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ESL (ESL Podcast)

Author: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

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ESL Podcast=English as a Second Language Podcast
①内容来自网站(,包含“ESL Podcast”和“English Café”2个节目类型,10个话题分类~
③随网站更新~(。・ω・。)ノ♡ (来自: )
1846 Episodes
15 达标、被选上

15 达标、被选上


"Make the Grade" vs. "Make the Cut" - FREE English Lesson查看节目原文:
14 排除

14 排除


What Does "To Rule Something Out" Mean?查看节目原文:
13 缩写

13 缩写


What Does "To Be Short For" Mean?查看节目原文:
How to Ask Someone to Repeat Something in English查看节目原文:
11 有点、也

11 有点、也


60 Second English: Using "A Bit" and "As Well"查看节目原文:
3 Not Very Nice Ways to Talk About the Countryside1. The Sticks"I grew up in the sticks, so moving to a city was hard."2. Middle of Nowhere"Our house is in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and animals."3. Back of Beyond"Why would you want to move to the back of beyond with no elestricity?"查看节目原文:
Headline English - ESLPod Explains the News 4 February 2019Dodgers查看节目原文:
The Elephant in the Room (English With Your Coffee 05 Mar 2019)查看节目原文:
What to Say to Somone Traveling查看节目原文:
Every family has secrets. Learn how to talk about them in English in this episode. Tags: RelationshipsAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:34Explanations: 4:03Fast dialog: 19:59Kelly: [sniffling] Yoon: What’s the matter? Are you okay? Kelly: You know that my mother’s funeral was last weekend. I brought some of her papers home with me to sort through and I’ve had a shock. Yoon: What? An old family secret? Some skeleton in the closet? Kelly: It was for my mother. While reading some of her letters, I found out that she had a son out of wedlock when she was young and she gave the baby up for adoption. Yoon: Wow, that’s a bombshell! Kelly: Yeah, I feel like I’ve been sucker punched. This is life- changing. Yoon: Maybe you can ask your aunts and uncles about it. Kelly: But what if my mother didn’t disclose this to me for a reason? I don’t want to air her dirty laundry now that she’s gone. Yoon: You wouldn’t be airing dirty laundry. A part of your family history has come to light and you have questions. That’s natural. And plus, you’re keeping it in the family. Kelly: But maybe they’ll feel like I’m dredging up something they wish had been forgotten. Yoon: Or maybe they’ve been waiting for a chance to talk about it. You haven’t mentioned the most shocking part. Kelly: What’s that? Yoon: You may have a half-brother somewhere out there. Kelly: Oh my God, you’re right. That possibility is both thrilling and terrifying! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
We’ll talk slowly in this episode so you can understand how to describe people talking quickly. Listen to see what I mean. Tags: BusinessAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:22Explanations: 3:41Fast dialog: 18:58Jerome: Did you hear what the speaker said? Elise: No, I didn’t catch that either. She’s racing through her presentation like she’s late for her train. Jerome: I know. She speaks at such a fast rate of speech that it’s dizzying. I wish she’d slow down so I could make out what she’s saying. Most of it is mumbled or garbled. Elise: She’s got to be breaking a record for the number of words per minute. Hey wait, she’s done. The next speaker has to be better. Jerome: Oh my God, she’s worse! She must be the slowest speaker alive. Every utterance is drawn-out and every sentence seems interminable. She just keeps droning on and on and on. Elise: At least we can understand her. Jerome: Yes, but I wish she’d pick up the pace. She’s making a lengthy speech even longer. At this rate, we’ll be here until midnight! Elise: Maybe we should try to pay attention and take notes like we’re supposed to. Jerome: How can we when her voice is so hypnotic? Elise: I know what you mean. I think I need some coffee. Do you want some? Jerome: [snores] Elise: Jerome, Jerome! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
Nothing in life is 100% safe, so you should probably listen to this episode just in case you need to talk about the things that can go wrong on an airplane. Tags: TravelAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:21Explanations: 3:41Fast dialog: 21:05Angelica: So the book I’m writing starts with a plane crash. Corey: What caused it? Angelica: It doesn’t matter. That’s not part of the story. Corey: But characters have backstories, so you should have a backstory for the plane crash. Angelica: Okay, the plane crashed because of mechanical failure, or better yet, pilot error. Corey: What happened? Was it because the pilot misread the instruments or had a problem navigating? Angelica: I don’t know. Corey: Maybe he or she was incapacitated due to an illness. What kind of illness? Angelica: Forget it. Let’s say instead that it happened because of an act of God. Corey: Like a lightning strike? That’s not very likely. Angelica: Okay, how about some problem with the flight crew that caused the cabin to depressurize and the plane to go into a tailspin. Corey: What was the problem with the flight crew? Angelica: It doesn’t matter! Corey: Maybe a member of the flight crew was a hijacker and it was an act of terrorism. Angelica: Okay, let’s say that’s what happened. Happy? Corey: But wait! Who was the terrorist? What were his aims and what was his cause? Angelica: You know what? I think you should put that in your book! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
If your car is in an accident, you may need to get it fixed. Learn how to talk about it in English in this episode. Tags: TransportationAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:23Explanations: 3:32Fast dialog: 16:02Miles: It’s something, isn’t it? Yuki: Yeah, it’s something all right. Where did you get this heap? Miles: My uncle sold it to me. This car has been sitting in his garage for years and he finally said I could have it for a good price. I need some auto body work done on it. There’s a little damage and I want to make it look good again. Yuki: A little damage?! The bumpers are falling off and the frame is bent. Was this car in an accident? I’m worried about its structural integrity. Miles: It was in a small accident, but none of these cosmetic things affects how it runs. Yuki: I mean there are dents and dings everywhere, and paint scratches so deep you might need to get a whole new paint job. Miles: I’m sure you can work your magic on it and make it look new again. Yuki: Wait a second. There’s rust all over the undercarriage. Miles: When do you think you can have it ready for me to pick up? Yuki: It’s ready now. Miles: Now? Yuki: Yes, this car is ready for you to pick up and take to a salvage yard! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
