Empowering You with Dr. Marc Garcia

Dr. Marc Garcia has had years of ministry experience. It has been with ebbs and flows of learning how to do certain things and how NOT to do certain things. He takes the time in this podcast to help you succeed and empower you to succeed using Holy Scripture as well as his own personal experience. It has been said that, "Dr. Marc wears his heart on his sleeve and is transparent".

The Breach (Pt2) - Church Hurt

Ever experienced church hurt? Do you find yourself not wanting to go to church because you were disappointed by a leader? Dr. Marc & Blanca share how to handle church hurt in a healthy way and move forward to not allow it to affect the MAIN thing - your relationship with God. From the archive of Dominion today (produced for TV)


The Breach - Pt 1 of 4

When a bridge collapses it is usually due to a breach in the structure. In this episode Dr. Marc and Blanca share how a breach in a church can cause the structure to collapse. pre-recorded


Is your Spouse Your Friend or Someone you Tolerate?

In our final part on leadership - Dr. Marc Garcia & Pastor Jimy Miller close this series with a discussion about friendship in marriage. Is your spouse your friend or someone you just tolerate because you are married?


Can I be-friend those I lead?

Dr. Marc & Special Guest Pastor Jimmy Miller continue their series on Friendship as they delve into the infamous question - can I be a friend to those I lead?


Is God Your Friend

Take the journey with Dr. Marc and special guest Pastor Jimmy Miller (https://www.reallifesc.org/) as we take a 4 part journey into discovering what Friendship truly is as we learn about how our creator defines it.


Creating a Safe Place (Part 2)

In this episode, Dr. Marc Garcia & Blanca Garcia reach back into the archive of Dominion Today - their TV program focused on family, leadership and relationships - to share keys to help create a safe place for the people we love. A safe place where they can live, share, disagree, and have an opinion. Part 2 of 2 Dominion Today is an outreach ministry of The Bridge Ministries. Https://www.beTheBridgesc.org


Creating a Safe Place for Love (part1)

In this episode, Dr Marc Garcia & Blanca Garcia go into the archives of Dominion Today to share keys to help create a safe place for the people we love. A safe place where they can live, share, disagree, and have an opinion. Part 1 of 2 Dominion Today is an outreach ministry of The Bridge Ministries. Https://www.beTheBridgesc.org


The UnCommon Man - Why does he exist?

{VIDEO} From the rich archive of Dominion Today, Dr. Marc and his wife Blanca share key points of what makes up a biblical uncommon man. A man who understands his first calling in ministry is to his family. Part 2 of 2 Dominion Today is an outreach ministry of The Bridge Ministries.  Https://www.beTheBridgesc.org


The UnCommon Man - Who is he?

{VIDEO} From the rich archive of Dominion Today, Dr Marc and his wife Blanca share key points of what makes up a biblical uncommon man. A man who understands his first calling in ministry is to his family. Part 1 of 2 Dominion Today is an outreach ministry of The Bridge Ministries. Https://www.beTheBridgesc.org


The Soldier & His Home (Pt 4)

Dr. Marc continues and finalizes his series on Soldier PTSD and MI. This podcast will empower you the soldier to embrace home from a different perspective. Dr. Marc shares using biblical characters how they dealt with these issues and how we as soldiers can learn from them. Dr. Marc is a Navy Veteran from the Desert Storm era and his sharing of this is not just public but personal. Stay tuned until the end as there is an offer for fellow brothers and sisters in arms that can be an effective daily tool for your healing success. It's free and ready to roll. Contact Dr Marc at Vet 2 Vet @ Bethebridgesc.org to get the offer.


Redefining Identity - From Soldier to Civilian (part 3 of 4)

Dr. Marc Garcia continues the series of analyzing biblical characters through the lens of being a wartime soldier and the effects of that on the man or woman who serves our country. How PTSD and MI can be seen in biblical characters in how they interacted, lived, and made decisions. Then to see what God offered them as a solution to the issue. In this episode Dr. Marc shares about redefining Our Identity from soldier to civilian - how to accomplish that from a biblical perspective. ** If you are a veteran in need of immediate help please call from your cell phone or even text 988 to access someone 24x7 who can help you.


