DiscoverEach Other — a Human Design Podcast
Each Other — a Human Design Podcast
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Each Other — a Human Design Podcast

Author: Vaness Henry, Aycee Brown, Rachel Lieberman, Jasmine Kenna

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Listen to how real life conversations sound between a Projector, Generator, Manifesting Generator, and Manifestor, when each person is fluent in Human Design. The Each Other Podcast lets you eavesdrop on the depth of conversation, connection and emotion that happens between people who let Human Design flavour their language and relationships. Featuring: Ego Manifestor, Vaness Henry; Emotional Projector, Aycee Brown; Sacral Generator, Rachel Lieberman; Sacral Manifesting Generator, Jasmine Kenna.

66 Episodes
Annual Deconditioning

Annual Deconditioning


As the Gals head into their ritualistic season finale on deconditioning, they discuss what they're leaving behind in 2023, while considering what they're metabolizing into 2024.With the ups and downs in her personal relationships this year, Aycee is leaving behind settling and is ready to receive the love and life that she desires.Jasmine is ready for her drive to return. She wants to be fully embodied and in her power for the new year ― and she’s already getting started.Rachel plans to creat...
Let's get personal! The Gals spill the tea on what they keep written in their Notes App thanks to an article in the New York Times that Rachel saw in her Kitchen. The Gals discuss how far back their furthest saved note goes and what lurks in those notes from the past five-to-ten years. Aycee discovers rabbit holes of Astrology Notes, sex positions and a couple other Indirect surprises. Jasmine spills haikus and poems full of passion and rage. Rachel finds an angry gem from 2015. And Vaness re...
Energy Dynamics

Energy Dynamics


The Gals get into a hearty discussion on Energy Dynamics among the Design Types, and how their defined and undefined centers interact with those around them. Whether the dynamic is with their friends, partners, family and loved ones, where are there healthy energy exchanges and perhaps some that are out of balance? Our crew discusses which aspects of people's designs they find easier or more difficult to have exchanges with, and have fun sharing which Design Types they gel best with. Review y...
The Head Centers

The Head Centers


Let's get in the gals' heads! Looking at the Head/Crown and Ajna together, our crew shares what frustrates them about defined and undefined heads, and what methods they use to clear mental pressure. Listen to how they worked (or clashed!) with their parents’ Head Centers growing up, with their kids now, with co-workers and with their partners. Rachel discusses her husband's completely open head and how it must be so different living with so few thoughts compared to her head being full of thou...
The Gals discuss the Manifestation Center within themselves and some of the people they admire. They get into the different voices of the throat, and what each one sounds like when it's expressed verbally. And when the throat reaches to various energy centers, how do those activations affect us? Rachel shares what it's like living with an undefined throat and how it's not easy for her to just make things happen, but Aycee brings a different perspective on her experience with her undefined thr...
The Gals discuss allll the feelings and what goes on in the Emotional Solar Plexus. They discuss which emotions make them cry the most, whether that is happy, sad, or angry tears. Vaness and Jasmine discuss what it was like being raised by emotional parents/with emotional siblings who were unaware that they were emotional. Rachel talks about her experience with a totally open solar plexus, how she doesn’t experience really high highs and wonders if she’s not getting things out of life that sh...
Making Hard Decisions

Making Hard Decisions


We all have different ways of making decisions, and with so much emphasis on the Decision-Making-Process in Human Design, the gang shares some of the hard decisions they've made in their past. Jasmine shares how her best decision is also connected to one of her worst decisions, and how learning from those lessons helps her parent her daughters. Rachel shares her 3rd line perspective and how ONE OF her worst decisions ultimately led her to her best one. Aycee shares how she doesn't feel she's ...
In the first half the show, Vaness and Rachel discuss meeting each other IRL at Rachel's book launch in Portland. Rachel shares what it felt like to experience the love from friends and family at her event through her totally open solar plexus, and Vaness describes how that felt to witness through her highly attuned awareness. Vaness and Rachel share what it was like meeting different peers that they’ve only ever known online or on social media, and how cool it actually feels to experiment in...
Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love


The gals get REAL about their lessons in love. Some of the greatest teachers in life are the people we fall in love with — but how do FIRST loves, worst loves and lost loves condition our lives? Sharing love stories from their past, learn some of the challenges and confrontations the gals have come up against romantically. Vaness reflects on dating religious guys and being brutal in relationships, Aycee and Jasmine try to understand each other as they debate staying friends with exes, and Rac...
One of the most googled things about Human Design is whether or not it's a cult. The gals jump into the debate, sharing opinions about their experience of Human Design pioneer Ra Uru Hu, what they think about the strong fundamentalist perspectives in Human Design, and the importance of building and tending to healthy communities. Considering the cult-y energy in spaces like Astrology, Gene Keys and Human Design, the gals analyze the shift in culture as HD continues to mutate with its studiers...
Recognizing The Ego

