
Communication effects everything we do in life, whether that's business, making friends, and finding love. Eloquent is design to help us (you and me) master the art of communication and all things emotional intelligence. Eloquent is part of the Life Mastery Empire. support us by signing up becoming a patron, at patreon.com/ohmyjosh

EL002: The Art of Dictation aka Talk to Yourself Like a Crazy Person

The Art of Dication aka Talk to Yourself Like a Crazy Person by Josh Waggoner, from the Life Mastery Empire. How to talk to yourself like a crazy person to improve your speaking abilities. If you feel called to do so, Rate us on iTunes ***** Action Step: Practice dictating like Winston Churchill. record yourself asking a question and responding to it. Listen to the recording, Look for spots you can improve, such as pauses, filler words, and missteps. Email your recording to Josh@renaissancemanlife.com to be featured on the next episode. Remember, Practice makes Improvement! Support Eloquent, Life Mastery, and the Renaissance Life by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/ohmyjosh A little is a tremendous help in keeping the shows and blog going. You'll also gain early access and exclusive content to boot!


EL001: Introducing Eloquent, Aka How Not to Suck at Talking

Welcome to Eloquent! Fancy meeting you here Eloquent is a podcast focusing on how we can become excellent conversationalists. Conversation affects ALL aspects of our lives. The question is, if you improve your ability to communicate (in all mediums) will you improve your life Let's find out. I definitely could use some help. Support Eloquent by becoming a patron. @ Patreon.com/lifemastery Eloquent is a part of the Life Mastery Empire. Check out other podcasts and insights on RenaissanceLife.com


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