This show talks about listening to the body and what it is telling us. how do we know when we are low in minerals? How does that show up and look? Listen as we speak about magnesium and how it helps the heart,migraines, and to relax. Learn about the alternatives to traditional hair color products and let's talk Ayurveda alternatives like henna and indigo.
Add another self-care tool 🔧 to your belt after this episode on confidence and self talk. How you speak to yourself matters.
Listen to my newest episode. I talk everything from making bath bombs improving my YouTube presence. These times are full of creativity. Pumpkin spice everything and gathering with friends. What are you manifesting? Welcome to Eneka Village.
Listen as I go through an old story that will have you thinking about the word "maybe" differently. The only constant is change. So slow down and n do some deep breathing and get a new tool for your selfcare toolbox 🔧. Welcome to Eneka Village
Welcome to Eneka Village. Listen to my new podcast on the value of belief in self. Slow down with me and spotlight our growth. Are you acknowledging you may have achieved a better version of yourself? when you level.up you.must acknowledge it and take a moment to give thanks. Host: Anicka Martin
Listen to my podcast and tune in to Anicka Martin and the ways to create space for the new. This fall season is a time of detail and organization. From the kitchen cabinets to clearing old thoughts listen to this episode and ask yourself what could you clear to bring in the new things and energy you desire.