Energy Talk with the Texan

This is Energy Talk with the Texan, a podcast that covers topics in the oil and gas industry. Brace yourself - Troy W. Eckard (host) tells it like it is. This podcast will have you stay tuned with direct investments in oil and gas wells, mineral rights, oil and gas service companies, and more. Understand what drilling is all about, and why many private investors "dig deep below the surface" for tax deductions, and building an energy portfolio.

Why Are Oil & Gas Companies Not Drilling More?

With rising prices on in the market, why are oil and gas companies not drilling more? Troy W. Eckard breaks down the various factors facing the today's energy industry.  This is Energy Talk with the Texan, a podcast that covers topics in the oil and gas industry. Brace yourself - Troy W. Eckard (host) tells it like it is. This podcast will have you stay tuned with direct investments in oil and gas wells, mineral rights, oil and gas service companies, and more. Understand what drilling is all about, and why many private investors "dig deep below the surface" for tax deductions, and building an energy portfolio.


Energy Storage Hitting Full Capacity

Where is the energy industry? Supply is hitting a high, while demand is sitting at home with minimal activity.


Why Russia and Saudi lose this oil game of chicken!

Troy W. Eckard talking about the energy war.


#5 How to determine mineral rights value

In determining the oil and gas mineral value there are two main points: (1) What oil and gas reserves do we have below surface? (2) When is that value being extracted? There's no Zillow, or MLS database for mineral rights. This makes the sale and purchase of mineral rights subjective, and widely varies based on the buyers intention.  Nevertheless, there is information that can be gathered that helps determined the potential value of ones mineral rights.  Troy W. Eckard and Ronnie Aroche discuss the various scenarios that a mineral owner and mineral buyers are faced with.


#4 Owning Mineral Rights Is Like Owning Real Estate Without Bills

We discuss the similarities of owning mineral rights and real estate.  Many sophisticated investors own real estate across the continental United States; and even internationally. So, we wanted to introduce and educate high net-worth investors on the similarities real estate has with mineral rights.  Speakers:  Troy W. Eckard, CEO and Manager at Eckard Land and Acquisition Ronnie Aroche, Business Development Manager at Eckard Land and Acquisition


#3 - Understand Surrounding Oil and Gas Activity To Maximize Your Mineral Value

You as a mineral owner, should really become educated and aware of the oil and gas activity in the area in which you own minerals... for a couple reasons.


#2 - Mineral Rights and Private Mineral Ownership

Oil and gas minerals are and have been one of the greatest accesses to wealth in the United States. Mineral owners receive royalty checks from Oil and gas Companies every single month, from producing oil and gas wells.


#1 - What is going on in energy? March 2018 update

Investors are trying to decide whether there is a rebound in oil and gas, and if commodity prices have been set based upon a soft or hard foundation. Drilling rigs provide us some insight about what is taking place in the industry. There are additional and critical factors that when taken in consideration show us a glimpse of the next decade. Tune in to listen in!


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