English Grammar HELP and Podcasts for the Inquisitive ESL Student: We're Interactive!

Stop by our friendly HELP! Desk and learn a few do's and don't's of English grammar. At the HELP! Desk, English grammar is made easy to understand. Ask that question that you've needed an answer to in our interactive forum. Listen to an audio of a story written by an ESL student. All our examples are authentic student-generated language. Whether you are a native speaker or somebody learning English as a Second Language, whether you are a student or writing a business letter, we have the answers for you! Writing, grammar, communication, podcasts, audio stories, and more! We're open 24/7, and we're interactive. A new podcast every week.

My Pet, My Dog: Americans' Love Affair with Pets

Americans are in love with pets: dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, birds, and more! Some Americans even have pet rocks! Today we interview one American dog owner; join us for a fun interview!


Noun-Pronoun Agreement: Mr. President and the First Lady

Nouns ("Mr. President") and pronouns ("he") must get along in English! They must agree about things like person (I, you, he/she/it, they) and number (singular or plural). In today's podcast, we practice with agreement of nouns and pronouns and listen to some examples from your essays. And there are opportunities for you to practice as well. And Mrs. President? She must be in agreement as well.


What Is a Verb? We Podcast about English Grammar

What is a verb? For the learner of English, the answer isn't always so obvious. In today's podcast, we learn the difference between time reference and verb tense. Join us as we explore the past, the present and the future!


English Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitive Phrases_Pattern_4

Next in our series in English grammar: gerunds and infinitive phrases! In this podcast lesson, we discuss the pattern Verb + Noun or Pronoun + Infinitive Phrase.


English Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitive Phrases_10_2

If you want to be confused with English grammar, just look at the problem of gerunds and infinitive phrases! At the ESL Help! Desk, with our podcasts, we make it easy for you. In this lesson, we discuss verbs when the object is an infinitive phrase.


Present Perfect Continuous: How've You Been Feeling Lately?

Ever wonder when to use present perfect continuous? Ever wonder how it's different from present perfect? Here we will answer your questions and give you lots of examples from authentic language.


Imperatives and Commands: Have a Nice Summer!

Want to learn how to express a command? Here we teach you positive ("do") and negative ("don't") commands. And we wish you a good summer at the same time!


Paper or Plastic?

Here's a lesson in which you can learn how to save money, save energy, save the Earth, and improve your English grammar all at the same time!


Barak Obama: A New Day for the USA

Today is the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America. Millions are taking to the National Mall in Washington DC to witness Barak Obama take the Oath of Office. Mr. Obama is making history: He is the first person of African-American heritage to become the leader of our nation. Come join us as we watch history being made.


Definitely Fattening!

We continue our lessons with demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, and those. We embellish our exploration of these, adding subject-verb agreement (is, are, was, were). And we learn more about food from countries such as Italy, Spain, Columbia, Israel and the Middle East, South Korea, and even the United States. Join us for a tasty lesson.


I Hate Finals!

Do you hate finals? If you are or have every been a college student or a college teacher, or the parent of a college student, you know how stressful final exams can be. We're going to discuss finals, listen to some of the complaints people have about them, and listen to some suggestions about how to deal with the anxiety and stress of final exams.


Code Name ESL

Confused by acronyms ESL, EFL, TESOL, L1 and L2? Do you feel like an outsider with all these codes? We have good news for you: You and other learners of English are not alone, and have come to the right place. Today we talk a little about these codes and others and try to sort matters out.


The Inner Circle

This week we are kicking off a new feature for our users - the Inner Circle. The Inner Circle is for learners of all levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced. In each of the Inner Circle's weekly lessons, you are presented with three mini-lessons, which feature the writing of other learners of English from all over the world. One writer might be from your native country! We know you'll enjoy reading these lessons and essays. Read an essay that has grammar errors in it; correct the errors. Or just enjoy reading an essay that has is correct. Finally, sit back and close your eyes and listen to inspiring, thoughtful, and entertaining writing from another learner of English. This feature promises to delight.


I'm Going

Another grim grammar lesson! You've heard the present progressive tense used to refer to the present, to now. You've heard the present progressive tense used to refer to the future. Could this possibly be confusing? In our lesson we'll try to untangle - or we'll be untangling - the confusion so you'll be using this tense with confidence.


The Green Monster: Hold, Please.

Tired of being put on hold while you're on the telephone? We'll take you to a baseball game and give you a little practical knowledge about dealing - in English - with this frustrating but common experience.



Beep, Honk, Honk...Do you find yourself stuck in traffic more often than you would like to? Like it or not, traffic is a topic of conversation in our lives. In today's podcast and communication lesson, we will talk about traffic and learn useful vocabulary for such discussions.


Gerunds and Infinitive: More Grammar!

Are you thirsty for grammar? Don't know when to say "I love to ski" and when to say "I love skiing"? Don't know the difference between "Did you remember to go?" and "Did you remember going?" Stop by today for an introductory lesson in gerunds and infinitive phrases.


What Should I Bring? Wine, Beer or Chips?

Have you ever been invited to a social gathering and not known what to bring your host or hostess? Should you bring wine? Chips? Or nothing at all? In today's podcast, you will learn all about our social customs and you will learn how to communicate successfully and appropriately in this situation.


The Nine Answers Podcast for Learners of English

Nine thoughtful and entertaining answers to nine thoughtful and clever questions! Listen to the answers, and see if you can figure out the questions! Then do the additional listening activities provided by this week's podcast, guaranteed to improve your listening comprehension.


He's Always Talking about Grammar

Is your English teacher always talking about grammar? Does he or she expect you to know how to identify the subject and verb of a sentence? Do you think that knowing this helps you to communicate better in English? Here is a podcast for those of you who love grammar, and for those of you who hate it!


Hosein Ald

how to find all the text of episode

09-30 Reply

Hoochi Jalali

thanks 😊

05-08 Reply


so where is the grammer lesson?!

03-30 Reply

Amrita Kirat

Can you make longer like a 30 minet conversation please

12-11 Reply

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