Eli Chambers Hates The Office

A Survey of Sensationalist Behavior in Modern Consumerism

S1E9 - Die Hard

Die Hard w/Ryan Friebertshauser Musician, ecology nerd, and Schnappsmeister Ryan Friebertshauser brings the world's loudest drops onto Eli's otherwise perfectly good podcast to promote this line of action flicks. Talking points: Denying invitation to a fandom offends the fans' sense of judgment? Our best Patrick Warburtons Long Egg reactions, vol. III I never seen a booby... EUCHRE, BILL. Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E8 - Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek w/Celia Tice Songwriter, cat lady, and vampire expert Celia Tice persuades Eli to watch this staple of nineties teen television programming. Talking points: what if I'm not 100% kid? Jennifeh! Very Midwestern Looking Women in Tracksuits Chad Michael Murray totally vapes Boys' Meat World Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E7 - The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda w/Mike Driscoll Composer, performer, therapist, and White Castle enthusiast Mike Driscoll tells Eli to "hey, listen" to his pitch for this universe of Nintendo video games. Talking Points: Corn fungicide Eli admits to a Wind Waker crime Wario sauce Indiana Jones and the Trench of Forgotten Chips Ralphred Cromson's burger siren Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E6 - Frozen Margaritas

Frozen Margaritas w/Morgan Rakay Choreographer, therapist, double mom, and Eli's sister Morgan Rakay (MA, LPC, BCD-MT) pours Eli a tall glass of this sweet cold adult beverage. Talking Points: Oat milk poetry The worst KMart in West Virginia Turtle murder Eli's childhood B&E BM story Hhhookworms... Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E5 - Pokémon

Pokémon w/Anna O'Toole Twitch steamer, ramen slinger, and cartoon historian Anna O'Toole pitches a whole universe of animals. Talking Points: Bagel sponsorships Mom burns the popcorn Faffy Anna turns 90 Long Egg Reactions, vol. II Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E4 - Ketchup

Ketchup w/Mason Amadeus Podcaster, Twitch streamer, and pancake defiler Mason Amadeus encourages Eli to get on board with this tangy red sauce. Talking Points: Hyperbole in inter-consumer evaluative rhetoric moonpeen.com How many ramps in a micro-Henry? umami's uDaddy Long Egg Reactions, vol I Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E3 - My Chemical Romance

My Chemical Romance w/Cat Carrier Long-time Fine Arts buddy and D&D co-campaigner Cat Carrier invites Eli to join The Black Parade. Eli takes a chunk out of his nightstand. Talking Points: Promise Rings and Weed Allergies Gerald Waxman I'm busy, Ben Folds, get off my elevator The Broccoli Fallacy Pizza Grapes This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E2 - Ranch Dressing

Ranch Dressing w/Turner Matthews Columbus, Ohio-based composer and performer Turner Matthews tries to get Eli into this savory sauce. He also commits the ultimate pod crime by crunching on mic. Talking Points: Clorox Horse Bones Ramekin Skywalker Lancaster Gravy What Kindergarten Smells Like to Me Flip My Needle Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


S1E1 - Stardew Valley

STARDEW VALLEY w/The Spooky Spouses Jordan and Lindsey Reed of the Spooky Spouses podcast try to convince Eli to play a video game. Talking points: Caduceus, God of Cannonballs Grank Mabbles Sixty-Five Potatoes' Worth of Bigfoot Pig Names CussesForBeth Visit kelprabbit.com for a bunch of neat, Ohio-made prints and doodads! Listen to MEMZ Duo! Support Eli Chambers Hates The Office by contributing to their Tip Jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/echto This podcast is powered by Pinecast.


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