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Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd
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Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd

Author: Inspired Choices Network

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Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd


Are you tired of riding the emotional elevator of life and ready to elevate your emotions? These emotions can stem from deep-rooted beliefs, values, or conditions about us that lead to psychological trauma or addictive behaviors. When we can break these cycles and start elevating our emotions, we can become confident, courageous, and determined. Are you ready to take back your life and elevate your emotions, then join Sandee Byrd, trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach.Sandee Byrd is the owner of Sandee Byrd coaching. Sandee will inspire you to learn techniques to let go of the emotions that are keeping you trapped in a victim’s mindset and elevate you to a warrior mindset.
37 Episodes
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Shoulda, coulda, woulda or what if. What is the difference when you say I should of or what if I did that? What should I do? What if I do that? What would happen if I did that or what if I did that? Say I should , I could and I would. Now say What if. Do you hear the difference? In this Episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd talks about the what ifs of life. Sandee talks about her clients and changing their shoulda, coulda, woulda to what if. The empowering feelings behind what if versus should I, could I or would I. Sandee will teach you how to change should I, could I, would I to What if. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you know what generational curses are? Do you know how to break generational curses? Generational curses can be suppressed trauma, insecurities, and false beliefs. Generational curses can be passed down for years until someone breaks the cycle. In this Episode, Sandee Byrd, the host of Emotional Elevator will talk about generational curses that her family has passed down and how they have been broken by her own children. Sandee will talk about her insecurities around abundance, love and happiness that were passed down to her. Sandee will give techniques to break generational curses. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  What does Independence mean to you? What is controlling your mind? Are you being controlled by your thoughts, beliefs, and or feelings? How can you break free and be independent? Who is controlling your thoughts, opinions, and feelings? Are you easily influenced by others? In this Episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee will talk about what independence means and how to stop your mind from the control of others. Sandee will give you techniques to use to start believing in yourself and becoming independent. Sandee will share her story of breaking free of the false thoughts, feelings and beliefs that was keeping her trapped in an unhealthy life. Sandee will tell her story of believing what everyone else said and not trusting herself and why. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you know what a Self-Development Coach is? Why a Self-Development Coach is important to have? Do you know what your purpose is in life? Do you know how to land that perfect job? Do you know how to write a stellar resume or how to interview for a job? Do you know how to set goals for yourself? Do you struggle with confidence either in your professional or private life or both? Do you feel you lack what it takes? In this Episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd, will talk about her Self-Development Coaching. How she became a Self-Development Coach and how her own coach helped her to see her purpose in life. Sandee will talk about her expertise in management, HR and coaching to help YOU start developing into the person YOU want to be. Sandee will talk about how building her own confidence made her realize her purpose was to help others build their confidence to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Sandee will talk about how to set goals, hold yourself accountable and achieve the goals. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you use your privilege to help others? What are privileges? Privilege can be economically, religiously, socially and ethically. Do you volunteer or support anything that tugs at your heart strings? Why not? Do you stand up for those that can't stand up for themselves? Why not? Do you ever get involved when you know someone is being treated unfairly? In this episode, Sandee Byrd, host of Emotional Elevator will talk about how she uses her privilege to help others. Sandee will talk about the different forms of privilege and how she stands up for others. Sandee will talk about how standing up for others has increased her confidence within herself. By helping others not only elevates Sandee's emotions, but the ones she is helping too. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  What are you passionate about in life? Can you turn your passion into your purpose? Do you feel you are living your life's purpose? How do you incorporate passion into your life? When I say live your life's purpose with passion, what do I mean? Does living your life's purpose mean you have to change your whole life? In this episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd will talk about incorporating your passion into your life. Sandee will also talk about how she incorporated her passion into her purpose in life. Sandee will also talk about the steps you can take to start living a passionate and purposeful life. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Does selfish = self-love? Is putting yourself first mean you are selfish? Do you practice self-love? Do you even know how to self-love? Do you believe as women it's important to love ourselves first before we can love others? In this episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd, the host will talk about what it means to be selfish and what it means to self-love. Sandee will talk about the importance of taking time to be with yourself and how it elevates your emotions. As mothers, daughters, grandmothers and wives we tend to put everyone else first and become selfless. Sandee will talk about the importance of putting yourself first and then helping others. Sandee talks about many ways to be selfish which leads to self-love. Sandee talks about her emotions being elevated by loving herself first. Sandee will also give examples of how you can start putting yourself first. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Does your life get messy sometimes? Do you ever feel like screaming in the pillow? Do you have days were getting out of bed is good enough? What do you do when life gets messy? In this Episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd, the host will talk about how to handle life when it gets messy sometimes. Sandee will share the tools she uses to ground herself. Sandee will share ways to bring back the joy into your life when you feel there is no hope for joy. Sandee will share her messy life stories and how she elevates her emotions. Sandee will also talk about the effects stress has on your body and why it is important to elevate your emotions. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you know what freeze or fawn response is? Do you freeze or fawn? Why do you freeze or fawn? What suppressed trauma can cause freeze or fawn? In this episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd will talk about freeze or fawn and why we have these responses. Sandee will go thru the stages of these responses and how we can change our response. Sandee will also talk about other ways to combat our responses when faced with conflict. Sandee will teach you how to elevate yourself to respond effectively to any conflict you are going thru. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you know if your response is fight or flight? Do you know why you respond with fight or flight? Do you know when you developed fight or flight? Do you know there are chemicals your body produces in fight or flight? In this episode Sandee Byrd, the host of Emotional Elevator will guide you through fight or flight responses. Sandee will talk about the chemicals your body produces when you are going through fight or flight and the reactions they have on your response. Sandee will talk about suppressed trauma that can create your response. Sandee will give techniques to become aware of your fight or flight response. Sandee will help you elevate your emotions to create those chemicals without fighting or flighting. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Fear – Sandee Byrd

