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Energize with Lizzie Podcast

Author: Lizzie Williamson

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Energize with Lizzie brings you micro mindset tips, motivation and some moves for macro impact. Get ready to feel your most energised, engaged and happy self.
16 Episodes
Welcome to the Energize with Lizzie Podcast.If you think you could do with a bit more fun in your workday, then you're in the right place. In your busy workday, have you ever stopped to ponder the lack of fun and excitement in your routine? The relentless stream of tasks and deadlines can leave little room for joy and spontaneity. It's a problem that many professionals face and it can take its toll on your mood and well-being.But what if there were a simple and effective way to infuse some fun and connection into your work life? And it also comes with a plethora of health benefits that can transform your well-being and uplift your entire workplace.Take a listen!Lizzie x This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
If you are looking for a way to kickstart your workday on a positive note, then this episode is for you.Let's go.Demands of life both at home and at work can leave us feeling disconnected and disengaged as we start our workday.Overwhelm, family responsibilities, financial stresses and the constant juggling act of work-life balance can weigh heavily on our minds, making it difficult to muster focus and motivation.A morning mindset reset is a powerful solution.Before you dive into your emails or your to-do list, take a moment for yourself to kickstart your workday.This practice ensures that you begin your workday on the right foot, full of enthusiasm and with a clear sense of purpose.By incorporating it into your morning routine, you're making a conscious effort to shift from a state of disconnection and uncertainty to a state of increased engagement and focus, even when facing external pressures.This simple yet effective morning ritual can act as a catalyst for a more productive and satisfying workday.It helps you center yourself and set positive intentions and invigorates both your body and your mind, readying you to tackle the day ahead.Try this, the mindset reset.This mindset reset is about cultivating a positive mindset and energizing yourself for the challenges ahead.I had the incredible opportunity to be part of a conference at which the Dalai Lama, renowned for his wisdom, shared his belief that an open heart is an open mind.By taking a few minutes to centre yourself, choose a positive focus and open yourself up to the day ahead, you're not only preparing yourself for a productive workday but also embracing a holistic approach to your work that extends beyond completing tasks and meeting deadlines.It's about recognizing that work is an opportunity for personal growth and contributing to a greater purpose.As you settle into your workspace, it's easy to get swept up in the rush of daily obligations.However, what if you took a moment to set yourself up with a positive, energized mindset?Don't worry, we won't delve into the mystical and esoteric here.Instead, let's try a quick and practical mindset reset to get you into the groove.Are you ready? Take a listen. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Have you ever found yourself in a critical work situation in which you needed to make an important phone call or voice your opinion only to be held back by self-doubt and uncertainty?The nagging inner critic creeps in whispering that you're not good enough and your confidence takes a nosedive.In those challenging moments a simple yet remarkably effective trick can come to your rescue.your body and mind are deeply connected and the way you hold yourself physically can impact your mental state significantly numerous studies have highlighted the profound impact of posture and body language on our mood and how others perceive uswhen we stand tall with our shoulders back and our heads held high we send a potent message to both brain and body that we are confident and capable plus when others see us exuding confidence through our body language they are more inclined to perceive us as solid and competentIn the modern workplace, many of us spend the majority of our days in a contracted position.We're hunched over our desk, staring at phones and computers, our bodies constricted in a way that hardly reflects confidence and power.Our physical posture informs our mental state, small and vulnerable.But it doesn't have to be this way.Imagine yourself before a high-stakes meeting.Your heart may be racing and self-doubt might be creeping in.Instead of slouching or hunching over, straighten your spine, square your shoulders and take up space in the room.As you consciously adjust your posture, you're not only sending signals to those around you that you're ready and capable, you're also reprogramming your own mindset.You're telling yourself that you have the authority and confidence to handle the task at hand.The next time you need to make an important phone call, contribute to a crucial discussion, ace a job interview, impress a client meeting, deliver a compelling speech