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Elevating Conversations

Author: Deb Shannon

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You need tools to make better connections through conversation. Elevating Conversations gives you data-driven tools to practice high impact and engaging conversations that elevate workplace relationships, so that you build confidence in your personal leadership brand. After 15 years in the workforce and observing my global healthcare tech employer indoctrinate brilliant young minds into a culture of submission and vanilla wafers, I went looking for the work that I love to do: sharing with people what they are good at and asking questions to reveal how to connect better with your personal thought processes and then with others. Your success starts with your next conversation! Deb Shannon’s conversations with Mary Stelletello and a variety of industry leaders, build confidence that each conversation that you have hits the marks for shared understanding, creativity and mutual results. We are here to help you discover that productive, co-creative and satisfying conversations are manageable and they are the cultural foundation of desirable workplaces and the future of work. We dive into Five Conversational Essentials® that you can use anytime to level up communications at work, in the community and at home. Tune in to listen to stories told by executive leaders about defining conversations in their careers. Learn how to notice if you are having a defining conversation and be ready for that moment!
8 Episodes
There are a number of silver linings around this pandemic. Fellow C-IQ® coaches Mary Stelletello and Keith Greer join Deb in this episode to talk about out-dated self-judgments, how we have become more intentional about relationship-building and the end of compartmentalization.
This episode of Elevating Conversations highlights breakthrough conversations that my guests had early in their careers. Angela and Kelley are banking and technology executives, who arrived in this country over twenty years ago, from China and Trinidad/Tobago respectively. They share stories of how a pivotal conversation helped them discover the personal resources that made them so successful. We talk about intergenerational conversations and tools that young employees can use to b...
In our final episode of the Conversational Intelligence mini-series, Mary and I recap our favorite tips and tools to put at your fingertips, so that you can muster the “will” to have that next challenging conversation.
When things start to go south in conversations it is often due to assumptions we make from an ‘I’ mindset, rather than a ’We’ mindset. When you are more aware of your own thought processes, experiences, and assumptions, you can shift them to consider the larger picture and the result...higher quality conversations!
Mary and I talk about simple conversation tools that help to remap relationships toward greater trust and navigate conversations with greater success. When things start to go awry in conversations, it is often due to conversational assumptions. If you can become more aware of these assumptions, you will have higher-quality conversations with others.
Mary and I discuss how we can get clarity about definitions and terms, in moments of uncertainty. We’ll pull back the curtain on the meaning of Double Clicking and provide concrete examples of how to ask for the deeper meaning of a word or commonly used phrases. When a meaningful conversation requires more than mutual agreement of definitions, we use conversational agility to reframe, refocus and redirect the mindset of the speaker, which opens access to different parts of the brain. Using th...
In today’s episode of the Conversational Intelligence® mini-series, Mary and Deb discuss the three levels of conversation and how you can identify what level of conversation you are having. Then we’ll provide some tips about how to level up or level down to achieve great outcomes! Enjoy!
What is the Neuroscience of Conversations®? Deb and Mary take a look at the invisible elements that influence conversations. Then they offer tools to get clear about what you want to get out of a conversation and how to get it.