Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Astrologer and Earth Mystic Tami Brunk's monthly and weekly astrology forecasts and interviews to awaken your inner Earth Sky Woman. She who helps us bridge the chasm between the Age of Forgetfulness and the Age of Remembering. These episodes weave together the worlds of soul and spirit, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, modern and indigenous, ancestors and descendants. Interviews will include practical tools and visionary insight from world-changers creating the new economic ecosystems, spiritual technologies, bioregional communities, permaculture and ecovillage systems, regenerative enterprises, and more.

October Astrology Outline Special Transmissions on October Eclipse

Earth Sky Woman October 2024 Astrology OracleOctober Astrology TimelineAll Times MountainSeptember 30 Mars Disappears into Underworld until Mid January 2024October 2 Mercury opposite NeptuneOctober 4 South Node conjunct Mars in Libra with Spica the Priestess StarOctober 8 Venus moves into Virgo with Royal Star Regulus, Heart of the LionOctober 8 Mars Square PlutoOctober 9 Indigenous People's DayOctober 10Pluto Direct (felt a week on either side)Sun opposite ChironMoon Venus Brow Chakra GateOc...


Aries Full Moon

Happy Harvest Full Moon in Aries All! 4:58 am Central Friday, September 29 (tomorrow)Some of the features of this Harvest Aries Full Moon include: The Sabian Symbol for 7 Aries Full Moon is “A Man Succesfully Expressing Himself in Two Realms at Once” adding to the the already very multidimensional dynamic of Venus Square Uranus. Venus near her highest and brightest Morning Star Phase in Leo conjunct Juno in the “Mouth of the Lion,” and Mars near Spica, the brightest Sta...


April 2023 Astrology and Libra Full Moon with Chiron

Dear All,I'm so excited to be initiating monthly Astrology Oracles on my Youtube Channel and Earth Sky Woman Podcast! Check out my just released Youtube HERE and my Podcast HEREThe main events for this month are as follows: April 2023 Earth Sky Woman Astrology OracleAll Times CentralApril 3 11:22 am Mercury moves into TaurusApril 5 11:07 pm Full Moon 16 Libra 07 Opposite ChironApril 10 11:47 pm Venus moves into Gemini with PleiadesApril 11 5:07 pm Sun with JupiterApril 14 11:38 am ...


In Depth 2023 Astrology Forecast

In depth 2023 Astrology Forecast


Big Love Moving into 2023

A love note to everyone out there with updates on recent travels, exploration of incoming themes for 2023, and information on Emerge 2023, my full day live event Saturday, January 2014. Enroll at


Venus at Cazimi at the Libra Star Point

Dear Soul Family,Venus is at Cazimi, or exactly aligned with the Sun today, October 22, 2022 at 4:57 pm Central. This is a time of great magic and potentcy in ancient western astrology. I see this as a 3 day window of ceremony though today certainly is the high point!This is the very heart of the 584 ½ day Venus in Capricorn Cycle we began in January of this year that will complete in August. This Venus Sun exterior/superior conjunction occurs at the Karmic degree of 29 Libr...


Capricorn Super Full Moon with Pluto

Happy Super Full Moon in Capricorn Soul Family!What a powerful Full Moon we have tonight. Close to the Earth its ability to stir deepest emotions is amplified. In Capricorn opposite the Cancer Sun and with Pluto what's been in the deep has been surfacing.This Full Moon is Guru Purnima within the Hindu traditions, a day of great celebration and acknowledgment of all great spiritual teachers in their living tradition. All across the globe tonight people are in prayer and festi...


Gemini New Moon and June Astro Report

Dear Soul Family, Between the Gemini New Moon (exact this morning at 6:30 am Central), Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries (exact yesterday), and Venus' move into Taurus this past week, we're in a collective exhale with greater brightness, lightness and pleasure again, as I mentioned last podcast--the “Big Beautiful Breakthroughs" are incoming.The eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde, on the tail end of all the Pisces activations had us in a space where all kinds of timelines were surfacing ...


Blood Flower Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Dear Soul Family,Check out tonight's Blood Flower Moon (Total Lunar Eclipse) in Scorpio beginning in its partial phase at 9:28 pm central and ending at 1:00 am. The peak is at 11:11 pm. All Lunar Eclipses operate as Super Full Moons and time accelerators helping us face and heal the shadow and as this one is in Scorpio with the South Node featuring Venus with Chiron. We've been feeling this one coming from a mile away, haven't we? Oof!! If you're anything like me you mi...


Happy Taurus Solar Eclipse

Happy Taurus Solar Eclipse! We've entered the two-week Eclipse Cauldron with the Taurus Solar Eclipse (Super New Moon) exact today at 3:28 pm central on the heels of Pluto Retrograde, with Venus meeting Jupiter today in late Pisces, in the Beltane Cross Quarter Window of High Magic. Exact Solar Beltane is Thursday, May 5.May features astrology that will blow your mind with three planets retrograde (Pluto, Mercury, then Saturn) a major Eclipse Window opening with the Solar Eclipse ...