or seal the deal in a sales pitch, try the following mindset-boosting micro move to project confidence and make a more impactful impression.Try this, the Posture Power-Up.In the dynamic world of business where confidence and authority are paramount, mastering your posture is the key to unlocking your professional potential.Introducing the Posture Power Up, a game-changing technique that empowers you to unleash your professional presence fast.Whether you do it at your desk before logging on to a virtual meeting or find a quiet corner, many people choose the bathroom.By incorporating this simple yet transformative practice into your daily routine, you'll project an air of competence, establish credibility and command attention like never before.Prepare to power up your posture with these six easy steps.Enjoy!Lizzie WilliamsonWorkplace wellness expert, author and founder of Two Minute Moves and my new book, The Active Workday Advantage, is available wherever you buy your books. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Picture this.You've been working diligently on your computer for hours. Your eyes are fixed on the screen, and your fingers are typing away. Despite your best efforts, you start to feel your attention slipping and your mind struggling to stay focused. Mental fog sets in, hindering your productivity.Fear not because there's a powerful solution: a well-timed brain boost.A brain-boosting micro move can be as simple as closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths or engaging in a quick physical activity such as stretching or going for a short walk. These activities allow us to disengage from the immediate demands of work while still priming our minds for optimal performance.Brain boosts are small, intentional actions that can have a profound impact on your cognitive functioning. Stretching and walking, for example, enhance blood circulation. Increased blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients reach your brain, helping it to function optimally.Brain boosts also help to alleviate stress, a common cognitive roadblock, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a state of calm focus, conducive to creative and analytical thinking.Certain micro moves, such as walking, can stimulate creative thinking. They encourage your brain to break free from rigid thought patterns and explore new avenues of imagination. They can also act as mental resets to enhance focus.When you're stuck on a problem or feeling mentally fatigued, taking a moment for a micro move can reinvigorate your brain and improve concentration.So when should you take a brain-boosting micro move?You may have heard that brain breaks are being used in schools and with good reason. I'm always telling my teenagers that if they want to be an advantage for exam, they should do some physical activity or as I like to call it, a brain boost, beforehand, especially if the exam is in the afternoon. One study revealed that cognitive fatigue sets in towards the end of the day, resulting in a notable decline in test performance. In fact, for every passing hour, test scores decreased by the equivalent of 10 days of learning. But there's good news, incorporating brain breaks into the routine not only eliminated this decline but actually improved performance.Now you may not be doing exams in your workplace, but the implications of this research extend beyond the classroom. Just like students at school, adults in the workplace experience cognitive fatigue, which can affect their productivity and focus throughout the day. Incorporating brain boosts into your work routine can help combat this decline and enhance your ability to produce high-quality work.According to a review published in 2022, brief breaks have a significant impact on reducing mental fatigue and boosting vigour, which refers to the willingness to persevere when faced with challenging work.Just imagine the advantage this can give you in your work.As the day progresses, you have the power to counteract cognitive fatigue by making strategic brain-boosting micro moves that serve as mental recharges, allowing you to maintain your productivity and perform at your best.Listen to this episode for five other key moments when Brain Boost can help your brain to operate at its peak.Want to feel more energised, engaged and happy at work? Get your copy of The Active Workday Advantage - my new book! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Welcome to the Energize with Lizzie podcast.If you are after an easy way to sit less and move more in your workday, you are in the right place. Let's go!The modern workspace makes it easy to sit and sit and sit. Imagine your typical setup, the desk adorned with neatly organized items, everything conveniently within arm's reach. Your computer sits prominently, the screen glowing with endless tasks and distractions. Your chair is comfortable and seemingly moulding to your body shape, making it hard to resist. The water bottle sitting on your desk ensures you never have to leave your seat for a drink. And why bother getting up for a phone call when your trusty device rests right next to your keyboard, always ready to connect you