DiscoverEn rumbo: intermediate Spanish - Audio
En rumbo: intermediate Spanish - Audio
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En rumbo: intermediate Spanish - Audio

Author: The Open University

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Do you want to improve your Spanish? The 14 tracks in this album are devised as revision of basic Spanish structures for introductions, talking about routines, describing people and places, making comparisons, expressing likes, making plans, talking about the future, and expressing wishes. The tracks contain recordings of Spanish and Latin American speakers mixed with suggestions for activities to do while you listen. This material has been adapted from the audio material for The Open University course L140 En rumbo: intermediate Spanish.
14 Episodes



¡Hola! Bienvenidos a los materiales de En Rumbo, el curso de español de nivel intermedio de la Open University.
We’re going to listen to street interviews with eight people from different parts of the world giving basic personal information.
Here are three examples of people introducing themselves and giving basic personal information. What are their names? How old are they? Where are they from? What do they do?
Routines part 1

Routines part 1


You are going to listen to two people talking about their daily routines.
Routines part 2

Routines part 2


An important part of talking about routines is using expressions of time and frequency. In this conversation a woman from Colombia is asking a man from Spain about how often he does certain things.
Soler and acostumbrar

Soler and acostumbrar


We’re going to listen to a conversation between two women talking about the differences they find between the countries they come from. One woman comes from Spain and the other from Colombia. They use the verbs soler and acostumbrar to talk about regular activities.
Describing people

Describing people


We’re going to listen to 6 short descriptions of people. What are the people described like?
We’re going to listen to two women talking about their families. The first woman is from Spain and the second woman is from Colombia.
Describing places

Describing places


We’re going to listen to Francisco, a Mexican man, talking about two cities: Jalapa and Veracruz.
Comparing places

Comparing places


We’re going to listen to Francisco again. This time he compares the two cities of Jalapa and Veracruz. Which one does he like best?
Expressing likes

Expressing likes


We are going to listen to an interview with a Spanish university student. He talks about what he likes to do.
We’re going to listen to two conversations where two women are making plans. What will they do? When? Who are they going with?
The future

The future


We’re going to listen to Paloma, a woman from Spain, talking about her holiday plans. She is planning to go on two breaks. Where is she going on her first break? For how long? And how about the second one?
Expressing wishes

Expressing wishes


We are going to listen to several questions for you to practise the way we express wishes in Spanish. The verb gustar is used in the conditional form: gustaría.