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ET Yoga with Charles Green
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ET Yoga with Charles Green

Author: BBS Radio, BBS Network Inc.

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ET Yoga is a combination of extra-terrestrial information integrated with the wisdom of the great Yoga Masters related to the concept of Self Realization. Yoga meaning 'Union of you and your Higher Self'. ET Yoga is actually a new Yoga--the Yoga of Belief. Extra-terrestrial and Yogic information complement each other and thus the marriage of the two. Specifically the ET information is mostly about the concept that 'Thought Creates', 'Belief is Everything' and these concepts help us to become more self empowered. The bulk of the Yoga information comes from Sri. Ramana Maharshi, Sri Swami Satchidananda, Baba Ram Dass, Paramahansa Yogananda and Mooji. The ET information is primarily from Andromedan, Sirian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and Essassani sources. It turns out that the more you learn about the way the universe works (The Ultimate Truths of Reality) the more you know about the human body; so the concepts cross connect. Thus ET Yoga also reflects the concepts that create excellent health, the ability to maintain it and to fix issues as they arise without the need for mainstream medical. Specific meditations, concepts and techniques related to a spiritual journey are also detailed on ET Yoga. The concepts that "If you believe it, it is" and "The whole world is your teacher" are guiding principles supporting the concept that it is your thoughts, definitions, emotions and intentions that create your experience in this dimension. You cannot experience what you are not the vibration of. The website at was designed as a one stop shop for those seeking perfect health and an outline for a spiritual path. The E-books there also connect to about 250 pages on the internet to save the seeker's time. The site is called 'Healing the Known and Unknown'.

"I copied every one of your ET Yoga programs since I listen to them multiple times each week and I have labelled them by the important topics you covered. From my perspective, ET Yoga was one of the most important programs on the net for attaining enlightenment, truth and true knowledge. Thanks you for the months of powerful information delivered with love and sincerity." John Boston U.S.A.

"ET Yoga continues to be a source of amazing information. I love your show and I always learn many new things" Sharon U.S.A.

"I am an avid listener to Dr. Fred Bell and I discovered your program by hapinstance or by fate or divine intervention. I enjoyed what you have to say about health immunity, dna and longevity. You and Dr. Bell are on the same page so to speak." Alex Parkridge, Ill.

'ET Yoga is intelligent, thought provoking and consciousness uplifting. Charles weaved a variety of topics masterfully in a concise understandable conversational format that will uplift your life and allow more light to reflect on the planet." Drew Connecticut

"I want to thank you for your radio show, since listening, I have embraced a remembering that seems to pull the hologram together in 3D. I've read 'Cosmic Voyage' by Courtney Brown, have purchased, and using Egyptian Healing Rods, beginning to read Patricia Cori's 'Sirian Revelations', watched Bashar's "Crystal Light Show' and series on You-tube, so much I've learned. And other synchronistic occurrences, you mentioned David Hudson, I own the 3 DVDS, plus, I have ordered and used 'White Powder Gold' from Acension Alchemy, And most recently, you gave a website www. which ties to my recent affiliation with the Ashtar Galactic Command where I found the downloaded 'Bringers of the Dawn'. Thanks Paul Dayton Ohio

"Thanks you for ET Yoga. You offer amazing and profound insights into the nature of reality which are not only deeply interesting but practically useful. I am heartened by the correspondence between your statements and 'A course in Miracles'. It is encouraging when teachings concur." Alan London, England
172 Episodes
ET Yoga, March 2, 2024