with the world. Oh, and let's not forget about the messaging app that keeps you glued to your screen, chatting away with colleagues without ever needing to rise from your seat.It's as if the workspace itself conspires to keep you firmly planted in a sedentary cocoon.Wendy Wood is a distinguished social psychologist whose research has shed light on the fascinating field of habits and behaviour. In Good Habits, Bad Habits, Wood uncovers a crucial insight into human behaviour and habit formation using the example of smoking, which was widely accepted back in the day. Though many people were aware of its detrimental health effects, this knowledge alone wasn't enough to drastically reduce smoking rates. Despite the awareness of the risks, individuals struggled to quit this addictive habit.The turning point came when society took action to change the environment surrounding smoking. Smoking bans were enforced in public places such as restaurants, bars and workplaces. Suddenly, smokers faced restrictions and the convenience of lighting up in various settings vanished.Smoking became harder. It required smokers to go outside and find designated areas to indulge in their habit. This changed the way people were able to smoke. This transformation of the environment had a profound impact on smoking behaviour. The harmful habit was no longer as convenient and individuals found it more challenging to smoke without facing obstacles. As a result, smoking rates dramatically decreased, leading to a healthier, smoke -free environment. Now let's apply this powerful concept to the modern challenge of prolonged sitting in the workplace. Similar to smoking, prolonged sitting is a habit many have developed over time. Although we know excessive sitting is detrimental to our health, breaking free from this sedentary routine can be tough. The typical work environment is meticulously crafted for convenience, making it effortless to stay seated, immersing yourself in work while unintentionally neglecting your body's need for movement. However, just as policymakers change the environment to discourage smoking, we can change our workspace to encourage movement.As you design your active work hub, you're crafting an environment that opposes sedentary habits while also championing your overall wellbeing. Taking even a single step towards an active workspace holds a measurable value because progress in any form is a significant stride toward a healthier and more invigorated work life.By modifying your workspace and introducing elements that encourage movement, you can create an environment that supports your wellbeing and energizes you throughout the day. You can strategically design your workspace to be an active environment. You can create a work hub that promotes regular moments of movement and makes sitting for extended periods less convenient.In this episode of The Energize with Lizzie Podcast, discover five simple principles that will help you transform your desk into an active work hub.Links:The Active Workday Advantage: Unlock your most energised, engaged and happy self at work. On sale now online or ask your local bookstore. Micro Moves Desk Cards: 40+ micro moves to bust fatigue and boost wellbeing at work and meetings. On sale now at Stand Up Desk Moves Here This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Welcome to the Energize with Lizzie Podcast.If you're wanting to take care of your physical and mental health in your workday (and beyond), but you're struggling to find the motivation, this episode is for you.Your why assumes the role of a guiding north star propelling you towards a work life that's not only active but deeply fulfilling.Work through these 3 quick prompts to articulate your personal reasons for beginning and continuing this journey towards a more active day.With your why at the forefront of your mind, you're well equipped to bridge the gap between your current work routine and the vibrant, active workday you aspire to.This journey isn't just about movement.It's about embracing a philosophy of vitality that extends beyond your workspace, impacting every facet of your life.Enjoy!LizziePs. This episode is an extract from my new book, The Active Workday Advantage: Unlock your most energized, engaged and happy self at work. Get your copy HERE, online or ask your local bookstore. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
If you are after a powerful dose of motivation to take care of yourself physically and mentally, this episode is for you.Imagine yourself travelling forward in time 5, 10, 20 or even more years.Picture yourself visiting someone of immense importance in your life.This person has guided you through challenges, celebrated your successes and imparted invaluable wisdom.This person is your future self.Use this exercise in this episode as a touchstone, a reminder of the incredible impact your choices today can have on the person you become tomorrow.By embracing an active day, you're ensuring that your vision of your future self becomes a reality.Keep moving,Lizzie :)ps. Want to unlock your most energised, engaged and happy self at work? Click HERE to grab a copy of my new book, The Active Workday Advantage! