DiscoverEnglish Metrical Psalms: poetry, politics and pop music - Dr Amy Morris
English Metrical Psalms: poetry, politics and pop music - Dr Amy Morris
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English Metrical Psalms: poetry, politics and pop music - Dr Amy Morris

Author: Cambridge University

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These lectures explore the rich tradition of English metrical psalmody in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The first lecture contextualises psalm versions by Wyatt and others into the literary, political and theological context of Renaissance England and focuses in particular on the Psalms' complex relationship with monarchy. The second lecture traces the Reformation quest to replace profane songs with holy and educational psalms, and continues to explore the controversies over the church psalter in the seventeenth century. The third lecture investigates the enriching connection between metrical psalm translation and English Renaissance literature.
3 Episodes
The third lecture investigates the enriching connection between metrical psalm translation and English Renaissance literature.
The second lecture traces the Reformation quest to replace profane songs with holy and educational psalms, and continues to explore the controversies over the church psalter in the seventeenth century.
These lectures explore the rich tradition of English metrical psalmody in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The first lecture contextualises psalm versions by Wyatt and others into the literary, political and theological context of Renaissance England and focuses in particular on the Psalms' complex relationship with monarchy.
Comments (2)

Stan Copeland

is this presentation available in print? I hope so.

Jan 15th

Stan Copeland

wonderful idea. the lady's severe accent negates any value. Please get a neutral accented speaker, preferably male. 2nd, bad echo needs to be cured. 3d, the speaker's voice stops and starts erratically. that's a problem your engineer should be able easily to solve that. SO. great idea, I am interested in the topic and have friends who also are interested. please fix the show -stopping problems. Stan a Psalm singing American.

Jan 15th