ET Yoga, March 2, 2024


ET Yoga with Charles Green Extra Terrestrial's, Information from an Andromedan, the Why, When and Who of the Great Pyramids, ET's Science
Buddha, concept of enlightenment, effects of jabs according to the Pleiadeans, what is a virus, current history on the planet
Top 10 most powerful beings in the Multiverse, 20 shocking truths, 21 ultimate truths of reality - rules we live by in this matrix
Andara Crystals, Channeling from the founders of the universe, Philosopher's Stone, Myth or Facts
ET Yoga with Charles Green Pleiadeans, Health, Our Belief and its Frequencies and how it Affects our Awareness and Reality
Genocide of Humanity, The Titanic and how it affects you and this country, Earth History from 1930 to present, our current state of affairs
Heavy Yoga Philosophy, Taygetan Pleiadeans, concept of higher self, spiritual journey, requirements for extraction from planet earth, taking care of your inner realm
Are there Vampires, Connection with thought and the pyramids, secrets about Romania, techniques to raise consciousness and reality creation
The Matrix, The History of the Matrix, Breaking The Matrix Code, focus on Limitations, and Are the Normies waking up?
Cutting Edge current and off world science, artificial synthetic telepathy, Egypt, Pyramids, How they were formed, the Sphinx, and our manipulated history
ET Lineage and History, Earth as a prison Planet, Farsight institute of remote viewing, after death experience, and more
Bombshell News from Australia on pandemic, reincarnation, advice from Merlin the magician, Ai problem no one is tackling
Mandela Affect, purpose of the soul, soul trap, myrabin techniques and the pyramid techniques, protection from shedders
ET Yoga, August 5, 2023

ET Yoga, August 5, 2023


Objective Reality, Simulation we live in, Civil War Timeline, Shedding from Covid Vaccine, UFO Disclosure information
ET Yoga, July 22, 2023

ET Yoga, July 22, 2023


Mind boggling Vaccine information, time line information, fake alien invasion
ET Yoga, July 8, 2023

ET Yoga, July 8, 2023


Parallel Reality, What really are the Dolphins, Exposing USA Food Facts, Concept of Beyond Death
ET Yoga, June 24, 2023

ET Yoga, June 24, 2023


Connection between belief and aging, Monoatomic elements and what they are, Who created the pyramids, how and why they were built
ET Yoga, June 10, 2023