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Research tells us that exercise can be as effective as medication in treating some cases of depression.This endorsement echoes the recommendations of doctors, mental health experts and the World Health Organisation who advocate for exercise as a potent remedy for enhancing mental well-being.The profound impact of exercise on our emotions and mental state is supported by science and it's an essential tool in the battle against depression.However, there's a significant hurdle to overcome.Finding the motivation and energy to engage in physical activity feels challenging when you're experiencing depression or even just feeling a bit down.The lethargy and lack of interest that often accompany low mood can create a vicious cycle, stopping us from initiating the very activity that could bring relief.Negative self-perception and self-doubt may further impede progress, leading us to believe we lack the capability or that exercise won't be helpful.Depression can diminish our ability to experience pleasure, making the thought of participating activities that once brought joy seem unappealing or futile.Before I experienced depression, if I heard someone struggling with their mental health, I would think, you just need to exercise.But I quickly discovered that it wasn't that simple.Press play to have a listen to a different approach that worked for me, and I've found works for lots of people.You can also Listen and Follow on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Lizzie :)ps. Exercise can’t fix everything, and it’s important to reach out for professional support when necessary. If you’re in Australia, you can access 24-hour confidential counselling and crisis support through Lifeline. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 131 114 or visit Elsewhere in the world, search online for the equivalent in your country. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Rewards, they keep us coming back for more and they are scattered throughout our daily lives.Have you ever felt a rush when your phone pings with a message or a sense of accomplishment when you complete a task?These feelings silently nudge us towards forming habits, whether we're aware of it or not.Rewards play a pivotal role in habit formation by targeting the brain's pleasure centre. This centre is fueled by the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and endorphins, chemicals associated with feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and well-being. This is why rewards are pivotal in sealing the habit loop and cementing those behaviours. Your brain learns to associate the action with a sense of accomplishment and joy.As habit guru BJ Fogg writes, there is a direct connection between what you feel when you do a behavior and the likelihood that you will repeat the behavior in the future.Among the myriad rewards offered by exercise, celebration stands out as a remarkably effective, instant and accessible choice. Celebration taps into the core of human psychology, resonating deeply with our need for acknowledgement and positive reinforcement.When you celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, you're acknowledging your efforts and embracing your progress. This acknowledgment triggers a surge of positive emotions, closing the feedback loop that reinforces the behaviour you're trying to cultivate.A fun, feel-good way to celebrate your victories and place that cherry on top of your brain's reward pathways is by having a moment of self-recognition in which you revel in the feeling of empowerment that comes from achieving what you set out to do.I call this a woohoo go you moment because that's what I say to myself.Click the Play button above, or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, to find your very own celebration moment - the secret ingredient to locking in the positive habits you want to maintain this year and beyond.Stay active!Lizzie This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
If you are wanting to make your physical and mental well-being a part of your routine, this episode is for you. Press Play.In the last episode, we set the stage by creating cues that nudge you to incorporate more movement into your day.Now it's time to bring those intentions to life.Welcome to the routine phase of the habit loop, where you put your plans into action.This is your opportunity to put on your metaphorical sneakers, roll up your sleeves and get moving.In the words of John C. Maxwell, “You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”When choosing your routine or action, follow the pillars of ACT.Achievable, Consistent and Tailored to set yourself up for success.Press Play to find out more.Enjoy!Lizzie x This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