Learn to talk about expensive rocks in this episode. Tags: ShoppingAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:16Explanations: 3:40Fast dialog: 17:14Nathan: I’m looking for a gift for my girlfriend. Can you help me pick something out? Ellie: I’d be happy to. We have a wide selection of jewelry with precious and semiprecious gemstones. Are you interested in something new or antique? Nathan: I’m not sure. I’m just looking for something nice, something that really reflects our relationship. Ellie: I understand. Let me show you some of our finest pieces. This ring has a polished faceted stone that has a lot of luster. Isn’t it exquisite? Nathan: That’s beautiful, but it’s not really what I’m looking for. Ellie: No problem. How about this piece? It has a lovely color and cut and it’s in a gold setting. Nathan: Gold, huh? “Golden” isn’t how I’d describe our relationship, at least not yet. Ellie: Okay, many of our semiprecious stones are set in silver. This one is really radiant, don’t you think? Nathan: That’s okay, but what about these stones over here? Ellie: Those are rough uncut stones. They need a lot of work before they’re ready for sale. Nathan: Rough and needs work? That describes our relationship to a tee. I’ll take one of those. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
Topics: Famous Americans – Marian Anderson; in a heartbeat versus in a second versus in a moment; old versus stale Tags: English CaféAudio Index: 30:47Words:choir philharmonicto tour segregation scholarship memorial to draw attention to (something)patriotic accomplishmentgoodwill ambassadorlifetime achievement awardin a heartbeat in a second in a moment old stale deal with it查看节目原文:
Topics: American Authors – Philip K. Dick; on purpose versus deliberately versus intentionally; moderately versus sparingly; understatement of the century Tags: English CaféAudio Index: 29:53Words:alien science fiction lottery solar prolific alternate universe android wholesale mental illness to be addicted rights on purpose deliberately intentionally moderately sparingly understatement of the century查看节目原文:
Topics: Movies – The King and I; nation versus sovereign versus kingdom; to obstruct versus to hinder; fire and brimstone Tags: English CaféAudio Index: 30:13Words:musical governess arrogant stubborn to respect role autobiographycourt to exaggerate to ban to colonizeclassic nation sovereign kingdom to obstruct to hinder fire and brimstone查看节目原文:
All power corrupts, but can social media corrupt absolutely? Find out in this episode. Tags: Daily LifeAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:25Explanations: 3:37Fast dialog: 16:25Ann: I don’t like our son watching those films and reading those books. They’re corrupting his mind. Elio: I don’t like it either, but he’s old enough to read and watch what he likes without our interference. Ann: But they’re brainwashing him! Those books and films are full of evil, perverted ideas. Elio: They’re certainly blasphemous and profane. I agree with you. But what can we do? Maybe his interest in them will be short-lived. Ann: Even if he loses interest, we’ll have to find a way to reverse the damage that’s been done. He’ll need to be deprogramed. Elio: Maybe their effect will be short- lived, too. Deep down he’s a good kid. We both know that. Ann: Yes, but those ideas are dangerous. I hope he doesn’t act on them. Elio: Don’t even think it. That would spell disaster. Ann: All right, I’ll only think good thoughts. Elio: Good. Ann: Where are you going? Elio: I’m hoping for the best, but just in case, it doesn’t hurt to monitor what he’s saying on social media. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
Get where you want to go without using your own car, a bike, a bus, or a taxi. Is it magic? Find out in this episode. Tags: TransportationAudio Index: Slow dialog: 1:25Explanations: 4:04Fast dialog: 19:58Carl: Let’s get a taxi. Doris: There’s no need. I’ve already ordered a car. Carl: A limo? That’s too expensive. Doris: No, I’m using a ridesharing service. It’s cheaper than a taxi. There’s no meter and we pay a set price. Carl: But how do we know it’s safe? How do we know the driver isn’t a criminal or an unsafe driver? Is he going to have car insurance? Do they do background checks? Doris: Even though it’s a peer-to-peer service, the drivers are carefully screened and the cars are tracked. Trust me. This ride will be safe. Carl: We don’t have much cash on us. Doris: I have a credit card on file. No cash will change hands. Look, here’s our driver. Hello, Michael. Carl: You know our driver? Doris: He’s my son. Carl: But why are you paying for a ride if your son is available to pick us up? Doris: He has his pride. He won’t take any money from me so we came up with a compromise: I hire his car whenever I need a ride to or from the airport. It works for us and there’s a bonus. Carl: What’s that? Doris: I get to see my son every time I travel. Carl: That seems like a strange arrangement. Doris: That may be so, but if you can’t get your son to visit more often, what’s a mother to do? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse查看节目原文:
Topics: Famous Americans – Stephen F. Austin; Classic TV – M*A*S*H; disability versus handicap versus impairment; recourse versus resort; to fly in the face of (something) Tags: English CaféAudio Index: 34:53Words:frontier economy land grant colony to negotiatecontract revolution to annex mobile surgical comedy syndicationdisability handicap impairment recourse to resort to to fly in the face of (something)查看节目原文:
Comments (22)