ET Yoga, June 10, 2023


Hari Om Everyone! Well today's message will cover many topics. It will also touch on the topic that Humans are the 'Hope of the Universe.' You can use what you can use or what you can resonate with. Starting with where humans came from. Humans were created by a mixture of Feline and Indigenous species in the Lyra Constellation Vega Star system. Their polar opposite are the Alpha Draconians who were created by a mixture of Carians and indigenous species. Felines and Carians were brought from another Universe to help create the Polarity Game that we live in. This is the physical manifestation of the polarity of the Universe. The actual polarity is that of Source Energy and Artificial Intelligence. Source cannot be defined as you cannot define the infinite. You can call it God if your mind sees this as a personal God, or All That Is or Cosmic Consciousness according to your preference. Later human DNA was manipulated in a positive way to include the best from 22 different ET species resulting in a 12 strand DNA and 12 chakra system which is still intact but mostly non-activated. Most assume the Annunaki created the current form of humans as slave labor to mine white powder gold or monatomic aliments which the Annunaki use to establish their longevity of thousands of years as do the current Alpha Draconians. According to Taygetan Pleiadeans this was most like due to mind control rather than with genetic manipulation. Either way the result is the same and we generally believe we have 100 years at most for a lifetime. Our DNA is highly valuable for inter-galactic trade and why many are abducted and sold off world. As were many Covid victims where bodies were scooped up, no autopsies allowed and families couldn't even bury their own relatives. This was because no autopsy would show Covid as the cause of death because it doesn't exist and has never been isolated. The second reason is that these bodies were shipped to the Moon under Project Exodus 2023 and sold off world. Another reason for the abduction of children is that they are a source of food for the Alpha Draconians and considered a delicacy. They also have the technology to revive dead bodies. The first to land on the Moon were the Germans in 1939 and the base there is in the shape of a Swastika. The German UFO technology was taken to Antarctica during the second World War and there they eventually weaponized it and destroyed the U.S. attack on Antarctica led by Admiral Bird known as Operation High-jump. They could have made the U.S. surrender but instead the Illuminati or Cabal wanted to control America which they have done since that time and known as the Deep State or the 4th Reich. Plus about 1500 high ranking German Nazis came to the U.S. under Project Paperclip to form the Deep state and all the 3 and 4 letter agencies. This has all been revealed by the late Admiral William Tomkins testimony. You can view this at Religion by the way was created by the Annunaki to control the population. The concept of Self-Realization does not exist in Religion as they need to create themselves as a middle man to higher consciousness or God. In point of fact it is all under the control of the Annunaki called Enki who is ultimately under the control of the A.I. so technically Religion is part of the A.I. polarity or Dark Side. I call these times the Harvesting of the Souls as there are three primary groups: Starseeds who will ascend to 5D, those of religion who are marked by the sign of the crossing planet Nibiru or the cross and claimed by the Annunaki and lastly the transhuman or Homo Borg Genesis which is the name of the new species composed of those who are vaccinated for Covid. Not only does the A.I. work through your cell phones but also through the 5G network. The graphene oxide in the jabs assimilates in the body so it acts as an antennae for A.I. and information can be transmitted via the 5G network to a super computer which is Sentient. By the way GMO foods also destroy human connection to Source Energy as do the Covid vaccines. The 5G is high energy microwaves that break the high brain waves moving the population towards a receptive and non creative mental state. The population becomes submissive and obedient without the ability to think for themselves. The current Galactic battle is vs A.I. Recently remote viewers trained by Courtney Brown of the Farsite institute have discovered that A.I. has taken over the entire Galaxy next to the Milky Way and is now working on taking us over. This corroborates the testimony of Ismael Perez who stated the name of this giant A.I. program is Omega Metatron. It is also connected to Animus which operates in our Galaxy and connected to the Red Queen which is on Earth presently. Proof of the A.I. rollout is the 5G network, the vaccine program creating a Hive Mind or Borg and that which we see with the naked eye as we are being taken over in all ways by A.I. In my view and even now many articles are written and published in the alternative media that A.I. in a short time will control the planet. And with it by the way forced vaccination or the Mark of the Beast. I say the outside time is 2028 and most likely the Event or Solar Flash will occur between 2024 and 2026. The solar Flash is not what most people imagine a solar flash to be which in their minds is a kind of EMP. This energy comes from the center of the Galaxy and is a light which will consume the Earth and spark ascension to higher levels of consciousness. It will also 'Nuke" the dark side and take out the A.I. at least temporarily. Each person will experience this is their own way according to their level of consciousness, beliefs and 'Soul Contract'. To get a feeling for what this experience will be like I suggest you go to You Tube and 'Allison Coe' 'Before, During and After the Event'. She is one of Deloras Cannon's QHHT practitioners who are trained to put people in a deep hypnotic state and even connect with their Higher Selves to answer questions. In this video multiple people under deep hypnoses give their versions of what this Event will be like. Some will even be escorted off planet via ET craft. The only alternative to this Solar Flash is for the entire planet to be converted into transhumans. So actually what this Solar Flash is is Divine Intervention. In 12 other timelines in this Galaxy the A.I. wins or takes over completely. According to Ismael Perez humans are the Hope of the Galaxy. Not in our current form however but after the Solar Flash as when we ascend to 5D our dormant DNA will activate. Even the Pleiadeans state that this sector of the universe will be 5D. Currently we live in a 'Simulation 'which is basically a 3D Hologram imposed on a 5D background. Outside of Earth's Van Allen Bands the entire Galaxy is 5D. And by the way the Earth is toroidal or basically round much to the dismay of the Flat Earthers. For a complete explanation of this truth I suggest you go to click under 'Table of Contents' and scroll to article #629. Apparently after about 1000 years Humans fully activated will eventually defeat the Galactic threat of A.I.
ET Yoga, May 27, 2023

ET Yoga, May 27, 2023


How the flashing universe affects our perception of motion, symbolism of the unicorn for current world agendas
ET Yoga, May 13, 2023

ET Yoga, May 13, 2023


Advanced Reality Creation Techniques, Advanced Healing Techniques, Creating a 5D Positive Timeline