Fear – Sandee Byrd


Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  What is your biggest fear? Is this fear really yours or is it a fear that has been imposed on you? Why do we fear? Does our fear really protect us? Or do our fears limit us? In this episode, Sandee Byrd, the host of Emotional Elevator is going to dive right in and talk about fears and how they can help us and how they can also limit us. Sandee will talk about the fears she realized were imposed on her and how she overcame her fears. Sandee will also talk about the steps she uses with herself and clients to overcome small fears, which leads to overcoming the bigger fears in life. Listen to this episode to start facing the fears that stop you from living the best life. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you spend your days comparing yourself to others? Do you know the definition of envy and jealousy? Who are you envious or jealous of and why? Where did your envy and jealousy come from? What harm can it cause in ourselves when we are filled of envy and jealousy. What steps to make to start elevating your emotions to stop envy and jealousy. Let's work together to create a life free of comparing ourselves to others. In this episode, Sandee Byrd, Emotional Elevator, will talk about the affects envy and jealousy have on us and how to elevate ourselves to recognize and release envy and jealousy. Are you ready to dive into your envy and jealousy? Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  In this Episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd, the host will talk about the mirror mirror on the wall. Bring a mirror to this episode of Emotional Elevator. Have you ever looked in the mirror for 5 minutes, 3 minutes or even a minute? What happens when you look into the mirror? What do you tell yourself when you do? Sandee will go over techniques she uses with her clients to start positive talk with themselves. Sandee will challenge you to do the mirror technique. Sandee will also tell you how to change the narrative of the talk you have with yourself. Sandee will share how she starts her day with mirror talk and how it has elevated her emotions. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Acceptance, Approval and Avoidance are the 3 A's we all do in our lives. Do you rely on others for acceptance? Do you rely on others for approval? If you don't get the acceptance or approval, what do you avoid? What do you avoid in your life and why? In this episode of Emotional Elevator, Sandee Byrd, the host will go over the 3 A's of life. Sandee will over how to stop asking for acceptance and approval and start elevating your emotions to approve and accept yourself. Sandee will also talk about elevating your emotions, so you don't avoid anything. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Do you ever feel like you are unqualified? Do you feel like you have to fact check everything you say? Do you ever feel like that promotion you got wasn't deserved? Do you ever question someone's compliment of you? In this episode, Sandee Byrd, host of Emotional Elevator will go over imposter syndrome and the 5 types by Dr. Valerie Young. Imposter syndrome is all those nagging thoughts that you are unqualified and incompetent. Sandee will give you examples and how she has worked on herself and clients to become their true selves. Which category are you in the Perfectionist, the Superwoman/man, the Natural Genius, the Soloist, or the Expert? Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  In this Episode of Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd, I will be talking to Vincent Ellis White about how he elevates his emotions when having difficult conversations. Vincent is a social worker, father and entrepreneur. Vincent has been having difficult conversations in the community since 2021. Vincent provides a safe space, open dialogue and community engagement when having conversations that challenge ways of thinking, feeling and believing. Vincent has been a voice for absentee fathers, broken homes and family fragmentation. Vincent wrote a book about discovering who his real father was and the father he thought was his biological dad. Vincent and I will talk about his struggles as a father, a man, an influencer in the community when having difficult conversations. Vincent and I will talk about the emotional elevator he was on learning that the man he called dad was not his dad and how he found out who his real father was. Vincent will talk about how he wrote a book, which became a stage play and how that helped him cope with these emotions. Vincent and I will also talk about the struggles he faced fighting for custody of his own son and what techniques he used to elevate his emotions during this process. This episode will be a powerful one for men who struggle with finding the ways to cope with their emotions and what techniques men can use to elevate their emotions while being challenged in fatherhood and having difficult conversations. Trusted voice, fatherhood champion, long-standing community leader, former social worker, and child welfare/foster care advocate, Vincent Ellis White, M.Ed, Q.I.D.P has cemented his footprints in the Richmond area for a long time now. Prior to creating this Difficult Conversations series, the illustrious Vincent authored the best-selling memoir “Finding Chris, My Father”, helped create a traveling stage play to follow, has been listed as one of Richmond Virginia’s Style-Weekly Top 40 under 40 recipients, listed as Richmond’s “Hometown