Elevate Within

Elevate Within is the go-to podcast for spiritual seekers who are ready to get clear, supercharge their manifesting abilities and fire up their intuition into high gear to have every area of their life explode! Your host Meghan Olsgard, Intuition Development Expert and Manifesting coach, went from depressed, scared, and anxious to creating a business she loves and elevating every area of her life. Her mission is to empower spiritual seekers to step into their most powerful selves and live out their souls desires with a life they are passionate about.Each week there will be a magical topic that will help you up level your energy, break through your fears, ignite your manifesting abilities, discover your soul’s blueprint, learn how to work with spirit, connect with your own intuition and conquer any and all obstacles so that you can become truly Elevated Within! This podcast is a must-subscribe for spiritual pursuers who are ready to elevate their life to receive more abundance, freedom, happiness, prosperity, and peace. Head on over to infinitesoulblueprint.com for more!

#40: 15 Incredibly Powerful Money Manifesting Tips To Shift Your Reality

In this episode, I give you 15 powerful law of attraction money tips to help you manifest more money with the law of attraction starting today!


#39: 13 Ways To Raise Your Vibe

In this episode, I give you 13 ways to raise your vibration so that you can manifest faster. The higher your vibration, the easier it is to work with the law of attraction and receive the things you want. These 13 things will supercharge your manifesting abilities into high gear!


#38: How To Move Forward When You Feel Like You Are Stuck Or Going Slow

In this episode, I give you 6 tips to help you move forward if you feel like you are stuck or going slow in life.  


#37: Resistance, The Law Of Attraction & Manifesting

In this episode, we go over why resistance shows up when you are manifesting and how to bust through it so that you can receive the things that you want.


#36: How To Master Your Mindset & Develop Unstoppable Confidence With Jakub Vantroba

In this interview, I sit down with life coach and mindset expert Jakub Vantroba to go over questions such as:What daily habits can help us to set up our mindset for success?In what ways can someone’s’ mindset hold them back from achieving their goals?How does confidence help you to achieve your goals?Connect with Jakub!Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakubvantroba/Looking to elevate your life to the next level? Sign up for a free coaching call with Jakub at www.infinitesoulblueprint.com/confidence.REPLY


#35: How To Make A Decision When You Don't Know What To Do

In this episode, we take and intuitive approach to decision making when you are trying to figure out what to do and your rational mind and your soul are pulling you in 2 different directions.


#34: 4 Reasons Why You Haven't Received Your 'Big' Manifestations

In this episode, we go over 4 reasons why you haven’t received your ‘big’ law of attraction manifestations and how to change it.


#33: 7 Things You Must Give Up To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

In this episode, I give you 7 different things to give up today to instantly raise your vibration and speed up your law of attraction manifestations.


#32: What Is Your Anger Telling You & How To Heal It

In this episode, I talk about all about anger. Anger is thought of as a ‘negative’ emotion. But I see it simply as guidance. Something is trying to be communicated to you and it’s up to you to figure out what that is. It is perfectly normal and healthy to experience some anger. You are not a bad person for experiencing anger and it is higher up on the emotional vibrational scale than you may think. I go over the following topics:Where your anger is coming fromHow anger manifests in your physical bodyHealthy ways to heal and deal with your anger


#31: How Your Environment Affects Your LOA Manifestations

In this episode, I talk about important your external environment is for manifesting and working with the law of attraction. 


#30: How To Turn Your Empath Abilities Into A Superpower

In this episode we go over:What is an empath?4 ways to know if you are an empathHow to know if you’re taking on someone else’s energyHow to set boundaries so you aren’t taking on other people’s energyThe benefits of being an empath and how to use it as a superpower


#29: How To Not Let Fear Take A Hold Of Your Life

In this episode, I talk about how to get out of fear when you feel like you are deep in it and how to shift your energy to a more empowering place.


#28: How I (FINALLY) Stopped Binge Eating

In this episode, I talk about how I finally stopped binge eating after 19 years of ‘trying’ to overcome it. These tips can also help you to stop binge eating if you are struggling with it. These tips aren’t normal tips that are shared in other places; we take an intuitive/energy approach to overcome the binge eating cycle once and for all.


#27: How To Receive Intuitive Guidance From Your Physical Pain

In this episode I go over 7 different spiritual reasons for physical pain and how to overcome them. These reasons include:Your body is forcing you to slow downThe universe is trying to get your attentionYour chakras are out of balancePast life injuries and illnessesA spiritual awakeningYou’re taking on someone else’s energyYou’re holding yourself back and afraid to move forward


#26: 5D Habits To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

In this episode, we talk about 5D nutritional habits to boost your immune system naturally that will help move you from a 3D consciousness to a 5D consciousness.


#25: How I Lost 35 Pounds & Reclaimed My Health By Following My Intuition

In this episode, I talk about how I lost 35 pounds by following my intuition and how you can use these tips as well if you are trying to lose weight.


#24: The Forgiveness Technique That Will Supercharge Your Manifestations

In this episode, I give you a powerful law of attraction technique that will help to supercharge your manifestations.


#23: Why I Quit Caffeine & Have Never Been Happier

In this episode, I go over my experience of quitting caffeine and the benefits I experienced. A few of the benefits include:Less anxietyMore sustainable energyBetter sleepMore stable moodNo more heart palpitations


#22: What Are Spirit Guides & How Do They Help You?

In this episode I go over:What your spirit guides areHow they help you every single dayHow to communicate with them and build a stronger relationship with them


#21: The '555' Manifesting Technique (Manifest in 5 Days!)

In this episode I talk about a powerful manifestation technique that includes writing down your desire for 5 days in a row, 55 times. This is a strong technique that you can use for any of your manifestations. I also share what happened when I tried it out!


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