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Employment Rights Online: The Podcast
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Employment Rights Online: The Podcast

Author: Employment Rights Online

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Employment Rights Online: The Podcast - is a podcast for employees and workers! The podcast looks at all things to do with employment rights, employment wrongs and other job related matters. Dr Asher your podcast host, delves into these subjects from the point of view of all types of employees and workers! There are podcasts out there, that focus on what employers need to know, to be ahead of problems their staff might have or might cause for their business. Dr Asher comes at the subject from the position of workers and workers' rights! Want to know how to deal with bullying at work, how to manage toxic relationships, or about grievance and disciplinary procedures or how to manage disputes at work - this is the podcast for you. Want to know about how your job might be affected by the working time directive, flexible working or lone working - this is the podcast for you! Are you interested in what your boss might be looking at during your forthcoming appraisal - we can help with that. Looking to repair your damaged professional reputation because of poor treatment at work - we can help with that. This podcast covers these problems and many more. We believe that the time to get on terms with your employment rights is when things are calm at work and not when things are going wrong! When things are calm, it's much easier to take the information in and follow through with employment protecton actions. And that's why we're here! Employment Rights Online: The Podcast, aims to bridge that gap between not knowing about employment rights - and being able to take effective actions to protect yourself and your rights at work. Whilst Employment Rights Online has sought to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, Dr Asher and Employment Rights Online are not responsible and will not be held liable for any inaccuracies and, or related consequences, including any loss arising from relying on this information. If you are in need of legal advise to address an employment problem, please contact your usual services as soon as possible for advice.
223 Episodes
Hi thereIn our final episode on Paternity Leave, we look at enhanced paternity or partner rights and we look at an example of what can go wrong, when your employer misinterprets your rights and denies your right to fully access your paternity leave or paternity pay. It's our view, that the more you are able to acquaint yourself with your employment rights in this area, the more your rights will act as an early warning system, which you can use to spot bad treatment or illegal treatment t...
Hi thereIn this week’s episode, we look at what can go wrong when you try to enforce your paternity rights at work, to alert you to reasons you might miss out on your paternity leave or paternity pay, and steps you can take to avoid this happening. It's our view, that the more you know your employment rights, the more your rights will act as an early warning system, to spot bad treatment. If you need help to formulate your complaint, download a copy of our ‘Complaints Checklist’ he...
Hi there,In this week's episode, we take a look at your rights to Paternity Leave, something which isn’t often spoken about in discussions about employment rights. It's our view, that the more you acquaint yourself with your employment rights, the more your rights will act as an early warning system, to spot bad treatment or illegal treatment. If you need help to formulate your complaint, download a copy of our ‘Complaints Checklist’ here.In next week’s episode, we look at what hap...
Hi thereIn last week’s episode we looked at your pregnancy and maternity protections and your new protection against maternity redundancy… which came online on 06/04/2024. In this week’s episode, we look at what can happen when you employer decides to ignore your employment rights and practice pregnancy and or maternity discrimination against you. Download a copy of our Employment Rights Complaints Checklist if you need help to formulate your complaint about maternity discrimination, yo...
Hi thereIn this week’s episode we look at your new pregnancy and maternity leave protection against redundancy rights which you now have, which came online on 6th April 2024. We look at how these new rights work for you and how the rights sit alongside existing pregnancy and maternity rights which you already have.The more you are able to acquaint yourself with your employment rights in this area, the more your rights will act as an early warning system, which you can use to spot bad treatmen...
Hi thereThis week, we finalise our look at the national living wage and the national minimum wage. Today, we focus on the 202 companies who made the Government yearly list of shame for not paying their workers the minimum wage. What’s shocking about the list is that it includes big companies and small businesses crossing every corner the UK. You can download a copy of the list of the list here.If you need help with national minimum wage queries or to organise your thoughts into a complaint, y...
Hi ThereThis week is national living wage and national minimum wage week! So, in this weeks podcast episode, we take you through all the new rates for various age groups ranging from apprentices up to the age of 21 and over. We also go through steps you can take, if you find out that your employer has not paid you the correct rate in the past, or is refusing to pay the correct rate from 01/04/2024.Our takeaways for this week are … that no matter your employment status, if you are paid a...