Hero” by the prestigious law firm Allen, Allen, and Allen, featured on CBS 6, listed in the Richmond Times Dispatch in 2015 and 2022 for his life story and impactful work in foster care, listed as one of the Chesterfield Education Foundation and Chesterfield County Public School’s BRAVO award recipients, a recipient of the Virginia Favorite Father’s award given by the Virginia Family & Fatherhood Initiative, and has curated and facilitated countless impactful events around the city. Vincent’s heartfelt life story and journey has been featured on ABC in New York, CBS, NBC, and lectured upon at various universities across the United States. He currently sits on the board of the nonprofit, Work of Art RVA, is a celebrated fatherhood advocate, has full-custody of and is raising his teenage son Jordan Ellis White, and works professionally as a contract specialist for the federal government with the CDC; as well as is a mentor and in-home counselor with Community-Based services at St. Joseph’s Villa. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  In this Episode of Emotional Elevator "How to elevate your emotions while being a MOM", Sandee Byrd will discuss ways to elevate your emotions while raising children. Sandee will teach you how to express your emotions effectively in front of your children to reassure their self-reassurance. Sandee will talk about the value of taking time to self-care and regulate yourself to be a mom. Sandee will reassure you that there is no "perfect" mom, and we all make mistakes. Sandee will elevate your emotions by giving you techniques to do with your children. Sandee will give you skills to handle the difficult situations with your children of any age. Sandee will talk about moms of adult children and when it is time to let your child become an adult. Sandee will talk about the "guilt syndrome", and how to elevate yourself. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  Are you a white mom or dad that is raising a child from a different race, religion or culture? Do you wish you had someone who knew what you went through or are going through? Do you want to learn techniques to elevate your emotions? In this episode, Sandee Byrd, the host of Emotional Elevator will talk about the struggles of raising multicultural children. Raising children is hard enough but when you add different religious, ethical, and racial backgrounds there is more to encompass. Sandee Byrd will talk about raising her children with everyday challenges as well as racial challenges. Sandee will talk about the things she wishes she knew to tell help her children. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  In this episode, Sandee Byrd, the host of Emotional Elevator will dive into cold mother syndrome. What is Cold Mother Syndrome? Do you know how to recognize if you have or experienced cold mother syndrome? How cold mother syndrome effects your children's emotions and trust in others? Did you have a mom(parent) who was present physically but not emotionally? Did you feel you couldn't express emotions growing up? Did your mom dismiss your emotions? Did your mom overreact to your emotions by yelling, screaming or intimidating you? I will also discuss how to elevate your own emotions if you are the child of cold mother syndrome. I will also discuss if you have cold mother syndrome and the steps you can take to move forward in your relationship with your child. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd  What does it feel like to be In Love with myself? What does it look like to just be? How did I celebrate myself? What it feels like to let go of the expectations of my birthday? Do you always expect everyone to celebrate you or are you ready to be celebrated? In this Episode, Sandee Byrd, host of Emotional Elevator will talk about finally letting go of expectations and what 55 feels like. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Sandee Byrd – –     ~ More About Emotional Elevator with Sandee Byrd ~  Sandee Byrd is a trauma/addiction life and spiritual coach that teaches both women and men to dive deep into their emotions that keep them trapped in addictive behaviors and psychological trauma.  Her techniques are breathwork and hypnosis to get to the deep-rooted feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.  Sandee is also a leader in her community of laughter yoga. Sandee believes that once you elevate your emotions it is time to bring childlike behaviors back into your life.  Sandee uses her life as an example for those around her.  She inspires people that healing can be achieved at any age.  She shows everyone through her own healing of psychological trauma and emotional addictions that joy, confidence, and freedom can be obtained.  Sandee was stuck on the emotional elevator for 40+ years of her life and decided to elevate her emotions to the penthouse suite. Sandee’s clients are taught to elevate their emotions through many different techniques.  Sandee designs each program around the individual and what makes the client open to emotionally being available.  Some of her techniques involve walking therapy, cooking therapy, and sporting therapy.  Sandee’s approach to coaching is one size doesn’t fit all.  Sandee believes we are all individuals with individual responses to trauma.  Sandee believes our elevators are all on different floors, but we can all meet on the ground floor and work together to get to the penthouse. To get more of Emotional Elevator - Sandee Byrd, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here: