Eaarth Feels

Has the endlessly gloomy climate news got you hiding under your covers with a case of overwhelm? Join Christine and Rose for soul-based conversations about climate change that explore the idea that climate change is happening for us as much as it is happening to us. If you are ready to shift your focus and secure the future for our kids and grandkids this is the podcast for you.

Climate of Joy: Intuitive Healing and the Climate Emergency

How do we reclaim joy and healing in a time of Climate Emergency? Eaarth Feels Podcast co-host Christine, self-described Climate Crone, as well as mother, author, and energy healer introduces her new podcast, Climate of Joy. Climate of Joy looks at the Climate Emergency that we are facing, and the opportunity that the current ecological and environmental, social, and economic planetary crises offer for dramatic spiritual and cultural healing. If you are ready for a new conversation about climate change, check out Climate of Joy, available wherever you download your favorite podcasts. Or click here to head over to the podcast website. For everyone who listened to the end of this episode, click here to go to the free thank you gift!


Think Cosmically, Act Locally

In this second episode of a two-part special COP27 podcast, Christine discusses how to apply a "bigger picture" perspective to the devastation of climate change with guest Sandra Boatman. Sandra is a skilled energy intuitive who embodies Divine Feminine ways of knowing and healing. Tune in for a conversation that ranges from practical energetic ways of releasing trapped emotions, and why that is important, to the planetary influences at this important time. Feeling stressed and anxious about the state of the world? Join the free online Healing circle Christine leads on the first Saturday of every month for energetic support in these challenging times. 


Think Quantumly, Act Locally

In this pre-COP 27 podcast, Christine discusses the world of vibrating energy and connection revealed by quantum mechanics. How can those of us who are alarmed about the climate emergency apply that information to our current situation? Christine explores this question, adding insights into other dimensions that she has glimpsed in her work as a spiritual detective and intuitive energy healer. If you want to share your feelings about climate change in a supportive circle, and have the opportunity to shift them using energy techniques, you are invited to join the free online Healing circle that Christine leads on the first Saturday of every month on Zoom.


Can Ted Lasso Show Us How to Do the Right-est Thing?

***Spoiler Alert*** Does Apple TV's Ted Lasso, featuring a relentlessly optimistic American recruited to coach a professional English soccer (or football, if you aren't North American) team, have any insight to offer those of us who are kept awake at night because of the climate emergency? The show's second season includes an episode entitled "Do the Right-est Thing" and in today's podcast Christine and Rose discuss what, if anything, this popular show has to teach us about doing just that in a time of global climate change.


What Would I Say To the Leaders Meeting at COP26? Global Youth Respond

As pivotal UN climate talks begin at the COP26 summit in Glasgow on October 31st, this podcast episode spotlights youth whose voices are not often heard at climate negotiations, but who will be living with the impacts of a less stable climate all their lives. Six young people from around the world, including from those countries being most impacted by climate destabilization already, send a message to the leaders meeting in Glasgow.


Episode 192. Will COP26 be our turning point?

The United Kingdom will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, United Kingdom, on November 1 to November 13, 2021. Will world leaders commit to making the changes necessary?  


Episode 191. BEST IN CLIMATE. 'We Will Never Forget What You Have Done': Climate Activist Grills Shell CEO at TED Forum, by Brett Wilkins

"No matter what he says today, remember, Shell has spent millions covering up the warnings from climate scientists, bribing politicians, and even paying soldiers to kill Nigerian activists fighting against them, all whilst rebranding to make it look as though they care and that they have the intention of changing." This week's Best in Climate article, originally published on CommonDreams.org, discusses how brilliantly climate activist Lauren McDonald articulated the frustrations of many at Shell's climate inaction & obstruction. McDonald was sharing the stage with the Shell CEO Ben van Beurden at a TED climate conference in Edinburgh Scotland. COP26, the UN Climate Conference, begins in Glasgow on October 31st.


Episode 190. What is the link between climate change and consciousness?

"It is helpful to know that to care about others, much less about the environment or the quality of life on the planet, is extremely recent in the evolution of consciousness of millennia." Dr David Hawkins This episode of Eaarth Feels is a discussion of climate change, and the other environmental challenges we are facing, in the context of psychiatrist Dr David Hawkin's Map of Consciousness.


