourself and see that returned to you. A real life love story. If you would like to be a sponsor of future shows or have an inspirational story you would like to share please get in touch for more information on what I offer please follow the link
Do you believe change is effortless or requires effort? Today I am speaking with metaphysical counsellor Luca Occelli from Italy who explains the how our lives can become a beautiful place when we tap into our essence and let go of the old negative thinking and fears from the past. You can contact Luca
Katrina business is Destined for Greatness NI where she supports parents, carers and teachers to nurture, empower and empower our children and young people. Katrina says “there is so much pressure on parents to get it right, but we all do our best with what we know, so give yourself a break” If you would like to find out more information or get in contact with Katrina visit If you would like to get in contact with Evelyn about her Spanish retreats, life coaching or business mentorship programs visit
Today I am joined by Colette Leeson Interview and career coach. With over ninety percent success rate from her interview clients, Colette most certainly is making a difference for the better. Have a listen for some tips on how to bag that dream job and bring your A game to the interview. For more information visit If you are interested in working with myself (Evelyn) or coming on one of our Spanish retreats visit If you would like to support this channel by subscribing £1.99 please click on the link, I really appreciate the support Effortless Attraction receives
Alison Matthews left a coveted job to pursue her own venture, VirtuAli Solutions, becoming Northern Ireland's first virtual assistant. She thrives on connecting individuals and aiding them in achieving success in their businesses. Such an inspirational guest on Effortless Attraction Podcast who is making a difference for the better in peoples lives. You can connect with Alison on If you would like to find out more about my Spanish Retreats check out
I was so impressed with my conversation with Shauna so much so I made an appointment following our recording. High-Performance coach and EFT Practitioner Shauna Corr is changing lives for the better by teaching others the techniques of tapping. You can find out more information on instagram @tappingintosuccess, LinkedIn and Facebook. If you would like to find out more information about my Spanish Retreats visit
It’s easier for us to say to others “I believe in you” than it is to look in the mirror and say it to ourselves. I have spoken with several people who have invested substantial amounts of money and time into programs that did not work for them. When our self belief is low we place so many people on pedestals and believe them to be so much better than us. It’s perfectly fine to want to set yourself goals and see people as a beacon and adapt the mindset ‘if they can do it, I can do it’ but always follow your intuition if something is right for you. We all have the same within us, it’s our thoughts and beliefs that make us different. If you would like more information on my ‘Renew You’ Spanish Retreats visit
I’m sure we all encounter people in our lives that always seem happy, those who see the glass more than half full, the solution seekers, the person that lights up a room when they enter, today I have had the pleasure of speaking with that person. As Christophe says “I am the king of my happiness, no one else is responsible for it”. I know personally for myself happiness just doesn’t land on our lap, it is something that we have to work at daily, eventually life gifts us more things, experiences and opportunities that increases our happiness. Both myself Christophe and many others agree that when we focus on gratitude for what is, life becomes even more sweeter. It is possible for all. Thank you to everyone who supports Effortless Attraction Podcast with Evelyn McAleer, if you would like to become a paid subscriber for £1.99 per month please follow the link, thank you for making a difference
If you need more proof or evidence that Energy, Manifesting, Attraction and creating our visions is real then this is the podcast for you. I’m treading lightly how I introduce Deraj, I have to say he is one of very few who does not allow his ego to guide him on his path. I could go down the road of all his achievements, recognitions and awards as a music producer but then you wouldn’t get to know Deraj for who he is but rather what he is. When he made the choice to come forward, fill his spirit and help others with his gifts and talents he made great changes to this world and many peoples lives. Through his vast presence on all social media and audio platforms with thousands of people tuned in reaping the benefits from his Affirmations, daily vlogs, and powerful songs, Deraj Global is some man for one man and certainly is making a difference for the better. I feel blessed that our paths crossed and a wonderful compliment that Effortless Attraction Podcast was the first interview he accepted. This is the link to Deraj’s Spotify platform
I was inspired to create this episode because of the lack of love some hold for the month of January. It maybe your least favourite month because of many reasons, my wish is that this episode may show you a different way of seeing things that will shift the feeling and create better experiences for you. To become a paid subscriber on Spotify please follow the link, thank you so much for making a difference and contributing to Effortless Attraction podcast If you would like to find out more information on coaching, upcoming retreats or being a guest on the show message me on
Inspired, Motivated, Grounded, Humbled and Thankful, just some of the words to describe how I feel after my podcast with Benny O’Hanlon. He is one straight shooter, he say’s it as it is, but that is what I love about Benny, his authenticity and the gratitude he expresses about his life, the great and not so great parts. Strangely enough the ‘not so great part’ of having a stroke, Benny describes as a fascinating time of his life, he talks about being happy but poor, to having a vision and making it all possible. Check out Todds Leap Activity Center Effortless Attraction Podcast is hosted by Evelyn McAleer. If you would like to become a paid subscriber on Spotify for £1.99 per month please follow the link
A short podcast to share with you how much you matter. There are times when we go through life feeling unsuccessful, undesirable, unappreciated, unloved, I want to let you know you are the most precious creation and somewhere along the way you maybe have forgotten and just need a little reminder. I hope you enjoy today’s Effortless Attraction Podcast hosted by Evelyn McAleer. I appreciate your support, you do make a difference to my life. If you would like to reach out my email is if you would like to become a paid subscriber for £1.99 per month please follow the link
I met with Jim Johnston in January of 2023. Some might call it a coincidence but I believe it was all divine timing. I believe the right people will always come into our lives for the right reasons. At that time I was looking local knowledge of the Andalusian province and unbeknown to myself Jim was in a hospital bed awaiting a double heart bypass and was in search of someone to give him the mental strength to get through it. Today was a significant day, I recorded my first podcast with a guest at our new home ‘Casa de Rosa’ in Spain with Jim Johnston. An emotional, inspiring and powerful podcast that we hope will make a difference to people’s lives. The message … never take any day for granted, let go of the worries that keep you awake at night and cherish all of your memories and all of the magnificent ones that are awaiting on you to discover. Effortless Attraction is hosted by Evelyn McAleer if you would like to reach out contact