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Elevation Recovery

Author: Matt Finch and Chris Scott

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Addiction Recovery Strategies for conquering Opioid Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, Prescription Drug Addiction, Meth Addiction, and addiction to any other substances. The Elevation Recovery Podcast's Mission is to help people transcend addiction as well as to rapidly progress the field of addiction and treatment. The Listeners will learn a wide variety of addiction recovery concepts, philosophies, strategies, tactics, tools, and resources. Co-Hosts Chris Scott and Matt Finch of Fit Recovery and Opiate Addiction Support merge together on the Elevation Recovery Podcast to interview a wide array of guests on topics that will help people overcome addiction for good.
348 Episodes
Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss various studies on the neuroscience of alcohol and drug addiction, what it feels like to have an addicted brain, what it feels like to be in early recovery and then recovered, and much more. They share personal stories, insights, concepts, lessons, and motivational content to help others achieve and maintain addiction-free and healthy lives.
Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss the quote by the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, and the implications of drunkenness leading to madness. The madness can come in the form of mistakes, inebriation, disconnect, lack of problem-solving and cognitive abilities, and so on. Chris and Matt talk about their personal experiences, how to recover from the feeling of madness, and how to move on from drunkenness.
In this minisode, Matt Finch discusses binaural beats therapy, what it is, and how it can help with addiction, insomnia, mental health and anxiety, and more. He reads from an article discussing the topic, talks about his own experience using binaural beats as a form of therapy, and offers some of his favorite binaural beats music and therapy.
Chris Scott interviews Rachael Shephard, the founder and director of Sober Mama, a UK-based recovery coaching program. They talk about Rachael's story of addiction, heavy drinking, British culture, and motherhood. They also discuss her recovery journey, how she designed The Freedom Programme, and how she became the SoberMama. About Rachael Shephard: Rachael began her journey to sobriety in 2021 after many years of problem drinking, an impending divorce, and managing life as a newly single mother of two young boys. Instead of just figuring out why alcohol is bad, she wanted to know how to change her life for the better. Thus, SoberMama was born, and she designed her very own Freedom Programme. Her passion in life is now to help other mothers give up alcohol. She says, "my life has transformed for the better and if I can do it, anyone can."
Matt Finch interviews Marc R, aka Suffer To Tougher on Youtube. They discuss Marc's story of drug addiction, overdoses, chasing the high, and how it progressed to needing the drug, not for the high, but to not feel sick. They also cover Marc's transformation and inspirational recovery story.
Chris Scott interviews John O'Connor, AKA JohnnyO, a client of Fit Recovery. They go over his introduction to alcohol, rehab, detox, and first-hand testimonials of the journey to alcohol recovery through the use of fitness, biochemistry, and nutrient repair.
Matt Finch discusses the concept of hyperbolic discounting, the act of discounting future delayed gratifications in favor of short-term gratification. We all have the tendency to default to this train of thinking. Because of this, Matt provides tips and strategies to delay gratification in order to have a healthier recovery and lifestyle in the long run. 
Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss strategies for overcoming the holiday season while recovering from alcohol and addiction. With the pressure from advertisements, friends, and family, it can be difficult to not succumb to peer pressure. With these strategies such as sleep, nutrient repair, and so on, recovery can be maintained! 
Matt Finch discusses the topic of the five hindrances, taught by the Buddha. These hindrances hinder progress in meditation and in our daily lives. Matt reads from an article called "Mindfulness and the Five Hindrances to (Inner) Peace." When we can identify and be self-aware of these five hindrances, we can begin to lead more peaceful and grounded lives.
Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss how to customize your diet for recovery. They talk about their personal diets during addiction, before recovery, and how the diets changed over the years from detox to early recovery to full recovery and so on. They also share some specific "miracle" foods that worked well for them, and how you can customize your diet for your own individual needs.
Matt Finch interviews Chris Engen, founder of Nutrition 4 Recovery. They discuss Chris's personal journey of alcohol addiction, the importance of amino acid therapy, nutrition, and other helpful strategies for addiction recovery.
Matt Finch interviews John Finch, the co-founder of and teacher at Self-Heal School of Herbal Studies and Healing. They discuss nutrition, micronutrients and macronutrients, the typical American diet, and seasonal depression.
Matt Finch interviews Zach Reeder, a Fit Recovery Coach. They discuss their personal experiences with neurodivergence and addiction, and how they can impact each other. They talk about how different substances and symptoms can mix to affect the body differently, and how to push through the addiction.
Matt Finch discusses his experience at a seminar titled "Breakthrough to Success" by Jack Canfield. Matt provides his key takeaways from this seminar to either overcome an addiction for early recovery and beyond or for life optimization.
Chris Scott interviews Briana Theroux, a Fit Recovery coach and nutritional coach. They discuss the difference between determinism and free will, and that the belief we can change is a powerful entity in recovery. They also talk about the importance of nutrient repair when balancing determinism and free will.
Chris Scott interviews Coach Tana, a Fit Recovery coach. They discuss the feelings of looking back on addiction versus the early stages of recovery. This includes the initial mental states, physical states, deficiencies, well-being, and so on compared to the current state of being.
Matt Finch discusses how alcohol and drugs are used as resources for confidence, euphoria, and socialization. The alcohol and drug use can easily accelerate and can be abused quickly. When the consequences begin to heavily outweigh the benefits, the substances become exhausted resources.
Matt Finch discusses the concept of patient endurance and how to boost it for addiction recovery. Patient endurance is the act of enduring trying circumstances with an even temper. He describes how you can use it, foster it, cultivate it, nurture it, increase it, and create patient endurance into more than just a habit.
Chris Scott interviews Mark Scheeren, the co-author of The Freedom Model for Addictions. They go over Mark's personal story of addiction, the making of the book, and alternative ways to gain back your power from addiction. 
Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss the definition of alcohol, its contents, and the meaning of a "buzz," the feeling you get after consuming alcohol. They talk about what these feelings entail, the aftermath once the feelings fade, and how this can keep people coming back for more including the placebo effect and positive association.
Comments (1)

Kelsey McAllister

Love every episode of your podcast guys! the world of addiction recovery is huge, and you guys open up so much potential in listeners.

Feb 12th
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