Episode 189. BEST IN CLIMATE: Does Nature Have Rights? A Burgeoning Legal Movement Says Rivers, Forests and Wildlife Have Standing, Too by Katie Surma

Climate change and environmental destruction have inspired court cases around the country and the globe, aimed at protecting the natural world. Journalist Katie Surma gives us a brief history and provides us hope for Earth's future. This story originally appeared in Inside Climate News and is republished here as part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story.


Episode 188. How Do We Meet this Unprecedented All-Hands-on-Deck Moment?

Climate Breakdown is undeniable and no one is coming to save us. How do we step into this moment? Rose reminds us we are the ones we have been waiting for.


Episode 187. BEST IN CLIMATE. Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate Excoriate World Leaders for 'Blah, Blah, Blah' Climate Failures, by Andrea Germanos

"Our leaders are lost," said Nakate of Uganda, "and our planet is damaged." This week's Best in Climate article highlights the recent addresses by youth climate activists Vanessa Nakate and Greta Thunberg at Youth4Climate summit. Originally published on CommonDreams.org.


Episode 186. How do we Honor and Process our Ecological Despair? An Interview with Shannon Thompson

Continuing our monthlong coverage on Climate anxiety, Shannon Thompson, the founder of Shakti Rising,  shares insights with Rose  from her 22 year history leading a trauma informed women's change organization.


Episode 185. BEST IN CLIMATE: This Kenyan village halted deforestation by selling carbon credits, by Cece Siago

In one Kenyan village, citizens are paid to plant mangroves rather than cut them, reducing deforestation and furthering economic and climate sustainability for the future.


Episode 184. What does a climate grief specialist want us to know? Catching up with Kriss Kevorkian, PhD.

In the year that has been transpired since we last spoke with thanatologist (climate grief specialist) Kriss Kevorkian, we have been hit head on with flooding, hurricanes, building collapse, droughts and wildfire. Neck deep in the knowledge of human caused climate change, Kriss offers her wisdom to help us cope .


Episode 182. How do we build our Resiliency? An Interview with Michele Smith

Michele Smith shares her journey to founding the Resiliency School and offers a three step process to help us build our resilience muscle. 


Episode 181: BEST IN CLIMATE: 'Hijacked by anxiety': how climate dread is hindering climate action, by Jillian Ambrose.

Jillian Ambrose, the energy correspondent at Guardian News and Media details ways our climate grief is holding us back from taking action. This story originally appeared in The Guardian and is republished here as part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story.


Episode 180. Let's Treat Fossil Fuels As the Weapons of Mass Destruction That They Are:  A Discussion of The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Barcelona, Sidney, Los Angeles, along with Canada's largest cities, Toronto and Vancouver, have signed the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. This week guest's on Eaarth Feels is Lyn Adamson, co-chair of Climate Fast and Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. She discusses the proposed treaty, and shares what gives her hope in this time of climate emergency.


Episode 179. BEST IN CLIMATE. We restricted nuclear weapons. Now we must limit fossil fuels, by Lyn Adamson

"Despite decades of climate negotiations, we have not stopped adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. Rather, the process is speeding up. That is why it is so urgent that we have a global agreement to immediately stop any new fossil fuel projects, to phase out existing uses of fossil fuels, and to go full tilt into a renewable energy future with everything we’ve got." This week's Best in Climate article makes the case for a global Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty, inspired by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).


Episode 178. Climate Change is a Human Consciousness Issue

"Climate change and all of the problems in the world are energetically based, because we are all energy, whether we realize it or not." Energy healer Sandra Boatman talks with Christine about the possibility that the roots of the planetary environmental crisis originate in human consciousness. They explore how this understanding can revolutionize how we think about ourselves and the world around us and offer practical ways to raise our own, and the planet's, level of consciousness.


Episode 177. BEST IN CLIMATE: New Attenborough film sounds alarm on planetary boundaries, but offers hope

David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström detail the current state of Planet Earth while offering a hopeful path of action to avert this ongoing crisis. This story originally appeared on Mongabay.com and is republished here as part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story.


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