
<p>Want to learn and develop more skills to propel your career or business forward? The Enhance.training team share our business knowledge built up over decades of working with top business including Innocent Drinks, Cadburys, Unilever, PA Consulting and many more. </p>

How to Set OKRs With Your Team and Deliver the Right Goals Quicker

How to set OKRs with your team and use them to deliver the right goals quicker and better will make you and your team a lot more successful. Using the OKRs or Objectives and Key Results system helps prioritisation, creates a focus on results rather than activity and aligns everyone’s efforts to deliver the right goals.I share 6 steps for how to set OKRs with your team and achieve the right goals.---What are OKRs in business? The OKR system is an approach to goal setting that creates visibilit...


5 Great Ways to Use Key Result Areas or KRAs to Improve Team Performance and Ownership

Key result areas or KRAs are a very useful tool to increase employee understanding and accountability for the results they are being asked to deliver. KRAs help better align employees work to wider goals and make better use of resources. At an employee level KRAs focus individuals on delivering results rather than undertaking activity. Learn what are key result areas and 5 great ways to use key result areas to improve team performance. ---Key result areas for team direction sh...


Keeping Team Members Happy – 7 Actions Every Manager Can Easily Implement

Keeping team members happy, motivated, and performing is great for you and great for your team. Better team performance and an great working environment come from a happy team. Keeping staff happy is within your control as a manager and you can implement each of these actions quickly. I share 7 ways to make your staff happy at work that every manager can implement easily. ---- Keeping employees engaged and happy starts with communicating openly, honestly and frequently. ...


How to Focus Your Team on the KPIs You Measure to Drive Better Performance

How to focus your team on the KPIs you measure is as hard as choosing the right KPIs in the first place. Greater focus from the team means more time and effort directed at what drives the KPIs, which will increase team performance. I share 5 key tactics to get your team laser focused on the key performance indicators you measure.---KPIs or key performance indicators are how you measure and track progress against the goals you have set. KPIs are a very useful too in performance management...


What Stops You Making Decisions At Work & What To Do About It

What stops you making decisions at work? Work decisions can have big consequences, big impacts or are very public, making deciding on what to do harder. I share 7 common reasons for not making a decision at work, and 3 practical ways to overcome decision paralysis at work. Improving your decision making skills today.--- There are loads of reasons that stop you making decisions at work. Fear of failure is a major reason for struggling to make a decision at work. As we progress our ca...


4 Vital Ways To Make Your Middle Managers Successful

Being in middle management is a tough job. Middle managers are also vital to the success of your business, translating the business goals and strategy into day to day activity and performance to reach those goals. Businesses with their middle managers in the top quartile of performance on average delivered 3 to 21 times more shareholder value than middle managers in the other quartiles. A massive reason to invest to make your middle managers more successful.I share 4 vital ways to make y...


6 Tactics To Talk Effectively To Higher Ups; Be Persuasive Like A Boss

Learning how to talk effectively to higher ups is a big deal for your confidence and career prospects. Once you understand the elements of communicating effectively with executives and senior management, you will find it easier and easier to effectively communicate with higher ups. I share 6 tactics to talk effectively to higher ups giving you practical actions to help you improve quickly.--- Communicating effectively with higher ups starts with focusing on impacts and benefits. Thi...


4 Brilliant Ways To Be Open Minded At Work – A Critical Career Success Factor

Being open minded at work, in my view is a critical career success factor, for any professional or managerial role. Being open minded means you learn faster, are more empathetic, build better relationships faster … in short, open minded people usually do better jobs and are easier to work with.I share 4 ways to be open minded at work and maintain an open mindset.---How to be more open minded starts with your mindset and attitude. Our brains love patterns which creates a tendency to be closed ...


Grow Your Team By Coaching Employees – Build 5 Amazing Skills For Great Team Performance

Grow your team by coaching employees. There are so many benefits to investing your time to help your team members improve what they do and build new skills. Coaching your team is a great way to help build those trickier skills like people management and decision making. I share employee coaching techniques for 5 high value skills to your employees that will make your job as a manager a lot easier. --- Coaching team members is not about telling employees what to do. Coach employ...


6 Ways To Get More Recognition At Work - Clearly Stand Out At Work

Get more recognition at work by learning how to communicate the benefits your work gives to your boss and colleagues. When you make the value you create clear and memorable, you really stand out at work and get a lot more recognition. I share 6 ways to get more recognition at work and clearly stand out from the crowd. How to stand out at work starts with doing the important things really well. You will have more work than you can do (unless you are very lucky). When you put more eff...


