EPM Conversations

Call it Enterprise Performance Management or Corporate Performance Management or whatever you will — we will bring the most interesting, thoughtful, and sometimes maybe a wee bit controversial personalities in our little world and simply talk. The conversations will be free ranging and open ended. We (Cameron, Natalie, Celvin, and Tim) think you will find it interesting. We hope.

EPM Conversations Episode 22 – A Conversation With Shankar Viswanathan, The Man Who Owns The Product That Bought Me My House

Let’s not forget that it also sent Natalie’s kids to collegeWe (your EPM Conversations hosts) owe a lot – a financial kind of debt as well as a professional one – to Shankar and Hyperion/Oracle on premises /PBCS/EPBCS/EPM Cloud Planning. Seriously, I first set eyes on what was then Hyperion Planning Desktop (which alas I cannot find a screenshot of but know it’s out there somewhere), I thought, “Cameron, you idiot, this is the future” and so it has been through (gulp) decades of w...


A Portrait in Leadership: Women in EPM with Minie Parikh

Yr. Obt. Svt. finds broad cultural movements to be interesting both conceptually (what are they, why do they exist, how did they start, and the rest of the who, when, and where list) and in practice because of their broad outcomes and impact on individuals. My inveterate curiosity aside, women in STEM (STEAM) has been a current in social and professional change for roughly the past decade. Various organizations and companies, e.g., ODTUG, PwC, OneStream, Oracle, and many others, ha...


EPM Conversations Episode 20 – A Culture Clash Conversation, The African

Ex Africa Semper Aliquid Novi Roger Cressy is a fascinating guest, unlike any other we’ve had. His jobs have spanned from retail management (yup, a department store, a really nice one – I’ve been there – and not the one in the States or the UK) to our Beloved Performance Management.Roger’s is also a geographical journey, from Malawi/Nyasaland (he just missed the Central African Federation) to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, to South Africa, to the United Kingdom, back to South Africa, and thenc...


EPM Conversations Episode 19 – A Culture Clash Conversation Or Our Kith and Kin Across The Sea

It’s a Book, It’s a Podcast Episode, It’s KismetA bunch of geeks (native born, immigrants; Americans all) interviewing an Australian and a New Zealander/Australian/American (it’s complicated) set Yr. Obt. Svt. to immediately think of the title of this podcast (eh, I need to get more than one hobby), who then looked up the phrase and found that…it’s a travelogue of a New Zealander’s view of the USA, circa 1888. Seriously, what are the chances that the Mind of Cameron (often non compos me...


EPM Conversations Episode 18 -- A Culture Clash Conversation or Fro and To and Fro Again with Kishore Mukkamala and Sumit Deo

Why is Yr. Obt. Svt. not part of this podcast? Aren’t you glad I’m not?The Culture Clash series has – from the feedback we’ve heard – been well received. Thus far it’s been Americans talking to our comrades in performance management arms about their experience in their home country and in North America. What we’ve not had is someone from another country talking to his countrymen. This podcast deviates from that model because my Objectively Younger, Taller, Smarter and ...


EPM Conversation Episode 17 -- A Culture Clash Conversation or Are The Simpsons Really How Latin America sees us with David Blanco and Belen Ortiz

Our guests, conferences, and we’re much the same but really quite differentThe second in EPM Conversations’ Culture Clash series features two guests from Latin America: David Blanco and Belen Ortiz. I know both from conferences only. Actually, all of my cohosts and all of our guests are, one way or another, part of EPM Conversations (and my life as well) because of conferences. OneStream’s Splash is coming up in just over a week, 17 to 20 April, ODTUG’s Kscope is happe...


EPM Conversations Episode 16 -- A Culture Clash Conversation or 50 Million Frenchmen Can't be Wrong with Ludovic De Paz and Pascal De Schryver

Culture Clash or 50 Million Frenchmen Can’t Be WrongThe performance management world is broad. Those who practice within it are wide in skills, dispersed in geography, deep in talent, and – in general – all jumbled together. Your hosts are all North Americans (Canadians and Mexicans rejoice for this American has finally figured out how not to use “America” as shorthand for that quarter-or-so of the globe above the equator and a bit west of the Greenwich meridian) but hail fr...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 14, A Conversation with Sree Menon, The Calc Man

Many years ago (just over 10!), Yr. Obt. Svt. wrote a blog post on why he Hated and Loved Calculation Manager. I even did it twice. I am – oft times, still, it continues unabated – a complete smartass who pays little heed to what he says and writes and this was most definitely one of those times. These posts were a continuation of not altogether terrifically awesome judgement as they were an expansion of a similarly-snarky two parter on Hyperion Business Rules. 2009?&n...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 13, A Conversation with Elizabeth Ferrell, Accountant (ex), Advocate (of so many things), and Aviatrix

Natalie Delemar and I – as with so many others in the performance management space – first met Elizabeth Ferrell at a conference, in this case ODTUG’s Kscope. Elizabeth’s path to her current job, focus, and professional interests evinces the typical path from school, to finance, not-at-all-usual hobby, and now to our beloved performance management community.But to characterize Elizabeth as typical is to do her an injustice or perhaps just inaccuracy on Yr. Obt. Svt.’s part. A...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 12, A Conversation With Kumar Ramaiyer, Workday Adaptive Planning Business Unit Vice President

As Everyone Knows, But Hardly Anyone Actually DoesOne of my fondest recollections of Kscope (umm, one year or another, they all blend together after a while) is sitting in on Kumar’s introduction of Exalytics (remember that Wave Of The Future?). As Kumar dived deeper and deeper into the hardware behind Essbase-on-Exalytics, he prefaced each increasingly (exponentially?) complex computer engineering concept and detail with, “As everyone knows…”. If only. I sure didn’t. K...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 11, A Conversation With Peter Fugere, OneStream Software's Chief Strategic Services Officer.