Replace The Voices

Are you a combat veteran? Do you experience PTSD or MI as a veteran? Dr, Marc Garcia (Navy Veteran) shares some of his challenges with this and how certain personalities in Bible can help us overcome the voices that battle in our minds. Part2 of the Veteran and PTSD series - if you are a veteran in need of help or contemplating suicide please call 988 and press 1 for 24x7 help!


The Soldier's Curse Word

Are you a Veteran? Do you know a Veteran who is dealing with PTSD or MI? Dr. Marc Garcia (Navy Veteran) shares how the most biggest curse word for a soldier may be that soldier's saving grace. Part 1 of a 4 part series for Military veterans to help them overcome the challenges of post-war life. If you are a veteran in need of immediate help please call or dial 988 from any cell phone OR even TEXT 988 to get immediate help!


Love Bombing - In the Church

In scripture, and probably in today’s culture, LOVE seems to be a common word used. And an emotion desired by pretty much everyone. After all, scripture does say, God is Love.  Now there have been some “unhealthy” expansions on what Love is. It is not appeasement. It is not the infamous, “Unless you let me do this, you don't love me”. That is not how love is demonstrated. 


2023 - The Year of the Redeemed

Well, the last 4 of our date settings have changed. Now we have to get used to changing the last 2 to a 3. Which if you're like most of us won't happen as a form of habit until March or April. :-) Dr. Marc Garcia elaborates on the prophetic word he was given from the Lord concerning 2023. Be encouraged and empowered by this word. (Runtime: 11:15)


CENTURION LEADERSHIP (part4) Are you co-laboring for a better community?

If we were to ask other leaders in your community about you - what would they say? Are you able to be worked with or are you a solo-island? Centurion Leadership Leader Collaboration is a review on how you as a leader work alongside other leaders in your community (not organization). Lessons we can take from the Centurion Soldier and his leadership style AND method to help you as a leader grow and progress in your influence as a leader. Matthew 8 & Luke 7.  How do you work with other leaders outside of those who follow you? Do you value external relationships with other leaders?  Do you invest time in relationship building with other leaders who are different from you? Dr Marc closes the 4 part series with this empowering message and a clarion call to leaders to collaborate with other leaders.


CENTURION LEADERSHIP (part3) Are you as a leaders submitted to another leader?

Centurion Leadership submission is often something that goes unnoticed. Lessons we can take from the Centurion Soldier and his leadership style AND method to help you as a leader grow and progress in your influence as a leader. Are you as a leader – submitted to someone else? Being submitted allows you to recognize authority. He recognized that Jesus was under authority.


CENTURION LEADERSHIP (part2) Will you break PROTOCOL for a follower?

Centurion Leadership Protocol Breaker is the leader who puts aside protocol for the benefit of ONE in his/her team. Centurion soldier in the bible is an amazing example of true non self-serving leadership. Lessons we can take from the Centurion Soldier and his leadership style AND method to help you as a leader grow and progress in your influence as a leader. Would you break protocol to help someone who follows you? Would you move yourself aside and understand that you may need someone else to help you in the gaps you cannot fill for your team? Would you approach an unknown to get help for your team?


Veterans Day Speech - Whitlock School Spartanburg.

Today Veterans Day I said yes to speak to the students at Whitlock school from the perspective of a veteran. I wanted to share this with others because although the audience was a school - the message passes the limitation of age. Runtime (9:44) This is raw video no "cleaning or prettying up"... 


CENTURION LEADERSHIP (Part1) Are you a humble leader?

Lessons we can take from the Centurion Soldier and his leadership style AND method to help you as a leader grow and progress in your influence as a leader. Do you value the people you lead? Would you do what this man did for your people? Dr Marc Garcia begins a 4 part series on leadership using the Centurion soldier as the basis and points out key areas of leadership in his life. In this episode we will speak about the level of humility demonstrated by a ROMAN leader of a military division in a jewish community. This is Centurion Leadership humility. servant leadership, servant leadership and transformational leadership, servant leadership examples


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