Earth Day Interview with DIane Gribbin

Dear Soul Family,Please enjoy this heart to heart conversation I had today with Earth Sky Woman Diane Gribbin. More and more I realize my biggest work is to “stop stopping myself,” from moving forward on my path, even when it might appear nonlinear or unfamiliar, or out of bounds of how I think it's “supposed to look," or if it involves letting go of something else that was on my agenda.In the past days I've also been realizing all this pressure to develop my body of work, find my way, ...


Happy Pink Libra Full Moon and Two Week Report!

Happy Pink Libra Full Moon, Ostara, Easter, Passover, still Ramadan, almost Earth Day!Today's Full Moon is ALMOST a sidenote when you consider all the surrounding astrology. The Libra Pink Full Moon with Priestess Star Spica was exact today at 1:55 pm square Pluto. Spica, long associated with the Divine Feminine, has connections specifically with the Goddess Brigid, as shared recently by Daniel Giamario, originator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, from a time when th...


Moon of the Great Mother Heart

Dear Soul Family,In this moment as Venus and Mars and Pluto are blessed with the medicine of Vesta, the we see and energize the power and potency of the Slavic Goddess Behynia, protectress of house and home in Kyiv, Ukraine, where she was erected in 1993 commemorating the countries independence.We align ourselves with a timeline where peace prevails, where a new story emerges, a new dream to replace the old. We understand the dictum "as within, so without" is a literal reality, and so w...


Happy Aquarius New Moon! A Gathering of Goddesses

Dear Ones,The Aquarius New Moon is exact at 11:46 pm tonight (Monday) central and features an extraordinary gathering of Goddess Asteroids including Vesta (conjunct Venus) Juno (still close to Pluto in the very last degree of Capricorn), Hygeia (opposite Uranus) and Ceres (conjunct the North Node). All this adds to the already prominent feminine rising energies of Venus very close to the Earth, gorgeous shining in the Morning Sky having just stationed direct last Saturday near the ...


Cancer Wolf Full Moon Opposite Pluto: Yin Alchemy

Happy Cancer Wolf Full Moon Dear Ones,We are in another grand portal of magic, miracles and full feeling with this Cancer Full Moon (exact tonight, Monday January 17 at 5:50 pm central) opposite Pluto, in the Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde period, with Uranus stationing direct tomorrow and the Lunar Nodes shifting from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio--something that only happens every 18.6 years!This is a period where the yin approach of creating greater space for stillnes...


Sun, Moon, Venus Chiron Magic

Happy Winter Solstice and Gemini/Cancer Full Moon!This next two weeks taking us into 2022 is extraordinary beyond measure as it features the Winter Solstice (exact Tuesday), Venus entering a 40-day retrograde period and transition from the Gemini to Capricorn cycle, the final Saturn Square Uranus activation, Chiron stationing direct today (square Mercury today, trine Mars and square the Sun over the coming week) and Jupiter moving into Pisces. More on that in my podcast HERE!


Total Solar Eclipse and Venus Exalted

The Total Solar Eclipse only visible in the Antarctic Peninsula and the southernmost tip of South America and Australia is at totality at 1:33 am Central Saturday morning, December 4. The partial eclipse opens at 1:00 am and completes at 2:06 am with the full eclipse lasting nearly an hour and totality lasting nearly two minutes. The next Total Solar Eclipse will be in 18 months. This Sagittarius Eclipse activates Antares, the Royal Star of the Scorpion Constellati...


Moon of Great Bounty: Taurus Lunar Eclipse of the Century

Friday, November 19 features the longest partial Lunar Eclipse in 580 years and the longest of this century at six hours total with its peak lasting 3 hours, 28 minutes. At 97.4 percent, it is as good as a Total Lunar eclipse in effect and visuals. I see this Lunar Eclipse at 27 Taurus as THE big event of 2021 because of its extraordinary length of duration as well as its activation of the Pleiades and the North Node. A Lunar Eclipse helps us leap timelines and accelerate our...


Lightening Our Hearts: Scorpio New Moon Opposite Uranus

Happy Scorpio New Moon Beautiful Soul Family!The Scorpio New Moon exact at 4:15 pm Central today is opposite Uranus. It is approaching Zubenelgenubi and Zuben Elschemali in the Scales Constellation where the Sun will be Saturday sunset through Sunday (Nov 6-7) sunrise marking the exact Samhain Cross Quarter. When we choose to be fully present in the moment to our breath, to the Earth, to the pleasure of being in the body and fully feeling--including all of it, leaning into the places o...


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