What To Do Differently To Build High Performing Teams At Work

High performing teams are built not recruited. High performing teams produce amazing results because of how they operate; how team members work together; how they communicate and collaborate and how they support and help each other.Learn what makes high performing teams at work, what amazing teams do differently and 4 things the manager needs to do differently in building a high performing team.--- Management Skills Accelerator CourseBecoming a successful manager is difficult enough. When you...


What To Get Your Team Working On - Choosing Valuable Team Goals

What to get your team working on is super important as a manager. Possibly the most important thing. Choosing valuable team goals is the difference between delivering okay or great team performance.Learn 4 actions for choosing the right team goals to increase your team’s performance. Choosing the right team goals at work is super important as goals provide direction, focus, purpose, and a fair way to measure performance. To choose valuable team goals don’t make them financial as few peop...


Delivering Bad News To Staff - Make Difficult Conversations Easier

Delivering bad news to staff is definitely one of the hardest jobs of being a manager. There is nothing nice about delivering bad news to employees and team membersI explain exactly what to do when giving bad news to employees - during and after sharing bad news.Delivering bad news to your team at work is going to provoke an emotional response from multiple people. Before delivering bad news get your own emotions under control and rehearse how you are going to handle emotional outbursts. ...


Unlock the power of Teamwork! 6 Signs of Good Teamwork At Work

Good teamwork at work is hugely valuable for both manager and company. Teams significantly outperform groups of individuals, in my experience. Signs of great teamwork point to a good manager leading the team.I share 6 signs of good teamwork at work and how to improve teamwork in your team.Teamwork in the workplace is hugely beneficial for the manager who’s personal performance is assessed on the performance of their team. Great teamwork at work is great for the manager because:Teamwork enable...


Increase Team Performance - 5 Actions for Building Responsibility in Teams

Building responsibility in teams increases team performance and makes working in the team much more enjoyable. A win for everyone. The manager has the biggest influence to encourage employees to take responsibility and knowing what to do makes a massive difference to your effectiveness as a manager. I share 5 actions for building a culture of responsibility in teams to increase performance.How to encourage employees to take responsibility starts with how to give them permission. Tak...


5 Safe Ways To Challenge At Work And Giving Feedback To Your Boss

Learning safe ways to challenge at work can be career defining. Challenging at work is a crucial element of building better ideas and solutions. Being comfortable and skilled enough to challenge your boss without upsetting is one of the secrets to stand out at work.Learn 5 safe ways to challenge at work and giving feedback to your boss.How to give feedback to your boss can also be one of those difficult conversations at work. So few managers get useful and constructive feedback from team memb...


Managers Put Your Team Before Yourself & Gain Rapid Promotion

Managers … put your team before yourself to gain rapid promotion. This may sound a little counter intuitive, yet your performance is judged on your team’s performance. Learn 4 compelling reasons for why putting your team first will make you a much better manager and help you get rapid promotion. Plus get practical tips on HOW to put team before yourself.Become a better manager by putting your team first. Management principles of give before you take is a compelling way to rapidly improve...


What Great Managers Do That Okay Ones Don’t – 5 Secrets To Become A Better Manager

What great managers do that okay ones don’t affects us all. Great managers create more than 8 times the value average managers do – that is a huge gap. Learn 5 key principles or approaches and become a better manager.--- Management Skills Accelerator CourseBecoming a successful manager is difficult enough. When you add little or no training to this tough challenge, you journey gets a lot tougher and takes longer to achieve. Learn the approach, the behaviours and the skills needed to buil...


Improve Decision Buy-In - Making Decisions Reality At Work

Making decisions reality at work or getting a decision implemented by others to achieve a desired result - is far harder than making the decision itself. Improve decision buy-in from your boss, your team, and others, to make the implementation of decisions quicker, easier, and more successful.I share the steps and tactics I use in persuading others to buy-in to the decisions made and work to make them a reality. ---How to Execute and Make Things Happen - Podcasthttps://enhance.training/h...


How To Give An Effective Performance Review – 12 Vital Tips To Action

Learn how to give an effective performance review and you have a great tool to motivate and develop team members alongside giving them realistic feedback about their performance.With the right preparation, you won’t feel nervous conducting a performance review. I share 12 vital tips for how to run a performance review meeting really well so your team member get loads out of it.----The employee appraisal process starts when you set goals and objectives for your team members at the start of the...


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