Recognizing The Ego


In Human Design, we hear that the most distortion on the ENTIRE planet comes from The Ego. How do we recognize our Ego, and what ways might we contend with it's distorted energy in an empowering way? Half our cast possesses willpower, one is undefined, and the other is totally open-hearted. In this conversation, we share our perspectives on recognizing and expanding the Ego, and we confess some of our challenges and lessons in learning about this energy center's teachings. Talk to your friend...
How do we gain the capacity to shift our reality and the way we perceive what's happening in our world? Aycee feels manifesting your dream reality requires you to get to the root of your trauma. Jasmine doesn't need to know the root of her traumas, but practices swapping in new thoughts when she recognizes her mind is thinking something she doesn't vibe with. Rachel digs into subconscious reprogramming, supportive modalities, and how living her Human Design didn't address some of the deep thi...
New Season, New Energy! What's going on with each of the gals? Tune in to hear where everyone has ended up this year, and what we're experimenting with at this time in our ongoing deconditioning cycles. Aycee starts micro-dosing with her therapist's supervision, Vaness moves onto an up-and-coming resort, Rachel gears up for her Human Design book launch, and Jasmine Kenna moves into her chosen era.Vaness Henry - 6/2 Ego Brown - 3/5 Emotional Projector...
IN THIS SEASON FINALE we share where each of us are at in our deconditioning process. Vaness describes the seven stages of deconditioning and coming to terms with being reviewed online, Rachel shares her biggest shifts creatively as a Generator and how she developed a healthier mindset, Jasmine reflects on the qualities of her romantic and platonic relationships, and Aycee reminds us of the magic in various Awareness Languages like Numerology, Astrology and Human Design. Listen to EACH OTHER ...
The Aging Process

The Aging Process


IN THIS EPISODE we discuss the changes we have each gone through in the Aging Process. As we get into what it's like to grow older in your 20s, 30s and 40s, we touch on Generation X all the way to Gen Alpha. Get into the beauty industry's bag of tricks with us, like how botox and fillers work, how weight releasing affects the aging process, and what new sensitivities we have each developed (or let go of!) as we've matured. With shifting hormonal health affecting the aging process, and fashion...



IN THIS EPISODE we talk about a hot topic in the atmosphere: Cheating. Who's been cheated on? Who has cheated? And where does everyone stand on the subject based on their own experiences? We share stories of our past and present relationships, what worked and what didn't work, and what we've learned about ourselves along the way when love and sex are involved. Talk about Cheating with EACH OTHER.Vaness Henry - 6/2 Ego Brown - 3/5 Emotional Projectora...
Online Dating

Online Dating


IN THIS EPISODE we discuss Online Dating from a Human Design Perspective. We share our opinions about which apps are better for each Design Type! Rachel shares how swiping left and right creates a natural response for the Generator, Vaness shares her 2nd Line Body fears and Manifestor approach to dating, Jasmine tells the recent story of being catfished, and Aycee reveals her online dating essentials as an influencer and famous psychic: boundaries and a burner phone. Talk about Online Dating ...
Character Development

Character Development


IN THIS EPISODE we chat about some of the past characters we've embodied, and who we are now. We explore how our self-concept and character is defined by what's going on in our G Centre and Ego Centre, while discussing the different combinations of definition and openness we have between these centres. Which aspects of our character truly define us based on our definition? Making space for each other's growth over time, explore Character Development with EACH OTHER.Vaness Henry - 6/2 Ego Mani...



IN THIS EPISODE we explore mindset work from the perspective of having a Defined Head, an Undefined Head, and totally open Head Centre. We explore saturating the mind through the Law of Assumption (Neville Goddard), the lag-time between Manifestation (if you believe that), how to approach rewriting the stories of the past and and how Mindset affects Manifestation. Explore Mindsets with EACH OTHER.Looking for Jasmine's Subliminal Library? Find it here.Vaness Henry - 6/2 Ego Manifestorvanesshen...



IN THIS EPISODE we rant and rave about the concept of vices and the things we use to "deal with" living in reality. Rachel only has one vice left after getting into all kinds of trouble as a 3rd line body and finding a better place. Vaness loves to shop and buy treats as little rewards for herself. Aycee splurges on gadgets and skincare, and Jasmine swaps Miller Lite for Kava but can't kick cigarettes. At least not 'til she sets her heart on it. Explore your Vices with EACH OTHER.Vaness Henry...