If you normally ignore those little signals your body and brain give you in your day, you know the ones, your back starts to get a bit tight and achy, your brain starts to get a bit foggy, then this podcast is for you. Press Play to have a listen. What if we became more attuned to the subtle signals our bodies and minds send us?Imagine using these signals, the minor discomforts, the restlessness, the moments of feeling less productive, as cues that prompt you to move.Think of these cues as your well-being radar, finely tuned to detect those shifts within you.When you feel a niggle in your body, perhaps a tense shoulder or stiff neck, it's your cue that you need a burst of movement.When your mind drifts and your productivity wanes, it's your cue to reset and engage in some movement.These whispers from within, which you may have been ignoring for years now, are gently reminding you to attend to your wellbeing.Have a listen to this episode on Substack, Spotify or Apple Podcasts for some internal cue ideas and check back in over the next two weeks for the next two steps to kickstarting (and keeping) a habit in 2024!Keep moving,Lizzie This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
For many of us, the word exercise holds negative connotations. We associate exercise with feeling unfit and sweaty, and quite frankly, it's something many of us hate.For some, it brings back unhappy memories of school sports or uncomfortable experiences of feeling out of place at the gym.During my 15 years as a personal trainer, I heard my fair share of horror stories from clients about their past experiences with exercise.If the word exercise is holding you back, let's change it.Press PLAY above to listen to this 4-minute episode and get ready to change your relationship with exercise.Keep moving,Lizzie x This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
In conquering motivational obstacles, there is one thing that stands as your steadfast ally.It adds a layer of commitment beyond your own intentions.Picture this scenario.It's almost noon and you've made a promise to yourself to take a quick walk during your lunch break.You know it's good for your wellbeing and you genuinely want to incorporate more movement into your day.However, as the clock strikes twelve, your overflowing inbox and mounting tasks overshadow your initial enthusiasm.You find yourself debating whether to skip the walk just this once.Sound familiar?We've all been there, witness to the clash between our best intentions and our daily responsibilities.It's easy to tell ourselves that we'll make up for it later or go for a walk tomorrow when things are less hectic.Let's add a twist now.Imagine the same situation, the same pressing workload and the same temptation to skip the walk.This time, however, you've committed to meet a colleague outside for that lunchtime walk.This changes things.The idea of cancelling or postponing becomes less enticing.You know your colleague is waiting and you have made a pact to move together.Despite the to-do list and the emails beckoning from your desk, the thought of breaking your commitment and letting your colleague down compels you to get up, put on your sneakers and step outside.What happened here?Press the play button above to discover five ideas to add this essential ‘motivation’ ingredient to your week.Keep moving,Lizzie x This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Resistance, that tough opponent surfaces, especially when we stand on the precipice of something significant. In The War of Art, in his book, Stephen Pressfield captures this concept beautifully. He describes resistance as a formidable force we encounter when we feel a strong aversion towards doing something.But Pressfield challenges us to view resistance in a new light. Rather than being a sign that we should turn away, resistance signals tasks with the greatest meaning and purpose.When we experience resistance towards physical activity, the groans, the excuses, the reluctance, it's actually a clue that we're on the right track. It's a signal that we're venturing into territory that holds value for us.The greater the resistance to doing something, the more likely it is that we need to do it.Resistance is our minds communicating that the task has the potential to change us, enhancing our wellbeing, boosting our energy and elevating our quality of life. So stop feeling guilty for your lack of motivation and start to see it as a good thing. You're moving in the right direction.Rather than perceiving resistance as an insurmountable obstacle, try shifting your perspective to see it as a positive force propelling you towards having an active day.The more resistance you encounter, the more certain you can be that the endeavour holds meaning. Resistance serves as a litmus test for the significance of your actions.Press play on the podcast above to hear more and for a quick exercise to help you regain control from resistance!Keep moving,Lizzie xps. Have you pre-ordered your copy of my new book - The Active Workday Advantage: Unlock your most energized, engaged and happy self at work - yet? If you have, THANK YOU! I am so excited to have you start reimagining exercise, redesigning your day to integrate more movement seamlessly, and discovering the roadmap to be part of the active workday revolution. Available for preorder at Amazon and Booktopia. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Stopping work to prioritise your wellbeing can feel like an unwelcome interruption, a detour from your race to success. The inclination to defer self-care creeps in – maybe later, tomorrow or at some undefined time in the future. After all, the immediate focus is on pushing forward to conquer the tasks ahead. A different, strategic perspective My family’s obsession with the Netflix series Formula 1: Drive to Survive has pulled me into a world I never anticipated being the least bit interested in: Formula One racing. Watching the high-stakes races, witnessing the speed, precision and unwavering determination of the drivers, I found myself drawing parallels to our own work lives and stumbled upon an intriguing perspective that might shift the way you think about taking a quick active break. Imagine a Formula One driver in the heat of a race. They’re intensely focused on maintaining their speed, navigating turns and overtaking competitors. It’s a relentless pursuit of victory – much like our own daily endeavours. Just like those drivers, we’re all racing towards our own finish lines, chasing after success and tenaciously tackling the challenges that come our way. In Formula One, where victory can be determined by mere milliseconds, the importance of pit stops is evident. Pit stops aren’t disruptions or inconveniences; they’re strategic moves that are essential for success. The crew refuels and fine-tunes the car, and changes its tyres – all necessary actions to maintain its peak performance. Similarly, as we navigate the race of productivity, our pit stops take the form of moments of movement – essential, purposeful breaks that reinvigorate us. At first glance, these micro moves might appear inconsequential, almost counterproductive. After all, who wants to halt their mom-entum when the finish line is in sight? However, the key is recognising their significance – these short breaks are the very essence of wellbeing and productivity. They may last mere seconds or extend to a few minutes, yet their impact is profound.Pit stops in your daily raceImagine each moment of movement is a personal pit stop in your daily race – a moment to stretch, take a deep breath and reset. Picture movement itself as being akin to the work of a pit crew fine-tuning a car, ensuring it’s optimised for the track ahead. By embracing moments of movement you’re refuelling your energy, reigniting your focus and making necessary tweaks to maintain your performance.In the world of Formula One, track conditions can change swiftly, prompting teams to adapt by changing tires or altering their strategy. Similarly, our workdays are rife with changing circumstances. Moments of movement offer the opportunity to recalibrate, evaluate and adjust our approach to new challenges. They grant us the perspective needed to re-evaluate priorities, tweak strategies and stay on course.Embracing moments of movement is akin to a Formula One driver recognising the right time for a pit stop. It’s about understanding that a brief pause for rejuvenation actually fuels your ability to sustain speed and focus throughout the race. These moments of renewal aren’t distractions. Rather, they’re key to maintaining peak performance, sidestepping burnout and crossing the day’s finish line with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes a few seconds is all it takes to get your ‘vehicle’ back on track. You can also listen to and follow the Energize With Lizzie Podcast on Spotify and iTunesOriginal music by Matt Fell (my amazing music producer brother)Keep moving,Lizzie x This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
This episode tackles a a common mindset that goes like this: I’m not going to be able to find an hour to exercise today. I’ve got way too much work to do to make it to the gym or attend my Pilates class and I can’t get out for a walk today. I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, the next day or the one after that.This is what is known as the ‘all-or-nothing’ mindset. It’s the belief that if exercise doesn’t align with our preconceived notions of what it should look like – be that in terms of time, specific location, intensity, equipment or results – then it’s not worth doing. Then, when we can’t meet those rigid expectations of what exercise should look like, what do we end up doing? Nothing at all.Listen in to discover how to turn this mindset around.So excited to let you know that my book, the Active Workday Advantage: Unlock your most energised, engaged and happy self at work, is at the printers!! If we’re connected on Insta (@energizewithlizzie) you’ll have been with me on the big journey that is writing a book. I’m so proud of it, very happy those 4am mornings are over, and can’t wait to get it into your hands. Preorders are a really important aspect of launching a book, so if you want a copy, head to Amazon on Booktopia now - and thanks! Keep moving,Lizzie xOriginal music by Matt Fell (my amazing music producer brother!)Your body and brain don’t care about all the rules you (or the fitness industry) have set up about what exercise has to look like. Your body and brain just want you to move however, whenever, because that’s how they function at their best. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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