Riding a rocket to the heavensOneStream’s rise has been meteoric: from a startup in a very small office in the not-particularly-well-known-tech-incubator Rochester, Michigan, to international powerhouse in the performance management space in less than a decade. Peter Fugere has been there from almost the very beginning and has an insider’s perspective on what makes OneStream tick, the product’s genesis, current initiatives (Peter is involved in more than one), and its exciting fut...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 10, A Conversation With Jodi Hill, Pattern Recognizer and Outlier

We’re all wired to see patternsWe live in patterns: seasonal, political, historical, and even atomic. Many live a life blithely unaware of them, which is to their disadvantage, for understanding those patterns is key to what makes us human, drives culture and society, and informs economics. We happy few in the performance management world figuratively live and die by the patterns in data. If careful observation of clients, customers, and conferences is an accurate guid...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 9, A Conversation with Matthias Heilos, CEO of Finance Technology Innovations

Data, data everywhere, and none of it in the right place or in the right formatPerformance cannot be managed (see what I did there?) without data. And yet data –because it is in the wrong format, because it is in the wrong place, because it is poorly defined, because we don’t have the ability or the resources or the time to transform it into what our systems need – is ever a challenge. Data is, quite simply put, hard. FinTech Innovations aims to alleviate that challenge and ...


EPM Conversations -- Episode No. 8, A Conversation with Tom Shea, CEO of OneStream Software

From Enterprise administrator to CEO, from market disruptor to Magic Quadrant visionaryWe at EPM (or should that be CPM?) Conversations are – unsurprisingly – pleased beyond belief to have OneStream Software CEO Tom Shea as our very special guest. We think you'll be pleased as well.OneStream is in the moment and of the future. How did that happen? Who made that happen? What is its genesis? Where is OneStream right now and where will it be in the future? Why is it such a success? This po...


EPM Conversations -- Episode No.7, A Conversation With Kevin Lawrence, Marketing Analytics, Corporate To Guerilla

Not EPM, not CPM, but analytics of a marketing kindThis podcast is dipping its collective and metaphorical toe outside of the warm and cozy confines of performance management with a conversation with a guest whose job, passion, and personal interest is understanding the relationship of human behavior with business through the lens of marketing analytics. Join us, won’t you, on this fascinating conversation with Kevin Lawrence that is most definitely not within the scope of traditional EPM but...


EPM Conversations -- Episode No. 6, A Conversation With Mike Nader, EPM's Very Own Data Analytics Polymath

Hah! EPM doesn’t get a lot of polymaths, does it. Yet Mike is exactly one of those.A polymath is, “a person of great and varied learning” although Mike is too modest to agree with that description. If you but listen to this conversation, you (and he) will see that it is a fair characterization.But wait, there’s moreIn addition to Yr. Obt. Svt., this conversation also has Natalie Delemar as our guest host and regular John Booth. This varying cast of characters is what I...


EPM Conversations -- Episode 5, A Conversation (no, a rap!) With Chris Turner

Different? You want different? Music? Humor? Freestyle Rapping? Maybe something related to EPM?Maybe. Actually, yes, quite a bit really. You read that right: EPM Conversations has a number of firsts in this podcast:A conversation with the artist and performer Chris Turner.A freestyle rap about EPM. Really. We have the best and simultaneously the only rap on this subject extant. I look forward to others contributing to this genre. And then a rap battle. It’s the obvious move.A podc...


EPM Conversations — Episode No. 4, a conversation with John Booth

What could be better than the Three EPM Conversations Cohosts?What whole number is greater than three? Four, totes obvs. And here we are, with Yr. Obt. Svt., Celvin Kattookaran, Tim German, and now John Booth.John and I did the very first EPM-in-the-cloud presentation at Kscope11: EPM 11.1.2.something-or-other running on AWS. John did all of the heavy lifting and I did…something. No matter, he still talks to me as you will gather below if you but listen.John has ...


EPM Conversation – A Conversation With Abhi Nerurkar, Co-Founder of EPMware

One out of three ain’t badWe were lucky enough to land Abhi Nerurkar, one of the three co-founders of EPMware, a software company specializing in Master Data Management (MDM) and Workflow, for our very first vendor conversation.A note: we didn’t speak with Abhi’s partners, Tony Kiratsous and Deven Shah, as we’re simply not set up/not experienced enough to manage a six way conversation. We have to work on that but I hope that Deven and Tony understand/are deeply appreciative of not being bored...


EPM Conversations — Episode No. 2 Part 2, a conversation with Essbase Lady, Natalie Delemar

Second part of Episode 2.Here is the agenda00:45 - 06:40 The Changing State of the EPM (Vendor) Market06:40 - 17:20 What’s the technical profile of people getting into the various EPM tools now? Developers, Administrators and Groovy.17:20 - 22:32 Why has Oracle incorporated so much customizability via Groovy? History of Groovy in Oracle EPM.22:32 - 34:25 How long will Essbase stay the Engine for Oracle Planning?34:25 - 40:26 ODTUG Board Experience and Growth from the Professional Community40:...


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