I think McQuillanland is very similar to our country; Iran. we have a ruthless dictator and we raised up against him many times. someday we will topple the dictator and we'll be free. wish us luck

Oct 29th


I just killed two birds with one stone thanks a lot 🙏 💓

Jan 7th

Ahmad Karimi

happy to start listening 🙋🏻‍♂️

Jan 7th


when I'm listening to your podcast, it's like I'm in paradise, thank you 🙏❤️

Dec 27th

Shijie Gou


Dec 12th

mahsa moradi


Sep 14th

Fatima Sepehr

you are a geart teacher. I don't need to use a dictoinary when you teach a new word!

Jul 29th

mahsa moradi


Jun 26th

mahsa moradi


Jun 10th

Fatima Sepehr

You have a great way for teaching english!

Apr 30th

Navid farr

Hi dr.Jeff I've listened this episode ,the first part was very easy and the 2nd part was more difficult, and I exited when you say Iranian person (amir) question , because I from Iran too

Mar 31st
Reply (1)

Ata Fayyaz

thanks alot

Jan 12th

Mohammad Asgari


Dec 28th


i couldn't understand

Oct 29th

ali khajouiefard


Sep 2nd

mahdiyeh saedi

why cant i download the podcasts?

Aug 6th
Reply (1)

Alirio Ibarra

😘 That's very important for we advance in second languaje

Apr 11th


many episodes are coincided.

Aug 4th

Doc Truyen Dem Khuya

Go go

Dec 15th
Reply (1)