Hi there...In this week’s podcast episode, we take a look at marriage and civil partnership discrimination at work. If you think your relationship does not have anything to do with why you might not get a particular job or, why you may be suffering bad treatment at work, think again! And, if you think there isn’t such a thing as marriage discrimination, we explore this issue, in this week’s podcast. If you need help with marriage or civil partnership concerns or with any oth...
Hi thereThis week we focus on the often overlooked area of gender reassignment discrimination and employment rights. Gender reassignment is one of the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act. In the UK, the Equality Act 2010 protects you from discrimination based on gender reassignment and this ensures that everyone going through gender reassignment has the right to be treated fairly at work. So in this week’s podcast episode, we will focus on what that workplace discrim...
Hi thereThis week we look at the often hidden issue of disability discrimination in the workplace, with a particular look at mental health concerns and reasonable adjustments. We also look at the five complaint areas you can use to organise your experiences of discrimination at work. Our takeaways for this week’s episode are, that understanding your rights and being able to recognize disability discrimination is crucial for you if you have a disability. Once you recognise how disability ...
Hi thereThis week we look at your employment rights, when age discrimination might be at play and we’ll then look at two cases from employees who are thought to be the oldest and youngest people to win age discrimination cases at employment tribunals. Our takeaways from this week’s episode are, that age discrimination is not only unfair but it’s also illegal. By understanding your employment rights and the mechanisms available to challenge age discrimination, you are more able to protect...
Hi everyone. In last week’s episode, we focused on the key actions you can take to limit the chances of bias in the recruitment and selection process. We follow on with this week’s episode which takes us into the top 5 employment rights you have, when you are entering the job hiring process – which includes the application process, the selection process and the interview process. The aim is for you to know your employment rights, so you can better identify when your rights are...
Hi thereIn this week’s episode, we look at the top 13 things you should leave off your CV, to improve your chances of getting an interview for the job you are looking for. Remember, the aim of your CV is to get you through the door for an interview. Your CV doesn’t get you the job – so, knowing what to leave off your CV will improve your changes of your CV standing out from the others in the pack. Remember… If you need help with anything related to breach of contract claims, CV’s …or hel...
Hi thereIn this week’s episode we look at the 10 key points you need to bear in mind, when you have to get back on the job search road, after being forced out of your previous job. When you have less than two years’ service and you are forced out of your job or unfairly dismissed from your job, you probably understand by now, that you have no unfair dismissal employment rights that you can use to challenge your employer’s treatment. So… after the ...
Hi thereIn this episode which is the last episode of our mini-series on forced changes to your contract of employment, we look at the top five financial costs you can claim for, if you bring a case to an employment tribunal for the bad treatment you have suffered. Remember… If you need help with anything related to breach of contract claims, or help with any other employment rights matter you may have - you can find all our support links at the bottom of the show notes for this episode; ...
Hi EveryoneIn our penultimate episode of our mini-series on forced changes to your contract of employment, we look at your employment rights when you are faced with contract changes that force you to leave your job - but you don’t have two years’ service.We look at the top 7 steps you can take to make a breach of contract claim, to challenge forced contract changes that leave you without a job.If you need help with anything related to your contract of employment, or help with any other ...
Hi there In this week’s episode, we look at what steps you can take if contract changes are forced on you and if you lose your job. We also take a look at the employment rights you have, to challenge your employer’s behaviour.If you need help with anything related to your contract of employment, or help with any other employment rights matter you may have - you can find all our support links at the bottom of the show notes for this episode; and, if you would like to book a consulta...
Hi ThereWe hope your employment rights are getting you enthused about challenging unfair treatment at work. Don’t be put off into thinking you have no choice … except to put up with bad behaviour!Following on from last week’s episode on contract changes, this week we look at the three hostile ways your employer might try to change your employment contract, without your agreement and without a variation clause. We’re looking at forced contract changes.If you need help with anything relat...
Your employment rights are the means by which you get to protect yourself at work. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different. Hi thereIn this week’s podcast episode, we look at whether your employer can change your contract of employment just because the company wants to do this; and we also look at whether employment contract changes can happen without your agreement. If you need help with anything related to your contract of employment, or help with any other employment rights ...
Hi thereDon’t let anyone tell you your employment rights are not worth the paper they are written on! If you know how to use them… others will think twice about abusing them!Happy New Year to you.We kick off our first episode of the year, with a look at the top 5 employment law changes that are coming online in 2024. And, we are tracking this top ‘5’ because of the changes these new laws, will make to your existing employment rights – and some of those changes are good and some not so g...
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